Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford)

2024, Vol. 37, Nº 2
  • Humanitarian hacking: Merging refugee aid and digital capitalism
  • Beyond victim and hero representations? A comparative analysis of UNHCR’s Instagram communication strategies for the Syrian and Ukrainian crises
  • Adaptive religious coping with experiences of sexual and gender-based violence and displacement
  • Child marriage and displacement: A qualitative study of displaced and host populations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Reflections on arts-based research methods in refugee mental health: The role of creative exercises in nurturing positive coping with trauma and exile
  • How Rohingya refugee parents support children’s prosocial development in crisis-affected and resettlement contexts: Findings from India and Canada
  • ‘There seems to be some disparity then between our Syrian and Iraqi refugee children who seemed to have everything’: Constructing ‘good refugees’ and the ensuing equity issues in Australian schools
  • Multilevel governance ‘from above’: Analysing Colombia’s system of co-responsibility for responding to internal displacement
  • How do perceptions, fears, and experiences of violence and conflict affect considerations of moving internally and internationally?
  • Temporary turn in the asylum regime and the deportable refugee: The case of Syrians in Türkiye
  • Using forced migration to foster emergence? International aid and development policies in Cameroon
  • Refugee livelihood perspectives: Post-traumatic growth in histories of Vietnamese, Bosnian, and Tamil Refugees in Australia
  • South African attitudes towards refugee settlement: Examining the importance of threat perceptions
  • Changing tactics in negotiating refugee assistance policies and practices: A case study of an asylum seeker-led organization in Hong Kong
  • Multi-scalar and diasporic integration: Kurdish populations in Europe between state, diaspora and geopolitics
  • Disciplining subjectivity in Australian migrant deterrence campaigns
  • The EU’s normative justifications of refugee resettlement
  • Field Reflections Coproducing a film resource for asylum seekers in the UK—A field reflection
  • Building an ethical research culture: Scholars of refugee background researching refugee-related issues
  • En route to decoloniality—A different light on Northern research on urban refugees in Southern contexts: A case from Jordan
  • Messages from Ukraine Gregg Bucken-Knapp and Joonas Sildre
  • Freedom, Only Freedom: The Prison Writings of Behrooz Boochani, Behrooz Boochani (Translated) and Omid Tofighian and Moones Mansoobi
  • Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
  • Those We Throw Away Are Diamonds: A Refugee’s Search for Home M. Dogon and J. Krajeski
  • Internal Displacement and the Law Walter Kälin
  • Palestinian Music in Exile: Voices of Resistance Louis Brehony

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 312
¿Hay que temerle a la extrema derecha?

En los últimos años, las extremas derechas han venido ocupando un espacio cada vez mayor en los medios y en la conversación pública. Articuladas a un renovado inconformismo social –que combina temores, emociones antisistema y un fuerte rechazo a las elites políticas y culturales–, las nuevas derechas hacen de la transgresión una de sus marcas de fábrica. Pero se trata, al mismo tiempo, de un mosaico variopinto, en el que conviven partidos, movimientos y sensibilidades muy diferentes. Este número de Nueva Sociedad se dedica a tratar de captar las diversas facetas de esta realidad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 347
  • ¿Tendrá Donald Trump su revancha? Serge Halimi
  • La guerra más larga Alain Gresh
  • El aniquilamiento del sistema educativo gazatí Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • La sociedad israelí, entre la duda y la hibris Sylvain Cypel
  • “Los israelíes no nos tratan como ciudadanos” Ariane Bonzon
  • La justicia internacional atosiga a Tel Aviv Anne-Cécile Robert
  • ¿Son eficaces los sabotajes? Dominique Pinsolle
  • Razones para salirse por la tangente Ercan Y Y?lmaz
  • El retorno al poder del extremo centro en el Reino Unido Oliver Eagleton
  • Ha estado en boca de todos Pierre Rimbert
  • La “izquierda conservadora” sacude el tablero político alemán Peter Wahl y Pierre Rimbert
  • La guerra en Ucrania desestabiliza el Ártico Didier Ortolland
  • ¿Resistir o rendirse? Fernando Morais
  • El nuevo panafricanismo en África Occidental rima con “que se vayan todos” Rémi Carayol
  • La nación tayika revisita el mito ario Judith Robert
  • La larga agonía del Pamir Judith Robert
  • Pesadilla en la alta cocina Alexia Eychenne
  • En nombre del proletariado Tarik Bouafia
  • El camping imaginario Grégory Rzepski

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 67
Violencias y extractivismos

En esta edición de Ecología Política, explora cómo la violencia de la conquista y la colonización sentó las bases del orden global que persiste hasta hoy, incrementándose con el auge del «capitalismo verde» y su creciente demanda de materias primas para satisfacer sus necesidades energéticas.

El extractivismo crece en paralelo de actividades ilegales y narcotráfico, coincidiendo con el auge de gobiernos autoritarios que, independientemente de su ideología, fomentan políticas de despojo y represión que dañan el medio ambiente y las estructuras sociales.

Frente a ello, este número de Ecología Política pone de relieve las resistencias y luchas de defensores ambientales que proponen alternativas y movilizan imaginarios para construir un mundo diferente. Estas resistencias son esenciales para enfrentar las violencias y buscar otros mundos posibles.


  • Ultraviolencias extractivistas de la ultraderecha en la Argentina Patricia Agosto


  • La violencia lenta detrás de la minería chilena Anna Landherr
  • Economía ilegal, violencia y conflictos socioambientales por extractivismo en zonas de frontera: minería en México e industria camaronera en Guatemala Ana Pohlenz de Tavira
  • Violencias como condición de los extractivismos Alberto Acosta
  • Violencia, extractivismo y salud: la emergencia indígena en Brasil Felipe Milanez et al.


  • Las varias hidras capitalistas: extractivismo, grandes emprendimientos y violencia contra los pueblos indígenas en Ceará, Brasil Lia Pinheiro Barbosa y Luciana Nogueira Nóbrega
  • Extractivismo y submundo en la Amazonía peruana Raquel Neyra
  • Bajo la superficie: violencia y política minera brasileña Ana Carolina Alfinito y Gabriela Sarmet
  • Violencia de las eólicas: conflictos y derechos territoriales en comunidades tradicionales de fundos de pasto Genival Pereira de Araújo Moura y Franklin Plessmann de Carvalho
  • Nuevas violencias/viejos conflictos ambientales: Colombia, una paz que se diluye Jairo Miguel Martínez-Abello
  • Un sexenio más de ecocidio: defensa del ambiente y los territorios en México Lucía Velázquez Hernández
  • Ecuador: extractivismo, violencia y precariedad Álex Samaniego y Sofía Torres


  • La resistencia de Fedepesan ante la degradación ambiental y la violencia armada en el Magdalena Medio Juan Camilo Delgado Gaona
  • Comuna afroecuatoriana de Barranquilla de San Javier: defensa del bosque del Chocó frente la palma aceitera Nathalia Paola Bonilla Cueva
  • Los ciclos de movilización contra la violencia extractivista en el archipiélago de Humboldt Felipe Cárcamo Moreno


  • Arte como lucha ambiental y antiviolencia. Entrevista a Olinda Yawar Tupinambá Jurema Machado de A. Souza y Felipe Milanez


  • A Escola da Reconquista Mayá (Maria Muniz de Andrade)
  • La oscura huella digital Philippe Squarzoni

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 166
Contaminantes químicos. El veneno cotidiano

Muchas son las amenazas que confluyen en la crisis ecosocial. Una de las más olvidadas pero no por ello menos importante es la polución del ambiente por contaminantes químicos.

El número 166 de la revista Papeles de relaciones ecososociales y cambio global nos alerta de que vivimos inmersos en un entorno saturado por estas sustancias. Son omnipresentes porque forman parte de una amplia gama de bienes de uso cotidiano. Y, en primer lugar, los plásticos, presentes en bolsas, envoltorios, cosméticos, juguetes, electrodomésticos y ropa.

Una vez producidos, comercializados y consumidos masivamente, los plásticos se desechan y arrojan a vertederos y océanos, donde tardan décadas o incluso siglos en descomponerse, liberando múltiples contaminantes.

Hay muchos otros presentes en nuestros alimentos, agua, suelos y aire. Los hay de toxicidad probada y otros de los que aún se desconoce su peligrosidad, pero todos estos tóxicos se siguen utilizando día tras día, acumulándose en nuestro organismo y afectando nuestra salud de múltiples formas, e incluso llegando a traspasar la placenta materna.

Frente al probado perjuicio de muchas de estas sustancias se esperaría una decidida acción regulatoria por parte de las autoridades nacionales y comunitarias. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de las normas quedan eclipsadas en un limbo o son directamente rechazadas por la acción de múltiples lobbies de la poderosa industria química.

Este número de PAPELES explora algunos ángulos de esta problemática.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 346
  • Otra inteligencia artificial es posible Evgeny Morozov
  • La gran desilusión política Bruno Amable
  • Los medios de comunicación contra Julian Assange Laurent Dauré
  • El retiro dorado de los jubilados europeos en España Élisa Perrigueur
  • El ‘gran juego’ en el Pacífico Sur Géraldine Giraudeau
  • Un maremoto geopolítico sobre las Islas Cook Glenn Johnson
  • China se expande en los Balcanes ante la tibieza de la Unión Europea Jean-Arnault Dérens y Laurent Geslin
  • En California: playas en conflicto Grégory Salle y Isabelle Bruno
  • Y los nazis se hicieron con el poder Johann Chapoutot
  • Sudáfrica, los judíos y el ‘apartheid’ Charlotte Wiedemann
  • El imperio esotérico del Falun Gong Timothée de Rauglaudre
  • Poder y prudencia de Hezbolá en el Líbano Emmanuel Haddad
  • Buenos Aires, capital mundial del psicoanálisis Anne-Dominique Correa
  • ‘Arte’, a la vanguardia del conformismo David Garcia
  • En los márgenes del palacio Marcus Malte
  • El nacimiento de los intelectuales Lionel Richard
  • ¿Sumergirse o emerger? Evelyne Pieiller
  • Soledades de ricos, soledades de pobres Sylvain Bordiec


2024, Nº 120
  • Canarias tien un límite. Otro archipiélago es posible. Federación Ben Magec-Ecologistas en Acción
  • Un análisis crítico del turismo. Belén García de la Torriente
  • Normativa de costas: por un litoral natural, libre y gratuito. Manuela Cuevas
  • Aire contaminado por encima de los nuevos límites legales. Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ayuso
  • Directivas, ciencia ciudadana y salud: las claves de la calidad del aire que respiramos. Pedro Luis Mier
  • La Junta pretende autorizar la reapertura de la mina de Aznalcóllar. Isidoro Albarreal Núñez y Juan Cuesta Macías
  • El Acceso a la Información Ambiental: Guía Práctica. Juúlia Isern Bennassar
  • Cumbre de Bonn: Basta de excusas. El Norte global debe asumir su responsabilidad y pagar las reparaciones históricas. Javier Andaluz, Sara Bourehiyi y Marina Gros
  • Entrevista. Miguel Brieva. Valentín Ladrero Pardo
  • Técnicas humildes: de cambios pequeños y grandes reflexiones. Lena Pettersson
  • Armas contra Gaza. ¿Quién se beneficia? Grupo antimilitarismo
  • Relato. Xiuying.Carmen Ibarlucea
  • Entrevista. Adala (Guillen Simó). Anna Mundet
  • Ecofeminismo. Francoise d'Eaubonne, el origen de una palabra rebelde. Salomé Preciado Diez
  • Libros para el verano. Redacción
  • El velero Diosa Maat por el mar de Alborán. _Jorge Ríos

Alternatives Humanitaires / Humanitarian Alternatives

2024, Nº 26
Le travail humanitaire aujourd´hui/ Humanitarian work today

In the early 2000s, “professionalisation” was the rallying cry in the humanitarian aid sector. Twenty years later, professionalisation has undeniably and largely done its job. It is no longer just a process, welcomed by many and criticised by some, but a fact (with a salaried workforce, career structure, standardised practices, increasingly complex division of labour, etc.), even though the term is still used in a way that makes it far from clear whether this indicates a lack of understanding of these developments or empty criticism. We can but wonder, however, if the community of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has not been struggling to find a new lease of life over the past few years. It is as if the structure of the sector – whose benefits are incontestable – has gone on to erase its distinctive character built on activism and “vocational values”, at times unsettling the “old hands” and disillusioning the “newcomers”.

Del editorial del nº26.

Leer más aquí.

Tiempo de Paz

2024, Nº 153
Diplomacia humanitaria en un mundo en desorden

Vivimos en un mundo conflictivo, complejo y en continuo cambio, lo que lleva a una sociedad internacional donde los conflictos se están expandiendo, más que reduciendo. Desgraciadamente los datos confirman esta afirmación, cuando vemos la situación en Sudán, Myanmar, Siria, Congo, Sahel, Somalia, Ucrania o Gaza, o al analizar el número creciente de refugiados y desplazados internos. Se calcula que el 1, 3% de la población mundial está desplazada, lo que origina la violación de los derechos humanos y del derecho internacional humanitario.

  • Presentación Carlos Batallas
  • El futuro de la diplomacia humanitaria José Manuel Albares
  • El cambiante panorama de la diplomacia humanitaria Francisco Jiménez García
  • Diplomacia humanitaria: límites y realidades José Luis Herrero Ansola
  • La institución humanitaria básica: el movimiento de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja Alexandra Gabarró Cistaré
  • El papel de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en la diplomacia humanitaria: mediación entre partes, incidencia política y documentación de violacionesa Ángel González
  • El papel de la diplomacia humanitaria en la lucha contra la impunidad Fernando Pignatelli
  • Diplomacia humanitaria feminista ¿Un oxímoron o una laternativa necesaria? Penélope Berlamas Orquín y Violeta Montobbio Mayo
  • Del papel a la práctica: voluntad política y la relevancia duradera del derecho internacional humanitario Ángel Trejo y Tong Li
  • Responsabilidad penal personal y responsabilidad estatal ante la comisión de un crimen internacional Manuel Ollé Sesé
  • Se acerca el 20º aniversario de la responsabilidad de proteger: una reflexión sobre sus éxitos y dificultades Aizhan Tilenbaeva
  • Derecho internacional humanitario y desarme Richard Lennane
  • Las operaciones humanitarias en riesgo: información errónea, desinformación y discurso de odio Harold Triana
  • ¿Puede la tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial ayudar a las organizaciones y a la spersonas a evaluar el cumplimiento de las operaciones militares con el DIH humanitario? El caso de Ucrania Tetyana (Tanya) Krupiy -La IA y la autonomía en la guerra contemporánea: riesgos y oportunidsdes para la protección de los civiles Nicolo Borgesano

Viento Sur

2024, Nº 194
¿El campo en llamas y al borde del colapso? Existen alternativas


  • Marc Casanovas


  • La lucha por Sudán Khalid Mustafa Medani


  • Querido verano. Emma Ovín Mariña Testas


  • ¿El campo en llamas y al borde del colapso? Existen alternativas Manuel Garí Ramos
  • Subordinación, crisis y transformación del sector agropecuario para la acumulación capitalista Carlos BUeno Suarez
  • La nueva reforma de la política agraria común al servicio del capitalismo verde Marta Soler Montiel
  • Los dilemas regionales del progresismo Claudio Katz
  • Los invisibles en las movilizaciones del campo Mari García Bueno
  • La agricultura campesina en la transición ecosocialista Patricia Grela
  • Frente a la globalización neoliberal: la necesidad de políticas locales de desarrollo Francisco Alburquerque Llorens


  • Tricentenario del nacimiento de Kant. Las raíces kantianas de la dialéctica marxista Alfredo López Pulido


  • "Contra la nocividad": balance del Otoño caliente de 1969 Lorenzo Feltrin
  • Octubre 1934: antifascismo y revolución Andy Durgan


  • Las condiciones eductaivas de una ciudadanía crítica Nico Hirtt


  • Fuga Mundi. Laura García de Lucas Alberto García-Teresa


  • Arena en los ojos. Laura Casielles. Justa Montero
  • Piel blanca, combustible negro. Andreas Malm y Zetkin Collective. Jaime Pastor
  • El malestar en la turistificación. Ernest Cañada, Ivan Murray y Clément Marie dit Chirot. Lidia López Miguel
  • Tiempo de cerezas. Montserrat Roig. Julia Cámara
  • Gramsci y el sujeto político. Massimo Modonesi. Germán Pérez
  • Trumpismos. Neoliberales y autoritarios. Radiografía de le derecha radical. Miguel Urbán. Alberto García-Teresa

Consulta este número en la web de la revista.


The European Journal of Development Research


Publicación de la red EADI, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes. Publica investigaciones llevadas a cabo en Europa o en cooperación con Instituciones Europeas, cuyos contenidos reflejan un nivel alto de debate y análisis en los diferentes aspectos relativos a los estudios sobre el desarrollo. La mayoría de los ejemplares se articulan en torno a un tema central monográfico. Pueden consultarse en Hegoa los números desde 1990. Sumarios aquí.

Última entrega

  • The Challenge of Productivity-Based Development: Innovation Gaps and Economic Structure in Latin America Eva Paus, Mike Robinson
  • ‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring Regional and Gender Patterns in Threats to Ethiopian Adolescents’ Bodily Integrity Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Nicola Jones, Sarah Baird, Rebecca Dutton, Workneh Yadete
  • Do Behavioral Interventions Enhance the Effects of Cash on Early Childhood Development and Its Determinants? Evidence from a Cluster-Randomized Trial in Madagascar Saugato Datta, Joshua Martin, Catherine MacLeod, Laura B. Rawlings, Andrea Vermehren
  • Resilience Pathways of Informal Settlements in Nairobi: Stasis, Decline, Adaptation, and Transformation Jan Fransen, Beatrice Hati, Naomi van Stapele, Samuel Kiriro, Rosebella Nyumba
  • Trade Agreements, Technical Regulations, and Standards: Competitiveness Implications for Kenyan Exporters to European Union Shadrack Muthami Mwatu, Charity Kageni Mbaka, John Gakuu Karanja, Grace Mukami Muriithi
  • The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Sofoora Kawsar Usman, Calum Davey, Hannah Kuper
  • Investigating Financial Development and Its Direct and Indirect Environmental Effects in South Africa: Fresh Policy Insights Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha, Marthinus Christoffel Breitenbach
  • Participatory Video and Impact: Analysis of the Living Cultures Indigenous Fellowship Juanjo Balaguer
2024, Vol. 36, Nº 1
  • Grower Power for Value Creation in High-Value Horticulture? The Case of Citrus in South Africa Shingie Chisoro, Simon Roberts
  • Including Men in a Female Financial Model: An Analysis of Informal Grassroots Financial Associations Linda Nakato
  • The Historical Origins of Communal Violence in Africa: Common Pool Resources-Driven Trust and Its Contrasting Effects on Violence Hye-Ryoung Jung
  • A Development Lens to Frugal Innovation: Bringing Back Production and Technological Capabilities into the Discourse Sanghamitra Chakravarty, Georgina Mercedes Gómez
  • Chinese Aid Projects and Local Tax Attitudes: Evidence from Africa Abreham Adera
  • The Role of Land Inheritance in Youth Migration and Employment Choices: Evidence from Rural Nigeria Mulubrhan Amare, Hosaena Ghebru,Adebayo Ogunniyi
  • Impact of Public Agricultural Investment on Crops Production, Households’ Welfare, and Employment Generation Opportunities in Togo, West Africa Essossinam Ali, Nimonka Bayale
  • Power Relations in Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme: The Flip Side of Domination Roeland Hemsteede
  • Why is Labor in the SSA LDCs Moving from One Low Productivity Sector to Another? Ngwinui Belinda Azenui
  • The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda Marie-Luise Matthys, Patrick Illien, Outhoumphone Sanesathid
2023, Vol. 35, Nº 6
  • Nourishing the Nexus: A Feminist Analysis of Gender, Nutrition and Agri-food Development Policies and Practices Siera Vercillo, Sheila Rao, Jennifer Vansteenkiste
  • Understanding the Determinants of Aspirations in Rural Tanzania: Does Financial Literacy Matter? Mequanint B. Melesse, Amos Nyangira TirraMichael Hauser
  • Biased Trade Narratives and Its Influence on Development Studies: A Multi-level Mixed-Method Approach Matthias Aistleitner, Stephan Puehringer
  • Covid-19-induced Shocks, Access to Basic Needs and Coping Strategies Joseph B. Ajefu, Ayse DemirPadmali Rodrigo
  • Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SDGs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences of Targeted Initiatives Maren Duvendack, Lina SonneSupriya Garikipati
  • Improving Scaling Performance in Research for Development: Learning from a Realist Evaluation of the Scaling Readiness Approach Elias DamtewBoru DouthwaiteCees Leeuwis>/em>
  • Smallholder Participation in Modernising Agri-Food Value Chains in Thailand: The Role of Traditional Markets Sinne Borby ØrtenbladMarianne Nylandsted LarsenDaniel Ortiz-Gonzalo
  • Mixed Methods Research in Global Development Studies: State-Sponsored Resettlement Schemes in Ethiopia Gutu O. Wayessa, Anja Nygren
  • An Ethnography of Endogenous Institutional Change in Community-Driven Development Peter Shapland, Conny J. M. Almekinders, Cees Leeuwis
  • Household Income, Migration Networks, and Migration Decisions Shankar GhimireKul Kapri
2023, Vol. 35, Nº 5
  • Customary Land Certification, Governance and Natural Resource Use in Zambia: A Social Learning Approach Bridget Bwalya Umar, Progress H. Nyanga
  • Colonial Legacies, Ethnicity and Fertility Decline in Kenya: What has Financial Inclusion Got to Do with It? Maren Duvendack, Richard Palmer-Jones
  • Migration and the Autonomy of Women Left Behind Julia Anna Matz, Linguère Mously Mbaye
  • Fiscal Policy and Child Poverty in Belarus Kateryna Bornukova, Jose Cuesta, Uladzimir Valetka
  • The Spending Challenge for Reaching the SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa Delphine Prady, Mouhamadou Sy
  • Can the Dragon Make the Lion Breathe Fire? The Links of Chinese Entrepreneurs in the Addis Ababa Economy Titus van Boekel, Veronique Schutjens, Annelies Zoomers
  • Does Evidence Matter? The Impact of Evidence Regarding Aid Effectiveness on Attitudes Towards Aid Jens Eger, Sebastian H. Schneider, Solveig H. Gleser
  • Regional Dynamics in Global Production Sharing: Evidence from “Factory South America” Marília Bassetti Marcato
  • Food Safety and Incipient Modern Value Chains: Evidence from Milk in Ethiopia Bart Minten, Yetimwork Habte, Seneshaw Tamru
  • Political Patronage and Economic Opportunity: Vertical Integration in Egyptian Textiles and Clothing Amirah El-Haddad
  • Correction: Migration and the Autonomy of Women Left Behind Julia Anna Matz, Linguère Mously Mbaye
  • Correction: The Spending Challenge for Reaching the SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa Delphine Prady, Mouhamadou Sy

Consulta el índice completo aquí

2023, Vol. 35, Nº 3
  • The Legitimacy of Sustainability Initiatives in Tanzania Rasul Ahmed MinjaStefano PonteDaniel Brockington
  • An Ethnographic-Discourse Analysis of the Socio-political Effects of Interaction Between Cash Transfer Programme Authorities, Caregivers and Non-beneficiaries Dennis Puorideme
  • Defining and Measuring Human Development: A Genealogical Analysis of the UNDP’s Human Development Reports Juan Telleria
  • Fostering Innovation Activities with the Support of a Development Bank: Evidence from Brazil 2003–2011 Marco Carreras
  • How Seafood Wholesale Markets Matter for Urban Food Security: Evidence from Chennai, India K. Subramanian, M. Bavinck, A. Jyotishi
  • Assessing the Impact of Lending Through Kisan Credit Cards in Rural India: Evidence from Eastern India Anjani Kumar, Vinay K. Sonkar, K. S. Aditya
  • Fuelling Entrepreneurial Orientation in Enhancing Business Performance: Women Entrepreneurs’ Contribution to Family Livelihood in a Constrained Context, Bangladesh Lavlu Mozumdar, Geoffrey Hagelaar, Mohammad Amirul Islam
  • University-Based Researchers as Knowledge Brokers for Climate Policies and Action David Lewis, M. Feisal Rahman, Asif Ishtiaque
  • From Power Imbalance to Interdependence: A Case Study of the Chadian Sesame Supply Chain Stefano Corsi, Rosalia Filippini
  • Effects of Mobile Money Education on Mobile Money Usage: Evidence from Ghana Emmanuel Kwablah Apiors, Aya Suzuki

Consulta el índice completo aquí

2023, Vol. 35, Nº 2
  • Evaluating Research for Development: Innovation to Navigate Complexity Marina Apgar, Mieke Snijder, Grace Lyn Higdon, Sylvia Szabo
  • Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) or the Highway? An Alternative Road to Investigating the Value for Money of International Development Research Heidi Peterson
  • Laying the Foundations for Impact: Lessons from the GCRF Evaluation Isabel Vogel, Chris Barnett
  • Theory of Change in Complex Research for Development Programmes: Challenges and Solutions from the Global Challenges Research Fund Sarah Chapman, Adiilah Boodhoo, Maria Michalopoulou
  • Revealing the Relational Mechanisms of Research for Development Through Social Network Analysis Marina Apgar, Guillaume Fournie, Mazeda Hossain
  • How are Research for Development Programmes Implementing and Evaluating Equitable Partnerships to Address Power Asymmetries? Mieke Snijder, Rosie Steege, Joanes Ateles
  • Evaluating the Contribution of Complex International Research-for-Development Programmes to the Sustainable Development Goals Arlene Lu-Gonzales, Takuji W. Tsusaka, Zoe Matthews>/em>
  • Impact Weaving: An Approach to Strengthening the Plausibility of Anticipated AR4D Impact Pathways Genowefa Blundo-Canto, Gonzalo Rodríguez-Borray, Aurelle de Romemont
  • Using Outcome Trajectory Evaluation to Assess HarvestPlus’ Contribution to the Development of National Biofortification Breeding Programs Boru Douthwaite, Nancy Johnson, Amanda Wyatt

Consulta el índice completo aquí

2022, Vol. 34, Nº 4
  • Research–Practice–Collaborations in International Sustainable Development and Knowledge Production: Reflections from a Political-Economic Perspective. Katja Bender
  • Moving from Collaboration to Co-production in International Research. Cai Heath, Maru Mormina
  • Collaboration in a ‘North–South’ Context: The Role of Power Relations and the Various Context-Based Conditions. Petra Dannecker
  • Research–Practice–Collaborations in Engineering. Stefanie Meilinger
  • Co-production and Voice in Policymaking: Participatory Processes in the European Periphery Pedro Goulart, Roberto Falanga
  • Research-Practice-Collaborations Addressing One Health and Urban Transformation. A Case Study Authors. Ana Maria Perez Arredondo
  • Insights into smallholder capacity for agricultural commercialisation: Evidence from four African contexts. Amrita Saha, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, John Thompson
  • Nexus of Cash Crop Production Using Improved Varieties and Household Food Security. Aseres Mamo Eshetie, Eunice Matafwali, Gershom Endelani Mwalupaso, Jie Li & Aijun Liu

Consulta el índice completo aquí

2022, Vol. 34, Nº 5
Policies for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Introduction to the Special Issue: Policies for Inclusive Development in Africa. Marleen Dekker, Nicky Pouw
  • How Inclusive are the Local Economic Impacts of Social Protection in Uganda? Maria Klara Kuss, Franziska Gassmann, Firminus Mugumya
  • Partnerships Blending Institutional Logics for Inclusive Global and Regional Food Value Chains in Ghana; with What Smallholder Effect? Annemarie van Paassen, Charity Osei-Amponsah, Laurens Klerkx, Barbara van Mierlo & George Owusu Essegbey
  • The Poverty Reduction Effect of Social Protection: The Pros and Cons of a Multidisciplinary Approach. Nicky Pouw, Katja Bender
  • Multinationals, Capital Export, and the Inclusive Development Debate in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Insight. Abel Ezeoha, Akinyinka Akinyoade, Ifediora Amobi, Ogbuagu Ekumankama, Paul Kamau, Agnieszka Kazimierczuk, Catherine Mukoko, Ifeanyi Okoye & Chibuike Uche
  • Evaluating the Success of Decentralisation in Facilitating the Inclusion of Rwanda’s Marginalised. Morag Goodwin
  • The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya. Beatrice Muriithi, Jane Kabubo-Mariara
  • Fraught with Friction: Inclusive Development for Informal Workers in Urban Ghana. Tanja D. Hendriks, Rafael Verbuyst, Mayke Kaag

Consulta el índice completo aquí.

2022, Vol. 34, Nº 6
  • Delving into the Determinants of Default Risk in Savings Groups: Empirical Evidence from Ecuador. Pilar López-Sánchez, Elena Urquía-Grande, Cristina del Campo & Andrés L. Cancer
  • Production of Indigenous Food Crops: Implications for Children’s Nutritional Status of Farm Households in Northern Ghana. Alhassan Andani, John Baptist D. Jatoe, Ramatu M. Al-Hassan
  • Reproductive Governance in a Fragile and Population-Dense Context: Family Planning Policies, Discourses, and Practices in Burundi. Joëlle Schwarz, René Manirakiza, Sonja Merten
  • Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines. Christelle Juin Reduta Ancha
  • Trust, Efficient Contracting and Export Upgrading.Gideon Ndubuisi, Solomon Owusu
  • Municípios in the Time of Covid-19 in Brazil: Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities, Transmission Factors and Public Policies. Mireille Razafindrakoto, François Roubaud, João Saboia, Marta Reis Castilho & Valeria Pero
  • Unpacking The Nexus Between Broiler Contract Farming and Its Impact in Ghana. Richard Kwasi Bannor, Yaw Gyekye
  • The Role of Automatic Stabilizers and Emergency Tax–Benefit Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Ecuador. H. Xavier Jara, Lourdes Montesdeoca, Iva Tasseva

Consulta el índice completo aquí.

2022, Vol. 34, Nº 2
  • Irrigated Agriculture and Welfare: Panel Data Evidence from Southern Ghana Authors. Charles Yaw Okyere, Ama Asantewah Ahene-Codjoe
  • Donors’ Interest in Water and Sanitation Subsectors Authors. Souha El Khanji
  • Special Economic Zones and Sourcing Linkages with the Local Economy: Reality or Pipedream? Authors. Susanne A. Frick, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
  • Is the Success of Rural Cooperatives Conditioned by the Group Characteristics and Their Value Chain? Evidence from New Farmer Groups in Georgia. Samuel Ahado, Levan Chkhvirkia, Jiri Hejkrlik
  • Geography of Income and Education Inequalities in Mexico: Evidence from Small Area Estimation and Exploratory Spatial Analysis. Matthieu ClémentLucie Piaser
  • Networks of Effectiveness? The Impact of Politicization on Bureaucratic Performance in Pakistan Authors. Sameen A. Mohsin Ali
  • Female and Male Community-Level Empowerment: Capability Approach-Based Findings for Rural India. Melinda Schmidt, Harald Strotmann, Jürgen Volkert
  • Soundtracks of Poverty and Development: Music, Emotions and Representations of the Global South Authors. John D. Cameron, Emmanuel Solomon, William Clarke
  • Modalities of Cooperation and Policy Transfer: The Case of the European Programme for Social Cohesion in Latin America—EUROsociAL II. Marisa Ramos-Rollón
  • COVID-19 and the Performance of Exporting Companies in Benin. Augustin F. C. Chabossou, Gbêtondji Melaine Armel Nonvide, Boris O. K. Lokonon, Cocou Jaurès Amegnaglo, Laurent G. Akpo
  • Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation in Coastal Bangladesh. Christophe Béné, Mahfuzul A. B. M. Haque
  • The Impact of China–Africa Trade on the Productivity of African Firms: Evidence from Ghana. Jun Hou, Xiaolan Fu, Pierre Mohnen
  • National Innovation Systems and Global Value Chain Participation: The Role of Entrepreneurship. Zicheng Ma, Liang Wang, Xin Zheng, Jianqi Zhang
  • Stuck in a “Catch-22”: Why Donors Fail to Include Grassroots Perspectives on CSO Legitimacy. Willem ElbersLau SchulpenEmma Frobisher
  • Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages, Cooking-Time, Intrahousehold Equality Among Women and Children: Evidence from Tajikistan. Hiroyuki Takeshima, Kamiljon Akramov, Allen Park, Jarilkasin Ilyasov, Tanzila Ergasheva
  • Conceptualising Digital Platforms in Developing Countries as Socio-Technical Transitions: A Multi-level Perspective Analysis of EasyTaxi in Colombia. juan Erasmo Gomez-Morantes, Richard Heeks, Richard Duncombe
  • Does Accountability Undermine Service Delivery? The Impact of Devolving Agriculture in Ghana Authors. Danielle Resnick
  • Social Ties Development as Competitive Strategies in Vegetables Marketing: Evidence from Small-Scale Farmers in Benin. Soulé Akinhola Adéchian, Mohamed Nasser Baco, Luke Oyesola Olarinde, Ismail Moumouni, David C. Natcher
  • Arts-Based Adult Learning in Peacebuilding: A Potentially Significant Emerging Area for Development Practitioners? Vicki-Ann Ware, Joanne Lauterjung, Shannon Harmer McSolvin
  • Technical Efficiency of Teff Production Among Smallholder Farmers: Beta Regression Approach. Birara Endalew, Adugnaw Anteneh, Kassahun Tasie
  • Productivity and Welfare Impacts of Dual-Purpose Sweetpotato Varieties’ Adoption Among Smallholder Farmers in Rwanda. Gideon Danso-Abbeam, Lloyd J. S. Baiyegunhi, Mark D. Laing, Hussein Shimelis
  • Entre abstraction et réalité dans la mise en œuvre du conseil agricole en Afrique subsaharienne: leçons apprises des expériences du département de l’Atlantique au Bénin. Aristophane Aplogan, Espérance Zossou, Gérard C. Zoundji, Simplice D. Vodouhe
  • Impacts of Improved Bean Varieties Adoption on Dietary Diversity and Food Security in Rwanda. Catherine Larochelle, Jeffrey Alwang
  • The Effect of Kaizen on Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Enterprises in Ghana. Richmond Atta-Ankomah, Johnson Appiah Kubi, Charles Godfred Ackah
  • Correction to: Entre abstraction et réalité dans la mise en œuvre du conseil agricole en Afrique subsaharienne: leçons apprises des expériences du département de l’Atlantique au Bénin. Aristophane Aplogan, Espérance Zossou, Gérard C. Zoundji, Simplice D. Vodouhe
2022, Vol. 34, Nº 3
Social Protection and Social Cohesion.
  • Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue. Francesco Burchi, Markus Loewe, Daniele Malerba, Julia Leininger
  • Chicken or Egg? A Bi-directional Analysis of Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Burundi and Haiti. Keetie Roelen, Carmen Leon-Himmelstine, Sung Kyu Kim
  • Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi. Francesco Burchi, Federico Roscioli
  • Public Works Programmes and Cooperation for the Common Good: Evidence from Malawi. Stefan Beierl & Marina Dodlova
  • More than the Sum of Its Parts: Donor-Sponsored Cash-for-Work Programmes and Social Cohesion in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees. Tina Zintl, Markus Loewe
  • A Qualitative Analysis of the Effects of Social Protection Programs for Street Children on Social Cohesion in Kenya. Eliud Okumu Ongowo
  • Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Kenya. Christoph Strupat
  • The Effects of Social Protection and Social Cohesion on the Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Policies: What Do We (Not) Know in the Context of Low- and Middle-Income Countries? Daniele Malerba
  • The Effects of Microfinance Programs on Recipients’ Livelihoods in Rural Bangladesh. Mohummed Shofi Ullah Mazumder
  • Generational Norms of Reporting Violence in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp. Erin K. Fletcher, Seth R. Gitter & Savannah Wilhelm
  • Negotiating Unsustainable Food Transformations: Development, Middle Classes and Everyday Food Practices in Vietnam. Arve Hansen
  • The Impact of Agricultural Input Subsidy on Productivity: The Case of Ghana. Sylvester Amoako Agyemang, Tomáš Ratinger, Miroslava Bavorová
  • Financial Inclusion and Household Welfare: An Entropy-Based Consumption Diversification Approach. Manisha Chakrabarty, Subhankar Mukherjee
  • Diaspora and Economic Development: A Systemic View. Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan
  • Implications of Cross-disciplinarity: Estimating the “Paper Drain” in Development Studies. Sergio Tezanos & Carmen Trueba
  • Highways to Hell? Paths Towards the Formal Financial Exclusion: Empirical Lessons of the Households from Northern Hungary. Márton Gosztonyi, Dániel Havran
  • Analyzing the Impact of Government Social Spending, Population Growth and Foreign Remittances on Human Development in Pakistan: Implications for Policy. Muhammad Arshad, Faisal Abbas, Harald Kächele, Yasir Mehmood, Nasir Mahmood, Klaus Mueller
  • How COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens the Economic Situation of Women in South Africa. Margaret Chitiga, Martin Henseler, Ramos Emmanuel Mabugu, Hélène Maisonnave
  • Solving Local Problems or Looking Good: An Ethnography of the Field Practices of Foreign Sponsored NGOs in Rural African Communities. Sampson Addo Yeboah
  • Citizens Committees and Local Elites: Elite Capture, Captured Elites, and Absent Elites in Health Facility Committees. Jean-Benoit Falisse, Hugues Nkengurutse
  • Correction to: More than the Sum of Its Parts: Donor-Sponsored Cash-for-Work Programmes and Social Cohesion in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees. Tina Zintl & Markus Loewe
  • Correction to: Financial Inclusion and Household Welfare: An Entropy-Based Consumption Diversifcation Approach. Manisha Chakrabarty, Subhankar Mukherjee
  • Correction to: Citizens Committees and Local Elites: Elite Capture, Captured Elites, and Absent Elites in Health Facility Committees. Jean-Benoit FalisseHugues Nkengurutse
2020, Vol. 32, Nº 2
  • Introduction: Development Challenges in Myanmar: Political Development and Politics of Development Intertwined Elin Bjarnegård
  • Transition to Democracy or Hybrid Regime? The Dynamics and Outcomes of Democratization in Myanmar Kristian Stokke, Soe Myint Aung
  • Interpretive Complexity and Crisis: the History of International Aid to Myanmar Anne Décobert, Tamas Wells
  • Sustainable Development Under Competing Claims on Land: Three Pathways Between Land-Use Changes, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being Flurina Schneider, Mélanie Feurer
  • Perceptions of Rights and the Politics of Humanitarian Aid in Myanmar Marte Nilsen
  • Assembling Drones, Activists and Oil Palms: Implications of a Multi-stakeholder Land Platform for State Formation in Myanmar Stefan Bächtold, Joan Bastide
  • Insecurity, Dispossession, Depletion: Women’s Experiences of Post-War Development in Myanmar Jenny Hedström, Elisabeth Olivius
  • Embedded Enclaves? Initial Implications of Development of Special Economic Zones in Myanmar Sina Hardaker
  • Electoral System, Ethnic Parties, and Party System Stability in Myanmar Netina Tan, Cassandra Preece
  • Political Change, Women’s Rights, and Public Opinion on Gender Equality in Myanmar Mala Htun, Francesca R. Jensenius
2020, Vol. 32, Nº 3
  • A Space for Unlearning? A Relational Perspective on North–South Development Research Sarah C. White
  • A Reflection on the ‘Battle Over Ideas’ and Labour Hierarchies in Collaborative North–South Research Vagisha Gunasekara
  • Promoting Meaningful and Equitable Relationships? Exploring the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Funding Criteria from the Perspectives of African Partners Tigist Grieve, Rafael Mitchell
  • Knowledge Matters: The Potential Contribution of the Coproduction of Research Diana Mitlin, Jhono Bennett, Philipp Horn
  • Dualism and Structural Transformation: The Informal Manufacturing Sector in India Surbhi Kesar, Snehashish Bhattacharya
  • Labor Productivity and Economic Growth in a Hydrocarbon-Dependent Economy: The Algerian Case, 1984–2015 Serge Rey, Sofiane Hazem
  • The Impact of After-School Programme on Student Achievement: Empirical Evidence from the ASA Education Programme in Bangladesh M. Twyeafur Rahman, Loe Franssen
  • Continuity or Change in the Infrastructure Turn? Reform of the Technicians’ Realm in a World Bank Dam Barnaby Joseph Dye - Local Differentiation in Diversification Challenges in Eleven Coastal Villages in Iloilo Province, Philippines Edo Andriesse
  • Insurance Policy Thresholds for Economic Growth in Africa Simplice A. Asongu, Nicholas M. Odhiambo
  • Corruption and Health expenditure: A Cross-National Analysis on Infant and Child Mortality Jamie M. Sommer
  • Budget Support Through a Gender Lens: The Case of EU Development Cooperation with Botswana Petra Debusscher
  • A Community Divided: Top Incomes in CARICOM Member States Collin Constantine
  • Value Chain Governance, Power and Negative Externalities: What Influences Efforts to Control Pig Diseases in Myanmar? Ayako Ebata, Hayley MacGregor
  • Correction to: Challenging the East Asian Development Model: Evidence from South Korea Jaekwon Cha, O. Fiona Yap
2020, Vol. 32, Nº 1
  • Local participation in community forest management using theory of planned behaviour: evidence from Udon Thani Province, Thailand. Chidchanok Apipoonyanon, Sylvia Szabo, John K. M. Kuwornu, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad
  • Evidence of Between- and Within-Household Child Nutrition Inequality in Malawi: Does the Gender of the Household Head Matter?. Maria Sassi
  • Distributional Bargaining and the Speed of Structural Change in the Petroleum Exporting Labor Surplus Economies. Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada
  • Natural Resources, Institutional Quality, and Economic Growth: an African Tale Boniface Ngah Epo, Dief Reagen Nochi Faha
  • Linking Social Rights to Active Citizenship for the Most Vulnerable: the Role of Rights and Accountability in the ‘Making’ and ‘Shaping’ of Social Protection Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Nikhil Wilmink, Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Richard de Groot, Tayllor Spadafora
  • Quality Improvement in African Food Supply Chains: Determinants of Farmer Performance Delelegne Abera Tefera, Jos Bijman, Maja Slingerland, Gerben Velde, Onno Omta
  • Applicability of Mudarabah and Musharakah as Islamic Micro-equity Finance to Underprivileged Women in Malaysia Reazul Islam, Rubi Ahmad
  • Do Social Pensions Help People Living on the Edge? Assessing Determinants of Vulnerability to Food Poverty Among the Rural Elderly Zhaohua Zhang, Yuxi Luo, Derrick Robinson
  • Challenging the East Asian Development Model: Evidence from South Korea Jaekwon Cha, O. Fiona Yap
2019, Vol. 31, Nº 5
  • Targeting Agricultural Investments and Input Subsidies in Low-Income Lagging Regions of India Seema Bathla, Pramod K. Joshi, Anjani Kumar
  • Dairy Policy in Senegal: The Need to Overcome a Technical Mindset Sergio Dario Magnani, Véronique Ancey, Bernard Hube
  • From Rowdy Cartels to Organized Ones? The Transfer of Power in Urban Water Supply in Kenya Akosua Sarpong Boakye-AnsahKlaas SchwartzMargreet Zwarteveen
  • Living with Paradox in International Development: An Extended Case Study of an International NGO Helen Wadham, Cathy Urquhart, Richard Warren
  • Job Quality, FDI and Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Firm-Level Data Sotiris Blanas, Adnan Seric, Christian Viegelahn
  • Mechanisms of Inclusion: Evidence from Zambia’s Farmer Organisations- Margitta Minah, Agustina Malvido Pérez Carlett
  • Configurational Analysis of Access to Basic Infrastructure Services: Evidence from Turkish Provinces Rhys Andrews, Malcolm J. Beynon
  • Places of Poverty and Powerlessness: INGOs Working ‘At Home’ Susannah Pickering-Saqqa
  • Enforcement Problems in ROSCAs: Evidence from Benin.Kyle McNabb, Philippe LeMay-Boucher, Jacopo Bonan
  • The Effect of Education on Health Behaviors and Obesity in Turkey: Instrumental Variable Estimates from a Developing Country Aysıt Tansel, Deniz Karaoğlan
  • Embeddedness or Over-Embeddedness? Women Entrepreneurs’ Networks and Their Influence on Business Performance Lavlu Mozumdar, Geoffrey Hagelaar, Valentina C. Materia, S. W. F. Omta, Mohammad Amirul Islam, Gerben van der Velde
  • Fuelling Development? The Rise of New Development Finance in Korea’s Overseas Energy Cooperation with Southeast Asia Soyeun Kim, Yeji Yoo
2019, Vol. 31, Nº 4
  • Violent Intermediaries and Political Order in Bangladesh David Jackman
  • L’implication des agriculteurs dans les coopératives dans un pays en transition vers une économie de marché : Une application aux coopératives agricoles de services algériennes Smaïl Amghrous, Damien Rousselière
  • Impacts of Improved Infrastructure on Labor Allocation and Livelihoods: The Case of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, Bangladesh Khondoker Abdul Mottaleb, Dil Bahadur Rahut
  • Does Income Inequality Increase Violence Against Women? An Instrumental Variable Approach Ahmed Shoukry Rashad, Mesbah Fathy Sharaf, El Hussien Mansour
  • Financial Inclusion, Deepening and Efficiency in Microfinance Programs: Evidence from Bangladesh Md Aslam Mia, Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, Patrick Damme, Mahinda Wijesiri
  • Designing Urban Women’s Safety: An Empirical Study of Inclusive Innovation Through a Gender Transformation Lens Anke Schwittay
  • Drivers of Farm Efficiency and Their Potential for Development in a Changing Agricultural Setting in Kerala, India Agnes Gold, Stefan Gold
  • Producing Knowledge to Raise Rural Living Standards: How Universities Connect with Resource-Poor Municipalities in South Africa Peter T. Jacobs, Alexis Habiyaremye, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Kgabo Ramoroka, Siyanda Jonas
  • International Remittances and Private Interhousehold Transfers: Exploring the Links Yonas Alem, Lisa Andersson
  • Access to Social Protection Among People with Disabilities: Mixed Methods Research from Tanahun, Nepal Lena Morgon Banks, Matthew Walsham, Shailes Neupane, Saurav Neupane, Yogendra Pradhananga, Mahesh Maharjan, Karl Blanchet, Hannah Kuper
  • Denial of Rights Continues: How Legislation for ‘Democratic Decentralisation’ of Forest Governance was Subverted in the Implementation Process of the Forest Rights Act in India Bidhan Kanti Das
  • Trade Liberalization and Indian Manufacturing MSMEs: Role of Firm Characteristics and Channel of Liberalization Subhadip Mukherjee, Rupa Chanda
  • ICT Use, Investments in R&D and Workers’ Training, Firms’ Productivity and Markups: The Case of Ecuadorian Manufacturing Jorge Antonio Rodríguez-Moreno, María Engracia Rochina-Barrachina Local Ownership as Global Governance Jon Harald Sande Lie
  • Who is Afraid of Informal Competition? The Role of Finance for Firms in Developing and Emerging Economies Julia Friesen, Konstantin M. Wacker
  • The Geography of the Bottom Billion: Rural Isolation and Basic Service Access in the Republic of Mali Leif V. Brottem, Bakary Coulibaly
  • Spousal Control and Efficiency of Intra-household Decision-Making: Experiments among Married Couples in India, Ethiopia and Nigeria Arjan Verschoor, Bereket Kebede, Alistair Munro, Marcela Tarazona
2019, Vol. 31, Nº 3
  • Interrogating Microfinance Performance Beyond Products, Clients and the Environment: Insights From the Work of BRAC in Tanzania.Nicola Banks, Dan Brockington, David Hulme, Mathilde Maitrot
  • Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Vaccine Delivery and Adoption by Women and Men in North-Eastern Kenya Elizabeth Waithanji, Nadhem Mtimet, Pauline Muindi
  • Are Technology Adoption and Collective Action Important in Accessing Credit? Evidence from Milk Producers in Tanzania Edgar E. Twine, Elizaphan J. O. Rao, Isabelle Baltenweck, Amos O. Omore Bespoke Adaptation in Rural Africa? An Asset-Based Approach from Southern Ethiopia Rahwa Kidane, Martin Prowse, Andreas Neergaard
  • How Socio-Economic and Natural Resource Inequality Impedes Entrepreneurial Ventures of Farmers in Rural India Ram Ranjan
  • The Role of Personal Identity in Human Development Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee, Elizabeth Hlabse, Gabriella Berloffa, Giuseppe Folloni
  • Methodological Practices in Research on Arts-Based Programs in International Development: A Systematic Review Vicki-Ann Ware, Kim Dunphy
  • The Effects of Emergency Housing on Wellbeing: Evidence from Argentina’s Informal Settlements Ann Mitchell, Jimena Macció, Diego Mariño Fages
  • Learning and Upgrading of Craft Exporters at the Interface of Global Value Chains and Innovation Systems Jan Fransen, Peter Knorringa
  • Disentangling Poor Smallholder Farmers’ Risk Preferences and Time Horizons: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia Molla Alemayehu, Joost Beuving, Ruerd Ruben
  • Leapfrogging Manufacturing? Rwanda’s Attempt to Build a Services-Led ‘Developmental State’ Pritish Behuria, Tom Goodfellow
  • Up and Down, and Inside Out: Where do We Stand on NGO Accountability? Hyman Zyl, Frederik Claeyé
  • The Contribution of Vulnerability of Labour Migrants to Drug Resistance in the Region: Overview and Suggestions Gulnaz Isabekova
  • Technical Advisors as Brokers: Translating Gender Equality and Human Rights Policies and Values into Practice in the Water Sector in Nepal Pamela White, Juho Haapala
  • Small Donors in World Politics: The Role of Trust Funds in the Foreign Aid Policies of Central and Eastern European Donors Balázs Szent-Iványi, Bernhard Reinsberg, Simon Lightfoot
  • Optimising the Role of Sub-Saharan African Remittance Senders in Sustainable Development Jennifer Melvin
  • Correction to: Leapfrogging Manufacturing? Rwanda’s Attempt to Build a Services‑Led ‘Developmental State’ Pritish Behuria, Tom Goodfellow
2019, Vol. 31, Nº 2
  • Bridging to Action Requires Mixed Methods, Not Only Randomised Control Trials Wendy Olsen
  • A Debate that Fatigues…: To Randomise or Not to Randomise; What’s the Real Question? Ralitza Dimova
  • A Commentary to ‘Bridging to Action Requires Mixed Methods, Not Only Randomised Control Trials’ Marie Gaarder
  • Towards Appropriate Impact Evaluation Methods Valérie Pattyn
  • A Realist Alternative to Randomised Control Trials: A Bridge Not a Barrier? Jamie Morgan
  • Effect of Means-Tested Social Transfers on Labor Supply: Heads Versus Spouses—An Empirical Analysis of Work Disincentives in the Kyrgyz Republic Franziska Gassmann, Lorena Zardo Trindade
  • Development Cooperation in a Multilevel and Multistakeholder Setting: From Planning towards Enabling Coordinated Action? Erik Lundsgaarde, Niels Keijzer
  • How Strategic are Resource-Dependent Organisations? Experience of an International NGO in Kenya Carol Brunt, Kunle Akingbola
  • One Realm: Thinking Geoethically and Guiding Small-Scale Fisheries? Martin Bohle
  • Motivations and Mental Models Associated with Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technology: Evidence from Use of Quality Seed Potato in Kenya Julius Okello, Yuan Zhou, Ian Barker, Elmar Schulte-Geldermann
  • From Working in the Wheat Field to Managing Wheat: Women Innovators in Nepal Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Tahseen Jafry, Kanchan Lama, Sushila Chatterjee Nepali, Lone B. Badstue
  • La place des mecanismes d’epargne-credit et de pret progressif dans la selection des clients des IMF en milieu urbain : le cas de WAGES en 2010 Mawuli Kodjovi Couchoro
  • Correction to: Men’s Involvement in a Parenting Programme to Reduce Child Maltreatment and Gender-Based Violence: Formative Evaluation in Uganda Godfrey E. Siu, Daniel Wight, Janet Seeley, Carolyn Namutebi, Richard Sekiwunga, Flavia Zalwango, Sarah Kasule
  • Correction to: Motivations and Mental Models Associated with Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technology: Evidence from Use of Quality Seed Potato in Kenya Julius Okello, Yuan Zhou, Ian Barker, Elmar Schulte-Geldermann
  • Learning, Migration and Intergenerational Relations: The Karen and the Gift of Education In Cheol Jang
2018, Vol. 30, Nº 5
  • Adding-Up Problem and Wage–Productivity Gap in Exports of Developing Countries: A Source of the Middle-Income Trap Keun Lee, Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake
  • Skills Development and International Development Agenda Setting: Lessons from an Intervention in Northern Nigeria Masooda Bano
  • “We Are the Locals”: The Operationalisation of Rights-Based Approaches to Development by Non-governmental Organisations in Koraput District, Odisha Nita Mishra, Edward Lahiff
  • The Fine Line between Trusting and Cheating: Exploring Relationships between Actors in Ugandan Pineapple Value Chains Katharine Tröger, Margareta Amy Lelea and Brigitte Kaufmann
  • Competition, Performance and Portfolio Quality in Microfinance Markets Ashim Kumar Kar, Ranjula Bali Swain
  • Development Impacts of International Migration on “Sending” Communities: The Case of Rural Kyrgyzstan Eliza Zhunusova, Roland Herrmann
  • Factors Affecting the Relative Success of Collaborative Forestry Research Projects in Indonesia Anthony G. Bartlett
  • Who Leaves Farmland Fallow and Why? An Empirical Investigation Using Nationally Representative Survey Data from India Thiagu Ranganathan, Ghanshyam Pandey
  • Correction to: Responsibility in an Interconnected World: International Assistance, Duty, and Action (Studies in Global Justice, Series Editor: Deen K. Chatterjee), by Susan P. Murphy, 2016 Nita Mishra
  • Street Archives and City Life: Popular Intellectuals in Postcolonial Tanzania Ben Jones
2018, Vol. 30, Nº 4
  • Liquidity Constraints and Willingness to Pay for Solar Lamps and Water Filters in Jakarta.
  • How Much Should We Trust Micro-data? A Comparison of the Socio-demographic Profile of Malawian Households Using Census, LSMS and DHS data
  • Micro-entrepreneurship Debt Level and Access to Credit: Short-Term Impacts of a Financial Literacy Program.
  • Is Rapid Urbanisation Exacerbating Wealth-Related Urban Inequalities in Child Nutritional Status? Evidence from Least Developed Countries.
  • Beyond Solidarity and Accumulation Networks in Urban Informal African Economies.
  • Diversification of Human Capital Investments in Rural Ethiopia.
  • Risky Business? Rural Entrepreneurship in Subsistence Markets: Evidence from Burundi.
  • Rural Livelihood Diversification Strategies and Household Welfare in Bhutan.
  • Local Innovation Networking Dynamics: Evidence from South Africa
2018, Vol. 30, Nº 3
  • Innovation Trajectories in Developing Countries: Co-evolution of Global Value Chains and Innovation Systems Rasmus Lema, Roberta Rabellotti
  • Combining Innovation Systems and Global Value Chains for Development: Towards a Research Agenda Roman Jurowetzki, Rasmus Lema
  • Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities? Valentina De Marchi, Elisa Giuliani
  • Platforms, Innovation and Capability Development in the Chinese Domestic Market John Humphrey, Ke Ding, Mai Fujita
  • From Global Value Chains (GVC) to Innovation Systems for Local Value Chains and Knowledge Creation Keun Lee, Marina Szapiro, Zhuqing Mao
  • Looking Beyond Global Value Chains in Capacity Development: The Case of the IT-Enabled Service (ITES) Sector in South Africa Charlotte Keijser, Michiko Iizuka
  • Technology Transmission Across National Innovation Systems: The Role of Danish Suppliers in Upgrading the Wind Energy Industry in China Stine Jessen Haakonsson, Dmitrij Slepniov
  • Trade, Global Value Chains and Upgrading: What, When and How? Padmashree Gehl Sampath, Bertha Vallejo
  • Global Value Chains Participation and Knowledge Spillovers in Developed and Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation Lucia Tajoli, Giulia Felice
  • Global Value Chains, National Innovation Systems and Economic Development Jan Fagerberg, Bengt-Åke Lundvall
  • Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions Carlo Pietrobelli, Cornelia Staritz
  • Correction to: From Global Value Chains (GVC) to Innovation Systems for Local Value Chains and Knowledge Creation Keun Lee, Marina Szapiro, Zhuqing Mao
2018, Vol. 30, Nº 1
  • Frugal Innovation and Development Research André Leliveld, Peter Knorringa
  • Cannibalizing the Informal Economy: Frugal Innovation and Economic Inclusion in Africa Kate Meagher
  • Frugal Innovation Through a Gender Lens: Towards an Analytical Framework Saskia Vossenberg
  • The Developmental Potential of Frugal Innovation among Mobile Money Agents in Kitwe, Zambia Iva Peša
  • Frugal Innovations and Actor–Network Theory: A Case of Bamboo Shoots Processing in Manipur, India Wairokpam Premi Devi, Hemant Kumar
  • Frugal Innovations in Technological and Institutional Infrastructure: Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Productivity, Public Service Provision and Inclusiveness Monica A. Altamirano, Cees P. van Beers
  • A Quantitative Approach to Innovation in Agricultural Value Chains: Evidence from Kenyan Horticulture Aarti Krishnan, Chistopher Foster
  • Does Frugal Innovation Enable Sustainable Development? A Systematic Literature Review Eugenia Rosca, Jack Reedy, Julia C. Bendul
  • Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Matthew S. Winters
  • Finnish Water Services – Experiences in Global Perspective Klaas Schwartz
2017, Vol. 29, Nº 4
  • Female labour force participation in Turkey: the role of traditionalism. Burak Sencer Atasoy
  • The battle of ideas about global poverty in the UK, The Netherlands and Flanders. Mirjam Vossen and Baldwin Van Gorp
  • Evaluating the BDS Providers and MSMEs: challenges and strategic Actions. Sandeep Goyal, Bruno S. Sergi, Amit Kapoor
  • Analysis of consumer preference for vitamin A-fortified sugar in Kenya. Kennedy Otieno Pambo, David Jakinda Otieno, Julius Juma Okello
  • Aid and its impact on the donor's export industry: the dutch case. Inma Martínez-Zorzoso, F.D. Nowak-Lehmann, S. Klasen
  • Mobile populations in immobile welfare systems: a typology of institutions providing social welfare and protection within a mobility framework. Ester Serra, Valentina Mazzucato
  • How african households shop evidence from diary chains in Ethiopia. Alemayehu Dekeba Bekele
  • Disease of the Rich? The social patterning of hypertennsion in six low and middle-income countries. Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Nadia Minicuci, Barbara Corso, John Beard, Somnath Chatterji and Shah Ebrahim
  • Aid effectivness and multilevel governance: the case of a value chain development project inn rural ethiopia. Mario Biggeri, Federico Ciani, Andrea Ferrarini -Determinants of the productivity of teff in Ethiopia. Getu Hailu, Alfonso Weersink, Bart Minten -Fashioning the future: entrapreneuring in Africa's emerging fashion industry. Thilde Langevang
2017, Vol. 29, Nº 101
  • Global Income Distribution and the Middle-Income Strata: Implications for the World Development Taxonomy Debate Rogelio Madrueño-Aguilar
  • A Prototypical Case in the Making? Challenging Comparative Perspectives on French Aid Gordon D Cumming
  • Industrial Policy, Multinational Strategy and Domestic Capability: A Comparative Analysis of the Development of South Africa’s and Thailand’s Automotive Industries Justin Barnes, Anthony Black and Kriengkrai Techakanont
  • Structural Transformation, Biased Technological Change and Employment in Vietnam Philip Abbott, Finn Tarp and Ce Wu
  • Women and Household Cash Management: Evidence from Financial Diaries in India Rajalaxmi Kamath and Abhi Dattasharma
  • Partnerships as Interpellation Sigrid Bjerre Andersen and Steffen Jensen
  • Income Smoothing, Capital Management and Provisioning Behaviour of Microfinance Institutions: A Study Using Global Panel Data Ashim Kumar Kar
  • Channels of Influence: The EU and Delta Convergence of Core Labour Standards in the Eastern Neighbourhood Sara Kahn-Nisser
  • Costs, Benefits and the Political Economy of Aid Coordination: The Case of the European Union Stephan Klingebiel ,Mario Negre and Pedro Morazán
  • The Evolution of South-South Development Cooperation: Guiding Principles and Approaches Sandra H Bry
  • Looking Good: Mediatisation and International NGOs Ben Jones
  • Financial Globalisation Dynamic Thresholds for Financial Development: Evidence from Africa Simplice A Asongu and Lieven De Moor
  • The Political Economy of Regional Inequality in Ghana: Do Political Settlements Matter? Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai
  • Financial Sustainability and Poverty Outreach: The Case of Microfinance Institutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Ganna Sheremenko , Cesar L Escalante and Wojciech J. Florkowski
  • Budget Support, Budget Transparency and Domestic Accountability in Mozambique Johannes Schmitt
2016, Vol. 28, Nº 5
  • Les inégalités dans le domaine de l’éducation au Maroc: Une approche spatial Jabrane Amaghouss and Aomar Ibourk
  • Smallholder Milk Market Participation and Intra-household Time Allocation in Ethiopia. Birhanu Megersa Lenjiso, Jeroen Smits and Ruerd Ruben
  • Fungibility of Smallholder Agricultural Credit: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Abid Hussain and Gopal Bahadur Thapa
  • Is the ‘Developing World’ Changing? A Dynamic and Multidimensional Taxonomy of Developing Countries Sergio Tezanos Vázquez and Andy Sumner
  • Do Gender Targets and Gender Working Groups Contribute to More Gender-Sensitive Budget Support? Evidence from 14 Sub-Saharan African Countries Nathalie Holvoe and Liesbeth Inberg
  • How Do the Middle Class and the Poor Grow Apart? An Empirical Test of the Psychological Well-Being Pathway in Middle-Income Countries Rick Mourits and Luuk Van Kempen
  • Achieving Co-Operation in an Aid-Funded Development Network Organisation (DNO): Lessons for Development Practitioners Il-haam Petersen
  • ‘I Wish I Had 100 Dollars a Month …’ The Determinants of Poverty in Mongolia Francesco Pastore
2016, Vol. 28, Nº 4
  • The Electrification–Malaria Nexus: The Case of Rural Uganda.Lorenzo Pellegrini, Luca Tasciotti
  • The Role of Remittances in Determining Economic Security and Poverty in Myanmar-Udaya Wagle
  • Success Factors for Community Business Wildlife Tourism Partnerships in Tanzania.Diederik de Boer, Meine Pieter van Dijk
  • The DAC is Dead, Long Live the DCF? A Comparative Analysis of the OECD Development Assistance Committee and the UN Development Cooperation Forum.Joren Verschaeve, Jan Orbie
  • A Consensus Unravels: NREGA and the Paradox of Rules-Based Welfare in India.Matthew McCartney, Indrajit Roy
  • Linkages with Multinationals and Domestic Firm Performance: The Role of Assistance for Local Firms Holger Görg, Adnan Seric
  • Thinning and Thickening: Productive Sector Policies in The Era of Global Value Chains Raphael Kaplinsky, Mike Morris
  • Cultivating Capabilities through Activism: Examples from India Manabi Majumdar, Jos Mooij
  • Organizational and Institutional Barriers to the Effectiveness of Public Expenditures: The Case of Agricultural Research Investments in Nigeria and Ghana Catherine Ragasa
  • Development in Post-liberalization India: Marketization, Decentralization and Informalization in Gujarat Dolly Daftary
  • Navigating Polycentric Governance from a Citizen’s Perspective: The Rising New Middle Classes Respond Alan Fowler, Kees Biekart
  • An Exploratory study of Dairying Intensification, Women’s Decision Making, and Time Use and Implications for Child Nutrition in Kenya Jemimah Micere Njuki, Amanda Wyatt
  • Coordination Without Effectiveness? A Critique of the Paris Agenda in the Experience of Development Aid in Albania Artan Karini
  • The Poverty Focus of Swedish Bilateral Aid: A Comparative Analysis Bob Baulch
  • After-Development Dynamics – South Korea’s Contemporary Engagement with Asia Hoon Choi
2016, Vol. 28, Nº 3
  • South–South Trade in Capital Goods,the Market Driven Diffusion of Appropriate Technology. Rebecca K Hanlin and Raphael Kaplinsk
  • Tilling the Soil in Tanzania: What Do Emerging Economies Have to Offer?. Andrew Agyei-Holmes
  • Chinese Technologies and Pro-Poor Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Furniture Manufacturing in Kenya. Richmond Atta-Ankomah
  • Brazil’s Tropical Solutions for Africa: Tractors, Matracas and the Politics of ‘Appropriate Technology’. Lidia Cabral
  • Decomposing Inequality of Opportunity in Immunization by Circumstances: Evidence from India. Rama Pal
  • Realigning the Political and the Technical: Ngos and the Politicization of Agrarian Development in Bolivia. Diana Cordoba _ and _Kees Jansen
  • What Happens When Corporate Ownership Shifts to China?: A Case Study on Rubber Production in Cameroon. S.Assembe-Mvondo_ , P.O.Cerutti , L.Putzel, and R Eba'a Atyi
2016, Vol. 28, Nº 2
  • Moving Towards Inclusive Development? Recent Views on Inequalities, Frugal Innovations, Urban Geo-Technologies, Gender and Hybrid Governance Isa Baud
  • Why Are Some People Poor? Andy Sumner
  • Frugal Innovation and Development: Aides or Adversaries? Peter Knorringa, Iva Peša, André Leliveld and Cees van Beers
  • Perspectives on the Role of Geo-Technologies for Addressing Contemporary Urban Issues: Implications for IDS Karin Pfeffer and Hebe Verrest
  • Gender Dilemmas in International Development Studies Wendy Harcourt
  • Hybrid Governance Arrangements Francesco Colona and Rivke Jaffe
2015, Vol. 27, Nº 5
  • Urban agriculture and Dietary Diversity:Empirical Evidence Tanzania.Luca Tasciotti and Natascha Wagner
  • Food Price Rises and PoliticalInstability:Problematizing a Complex relationship.Leila demurest
  • Local Appropriations of developmental Imperatives:Notes from a watershed Project in odisha, Eastern India.Sailen Routray
  • Volatility and Inequality: household vulnerability as Uncertain Welfare in Rural China.Jing You and Adam Ozanne
  • Means to and End: The importance of the Research Question for Systenatic Reviews in International Develompment.HenriK Hasen and Neda Trifkovic
  • Investing in Irony? Development, Improvement and Dispossession in Southern African Coal Spaces.Bram Büscher
  • Flexibilité des règles et participation individuelle à l’action collective: Cas de l’Union des Groupements de Producteurs du Périmètre irrigué de Malanville au Bénin. Kouété P Jimmy and Ismail Moumouni
  • L’Afrique du Sud et la Chine en Afrique: une cohabitation difficile&quest.Moda Dieng
  • Adapting Generic Models through Bricolage: Elite Capture of Water Users Associations in Peri-urban Lilongwe .Maria Rusca, Klaas Schwartz, Lejla Hadzovic and Rhodante Ahlers
  • The Political Economy of Decentralization in Thailand: How Past and Present Decentralization Affects rural Actors’ Participation.Thomas Dufhues, _Insa Theesfeld and Gertrud Buchenrieder
  • ‘Power’ in ‘Empowerment’: A Case Study of Constructing a Text against the Mainstream.Rosalind Eyben
  • Does Aid Reduce Inequality? Evidence for Latin America. David Castells-Quintana and José María Larrú
  • How to Design and Implement Social Business Models for Base-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) Markets&quest .Sandeep Goyal, _Bruno S Sergi and Mahadeo Jaiswal
2015, Vol. 27, Nº 3
Public Investments in and for Agriculture
  • Public Investments in and for Agriculture Tewodaj Mogues, Shenggen Fan and Samuel Benin
  • rends and Composition of Public Expenditures: A Global and Regional Perspective Bingxin Yu, Shenggen Fan and Eduardo Magalhães
  • Who Invests How Much in Agriculture in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? An Empirical Review Sarah K Lowder, Brian Carisma and Jakob Skoet
  • Agricultural R&D Expenditure in Africa: An Analysis of Growth and Volatility Gert-Jan Stads and Nienke Beintema
  • Prioritizing Rural Investments in Africa: A Hybrid Evaluation Approach Applied to Uganda Karl Pauw and James Thurlow
  • Agricultural Productivity, Health and Public Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa Summer L Allen and John Ulimwengu
  • By All Means Necessary: How China’s Resource Quest is Changing the World Christof Morscher
  • Pirate Trails: Tracking the Illicit Financial Flows from Pirate Activities off the Horn of Africa John S Ivancovich
2015, Vol. 27, Nº 4

Strategic Governance for Inclusive Development FREE Nicky R M Pouw and Ad de Bruijne

  • Urban Water Governance for More Inclusive Development: A Reflection on the ‘Waterscapes’ of Durban, South Africa Catherine Sutherland, Dianne Scott and Michaela Hordijk
  • Big Data for Better Urban Life? – An Exploratory Study of Critical Urban Issues in Two Caribbean Cities: Paramaribo (Suriname) and Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) Karin Pfeffer, Hebe Verrest and Ate Poorthuis
  • Landscapes of Social Inclusion: Inclusive Value-Chain Collaboration Through the Lenses of Food Sovereignty and Landscape Governance Mirjam A F Ros-Tonen, Yves-Pierre Benoît Van Leynseele, Anna Laven and Terry Sunderland
  • Towards an Elaborated Theory of Inclusive Development Joyeeta Gupta, Nicky R M Pouw and Mirjam A F Ros-Tonen
  • Discourse of Urban Resilience and ‘Inclusive Development’ in the Johannesburg Growth and Development Strategy 2040 Elisabeth Peyroux
  • Machismo and Mamitas at School: Exploring the Agency of Teachers for Social and Gender Justice in Bolivian Education Mieke T A Lopes Cardozo, Jennifer Sawyer and Maria Luisa Talavera Simoni
  • Contesting Inclusiveness: The Anxieties of Mechanised Fishers Over Social Boundaries in Chennai, South India Maarten Bavinck, Subramanian Karuppiah and Svein Jentoft
  • Inclusive Growth: Beyond Safety Nets? Arjan de Haan
2015, Vol. 27, Nº 2
  • The New Middle Classes: Advocates for Good Governance, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development?.Jürgen Wiemann
  • Inequality, Sustainability and Middle Classes in a Polycentric World. Peter Knorringaa and Alejandro Guarin
  • Sharing Global Responsibility: The Role of the Middle Classes on the Way to a Just and Sustainable Global Economy.Jürgen Wiemann
  • Does the Rise of the Middle Class Lock in Good Government in the Developing World?.Nancy Birdsall
  • The Emerging Middle Classes in India: Mobilizing for Inclusive Development?.Isa Baud
  • The Choice of the New Latin American Middle Classes: Sharing or Self-Caring.Kees Biekart
  • Where and What (for) is the Middle? Africa and the Middle Class(es).Henning Melber
  • Towards a More Empirical Debate on Middle Classes in the Global South.Peter Knorringa
  • Lacking the Means or the Motivation? Exploring the Experience of Community-Based Resource Management Among Fisherfolk on Lake Victoria, Uganda.Caroline Barratta, Janet Seeleyb and Edward H Allison
  • Russia as a Recruited Development Donor.Patty A Gray
2015, Vol. 27, Nº 1
  • Reinventing International Development NGOs – The Case of ICCO. Willem Elbers and Lau Schulpen
  • The Development Project as an Institution for Agency and Capability Expansion: The Case of the Njombe Milk Project. Francesco Burchia, Pasquale De Murob and Sara Vicaric
  • Macroeconomic Fundamentals of Poverty and Deprivation: An Empirical Study for Developed Countries. Ana Paula Ribeiroa, Sandra Tavares Silvaa and Duarte Guimarãesa
  • SLE in Kenyan Slum Communities: Development of the Concept. Robert Porter
  • Child Labor in Africa and Asia: Household and Context Determinants of Hours Worked in Paid Labor by Young Children in 16 Low-Income Countries Ellen Webbink, Jeroen Smits and Eelke de Jong
  • Impacts of a Micro-Enterprise Clustering Programme on Firm Performance in Ghana Jörg Peters-, Maximiliane Sievert and Christoph Strupat
  • Technological Capabilities, Institutions and Firm Productivity: A Multilevel Study Micheline Goedhuys and Martin Srholec
  • Holding All the Cards? Quality Management by Cooperatives in a Moroccan Dairy Value Chain Nicolas Faysse and Cristina Simon -How Does Trade Facilitation Affect International Trade? Chahir Zaki
  • The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor Karen Del Biondo
  • The Final Deathblow to Development Planning? A Comparative Book Review Dennis Essers and Bert Jacobs
  • Mémoires solidaires et solitaires. Trajectoires d’un économiste du développement Claire Mainguy and Françoise Stoeffler-Kern
2014, Vol. 26, Nº 4
  • Understanding the Links between Labour and Economic Development. Ralitza Dimova and Christophe J Nordman
  • Informal Employment and Development: Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion- Martha Chen
  • By Choice and by Necessity: Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in the Developing World David N Margolis
  • Informal sector dynamics in times of fragile growth: The case of Madagascar. Julia Vaillant, Michael Grimm, Jann Lay and François Roubaud
  • The determinants of the size distribution of firms in Uganda. Jonathan Goyette
  • Informal–Formal Linkages and Informal Enterprise Performance in Urban West Africa Marcus H Böhme and Rainer Thiele
  • Trapped in Agriculture? Credit Constraints, Investments in Education and Agricultural Employment Ruxanda Berlinschi, Johan Swinnen and Kristine Van Herck
  • Migration, Education and the Gender Gap in Labour Force Participation Ilhom Abdulloev, Ira N Gang and Myeong-Su Yun
  • In Limbo: Exploring Transition to Discouragement Ayça Akarçay Gürbüz, Sezgin Polat and Mustafa Ulus
  • -
2014, Vol. 26, Nº 1


  • Impact Evaluation – Are We ‘Off the Gold Standard’? Laura Camfield and Maren Duvendack
  • What Can We Learn from Impact Evaluations? Robert Lensink
  • Current Challenges in Impact Evaluation. Howard White
  • Is Impact Evaluation Evaluation? Robert Picciotto
  • Impact Evaluation and Welfare Evaluation. Glenn W Harrison
  • Does Impact Evaluation in Development Matter? Well, It Depends What It’s For! Irene Guijt and Chris Roche


  • Learning to Co-operate: Youth Engagement with the Co-operative Revival in Africa Open. Sally Hartley and Hazel Johnson
  • Capturing Critical Institutionalism: A Synthesis of Key Themes and Debates. Kurt Hall, Frances Cleaver, Tom Franks and Faustin Maganga
  • Interest Rates and Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: Recent Global Evidence. Ashim Kumar Kar and Ranjula Bali Swain
  • Growing Up in Ethiopia and Andhra Pradesh: The Impact of Social Protection Schemes on Girls’ Roles and Responsibilities. Laura Camfield
  • Measuring Governance: Implications of Conceptual Choices. Katherine Bersch and Sandra Botero
  • Financing the Clean Development Mechanism through Debt-for-Efficiency Swaps? Case Study Evidence from a Uruguayan Wind Farm Project. Danny Cassimon, Martin Prowse and Dennis Essers
2013, Vol. 25, Nº 5
  • Securing Livelihoods in Africa: Towards Multi-scalar Policy Frameworks. Frederic Lapeyre
  • Getting the Water Prices Right Using an Incentive-based Approach: An Application of a Choice Experiment in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Anik Bhaduri and Julia Kloos
  • Long-Run Price Elasticities and the Marshall–Lerner Condition: Evidence from Egypt–EU Commodity Trade. Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Amr Sadek Hosny
  • A New Avenue for Understanding the Nutritional Status of Children in Guinea. Dorothée Boccanfuso and Ohiniba Bruce
  • The Impact of Social Security on Household Welfare: Evidence from a Transition Country. Nguyen Viet Cuong
  • Targeting Accuracy of the NREG: Evidence from Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha, Shylashri Shankar and Manoj K Pandey
  • Systemic Impact Evaluation: A Methodology for Complex Agricultural Development Projects. The Case of a Contract Farming Project in Guinea. Jocelyne Delarue and Hubert Cochet
  • The Macro-Costs of Forced Displacement of the Farmers in India: A Micro-Level Study. Abhijit Guha
  • Electricity Access and the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises: Evidence from West Africa. Michael Grimm, Renate Hartwig and Jann Lay
  • Choques macroeconómicos y los precios de los activos. El caso argentino. Luis N Lanteri
2013, Vol. 25, Nº 3
  • Conceptualising Inclusive Innovation: Modifying Systems of Innovation Frameworks to Understand Diffusion of New Technology to Low-Income Consumers. Christopher Foster and Richard Heeks
  • The Pragmatics of Ethnography and Intervention: Street Children in Mexico. Norman Long
  • Can China and India be Growth Drivers for Developing Asia? Rashmi Banga and Dinesh Kumar
  • Participatory Rural Self-Governance under the Left Regime in West Bengal: An Alternative to Neoliberal Developmentalism. Manik Bhattacharya and Sudipta Bhattacharyya
  • Challenges of Agro-Food Standards Conformity: Lessons from East Africa and Policy Implications. Simon Bolwig, Lone Riisgaard, Peter Gibbon and Stefano Ponte
  • Beyond Translation: Reconceptualizing the Role of Local Practitioners and the Development ‘Interface’. Mette F Olwig
  • Husbands, Wives and the Peculiar Economics of Household Public Goods. Amanda J Felkey
  • La théorie économique confrontée aux transformations économiques d’une société rurale: le cas de la province de Phongsaly au Laos. Pierre Alary
  • How Inclusive Has Regular Employment Been in India? A Dynamic View. Ashish Singh, Upasak Das and Tushar Agrawal
2013, Vol. 25, Nº 2
  • Impact of FDI, ODA and Migrant Remittances on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: A Systems Approach. Nigel Driffield and Chris Jones
  • ‘Who Seeks, Finds’: How Artisanal Miners and Traders Benefit from Gold in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Sara Geenen
  • Latin American Post-Neoliberal Development Thinking: The Bolivian ‘Turn’ Toward Suma Qamaña. Manuel Mejido Costoya
  • The Reach of Rural Services in Ethiopia: An Asset and Gender-Based Public Expenditure Benefit Incidence Analysis. Tewodaj Mogues
  • Unfulfilled Mandate? Exploring the Electoral Discourse of International Development Aid in UK Westminster Elections 1945–2010. Paul Chaney
  • Local Agency and Structural Continuity: Views from an SHG-based Microcredit Scheme in Western India. Nikita Sud
  • ‘The people know they need religion in order to develop’: Religion's Capacity to Inspire People in Pune's Slums. Zara Bhatewara and Tamsin Bradley
  • The Politics of Philanthropy and Welfare Governance: The Case of Turkey. Behrooz Morvaridi
2013, Vol. 25, Nº 1
A nutritious new world: will the world nutritiously feed its growing population?


  • A World Free of Poverty… but of Hunger and Malnutrition?. Jose Cuesta.
  • Can Agriculture Meet Future Nutrition Challenges?. Per Pinstrup-Andersen.
  • How Can We Build an Enabling Political Environment to Fight Undernutriton?. Lawrence Haddad.
  • How Can the Environment Become Part of the Solution to Feeding a Growing Population?. Elizabeth Warham, Rebecca Fisher-Lamb, John Beddington.
  • What Policy Changes Will Reverse Persistent Malnutrition in Asia?. Shenggen Fan, Purnima Menon, Joanna Brzeska.
  • Will Renewed Attention and Investment in African Agriculture Ensure Sound Nutrition?. Sheryl L Hendriks.


  • Endowments, Entitlements and Capabilities: What Urban Social Movements Offer to Poverty Reduction. Diana Mitlin.
  • The Systemic Approach to International Financing for Development and the Need for a World Tax and Financial Organization. Jorge Garcia-Arias.
  • Struggles in Paris: The DAC and the Purposes of Development Aid. Rosalind Eyben.
  • Structural Change, Land Use and the State in China: Making Sense of Three Divergent Processes. Murat Arsel, Anirban Dasgupta.
  • Conflicting Views of Fairness in Aid Distribution: Evidence from Rural Nicaragua. Ben D'Exelle.
  • Saving a Life-Year and Reaching MDG 4 with Investments in Water and Sanitation: A Cost-Effective Policy?. Isabel Günther, Günther Fink.
  • La croissance urbaine chinoise: convergence ou marche aléatoire?. Alexandra Schaffar, Michel Dimou, Mohamed Hazem.
2012, Vol. 24, Nº 5
Horizontal Inequalities and Trade


  • International Trade and Horizontal Inequalities: Conceptual and Empirical Linkages. Arnim Langer and Frances Stewart
  • The Making of Conflict-Prone Development: Trade and Horizontal Inequalities in Peru. José Carlos Orihuela
  • Trade Policies and Ethnic Inequalities in Mexico. Alicia Puyana and Sandra Murillo
  • Trade, Employment and Horizontal Inequalities in New Order Indonesia. Graham K Brown
  • Trade Reforms and Horizontal Inequalities: The Case of Uganda. John Mary Matovu


  • Ecosystem Services and Poverty Reduction: How Do Development Practitioners Conceptualize the Linkages? Martin Sjöstedt
  • Microfinance Efficiency: Trade-Offs and Complementarities between the Objectives of Microfinance Institutions and Their Performance Perspectives. Samuel Kobina Annim
  • L’impact de la distance et de l’intégration sur le commerce d’une région ultrapériphérique d’Europe: l’île de La Réunion. Fabien Candau, Jean-François Hoarau and Serge Rey
2012, Vol. 24, Nº 4
  • International Trade and Carbon Emissions. Richard Kozul-Wright and Piergiuseppe Fortunato
  • Why Do So Many Women End Up in ‘Bad Jobs’? A Cross-country Assessment for Developing Countries. Angela Luci, Johannes Jütting and Christian Morrisson
  • Networks and Anti-poverty Programs: Experience of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. Shylashri Shankar and Raghav Gaiha
  • Poverty Transitions among Older Households in Brazil and South Africa. Armando Barrientos and Julia Mase
  • Political Conflict and Entangled Social Logics in the Development of Institutional Capacity: Creating a Designated National Authority for the Clean Development Mechanism in Uganda. Karen Holm Olsen
  • Total Public Debt and Growth in Developing Countries. Andrea F Presbitero
  • Sharecropping in Non-traditional Agro-export Production: The Abougnon Contract for Pineapple Cultivation in Côte d’Ivoire. Jean-Philippe Colin
  • La coordination de l’aide: Un objectif aux présupposés contestables. Mamadou Barry and Bruno Boidin
2012, Vol. 24, Nº 3
  • From Civil Wars to Drug Wars: The Limits of Decentralization Policies in Central America. Alfredo Stein
  • Do Connections Matter? Individual Social Capital and Credit Constraints in Vietnam. Quoc Hoang Dinh, Thomas Bernhard Dufhues and Gertrud Buchenrieder
  • Did International Trade Destroy or Create Jobs in Indian Manufacturing? Seethamma Natarajan Rajesh Raj and Kunal Sen
  • ‘Helping a Large Number of People Become a Little Less Poor’: The Logic of Survival Entrepreneurs. Erhard Berner, Georgina Gomez and Peter Knorringa
  • Determinants of Access to Finance: An Investigation into the Mzansi Intervention. Philip Kostov, Thankom Arun and Samuel Annim
  • The Impact of Financial Crises on Female Labour. Marcello Signorelli, Misbah Choudhry and Enrico Marelli
  • Choice of Fresh Vegetable Retail Outlets by Developing-Country Urban Consumers: The Case of Kale Consumers in Nairobi, Kenya. Julius J Okello, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Sebastian Hess, Marther Ngigi and Nancy Karanja
  • Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Tunisia. Imed Drine and Mouna Grach
  • Operational Models for Improving the Targeting Efficiency of Development Policies: A Systematic Comparison of Different Estimation Methods Using Out-of-sample Tests. Nazaire Houssou and Manfred Zeller
  • Entre Crise et Rebond: Questions Autour de la Durabilité des Systèmes de Production Cotonniers au Mali. Isabelle Droy, Jean-François Bélières and Jean Etienne Bidou
2012, Vol. 24, Nº 2
Beyond the BRICs: Alternative Strategies of Influence in the Global Politics of Development.
  • Introduction: Beyond the BRICs: Alternative Strategies of Influence in the Global Politics of Development. Matthias vom Hau, James Scott and David Hulme
  • Trends in World Income Inequality and the 'Emerging Middle' Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz
  • Another BRIC in the Wall? South Africa's Development Impact and Contradictory Rise in Africa and Beyond. Pádraig Carmody
  • Korea's Search for a Global Role between Hard Economic Interests and Soft Power. Thomas Kalinowski and Hyekyung Cho
  • Overseas Development Aid Across the Global South: Lessons from the Turkish Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia. Fulya Apaydin
  • South Africa, Multilateralism and the Global Politics of Development. Eduard Jordaan
  • The Mexican Exception: Patents and Innovation Policy in a Non-conformist and Reluctant Middle Income Country. Kenneth C. Shadlen
2012, Vol. 24, Nº 1
SPECIAL DEBATE SECTION: Why is the empirical evidence on the role of FDI in development so ambiguous?
  • Does FDI Cause Development? The Ambiguity of the Evidence and Why it Matters. Rajneesh Narula and Nigel Driffield
  • Effects, Not Externalities. Antonello Zanfei
  • In Praise of Pecuniary Externalities. Davide Castellani
  • Mind the Gap: How Linkages Strengthen Understanding of Spillovers. Axèle Giroud
  • FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa: Few Linkages, Fewer Spillovers. Oliver Morrissey
  • Challenging the Production Function Approach to Assess the Developmental Effects of FDI. Nigel Driffield and Björn Jindra
  • Some Observations on Scholarly Research on FDI Impact on Development. James Zhan and Hafiz Mirza


  • Linking Development and Innovation: What Does Technological Change Bring to the Society? Evgeny A Klochikhin
  • China's Metals Demand and Commodity Prices: A Case of Disruptive Development? Masuma Zareen Farooki
  • Internal and External Validity in Experimental Games: A Social Reality Check. Cecile Jackson
  • ‘A Gap in the Bridge?’: European Union Civil Society Financial Assistance in Turkey. Markus Ketola
  • Addressing Group Inequalities: Social Policies in Emerging Economies’ Great Transformation. Arjan de Haan and Sukhadeo Thorat
  • Decentralization, Democracy and Allocation of Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Rural India. Katsushi S Imai and Takahiro Sato
  • The Democratic Transition: Short-run and Long-run Causality between Income and the Gastil Index. Martin Paldam and Erich Gundlach
  • Politiques publiques de santé dans les pays en sortie de crise et influence de la communauté internationale: la reconstruction du système de santé primaire dans l’Afghanistan post-conflit. Emilie Robert
2011, Vol. 23, Nº 5
Young lives in transition: from school to adulthood?


  • From School to Adulthood? Young People's Pathways Through Schooling in Urban Ethiopia. Laura Camfield
  • Education, Inequality and Social Mobility in Central India. Peggy Froerer
  • Striving for Knowledge and Dignity: How Qur’anic Students in Kano, Nigeria, Learn to Live with Rejection and Educational Disadvantage. Hannah Hoechner
  • We Are Poor People So What is the Use of Education? Tensions and Contradictions in Girls´ and Boys’ Transitions from School to Work in Rural Bangladesh. Karin Heissler
  • Development Amid Deprivation: Learning in Preparation for Adult Life among Low-Income Households in Delhi. Frances Lily Hay
  • Respect, Status and Domestic Work: Female Migrants at Home and Work. Nitya Rao
  • ‘See First, Think Later, Then Test’: How Children's Perspectives Can Improve Economic Research. Kate Orkin


  • Youth and Development. Craig Jeffrey
2011, Vol. 23, Nº 4
The politics of poverty and inequality
  • Income inequality: should we worry about global trends?. Robert H. Wade
  • Beware the fallacy of productivity reductionism. Andrew M. Fischer
  • Gendered poverty traps: inequality and care in a globalised world. Nalia Kabeer
  • Inequality and the politics of redistribution. Yusuf Bangura
  • Reducing poverty - What might we learn?. James K. Galbraith
  • Inequality in political power: a fundamental (and overloocked) dimension of inequality. Frances Stewart
2011, Vol. 23, Nº 3
  • Lost in translation? EU Development Policy in the Anglophone and Francophone Eastern Caribbean.
  • Pounding millet during school hours: Obstacles to girl's formal education in Niger.
  • The characteristics and determinants of FDI in Ghana.
  • Why the European Commission fails to adhere to the Principles of Good Donorship: The case of the Governance Incentive Tranche.
  • Linking smallholder farmers to markets, gender and intra-household dynamics: Does the choice of commodity matter?
  • The possibility of state formation: The experience of Botswana in a theoretical perspective.
  • Labour market outcomes in Bangladesh: The role of poverty and gender norms.
  • Riqueza mineral y pobreza en Los Andes.
2011, Vol. 23, Nº 2
The Legacy of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Processes in Latin America
  • The PRS Approach and the Paris Agenda: Experiences in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua.
  • Illusions and Disillusions with Poverty Reduction Strategies: Growth Crisis and the MDGs in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua.
  • Guyana´s Poverty Reduction Strategy and Social Expenditure.
  • Rural Poverty Reduction Policies in Honduras, Nicaragua and Bolivia: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis.
  • Forest Management and Poverty in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua: Reform failures?
  • Gender Equity and Public Policies in Latin America: Opportunities and Risks in the PRS Approach.
  • Institutionalizing Social Accountability? Participation and the PRS Process in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua.
  • The Great Experiment Testing the PRSP Approach in Nicaragua, 200-2007.
2010, Vol. 22, Nº 4
  • Indian generics producers, access to essential medicines and local production in Africa: An argument with reference to Tanzania (Maureen Mackintosh et al).
  • Challenges to the Cambodian garment industry in the global garment value chain,
  • The importance of assessing marketing preferences of small-scale farmers: A latent segment approach.
  • Trans-faith humanitarian partnerships: The case of Muslim Aid and the United Methodist Committee on relief.
  • Rethinking the impact of microfinance in Africa: 'Business Change' of Social Emancipation.
  • Does happiness affect the bilateral aid flows between donor and recipient countries?
  • Variations of late Socialist development: Integration and marginalization in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam and Laos.
2010, Vol. 22, Nº 5
New avenues for pastoral development in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Living off uncertainty: The intelligent animal production of Drylands Pastoralists.
  • Drought coping and adaptation strategies: Understanding adaptations to climate change in agro-pastoral livestock production in Makueni district, Kenya.
  • Property relations by other means: Conflict over Dryland Resources in Benin and Mali.
  • Pathways and dead Ends of Pastoral Development among the Afar and Karrayu in Ethiopia.
  • Better marginalised than incorporated? Pastoralist livelihoods in Somali Region, Ethiopia.
  • Along the milky way: Marketing camel milk in Puntland, Somalia.
  • Bumbling bureaucrats, sluggish courts and forum-shopping elites: Unending conflict and competition in the transition to private property.
2009, Vol. 21, Nº 4
China in Africa: A relationship in transition.
  • China-Africa trade relations: Insights from AERC Scoping Studies.
  • Do Chinese exports crowd-out African goods? An economic analysis by country and sector.
  • China's growth and the agricultural exports of Sub-Saharan Southern Asia.
  • Chinese FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa: Engaging with Large Dragons.
  • China's private enterprises in Africa and the implications for African development.
  • Chinese migrants in Africa as new agents of development? An analytical framework.
  • "Shangai Beauties" an African desires: Migration, trade and Chinese prostitution in Cameroon.
  • Part of the disease or part of the cure? Chinese investments in the Zambian mining and construction sectors.
  • The EU's response to China's Africa Safari: Can triangular co-operation match needs?
2010, Vol. 22, Nº 3
Female entrepreneurship across countries and in devolopment.
  • What is the evidence that there is no evidence? The link between conflict displacement and HIV infections.
  • Hiding relations: The irony of "Effective Aid".
  • Children's well-being in developing countries: A conceptual and methodological rewiew.
2010, Vol. 22, Nº 2
What happened to Doha in Geneva? Re-engineering the WTO's image while missing key opportunities.
  • The political economy of WTO with special reference to NAMA Negotiations.
  • Firms in developing countries: A theoretical probe in the borderland of Business Studies and Development Studies.
  • A Sociology of International Research Partnerships for Sustainable Development.