Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas

2024, Nº 50
La escuela rural. Minería israelí en suelo catalán. Festival Risas Refugiadas.


Campesinizar las escuelas


  • Pedagogía Andariega. Entrevista a Isidro García Cigüenza. Gustavo Duch
  • Batec. En los orígenes de las redes de apoyo de las escuelas rurales. Alba Oller Benítez e Iris Verge
  • Experiencias en la escuela rural y la educación ecosocial. Natalia Arévalo Tosaus y Rosana Larcorz Berges
  • La escuela campesina de Barbiana. José Luis Corzo
  • La integración de las lenguas minoritarias en la escuela rural. Soledad Tovar Iglesias
  • Escuela rural y sostenibilidad. Montserrat Sorribes, Andreu Serret y María José Prats
  • I Congreso Internacional de Educación Rural siglo xxi. Manifiesto final


  • Conversatorio: «Si los pueblos quieren tener futuro, deben tener escuela, pero no cualquier escuela». Revista SABC


  • ICL Iberia. Una empresa israelí en suelo catalán. Plataforma Prou Sal Policía medioambiental. ¿Para qué y para quién? María Arrueta


  • Amillubi. Una tierra, colectiva, para sembrar semillas de esperanza. Estitxu Eizagirre y Mirene Begiristain
  • La añoranza del pastoreo. Patricia Dopazo Gallego


  • La risa. Herramienta para construir pueblos más acogedores y diversos. Violeta Aguado Delgado
  • Reseña de Antes del futuro. Fantasía y miedo en el capitalismo. Almudena Hernando
  • Tierra y libros (El viaje). Agustí Corominas

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 311
Ollas en ebullición: comida, política y cultura

La comida está, cada vez más, en el centro de los debates sociales, ya sea por sus vínculos con la salud, por los derechos de los animales, por las propias formas de producir lo que comemos y por las desigualdades en el acceso a la alimentación. Pero a la vez, en torno de la comida se construyen, y desafían, relaciones de género e identidades individuales y colectivas. Por eso no es casual que la nación esté asociada a la cocina. A transitar estas dimensiones de la comida se dedica el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Viento Sur

2024, Nº 193
¿Quo vadis Europa?


  • Marc Casanovas


  • Democratizar el derecho: algunas ideas para atajar el lawfare Luis Lloredo Alix
  • Derecho Internacional y excepcionalismo israelí: la quiebra del Derecho Internacional en Palestina Nada Awad
  • Islamofobia, fascistización, racialización Ugo Palheta


  • La fotografía como dique ante el paso del tiempo. Inigo Cabieces. Mariña Testas


  • ¿Quo vadis Europa? Miguel Urbán
  • Hacia un despotismo oligárquico, tecnocrático y militarista Miguel Urbán y Jaime Pastor
  • Global Gateway: alianzas público-privadas para el control de fronteras y el extractivismo neocolonial Pedro Ramiro y Erika González
  • Pacto migratorio Sara Prestianni
  • El "wishful thinking" de la militarización y la paz de la UE Jordi Calvo Rufanges
  • ¿Quién lidera la “revolución industrial verde”? Un análisis crítico de cinco años del Pacto Verde Europeo Alfons Pérez
  • Movilizaciones en el campo europeo Morgan Ody


  • El comunismo como estrategia Isabelle Garo


  • Gran Bretaña. Las mujeres y la huelga de mineros de 1984-1985 Kelly Rogers


  • Hormonas, ciencia y política: Trascender el esencialismo heteropatriarcal Maite Arraiza


  • La estigmatización de los pobres. Michel Husson. Mikel de la Fuente Lavín
  • Ciudad feliz. Charles Montgomery. Rosa Mª Pérez Mateo
  • El sueño de Yugoslavia. Jordi Cumplido Mora Matías Escalera Cordero
  • Insurrección animal. Sarat Colling. Alberto García-Teresa
  • Y se oía a los grillos cantar. Corina Sabau. Ana Grandal
  • Anarcosocialismo y mística comunitaria. Gustav Landauer. José Luis Carretero Miramar

Consulta este número en la web de la revista.

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 2
Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection


  • Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection. Pushpesh Kumar and others


  • ‘Doctors advised to take medicines to remove these thoughts’: the violence and violations in sexual mental health care in community mental health programmes in Kerala. Sudarshan R Kottai
  • Precarious life in a heartless world: COVID-19 and the gender transgressive Shivashaktis in Southern India. Debomita Mukherjee, Archana Rao & Pushpesh Kumar
  • ‘It’s nice that we can do that too’: investigating transgender persons’ negotiations with identity and community questions in Indian science institutions. Sayantan Datta
  • Queerious communities: building writing centres in Indian universities. Anannya Dasgupta
  • Brittle bonds: queer relationalities in literary and cinematic forms in India. Navaneetha Mokkil
  • Migration and making of non-heteronormative households and families: lived experiences of cisgender women partners of trans men in Bengaluru. Agaja Puthan Purayil
  • Familialization of the ‘deviant’: a hindrance to queer community building? Pritha Chakrabarti


  • Peacebuilding, conflict and community development. Niamh Gaynor
  • Caring for place: community development in rural England. Neil Turnbull

Más información aquí.

Politique Africaine

2024, Nº 173
Conflits armés dans la Corne de l’Afrique

Ce dossier donne sens à ces reconfigurations violentes et meurtrières, qui sont le produit de trajectoires sociales et militaires partagées à l’échelle régionale mais s’inscrivent dans des contextes politiques singuliers. Depuis le Soudan et le Soudan du Sud, l’Éthiopie et le Somaliland, il observe l’ancrage social de la violence de guerre, son économie politique locale et régionale et sa politisation – notamment dans son rapport à l’État. Les différentes contributions interrogent la milicianisation des États, la mobilisation des groupes armés, les restructurations partisanes, le renouveau géopolitique du capitalisme dans la région, ainsi que les engrenages et les dynamiques de la violence de guerre et du génocide. Pour documenter ces situations peu renseignées, ce dossier suit une démarche anthologique et rassemble des textes de diverses natures (entretiens, témoignages et articles), afin notamment de donner la parole aux témoins directs des transformations en cours.

Más información aquí.

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 165
Paz ambiental. Hacia un nuevo paradigma

La investigación para la paz lleva más de seis décadas analizando diversas formas de conflictividad −muy especialmente, los conflictos armados− y desarrollando las mejores herramientas para abordarla y trascenderla de forma pacífica.

A medida que la crisis ecosocial se agrava y se erige como la principal cuestión de nuestro tiempo, y la pugna por los recursos naturales estalla en multitud de conflictos socioecológicos por todo el mundo, los estudios de paz están ampliando su atención a este tipo de hostilidades, que representan cada vez una parte más amplia de la conflictividad global.

El objetivo es doble: reflexionar sobre la problemática, desarrollando el concepto de paz ambiental, y aplicar los instrumentos disponibles a esta nueva conflictividad. Este número de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global explora el novedoso campo de teoría y praxis donde se entrecruzan la investigación para la paz y los análisis de la crisis ecosocial y los conflictos asociados.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 2
  • The Challenge of Productivity-Based Development: Innovation Gaps and Economic Structure in Latin America Eva Paus, Mike Robinson
  • ‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring Regional and Gender Patterns in Threats to Ethiopian Adolescents’ Bodily Integrity Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Nicola Jones, Sarah Baird, Rebecca Dutton, Workneh Yadete
  • Do Behavioral Interventions Enhance the Effects of Cash on Early Childhood Development and Its Determinants? Evidence from a Cluster-Randomized Trial in Madagascar Saugato Datta, Joshua Martin, Catherine MacLeod, Laura B. Rawlings, Andrea Vermehren
  • Resilience Pathways of Informal Settlements in Nairobi: Stasis, Decline, Adaptation, and Transformation Jan Fransen, Beatrice Hati, Naomi van Stapele, Samuel Kiriro, Rosebella Nyumba
  • Trade Agreements, Technical Regulations, and Standards: Competitiveness Implications for Kenyan Exporters to European Union Shadrack Muthami Mwatu, Charity Kageni Mbaka, John Gakuu Karanja, Grace Mukami Muriithi
  • The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Sofoora Kawsar Usman, Calum Davey, Hannah Kuper
  • Investigating Financial Development and Its Direct and Indirect Environmental Effects in South Africa: Fresh Policy Insights Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha, Marthinus Christoffel Breitenbach
  • Participatory Video and Impact: Analysis of the Living Cultures Indigenous Fellowship Juanjo Balaguer

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 1
  • Grower Power for Value Creation in High-Value Horticulture? The Case of Citrus in South Africa Shingie Chisoro, Simon Roberts
  • Including Men in a Female Financial Model: An Analysis of Informal Grassroots Financial Associations Linda Nakato
  • The Historical Origins of Communal Violence in Africa: Common Pool Resources-Driven Trust and Its Contrasting Effects on Violence Hye-Ryoung Jung
  • A Development Lens to Frugal Innovation: Bringing Back Production and Technological Capabilities into the Discourse Sanghamitra Chakravarty, Georgina Mercedes Gómez
  • Chinese Aid Projects and Local Tax Attitudes: Evidence from Africa Abreham Adera
  • The Role of Land Inheritance in Youth Migration and Employment Choices: Evidence from Rural Nigeria Mulubrhan Amare, Hosaena Ghebru,Adebayo Ogunniyi
  • Impact of Public Agricultural Investment on Crops Production, Households’ Welfare, and Employment Generation Opportunities in Togo, West Africa Essossinam Ali, Nimonka Bayale
  • Power Relations in Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme: The Flip Side of Domination Roeland Hemsteede
  • Why is Labor in the SSA LDCs Moving from One Low Productivity Sector to Another? Ngwinui Belinda Azenui
  • The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda Marie-Luise Matthys, Patrick Illien, Outhoumphone Sanesathid

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

2024, Vol. 25, Nº 1
  • Repair in Education Spaces Melanie Walker
  • Measurement Is Not Everything, But It Does Make a Difference S. Subramanian
  • Affiliation as Solidarity: Perspective of Vulnerable Groups Ana Petek, Ana Gavran Miloš & Nebojša Zelič
  • Labour Law, Employees’ Capability for Voice, and Wellbeing: A Framework for Evaluation Cherise Regier
  • Realising Capabilities for Street Young People in Harare, Zimbabwe: A New Approach to Social Protection Witness Chikoko, Lorraine van Blerk, Janine Hunter & Wayne Shand
  • The Capability Approach, Pedagogic Rights and Course Design: Developing Autonomy and Reflection through Student-Led, Individually Created Courses Rowan Murray
  • Using Alienation to Understand the Link Between Work and Capabilities Simantini Mukhopadhyay
  • A Minimal Capabilities-Based Account of Loss and Damage Laura García-Portela
  • Response to the 2023 Human Security Policy Forum Brendan M. Howe
  • How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities Irene van Staveren
  • Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South César Osorio Sánchez
  • Measuring the Development Progress of Least Developed Countries: In the Context of World Development Henry H. Bi
  • Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis Chiara Gasperoni et al.

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 341
  • Cómo labra el campo la extrema derecha Philippe Baqué
  • La estrategia de China Renaud Lambert
  • ¿Es Moscú el vasallo de Pekín? Arnaud Dubien
  • Grandeza y miseria de la crítica de los medios de comunicación en Alemania Fabian Scheidler
  • Declive de una escuela contestataria Fabian Scheidler
  • Una Ucrania cada vez más homogénea Corentin Léotard
  • Europa, en orden cerrado Pierre Rimbert
  • Sudán: de la transición a la disolución Gérard Prunier
  • El arco de las tensiones africanas se extiende hasta Senegal Anne-Cécile Robert
  • El Daesh vuelve a extender sus tentáculos Jean-Michel Morel
  • Los hutíes desafían a Estados Unidos Tristan Coloma
  • En el fondo del hoyo Serge Quadruppani
  • Cuando la democracia estadounidense organizaba el terrorismo racial Loïc Wacquant
  • El pacto con el diablo de Rezsö Kasztner Sonia Combe
  • ¿Gaza? “No sabría decirle” Serge Halimi
  • Los ‘sabios’ franceses se portan bien Lauréline Fontaine
  • ¿Cómo evitar el autoritarismo climático? Fabienne Barataud, Laurent Husson y Stéphanie Mariette
  • Una justicia al servicio de las multinacionales Meriem Laribi y Vincent Arpoulet
  • Dejarle deshacer al tiempo Nicolas Vieillescazes
  • El legado de los Manouchian Côme Leymarie
  • El silencio árabe Akram Belkaïd



Publicada por la División de Estrategias de Comunicación del Departamento de Información Pública de Naciones Unidas, proporciona información y análisis de los principales desafíos económicos y de desarrollo que enfrenta África en la actualidad: la reforma económica, la deuda, la educación, la salud, la promoción de la mujer, los conflictos y las luchas civiles... Realiza un seguimiento de los debates políticos, proporciona un análisis de expertos y presentación de informes sobre el terreno para demostrar cómo estas políticas afectan a las personas y, destaca las opiniones de los responsables políticos, los líderes no gubernamentales y otras personas que participan activamente en los esfuerzos para transformar África y mejorar sus perspectivas en el mundo de hoy. Disponible on line aquí.

Última entrega

  • African youth demand a seat at the table Voices of young Africans are becoming difficult to ignore.
  • The hashtag revolution gaining ground Africa’s millennials are using technology to drive change
  • Nurturing young leaders Training young African leaders can take societies to great heights.
  • Youth can be agents of positive change Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN youth envoy.
  • Music: Nigeria’s new export Naija beats topping international charts, but dividends are “scattered”
  • Raphael Obonyo From poverty to the pinnacles of power.
  • Phumzile Van Damme A young MP with a mission Standing up for women’s rights in South Africa’s parliament.
  • Cape Town water taps running dry South Africa’s second biggest city averts a water crisis—for now
  • Gwendolyn Myers A peace advocate Mobilising the young for peace and development.
  • Eric Kaduru Agripreneur with a passion Changing youth mindsets about commercial agriculture-
  • William Elong An ICT innovator Scaling up drone manufacture for a global market.
  • Gogontlejang Phaladi A social change activist “Stand up, rise up and push forward.... Refuse to be silent”.
  • Bringing rural women to the frontline Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women executive director.
  • Mission accomplished: 15 years of peacekeeping success in Liberia As the last contigents of peacekeepers depart, UN promises to remain engaged.
  • How we disarmed Liberian fighters Lt. Gen. Daniel Opande, first force commander, UN Mission in Liberia.
  • Women: Liberia’s guardians of peace The role of women in bringing and sustaining peace lauded globally.
  • Africa could be the next frontier for cryptocurrency Experts say conditions on the continent are great for virtual currency
  • UN signals new era of partnership with Africa Increased attention may prevent conflict on the continent
  • South African tourism holding steady Tourists undeterred amid reports of historic water crisis in the country’s second largest city.
2018, Nº 4
  • African youth demand a seat at the table
  • Thehashtagrevolutiongainingground
  • Nurturingyoungleaders
  • Youth can be agents of positive change Jayathma Wickramanayake
  • Music: Nigeria’s new export Naija beats topping international charts, but dividends are “scattered”
  • Raphael Obonyo From poverty to the pinnacles of power A Kenyan boy’s odyssey
  • Phumzile Van Damme A young MP with a mission Standing up for women’s rights in South Africa’s parliament
2017, Vol. 31, Nº 1
  • Overfishing destroying livelihoods
  • Plastics pose biggest threat to oceans
  • Africa feeling the heat of climate change
  • Ocean Conference: Our best and last chance to get things right
  • How South Sudan’s ‘lost boy’ brought water to his village
  • Urban growth a boon for Africa’s industrialization
  • Africa’s quest for a cashless economy gains momentum
  • Disaster insurance against climate change attracts African countries
  • Pension funds, insurance companies as key drivers of regional integration
  • Young South Africans investing in lucrative renewable energy sector
  • Conservationists take aim at poachers
  • ICC: Beyond the threats of withdrawal
  • Gambia’s democracy survives political turbulence
  • Paris Agreement on climate change: One year later, how is Africa faring?
  • Africa’s digital rise hooked on innovation
  • The Internet of everything water
  • Global economic gravity rapidly pulling towards Africa
2017, Vol. 31, Nº 3
  • Partnerships giving Africa a new look
  • Partnerships provide a lifeline for cash-strapped countries
  • Global companies give Africa a second look
  • Alternative financing strategies to boost small businesses in Africa
  • An integrated Africa: A boon to the private sector
  • Philanthropists join forces to fund Africa’s cash-strapped health sector
  • Partnerships at work in Africa
  • Africa on the road to industrial progress
  • Private sector’s role in implementing SDGs
  • Increased remittances will have greater impact on development
  • Elections still a weak spot in Central Africa
  • More women in politics
  • The new face of the Sahel
  • Private schools gain a foothold in Africa
  • Uproar over Internet shutdowns
  • Africa’s app-based taxis battle Uber over market share
  • African airlines wait for open skies
  • Youth dividend or ticking time bomb?
  • Knowledge economy appeals to youth New educational platforms transfer skills and spur innovation among young people
  • Africa’s future rests on its youth Ahmad Alhendawi, former United Nations youth envoy -Youth discontented with politics yet less likely to vie or even vote
  • Entrepreneurial universities: Marrying scholarly research with business acumen
  • Youth dividend or ticking time bomb?
  • Knowledge economy appeals to youth New educational platforms transfer skills and spur innovation among young people
  • Africa’s future rests on its youth -Youth discontented with politics yet less likely to vie or even vote
  • Entrepreneurial universities: Marrying scholarly research with business acumen -Entrepreneurial universities: Marrying scholarly research with business acumen -Africa's jobless youth cast a shadow over economic growth Leaders put job-creation programmes on the front burner
  • The new face of farming: youth Botswana’s Mavis Nduchwa, 33, owns an animal feed farm that grows grains and legumes
  • It’s time for young people to get political
  • Young women breaking into the male-dominated ICT world
  • Nollywood star: More than just talent
  • Morocco: Creating IT opportunities for self-starting youth
  • Who will protect our girls?
  • Migration: taking rickety boats to Europe
  • Reminiscences of a former child soldier
  • Development goals in local languages
  • Young people need opportunities to display their talents
  • Youth can help achieve SDGs
  • Linking smallholder farmers to banks
  • Youth still under-represented in leadership
  • Facebook CEO looks for more ‘likes’ from Africa
  • Youth dividend or ticking time bomb?
  • Knowledge economy appeals to youth New educational platforms transfer skills and spur innovation among young people
  • Africa’s future rests on its youth Ahmad Alhendawi, former United Nations youth envoy -Youth discontented with politics yet less likely to vie or even vote
  • Entrepreneurial universities: Marrying scholarly research with business acumen
2016, Vol. 30, Nº 3
  • Africa’s high hopes for new UN chief.
  • Health care: from commitments to action Governments should concentrate on providing basic health care and affordable drugs.
  • Gains made in fight against malaria. Africa is finally making headway in its decades-long fight against malaria.
  • It’s time to rethink medical insurance A mobile phone plan in Kenya targets low-income groups.
  • Diagnosing Africa’s medical brain drain Higher wages and modern facilities are magnets for Africa’s health workers.
  • Lifestyle diseases pose new burden for AfricaDiabetes, cancer, heart and respiratory diseases will be the leading killers by 2030.
  • Public health schemes: Getting it right.Ghana grapples with making health care universally accessible.
  • We can improve health systems in Africa.
  • Africa's new strategies to defeat HIV/AIDS. Prevention, treatment and care cut new infections by 14%.
  • Wanted: affordable medicines for all UN panel calls for new global accords to make drugs cheaper.
  • Mental illness: Invisible but devastating. Superstitution often blamed for acute mental health diseases.
  • ndia’s medical tourism gets Africans’ attention Many lured by affordable treatment, state-of-the art equipment, top-notch doctors and follow-up care
  • Taking health services to remote areas. Mobile camel clinics, motorbike ambulances and other innovations for reaching rural folk.
  • Dying from lack of medicines. Encouraging local production, right policies the way out.
  • Young Ghanaians risk all for "better" life. Some migrate within Africa while others take the risky route to Europe.
  • Africa most affected by refugee crisis. Ethiopia and Uganda praised for open-door policy.
  • Ethiopia and Uganda praised for open-door policy.
  • Africa welcomes new trade initiatives from Japanese investors.
  • Morocco flexes muscles as it seeks AU reinstatement.
  • Business opportunities through government tenders. African companies to bid for contracts around the world
2015, Vol. 29, Nº 3
  • Sustainable Development Goals are. in sync with Africa’s priorities.
  • ‘I foresee a world without poverty’.
  • Financing Africa’s development agenda.
  • Agenda 2063 is in harmony with SDGs.
  • NEPAD mobilizes funds for. regional infrastructure.
  • Nelson Mandela Prize winners feted.
  • Ethiopia: fixing agriculture.
  • Towards a unified African market.
  • African leaders pledge to fight. for a deal on climate change.
  • MDGs: An assessment of Africa’s progress.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind.
  • More students in school but still not all.
  • Closing Africa’s ‘elusive’ gender gap.
  • A glass half-empty, yet half-full.
  • Lack of resources affecting interventions.
  • New cases drop, but numbers still high.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel.
  • How did partnerships work for Africa?.
  • New phone technology to help fight river blindness.
  • ATM-operated water dispensers bring safe water to poor communities
2015, Vol. 29, Nº 2
  • Can Africa fund its own growth?.
  • Borrowing responsibly: Africa’s debt challenge.
  • Billions now required to save depleted healthcare systems.
  • New bond issue set to help Africa go ‘green’. For development finance, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Loans to women = smart economics.
  • Think beyond microfinance when talking about businesswomen.
  • Microfinance: Good for the poor? To lift the po.
  • Using trade to boost Africa’s industrialization-
  • The changing face of Ethiopia.
  • Ethiopia’s development is mostly people-driven.
  • Cashing in on the cashew nuts boom.
  • African statistics have come of age.
  • Africans also investing in China
2015, Vol. 29, Nº 1
  • Wildlife crime at record high. Pavithra Rao
  • Insatiable consumption threatening Africa’s species- Pavithra Rao
  • How healthy is Africa’s sovereign bond debt. Analysts caution against accumulating too much. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Gender equality within reach. Some progress made, but challenges remain. Zipporah Musau
  • Investing in women’s employment essential for economic growth.Jocelyne Sambira
  • Women seek greater role in rebuilding the Central African Republic.Zipporah Musau
  • Progress towards gender parity still slow, uneven. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
  • Millions of girls remain out of school.Franck Kuwonu
  • Humiliation: The latest form of gender violence.Groups ask men and boys to shun the practice.Sally Nyakanyanga
  • A celebratory rise in women’s political participation. Number of women egislators inches upward in Africa. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Looking beyond the rhetoric of an African Union year for women. What women want in 2015 - the Year of Women’s Empowerment.Ecoma Alaga and Ndidi Anyaegbunam
  • Women’s Situation Room: Africa’s unique approach to reducing electoral violence.How an innovative real-time intervention in Kenya used women’s strengths to protect voters and help keep the peace before and after voting day. Jane Godia
  • Ebola: A bumpy road to zero transmission Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone remain vigilant as infections decline in the three country. Kingsley Ighobor
  • If you want to liberate your body, liberate your mind.Sam Kutesa.
  • African-Americans resettle in Africa Ghana is the first African country to open its doors to people of African descent from all over the world – but bureaucracy takes a toll. Efami Dovi
  • Refugees turn to Ethiopia for safety and asylum Country now hosts the largest number of refugees in Africa Sulaiman Momodu
  • Africa grapples with a jobless growth.Aeneas Chuma
2014, Vol. 28, Nº 385
  • Improving maternal health in Africa. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Financing Africa’s -massive projects_ Kingsley Ighobor and _Busani Bafana
  • West Africa: New railway network aims to boost inter-regional trade By Franck Kuwonu Rail to link Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria and Togo- Franck Kuwonu
  • Ebola: A wake-up call for leaders. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Ebola: Fighting a deadly virus By Sulaiman Momodu Weak national healthcare systems and few medical staff struggle to cope.Sulaiman Momodu
  • EBO LA: This catastrophe must never be allowed to happen again David Nabarro
  • Sustainable Development Goals: New targets hold promise for Africa. New targets hold promise for Africa Tim Wall
2014, Vol. 28, Nº 2
  • Trade between two unequal partners Africa and Europe search for an elusive agreement Kingsley Ighobor
  • Intra-Africa trade: Going beyond political commitments.Progress will come when agreements are implemented. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Africa needs both aid and trade. Arancha González
  • Raw deal for African women traders. Nirit Ben-Ari
  • Africa's trade under a could of changing climate.Richard Munang and Fesica Andrews
  • Africa wants equal partners. Maged Abdelaziz
  • Chinese yuan penetrates African markets. Tonderayi Mukeredzi
  • Peace in South Sudan critical to regional stability. Raphael Obonyo
  • Political stability remains a challenge. Babacar Gaye
  • Inequality clouds growing economy. Nirit Ben -Ari
  • Biofortification offers hope for Africa's malnourished. Busani Bafana
  • Africa's economy set for dramatic changes. Carlos Lopes
  • Africa to push development agenda at upcoming g climate summit. Dan Separd
  • Trade between two unequal partners.Kingsley Ighobor
  • Intra-Africa trade: Going beyond political commitments. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Africa needs both aid and trade. Arancha González
  • Raw deal for African women traders. Nirit Ben-Ari
  • Africa’s trade under a cloud of changing climate- Richard Munang, Jesica Andrews
  • Africa wants equal partners. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Chinese yuan penetrates African markets. Tonderayi Mukeredzi
  • Peace in South Sudan critical to regional stability. Raphael Obonyo
  • Political stability remains a challenge. Damian Cardona
  • Inequality clouds growing economy.Nirit Ben-Ari
  • Biofortification offers hope for Africa’s malnourished. Busani Bafana
  • Africa’s economy set for dramatic changes. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Africa to push development agenda at upcoming climate summit. Dan Shepard
  • Plant breeders to boost Africa’s indigenous crops. Geoffrey Kamadi
  • Financing infrastructure. Abdoul Salam Bello
  • Africa’s blue revolution in turbulent waters. Pavithra Rao
2014, Nº Special Edition
  • Africa’s food policy needs sharper teeth. Good intentions alone are not enough. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Africa’s economy grows, but many stomachs are empty. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Despite climate change, Africa can feed Africa. Richard Munang y Jesica Andrews
  • Denting youth unemployment through agriculture. Busani Bafana
  • Zimbabwe’s farmers struggle to feed the nation. Ish Mafundikwa
  • What went wrong? Lessons from Malawi’s food crisis Autocracy and aid dependency killed an agriculture success story. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Fighting African poverty, village by village In Ghana, agriculture is central to project focused on achieving Millennium Development Goals. Ernest Harsch
  • Boosting African farm yields More fertilizer, irrigation and other inputs are vital, says NEPAD. Michael Fleshman
  • Sierra Leone: nursing agriculture back to health. Kingsley Ighobor_
  • We need more agribusiness in Africa. Carlos Lopes
  • All eyes on $1 trillion African agribusiness is set for a huge leap, according to a World Bank report. Kingsley Ighobor y Aissata Haidara
  • Gendering Agriculture. Women spearhead efforts to feed the continent. Nirit Ben - Ari
  • Breaking the glass ceiling: Women agricultural scientists. Munyaradzi Makoni
  • Is Africa’s land up for grabs? Foreign acquisitions: some opportunities, but many see threats. Roy Laishley
  • ‘A common vision for agriculture-led growth’ NEPAD adds value to Africa’s farming sector, says Glenn Denning.
2013, Nº Agosto
  • Influencing policy is not a numbers game. Jocelyne Sambira
  • No place like home. Aissata Haidara
  • UN chief teams up with World Bank leader to resolve conflict and flight poverty in Congo. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Intervention brigade: End game in the Congo?. Lansana Gberie
  • Uprooting the causes of conflicts. Kingsley Ighobor
  • Tapping migration wealth to fund development. Jocelyne Sambira
  • Most African countries will be middle income by 2040.
  • Industrialization: A new burst of energy. Kingsley Ighbor
  • Shea butter nourishes opportunities for African women. Rebecca Moudio
  • Slippery justicie for victims of oil spills. Yemisi Akinbobola
2013, Nº Diciembre
  • African Peer Review Mechanism comes of age. Kingsley Ighobor
  • A vision of an integrated Africa.
  • The rise of civil society groups in Africa. Andre-Michel Essoungou
  • Piracy in West Africa. Nirit Ben-Ari
  • Illicit Financial Flows from Africa: Track it stop it get it. Masimba Tafirenyika
  • Giving back to society. Kingsley Ighobor
  • A messenger of peace and development goes to the Sahel. Andre-Michel Essoungou
  • The Sahel: One region many crises. Andre-Michel Essoungou
  • Reaching for new heights. Munyaradzi Makoni
  • A toast to South Africas black middle class. Benjamin Düerr
  • Elephants are the latest conflict resource. Pavithra Rao
2013, Nº Mayo
  • Counterfeit drugs raise Africas temperature. JocelYne Sambira
  • Somali Diasporas remittances cast a lifeline.
  • Africas youth a ticking time bomb or an opportunity? Kingsley Ighobor
  • yut unemployment: lessons from Ethiopia. Andulem Sisay
  • Africas greatest assets are its young people.
  • Afican youth hungry for connectivity. Jonathan Kalan
  • Aficas mobile youth drive change. Jocelyne Sambira
  • A seat at the table. Kingsley Ighobor
  • What does the Doha Climate Gateway mean for Africa?. Richard Munang y Zhen Han
  • Nigerias film industry: a potential gold mine. Rebecca Moudio