Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas

2024, Nº 50
La escuela rural. Minería israelí en suelo catalán. Festival Risas Refugiadas.


Campesinizar las escuelas


  • Pedagogía Andariega. Entrevista a Isidro García Cigüenza. Gustavo Duch
  • Batec. En los orígenes de las redes de apoyo de las escuelas rurales. Alba Oller Benítez e Iris Verge
  • Experiencias en la escuela rural y la educación ecosocial. Natalia Arévalo Tosaus y Rosana Larcorz Berges
  • La escuela campesina de Barbiana. José Luis Corzo
  • La integración de las lenguas minoritarias en la escuela rural. Soledad Tovar Iglesias
  • Escuela rural y sostenibilidad. Montserrat Sorribes, Andreu Serret y María José Prats
  • I Congreso Internacional de Educación Rural siglo xxi. Manifiesto final


  • Conversatorio: «Si los pueblos quieren tener futuro, deben tener escuela, pero no cualquier escuela». Revista SABC


  • ICL Iberia. Una empresa israelí en suelo catalán. Plataforma Prou Sal Policía medioambiental. ¿Para qué y para quién? María Arrueta


  • Amillubi. Una tierra, colectiva, para sembrar semillas de esperanza. Estitxu Eizagirre y Mirene Begiristain
  • La añoranza del pastoreo. Patricia Dopazo Gallego


  • La risa. Herramienta para construir pueblos más acogedores y diversos. Violeta Aguado Delgado
  • Reseña de Antes del futuro. Fantasía y miedo en el capitalismo. Almudena Hernando
  • Tierra y libros (El viaje). Agustí Corominas

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 311
Ollas en ebullición: comida, política y cultura

La comida está, cada vez más, en el centro de los debates sociales, ya sea por sus vínculos con la salud, por los derechos de los animales, por las propias formas de producir lo que comemos y por las desigualdades en el acceso a la alimentación. Pero a la vez, en torno de la comida se construyen, y desafían, relaciones de género e identidades individuales y colectivas. Por eso no es casual que la nación esté asociada a la cocina. A transitar estas dimensiones de la comida se dedica el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Viento Sur

2024, Nº 193
¿Quo vadis Europa?


  • Marc Casanovas


  • Democratizar el derecho: algunas ideas para atajar el lawfare Luis Lloredo Alix
  • Derecho Internacional y excepcionalismo israelí: la quiebra del Derecho Internacional en Palestina Nada Awad
  • Islamofobia, fascistización, racialización Ugo Palheta


  • La fotografía como dique ante el paso del tiempo. Inigo Cabieces. Mariña Testas


  • ¿Quo vadis Europa? Miguel Urbán
  • Hacia un despotismo oligárquico, tecnocrático y militarista Miguel Urbán y Jaime Pastor
  • Global Gateway: alianzas público-privadas para el control de fronteras y el extractivismo neocolonial Pedro Ramiro y Erika González
  • Pacto migratorio Sara Prestianni
  • El "wishful thinking" de la militarización y la paz de la UE Jordi Calvo Rufanges
  • ¿Quién lidera la “revolución industrial verde”? Un análisis crítico de cinco años del Pacto Verde Europeo Alfons Pérez
  • Movilizaciones en el campo europeo Morgan Ody


  • El comunismo como estrategia Isabelle Garo


  • Gran Bretaña. Las mujeres y la huelga de mineros de 1984-1985 Kelly Rogers


  • Hormonas, ciencia y política: Trascender el esencialismo heteropatriarcal Maite Arraiza


  • La estigmatización de los pobres. Michel Husson. Mikel de la Fuente Lavín
  • Ciudad feliz. Charles Montgomery. Rosa Mª Pérez Mateo
  • El sueño de Yugoslavia. Jordi Cumplido Mora Matías Escalera Cordero
  • Insurrección animal. Sarat Colling. Alberto García-Teresa
  • Y se oía a los grillos cantar. Corina Sabau. Ana Grandal
  • Anarcosocialismo y mística comunitaria. Gustav Landauer. José Luis Carretero Miramar

Consulta este número en la web de la revista.

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 2
Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection


  • Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection. Pushpesh Kumar and others


  • ‘Doctors advised to take medicines to remove these thoughts’: the violence and violations in sexual mental health care in community mental health programmes in Kerala. Sudarshan R Kottai
  • Precarious life in a heartless world: COVID-19 and the gender transgressive Shivashaktis in Southern India. Debomita Mukherjee, Archana Rao & Pushpesh Kumar
  • ‘It’s nice that we can do that too’: investigating transgender persons’ negotiations with identity and community questions in Indian science institutions. Sayantan Datta
  • Queerious communities: building writing centres in Indian universities. Anannya Dasgupta
  • Brittle bonds: queer relationalities in literary and cinematic forms in India. Navaneetha Mokkil
  • Migration and making of non-heteronormative households and families: lived experiences of cisgender women partners of trans men in Bengaluru. Agaja Puthan Purayil
  • Familialization of the ‘deviant’: a hindrance to queer community building? Pritha Chakrabarti


  • Peacebuilding, conflict and community development. Niamh Gaynor
  • Caring for place: community development in rural England. Neil Turnbull

Más información aquí.

Politique Africaine

2024, Nº 173
Conflits armés dans la Corne de l’Afrique

Ce dossier donne sens à ces reconfigurations violentes et meurtrières, qui sont le produit de trajectoires sociales et militaires partagées à l’échelle régionale mais s’inscrivent dans des contextes politiques singuliers. Depuis le Soudan et le Soudan du Sud, l’Éthiopie et le Somaliland, il observe l’ancrage social de la violence de guerre, son économie politique locale et régionale et sa politisation – notamment dans son rapport à l’État. Les différentes contributions interrogent la milicianisation des États, la mobilisation des groupes armés, les restructurations partisanes, le renouveau géopolitique du capitalisme dans la région, ainsi que les engrenages et les dynamiques de la violence de guerre et du génocide. Pour documenter ces situations peu renseignées, ce dossier suit une démarche anthologique et rassemble des textes de diverses natures (entretiens, témoignages et articles), afin notamment de donner la parole aux témoins directs des transformations en cours.

Más información aquí.

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 165
Paz ambiental. Hacia un nuevo paradigma

La investigación para la paz lleva más de seis décadas analizando diversas formas de conflictividad −muy especialmente, los conflictos armados− y desarrollando las mejores herramientas para abordarla y trascenderla de forma pacífica.

A medida que la crisis ecosocial se agrava y se erige como la principal cuestión de nuestro tiempo, y la pugna por los recursos naturales estalla en multitud de conflictos socioecológicos por todo el mundo, los estudios de paz están ampliando su atención a este tipo de hostilidades, que representan cada vez una parte más amplia de la conflictividad global.

El objetivo es doble: reflexionar sobre la problemática, desarrollando el concepto de paz ambiental, y aplicar los instrumentos disponibles a esta nueva conflictividad. Este número de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global explora el novedoso campo de teoría y praxis donde se entrecruzan la investigación para la paz y los análisis de la crisis ecosocial y los conflictos asociados.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 2
  • The Challenge of Productivity-Based Development: Innovation Gaps and Economic Structure in Latin America Eva Paus, Mike Robinson
  • ‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring Regional and Gender Patterns in Threats to Ethiopian Adolescents’ Bodily Integrity Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Nicola Jones, Sarah Baird, Rebecca Dutton, Workneh Yadete
  • Do Behavioral Interventions Enhance the Effects of Cash on Early Childhood Development and Its Determinants? Evidence from a Cluster-Randomized Trial in Madagascar Saugato Datta, Joshua Martin, Catherine MacLeod, Laura B. Rawlings, Andrea Vermehren
  • Resilience Pathways of Informal Settlements in Nairobi: Stasis, Decline, Adaptation, and Transformation Jan Fransen, Beatrice Hati, Naomi van Stapele, Samuel Kiriro, Rosebella Nyumba
  • Trade Agreements, Technical Regulations, and Standards: Competitiveness Implications for Kenyan Exporters to European Union Shadrack Muthami Mwatu, Charity Kageni Mbaka, John Gakuu Karanja, Grace Mukami Muriithi
  • The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Sofoora Kawsar Usman, Calum Davey, Hannah Kuper
  • Investigating Financial Development and Its Direct and Indirect Environmental Effects in South Africa: Fresh Policy Insights Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha, Marthinus Christoffel Breitenbach
  • Participatory Video and Impact: Analysis of the Living Cultures Indigenous Fellowship Juanjo Balaguer

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 1
  • Grower Power for Value Creation in High-Value Horticulture? The Case of Citrus in South Africa Shingie Chisoro, Simon Roberts
  • Including Men in a Female Financial Model: An Analysis of Informal Grassroots Financial Associations Linda Nakato
  • The Historical Origins of Communal Violence in Africa: Common Pool Resources-Driven Trust and Its Contrasting Effects on Violence Hye-Ryoung Jung
  • A Development Lens to Frugal Innovation: Bringing Back Production and Technological Capabilities into the Discourse Sanghamitra Chakravarty, Georgina Mercedes Gómez
  • Chinese Aid Projects and Local Tax Attitudes: Evidence from Africa Abreham Adera
  • The Role of Land Inheritance in Youth Migration and Employment Choices: Evidence from Rural Nigeria Mulubrhan Amare, Hosaena Ghebru,Adebayo Ogunniyi
  • Impact of Public Agricultural Investment on Crops Production, Households’ Welfare, and Employment Generation Opportunities in Togo, West Africa Essossinam Ali, Nimonka Bayale
  • Power Relations in Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme: The Flip Side of Domination Roeland Hemsteede
  • Why is Labor in the SSA LDCs Moving from One Low Productivity Sector to Another? Ngwinui Belinda Azenui
  • The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda Marie-Luise Matthys, Patrick Illien, Outhoumphone Sanesathid

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

2024, Vol. 25, Nº 1
  • Repair in Education Spaces Melanie Walker
  • Measurement Is Not Everything, But It Does Make a Difference S. Subramanian
  • Affiliation as Solidarity: Perspective of Vulnerable Groups Ana Petek, Ana Gavran Miloš & Nebojša Zelič
  • Labour Law, Employees’ Capability for Voice, and Wellbeing: A Framework for Evaluation Cherise Regier
  • Realising Capabilities for Street Young People in Harare, Zimbabwe: A New Approach to Social Protection Witness Chikoko, Lorraine van Blerk, Janine Hunter & Wayne Shand
  • The Capability Approach, Pedagogic Rights and Course Design: Developing Autonomy and Reflection through Student-Led, Individually Created Courses Rowan Murray
  • Using Alienation to Understand the Link Between Work and Capabilities Simantini Mukhopadhyay
  • A Minimal Capabilities-Based Account of Loss and Damage Laura García-Portela
  • Response to the 2023 Human Security Policy Forum Brendan M. Howe
  • How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities Irene van Staveren
  • Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South César Osorio Sánchez
  • Measuring the Development Progress of Least Developed Countries: In the Context of World Development Henry H. Bi
  • Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis Chiara Gasperoni et al.

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 341
  • Cómo labra el campo la extrema derecha Philippe Baqué
  • La estrategia de China Renaud Lambert
  • ¿Es Moscú el vasallo de Pekín? Arnaud Dubien
  • Grandeza y miseria de la crítica de los medios de comunicación en Alemania Fabian Scheidler
  • Declive de una escuela contestataria Fabian Scheidler
  • Una Ucrania cada vez más homogénea Corentin Léotard
  • Europa, en orden cerrado Pierre Rimbert
  • Sudán: de la transición a la disolución Gérard Prunier
  • El arco de las tensiones africanas se extiende hasta Senegal Anne-Cécile Robert
  • El Daesh vuelve a extender sus tentáculos Jean-Michel Morel
  • Los hutíes desafían a Estados Unidos Tristan Coloma
  • En el fondo del hoyo Serge Quadruppani
  • Cuando la democracia estadounidense organizaba el terrorismo racial Loïc Wacquant
  • El pacto con el diablo de Rezsö Kasztner Sonia Combe
  • ¿Gaza? “No sabría decirle” Serge Halimi
  • Los ‘sabios’ franceses se portan bien Lauréline Fontaine
  • ¿Cómo evitar el autoritarismo climático? Fabienne Barataud, Laurent Husson y Stéphanie Mariette
  • Una justicia al servicio de las multinacionales Meriem Laribi y Vincent Arpoulet
  • Dejarle deshacer al tiempo Nicolas Vieillescazes
  • El legado de los Manouchian Côme Leymarie
  • El silencio árabe Akram Belkaïd

Community Development Journal


Revista sobre Desarrollo editada por la University of the West of England en Bristol. Su objetivo es realizar una comparación a nivel internacional de las prácticas, políticas, métodos y programas de los distintos países dentro de su contexto original. Aborda programas políticos, económicos y sociales relacionados con el gobierno y/o instituciones locales tanto desde el punto de vista práctico como político. En Hegoa pueden encontrarse los números desde 1992. Más información aquí .

Última entrega

Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection


  • Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection. Pushpesh Kumar and others


  • ‘Doctors advised to take medicines to remove these thoughts’: the violence and violations in sexual mental health care in community mental health programmes in Kerala. Sudarshan R Kottai
  • Precarious life in a heartless world: COVID-19 and the gender transgressive Shivashaktis in Southern India. Debomita Mukherjee, Archana Rao & Pushpesh Kumar
  • ‘It’s nice that we can do that too’: investigating transgender persons’ negotiations with identity and community questions in Indian science institutions. Sayantan Datta
  • Queerious communities: building writing centres in Indian universities. Anannya Dasgupta
  • Brittle bonds: queer relationalities in literary and cinematic forms in India. Navaneetha Mokkil
  • Migration and making of non-heteronormative households and families: lived experiences of cisgender women partners of trans men in Bengaluru. Agaja Puthan Purayil
  • Familialization of the ‘deviant’: a hindrance to queer community building? Pritha Chakrabarti


  • Peacebuilding, conflict and community development. Niamh Gaynor
  • Caring for place: community development in rural England. Neil Turnbull

Más información aquí.

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 1


  • Living our values in research and practice Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce


  • Why focusing on our strengths matters: reflections on leaving a volunteer role I actually liked Kristen Lyons


  • Reflecting on community development research: how peer researchers influence and shape community action projects Elaine Arnull and Mahuya Kanjilal
  • An evidence cycle framework for community development initiatives Geoffrey R Browne
  • ‘Come as you are’: place attachment to Islamic third spaces in the United States Hassnaa Mohammed
  • Collective impact: lessons from the American democratic tradition Hannah W Stewart-Gambino
  • Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in agricultural intensification: reflections on a transdisciplinary community development project from India and Bangladesh Christian H Roth and others
  • Learning to work in certain ways: bureaucratic literacies and community-based volunteering in the Philippines Chris Millora


  • The significance of plus-development through sport: the practices and neoliberal politics of attracting participants to corporate sport-for-development Daniel Eisenkraft Klein and Simon Darnell
  • Community reinvestment challenges in the age of gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study for wide bank lending disparities Daniel Holland and Gregory D Squires
  • Constructive resilience in response to oppression: the strategy of Bahá’ís in Iran Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
  • Empowering practices in education-focused coalitions: an examination using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis Joshua-Paul Miles and others


  • Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Chinmayee Mishra
  • Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay Amanda-Rose O’Halloran


  • Corrigendum to: Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience Mamaweswen Niigaaniin and others
2023, Vol. 58, Nº 2
  • Learning from the history of community development Kirsty Lohman and others
  • A re-reading of Gandhi’s and Ambedkar’s emancipatory discourses for social action against untouchability Sujay Biswas
  • Using theory-based evaluation to understand what works in asset-based community development Sarah Ward
  • Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience Mamaweswen Niigaaniin and others
  • Ethnography of community governance: a case of COVID-19 response of an urban slum in Bangladesh Shahaduz Zaman and others
  • Representation, trust and ethnicity within refugee communities: the case of Darfurians in Israel Lisa Richlen
  • Empowering women through the Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme as a tool for sustainable development: lessons from India Nada Amer Abdulhafedh Al-Kubati and Doris Padmini Selvaratnam
  • Enhancing well-being and social connectedness of rural communities through community shops Trish Finegan and Morgan Cawley Buckley
  • How social profiles influence community entrepreneurs’ capacity to develop networks. A Bourdieuan perspective on Italian community co-operatives Bianchi Michele
  • Too Close to Ignore: Australia’s Borderland with Papua New Guinea and Indonesia Charles Hawksley
  • Populism, Democracy and Community Development Mick Carpenter
  • Estate Regeneration and Its Discontents: Public Housing, Place and Inequality in London Martin J Power
  • Non-binary genders: navigating communities, identities and healthcare _ Ruth Pearce_
2023, Vol. 58, Nº 1
Special issue: Ethics in Community Development
  • Ethical issues in community development: setting the scene Sarah Banks and others
  • Everyday ethical challenges for Indian community development practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic Ajeet Kumar Pankaj and Shiv Kumar Yadav
  • Barbeques and shiny numbers: micro-ethical encounters in Sydney social housing estates Cate Massola and Amanda Howard
  • Ethical challenges faced by Korean development practitioners in international community development practices Jae-Eun Noh
  • The ethics of food sovereignty: discourses for transformative social change and community development practices by peasant movements Daniel Cruz and Elske van de Fliert
  • Towards a community-based ethical contract Dave Beck and Rod Purcell
  • Ethical challenges for a community-based researcher: a case study from Bihar, India Shakila Khatoon and Neerajha Krishna Kumar
  • Ethics for educational research in regions of protracted armed conflict and crisis: a participatory community project in the Lake Chad region Margaret Ebubedike and others
  • Embedding research ethics into an international development programme: a case study of Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development (ECID) in Nigeria Cathy Bollaert and others
  • Neighbourhood opposition to relocation of people with disabilities in Lithuania: ‘fake ethics’ in the community discourseGet accessArrow Jurga Mataityte-Dirziene and others
  • Learning to be ethical: the role of ethical capability in community development education Vandra Harris Agisilaou and Howard Harris
  • Co-Creation in Theory and Practice: Exploring Creativity in the Global North and South Carlos Garrido Castellano
  • Evaluation in Small Development Non-profits: Deadends, Victories, and Alternative Routes Cliff Allum
2022, Vol. 57, Nº 3
  • The case for a community development journal Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce
  • Keeping the baby when we throw out the bathwater: social supermarkets for community development Sebastian Stettin and others
  • Community initiatives against Covid-19 in the United Arab Emirates Fakir Al Gharaibeh and others
  • The role of educators in community resilience in natural disaster-prone communities Jendayi N Edmeade and Christine N Buzinde
  • Post-cyclone (Aila), transforming lives and gendered relations in Bangladesh Sajal Roy and Golam M Mathbor
  • Political community resilience in declining rural areas in Finland Kaisu Kumpulainen and others
  • Beyond good intentions: questioning the ‘leaving no one behind’ agenda in global development, evidence from Pakistan Laila S Farooq
  • Local community participation challenges in community-based ecotourism development in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo Velan Kunjuraman
  • Roadmap for increasing the Congolese mining industry involvement in the local community development Shengo Lutandula Michel and Meschack-Bill Kime
  • Incorporating shared measurement in social change initiatives: benefits, challenges, and lessons learned Alexandra Judelsohn and others
  • Commons as Polanyian countermovement in neoliberal market society. A case study in Belgium Dirk Holemans
  • The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence against Women A Suneetha
  • TERF wars: feminism and the fight for transgender futures Cavyn Mitchell
  • After Repeal: Rethinking Abortion Politics A C O’Shaughnessy
2022, Vol. 57, Nº 2
  • ‘Stateless’ Rohingyas: persecution, displacement and complex community development Manish K Jha
  • Enacting critical community development through anti-gentrification policy advocacy Claire Bolton
  • Empowering older adults through community work: a review of the social work field in the past decade¡ Kang Li Wong
  • Community development has been hijacked De Wet Schutte
  • Re-empowering into voice: experiments in organic community co-production Roger Green and Chris Baker
  • Through convergence and governance: embedding empowerment in community development interventions Shubham Kumar and others
  • Social mobilization and tackling the performance of local government in rural Nepal Ganesh Prasad Pandeya and others
  • “This place means freedom to me”: needs-based engagement with marginalized migrant Muslim women in London Naomi Thompson and Rabia Nasimi
  • Community organizing in anti-corruption initiatives through spontaneous participation: Bangladesh perspective Nurul Huda Sakib
  • Funding, Power and Community Development Jaya Manchikanti
  • Resilience and Ageing: Creativity, Culture and Community Liz Postlethwaite
  • Community Work and Adult Education in Staveley Camilla Fitzsimons
2022, Vol. 57, Nº 1
Special issue: Environmental Community Development in the Climate Emergency
  • Framing climate emergency: community development, populism and just transition Callum McGregor and Eurig Scandrett
  • Rooting and reaching: insights from Love Leitrim’s successful resistance to fracking in Ireland Jamie Gorman
  • Rethinking the everyday domestic sphere: Palestinian women as environmentalist and anti-colonial warriors Manal Shqair and Mahmoud Soliman
  • Decolonizing Climate Research and Policy: making space to tell our own stories, in our own ways Eriel Tchekwie Deranger and others
  • The role of women in managing waste banks and supporting waste management in local communities Donna Asteria and Herdis Herdiansyah
  • Sustainability of community-managed small town and rural water systems in northern Ghana: lessons from Upper West Region Issaka Kanton Osumanu and others
  • Searching for sustainable cities: residents’ perceptions on the implementation of sustainable cities in Malaysia Peter Aning Tedong and Zafirah Al-Sadat Zyed
  • Environmentalism from the margins: interviews with scholar-activists Zarina Ahmad and others
  • Just transitions Eurig Scandrett (ed.) and others
  • Cities and communities beyond COVID-19: how local leadership can change our future for the better Caroline Creamer
  • The Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence Luciana Lolich
2021, Vol. 56, Nº 4
  • Challenging conditions for academic writing and the limits of excellence through competition Rosie R Meade
  • Introduction—community development in social work education: themes for a changing world Catherine Forde and others
  • Community development and social work teaching and learning in a time of global interruption Deborah Lynch and others
  • Social media and (im)mobility: implications for community development Jay Marlowe and Laura A Chubb
  • Striving to strengthen the ecosocial framework in social work in Finland Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö and Kati Närhi
  • An orderly curriculum for a messy field? Classroom-field tensions in community organization in India Mouleshri Vyas
  • Community development as a key element in social work education and practice in Spain Claudia María Anleu-Hernández and Cristina García-Moreno
  • Tacit knowledge, cultural values and agential possibility in rural Haiti Max Stephenson and Laura Zanotti
  • Embeddedness dilemma and alternative commoditization of social economy in rural China: a case study Yufei He and Ernest Wing Tak Chui
  • Walking and talking with volunteers: what does walking offer the study of volunteering, space and place? Siobhan Daly and Michele Allen
  • Rocking the boat while staying in it: connecting ends and means in radical community work Oonagh Mc Ardle
  • Leader: reflections on the promise and the reality Bill Slee
  • People and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Social Justice Niaz Ahmed Khan
  • Reimagining Livelihoods: Life Beyond Economy, Society, and Environment Patrick Bresnihan
  • The Heart of Community Engagement: Practitioner Stories from Across the Globe Peter Westoby
2021, Vol. 56, Nº 3
  • COVID-19 and the counter-collective collective organizing of the cosmic right Órla O’Donovan
  • ‘A community development yet-to-come’: Jacques Derrida and re-constructing community development praxis Peter Westoby
  • Community as contact zone: the power dynamics of community formation on a British council estate Sarah Leaney
  • Conceptualization and validation of the Neighbourhood Cohesion Index using exploratory structural equation modelling Allison Ross and Mark Searle
  • Fit for measure? Evaluation in community development Oonagh Mc Ardle and Una Murray _ Participatory action planning as transductive reasoning: towards the right to the city in Los Arenales, Antofagasta, Chile Francisco Vergara Perucich
  • Solidarity Economy Markets as “mobilizational commons”: re-signifying the market through the lens of cooperation Ana Margarida Esteves
  • ‘How can the governance of communities that care interventions be enhanced by understandings of community development?’: a case study in rural Australia Heather Downey and Guinever Threlkeld
  • ‘I teach them that anything is possible’—exploring how adult leaders perceive and handle social factors of youth mental health in the context of young people’s civic engagement Anne C Gotfredsen and Evelina Landstedt
  • Perceptions on community media for effective acculturation in Nigerian indigenous languages Chimaobi Onwukwe
  • Environmental Justice, Popular Struggle and Community Development Karen Bell
  • Compassion: A Global History of Social Policy Mick Carpenter
  • Extract View article Community Development: A Critical and Radical Approach Andy Turner
2021, Vol. 56, Nº 1
Special issue: Community development and financialization: making the connections
  • Community development and financialization: making the connections Fergal Finnegan and others
  • Financialization of nature and climate change policy: implications for mining-impacted Afro-Colombian communities Tamra L Gilbertson
  • Ireland’s tax games: the challenge of tackling corporate tax avoidance Nessa Ní Chasaide
  • Transnational corporations, financialization and community development in West African cocoa Kojo S Amanor
  • Financialization, real estate and COVID-19 in the UK Grace Blakeley
  • The financialization of community development: the role of social financeGet accessArrow Leslie Huckfield
  • Financial subordination and uneven financialization in 21st century Africa Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven and others
  • Housing microfinance, saving and credit cooperatives, and community development in low-income settings in Mexico Luisa Escobar and Monika Grubbauer
  • Walking the financialized city: confronting capitalist urbanization through mobile popular education Jonathan Silver and others
  • “Why not default?” The political economy of sovereign debt Tim Jones
2019, Vol. 54, Nº 4
  • Editorial So what are we about? Rosie R Meade
  • Historic preservation as a community development tool in legacy city neighbourhoods Kelly L Kinahan
  • Developer-led gentrification and legacies of urban policy failure in Post-Riot Tottenham Denis Dillon, Bryan Fanning
  • Participatory planning in a low-income neighbourhood in Ontario, Canada: building capacity and collaborative interactions for influence Tessa F Nasca, Nadine Changfoot, Stephen D Hill
  • A place-based alternative approach to food security: lessons learned from a neighborhood house Miu Chung Yan, Rory Sutherland
  • Learning through participation: towards defining adult learning in an African rural village context Zamokwakho Hlela
  • Youth leadership programs for community development and social action: a pedagogical approach Christine Buzinde, Behrang Foroughi, Josephine Godwyll
  • Small group discussion to promote reflection and social change: A case study of a Half the Sky intervention in India Lauren Kogen
  • Emerging from the reds, greens and stripped screws: a communal healing process Phia van der Watt
  • Sustainability of community-based women’s groups: reflections from a participatory intervention for newborn and maternal health in Nepal Annemijn E C Sondaal, Kirti M Tumbahangphe, Rishi Neupane, Dharma S Manandhar, Anthony Costello ...
  • Troublemakers: the construction of ‘troubled families’ as a social problem Joe Whelan
  • The Gender Effect: Capitalism, Feminism, and the Corporate Politics of Development Alf Gunvald Nilsen
  • Money Terrence McDonough
2019, Vol. 54, Nº 3
  • What is to be done about the enclosures of the academic publishing oligopoly? Órla O’Donovan
  • Can visual methods actually challenge hierarchies? A case study from Papua New Guinea Laura Simpson Reeves, Lauren Leigh Hinthorne
  • Reflections on using a community-led research methodology to explore experiences of living with food insecurity Lesley Greenaway, Jacqui McDowell
  • Creating a sewing village in Seoul: towards participatory village-making or post-political urban regeneration? Jiyoun Kim, Mihye Cho
  • Lifeways and territorial innovation: values and practices for promoting collective appropriation of territory Obeimar B Herrera, Manuel Parra, Iris Livscovsky, Pedro Ramos, Daniela Gallardo
  • ‘It is not only an artist village, it is much more than that’. The binding and dividing effects of the arts on a community Gwenda van der Vaart, Bettina van Hoven, Paulus P P Huigen
  • The art of bonding: informational capital in Dutch green urban citizens’ initiatives Rosalie van Dam, Irini Salverda, Jan Hassink, Lenneke Vaandrager, Carlijn Wentink
  • Sustaining the ‘Good Life’: Buen Vivir as an alternative to sustainable development Natasha Chassagne
  • Not ‘radical’, but not ‘kailyard’ either: The Paisley Community Development Project reconsidered Graham Crow, Sue Rawcliffe, Bernard Harris
  • Boxing and substance use rehabilitation: building skills and capacities in disadvantaged communities Sarah Morton, Karl O’Brien, Laura O’Reilly
2019, Vol. 54, Nº 2
  • Embedding in the city? Locating civil society in the philanthropy of place Madeleine C Pill
  • The role of communicative acts in the Dream process: engaging Moroccan migrants in a community development initiative in urban Spain Anna Carrillo; Sandra Girbés-Peco; Lena De Botton; Rosa Valls-Carol
  • Generating prosperity, creating crisis: impacts of resource development on diverse groups in northern communities Deborah Stienstra; Susan M Manning; Leah Levac; Gail Baikie
  • Community capitals of a Paramaca Maroon village in pictures: a Photovoice study on community resilience in the context of large-scale gold mining Lieselotte Eva Vaneeckhaute; Tom Vanwing; Pieter Meurs; Bieke Abelshausen; Wolfgang Jacquet
  • A woman’s place…’: community-based approaches to gender-based violence in Malawi Niamh Gaynor; Máirtín Cronin
  • Social isolation and older men – learning from research Paula Devine; Lorna Montgomery; Janet Carter Anand; Caoimhe Ní Dhónaill
  • An analysis of the operative capacity of non-governmental organizations in the Southern region of Punjab Province, Pakistan Sadia Jabeen; Nighat Yasmin
  • Participation in decision-making processes of community development agents: a study from Peru Catalina Quiroz-Niño; Francisco J Blanco-Encomienda
2019, Vol. 54, Nº 1
  • Re-membering water: community water politics and new materialisms Órla O’Donovan
  • Waterfront Sonnets July Hazard
  • Water, our relative: trauma, healing and hydropolitics Patrick Bresnihan
  • Water is life – an indigenous perspective from a Standing Rock Water Protector Chas Jewett; Mark Garavan
  • Finding common(s) ground in the fight for water remunicipalization David A McDonald
  • Water justice struggles as a process of commoning Cristy Clark
  • Beavers as commoners? Invitations to river restoration work in a beavery mode Cleo Woelfle-Erskine
  • Water marks and water moves: community arts and thinking with water Róisín O’Gorman
  • A response: Blue washing, ontology, eschatology and exploitation Matt Scott
  • Framing community development Sue Kenny
  • Annihilation of Caste (The Annotated Critical Edition) Manish K Jha
2018, Vol. 53, Nº 4
  • Re-approaching community development through the arts: a ‘critical mixed methods’ study of social circus in Quebec Jennifer B Spiegel Stephanie N Parent
  • These Photos Were My Life: understanding the impact of participatory photography projects Tiffany Fairey
  • Urban redevelopment and the expulsion of a village: an urban village in Seoul and residents’ responses to the redevelopment project Hyeokhui Kwon
  • The N2 scrap collectors: assessing the viability of informal recycling using the sustainable livelihoods framework Catherina J Schenc; Nik Theodore; Phillip F Blaauw; Elizabeth C Swart; Jacoba M M Viljoen
  • Women and collective action: lessons from the Indian dairy cooperative sector Carla Dohmwirth Markus Hanisch
  • A dynamic framework for strengthening women's social capital: strategies for community development in rural Bangladesh Anastasia A Seferiadis; Sarah Cummings; Jeroen Maas; Joske F G Bunders; Marjolein Zweekhorst
  • Community development in wounded communities: seductive schemes or un-veiling and healing? Phia van der Watt
  • Reconceptualising undeclared work as paid favours: implications for community economic development Colin C Williams; Ioana Alexandra Horodnic
  • The role of community development in building critical health literacy Susie Sykes; Jane Wills; Keith Popple
  • The impact of community initiatives on socio-economic convergence: achievements and difficulties in one of the EU's most underdeveloped regions Tibor Zsigmond; Robert Tesits; Tamas Horvath; Brigitta Balogh
  • Sites of resistance: gypsies, Roma and travellers in school, the community and the academy Angus McCabe
  • Communicating development with communities Tait Brimacombe
  • Community organization and development: from its history towards a model for the future Keith Popple
2018, Vol. 53, Nº 3
Community Work and Going Glocal in Scandinavian Welfare States
  • special issue on community work and going glocal in Scandinavian Welfare States Tobba Therkildsen Sudmann; Jan-Kåre Breivik
  • Negotiating obstacles in the making of a parkour site at Leitet children and young people’s participation in area development Linda Nordgreen; Mary Alice Økland; Kjell Henriksbø; Tobba Therkildsen Sudmann
  • Community art with young people in a divided residential area in Sweden – the emergence of Art-PIMPA Eva Lundgren Stenbom; Päivi Turunen
  • Community music therapy as participatory practice in a child welfare setting – a Norwegian case study Viggo Krüger
  • Applying creativity and physical arts in community work education Jan-Kåre Breivik; Tobba Therkildsen Sudmann
  • ‘Welcome in my back Yard’ – the role of affective practices and learning in an experiment with local social integration in Hjortshøj, Denmark Mia Arp Fallov; Anja Jørgensen
  • The power of human agency: successful community development strategies in Norway’s rural northern margins Dag Jørund Lønning
  • Cultural sensitivity and barriers: Sami people with disabilities facing the welfare system Line Melbøe
  • Communitas and Friluftsliv: equine-facilitated activities for drug users Tobba Therkildsen Sudmann
  • Civil society and the welfare state in Norway – historical relations and future roles Jill Loga
2018, Vol. 53, Nº 2
  • Community as a ‘spray-on solution’: a case study of community engagement within the income management programme in Australia Philip Mendes
  • Community: a powerful label? Connecting wind energy to rural Ireland Bríd Walsh
  • Siting of human services facilities and the not in my back yard phenomenon: a critical research review Klas Borell and Åsa Westermark
  • An approach towards the planning of green child-friendly spaces in South Africa Elizelle Juaneé Cilliers and Selna Cornelius
  • The role of change- and stability-oriented place attachment in rural community resilience: a case study in south-west Scotland Saskia Zwiers; Marianna Markantoni and Dirk Strijker
  • Analysis of a multipronged community development initiative in two distressed neighbourhoods Russell Weaver and Jason Knight
  • The practice of community potential mapping as a guideline for community development in Malaysia W A Amir Zal
  • An asset-based intervention with tuberculosis groups in rural Indonesian villages: Overview and lessons learned Christa Dewi; Lesley Barclay; Shawn Wilson and Megan Passey
  • Barriers to recovery for Chinese mental health service-users in the UK: a case for community development Lynn Tang
  • Learning through the action of research: reflections on an Afrocentric research design Zamokwakho Hlela
  • The compassionate city Jenny Donovan
  • Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability Marlyne Sahakian -Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare Peadar Kirby
  • Civil Society Organizations in Turbulent Times: A gilded web? Marjorie Mayo
2018, Vol. 53, Nº 1
  • The transition movement as a politics and pedagogy in communities. _Callum McGregor and Jim Crowther.
  • Interfering politicians: the underbelly of a local community development within a South Africa context. Monique Marks and Kira Erwin
  • Participatory exclusion of women in natural resource management: silent voices from wetland communities in Bangladesh. _Mahed-UI-Islam Choudhury, C. Emdad Haque and Sanzidada Habib
  • Community participation for sustainable rural development: revisiting South Korean rural modernization of the 1970s. Yunjeong Yang
  • Love in community work in rural Timor-Leste: a co-operative inquiry for a participation framework of practice. Naomi Joy Godden
  • Measuring community resilience: developing and applying a 'hybrid evaluation' approach. Artur Steiner, Mike Woolvin and Sarah Skerratt
  • The 'business of community development' and the right to the city: reflections on the neoliberalization processes in urban community development. Julia Fursova
  • Impact of displacement on a livelihood: a case study of Odisha. _Neelman Jaysawal and Sudeshna Saha
  • Assessing the effect of corporate social responsabilty on community development in the Niger Delta: a corporate perspective. _Uwafiakun Idemudia and Nedo Osayande
  • A comparative analysis of the role of traditional and modern community development in Ogoniland, Nigeria. _Nwamaka Okeke-Ogbuafor, Tim Gray and Seline Marguerite Stead
2017, Vol. 52, Nº 4
  • Rethinking co-operatives: Japanese-Canadian fishing co-operatives Jo-Anne Lee; Brian Smallshaw; Ana Maria Peredo
  • Planning implications of guarded neighborhoods in Malaysia Peter Aning Tedong; Wan Nor Azriyati Wan Abd Aziz; Noor Rosly Hanif; Zafirah Al-Sadat Zyed; Norsiah Abd Aziz
  • Building empowerment in market-based redevelopment: changing paradigms for affordable housing and community development in Washington, DC Kathryn Howell
  • Mitigating blight and building community pride in a legacy city: lessons learned from a land bank's clean and green programme Richard C Sadler; Natalie K Pruett
  • The discursive construction of an active rural community Kaisu Kumpulainen
  • Community development in ‘Post-Neoliberal Bolivia’: decolonization or alternative modernizations? Amber Wutich; Melissa Beresford
  • Enhancing choices through collective capability: a study of invisible home-based cashew processors in Kerala, India Asha Kuzhiparambil
  • Building smart communities in the Hungarian social economy Annamária Orbán
  • Community development in higher education: how do academics ensure their community-based research makes a difference? Lesley Wood
  • Expecting the unexpected: the role of surprise in community-driven development Czarina Saloma; Lorraine Mangaser; Candy Hidalgo
  • Community development in Ukraine Nataliya Drozd
2017, Vol. 52, Nº 3
  • Solidarity, organizing and tactics of resistance in the 21st century: social movements and community development praxis in dialogue.
  • Agrarian politics and land struggles in the Northern Uganda.
  • Creating political subjects: collective knowledge and action to enact housing rights in Spain.
  • What is autonomy, and how can we make it possible? Reflecting on concrete experiences from Latin America.
  • Resourcing community organizing: examples from England and Quebec.
  • Radicalizing community development: the changing face of the Queer Movement in Hyderabad City.
  • The violence of (in)action: communities, climate and business-as-usual.
  • Colonial dispossession, developmental discourses and humanitarian solidarity in "Area C": the case of Palestinian Yanun Village.
  • "Madness" and activism in Ireland and Scotland, a dialogue.
2017, Vol. 52, Nº 102
  • One concept: many practices The diverse understandings of Community Development in East and South-East Asia Kwok-kin Fung; Gary Craig
  • Shequ construction and service development in urban China: an examination of the Shenzhen model Ning Tang; Fei Sun
  • Ecological improvement and community participation: lessons from Xiaoqing River Ecological Improvement Project in Jinan, China Yanlei Hu; Cathy Yang Liu; Tong Chen
  • The changing faces of community development in China: the case of Beijing Shuqiang Chen; Kwok-kin Fung; Suet-lin Hung
  • Neoliberalization and community development practices in Hong Kong Kwok-kin Fung
  • Community practice at a crossroad: the approaches and challenges in Taiwan Yi-Yi Chen; Yeun-Wen Ku
  • Caught up in policy gaps: distressed communities of South-Asian migrant workers in Little India, Singapore Geerhardt Kornatowksi
  • Community development in Indonesia Sue Kenny; Azwar Hasan; Ismet Fanany
  • Vocational education for sustainable community development: building collaborative efforts in Myanmar and Vietnam Krittinee Nuttavuthisit
  • Community rights in Cambodia: contradictions in discourse and practice Udeet Methala
  • The evolutionary path of the 21st Hyogo Long-term Vision Project in Japan: community development, resilience, and well-being Takayoshi Kusago; Shinsaku Hirata
  • The art of participation: the case of creative communities in Indonesia Sim Kok Eng Amy
  • Belonging to a favoured school community in Manila: a culturally appropriate opportunity to overcome extreme living conditions? Marielle Bruyninckx; Dimitri Cauchie; Alix Maurice
  • Questioning the premise: a personal counter-reflection on community work in South and South East Asia Brian Belton
2016, Vol. 51, Nº 4
  • EditorialMae Shaw and Keith Popple.
  • Distant” wives and prisoners in Russia: care in the careless state. Elena Omelchenko
  • Urban local sport clubs, migrant children and youth in Russia. Guzel Sabirova and Alexey Zinoviev
  • The role of social networks in savings groups: insights from village savings and loan associations in Luwero, Uganda. Laban Kashaija Musinguzi
  • From personal ties to village welfare: changing community bonding in post-socialist rural China. Haijing Dai
  • Tourism and rural development in western China: a case from Turpan. Parhad Keyim
  • Converging for deterring land abandonment: a systematization of experiences of a rural grassroots innovation. Inês Campos, André Vizinho, Monica Truninger, and Gil Penha Lopes
  • ‘Don't make my people beggars’: a developing world house of cards. Bethina Loiseau, Rebekah Sibbald, Salem A. Raman, Darren Benedict, Helen Dimaras, and Lawrence C. Loh
2016, Vol. 51, Nº 3
  • Can community development practice survive neoliberalism in Aotearoa New Zealand?. Jenny Aimers and Peter Walker
  • Land grabbing, investors, and indigenous peoples: new legal strategies for an old practice?Jérémie Gilbert
  • Part of the solution or part of the problem? Reflections on teaching participatory asset mapping.Jonathan Parker and Sara Ashencaen Crabtree
  • Learning and power in international development partnerships: a case study of Iowan farmers in Uganda. Stephen Lauer and Francis Owusu
  • The Glue that Binds: an exploration of the way resettled refugee communities define and experience social capital.Emma E. Pittaway, Linda Bartolomei, and Geraldine Doney
  • Social media, community development and social capital.Peter Matthews
  • Empowering rural youth with Facebook: lessons from a local Swedish case-study. Lotta Svensson
2016, Vol. 51, Nº 2
  • Reflecting on ‘evidence’ and documentation devices in ‘translating’ community interventions.Brian McGrath
  • Exploring women's care for the local environment: a community-based feminist participatory research approach.Sandra Sewell and Nonie Harris
  • Motivation and participation in multi-stakeholder innovation platforms in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.Annet Abenakyo Mulema and Robert Edward Mazur
  • Community fire prevention via population segmentation modeling.Mark Taylor, Emma Higgins, Paulo Lisboa, Ian Jarman, and Abir Hussain
  • Suwan Prasit 2: a resettlement project in Bangkok revisited.Kittima Leeruttanawisut and Kioe-Sheng Yap
  • The limits to community-based conflict resolution in North-East Congo.Niamh Gaynor
  • Training local organizations to support healthy food access: results from a year-long project.Lara Jaskiewicz, Rachael D. Dombrowski, Gina Massuda Barnett, Maryann Mason, and Christina Welter
  • Decentralizing decentralized governance: community empowerment and coproduction of municipal public works in Northeast Thailand. Tatchalerm Sudhipongpracha and Achakorn Wongpredee
2016, Vol. 51, Nº 1
  • Editorial Introduction: What's new and old in community development? Reflecting on 50 years of CDJ.Mick Carpenter, Akwugo Emejulu, and Marilyn Taylor
  • CDJ 50 years anniversary conference presentation: looking backwards, looking forwards – from the present. Marjorie Mayo
  • Community development today: engaging challenges through cosmopolitanism?.Sue Kenny
  • Community development and the politics for social welfare: rethinking redistribution and recognition struggles in the United States. Akwugo Emejulu and Edward Scanlon
  • ‘We would rather die in jail fighting for land, than die of hunger’: a Ugandan case study examining the deployment of corporate-led community development in the green economyPeter Westoby and Kristen Lyons
  • Fragile heterotopias – a case study of a Danish social enterprise. Silla Marie Mørch Sievers
  • Silent counteractions of community organizations in a welfare partnership: a case study of South Korean workfare agencies.Suyoung Kim
  • Worker centres, cities and grassroots regulation of the labour market.Jacob Lesniewski and Ramsin Canon
  • Philanthropy and community development: the vital signs of community foundation?Jenny Harrow and Tobias Jung
  • Cockburn, Cynthia (1977) The Local State: Management of Cities and People, London, Pluto Press The Local State: Community Development's invisible elephant.Martin Mowbray
  • Living on Borrowed Time: Plutocrats as Parasites.Matthew Scott
2015, Vol. 50, Nº 4
  • Themed Section - Post-2015: what should be the contribution of community development in the new global development framework?.Jo Howard and Joanna Wheeler
  • What community development and citizen participation should contribute to the new global framework for sustainable development.Jo Howar and Joanna Wheeler
  • Building citizenship in the context of the debate on the post-2015 agenda in Bolivia.Walter Arteaga
  • Towards age-inclusive sustainable development goals: exploring the potential role and contributions of community development.Crystal Kwan and Julie Drolet
  • Charting new territory: community participation at the centre of global policy making. Pradeep Narayanan, Vineetha, Gayathri Sarangan, and Sowmyaa Bharadwaj
  • Re-grounding participatory video within community emergence towards social accountability.Jacqueline Shaw
  • Placemaking in rural new gateway communities.Katia Balassiano and Marta Maria Maldonado
  • Monetary and non-monetary benefits from the Bimbia-Bonadikombo community forest, Cameroon: policy implications relevant for carbon emissions reduction programmes. Emmanuel O. Nuesiri
  • Interrogating women's peace work: community-based peacebuilding, gender, and savings' co-operatives in post-conflict Nepal. Smita Ramnarain
  • A civil society network's response to regulatory policy in post-neoliberal Ecuador.Susan Appe
  • The impact of social and cultural factors on the consumption of western fast food among Chinese children. Chunyan Song, Keiko Goto, Min Hu, and Cindy Wolff
  • Building belonging and connection for children with disability and their families: a co-designed research and community development project in a regional community.Sally Robinson and Danielle Notara
  • Conversing on the commons: an interview with Gustavo Esteva—part 2. Órla O'Donovan
2015, Vol. 50, Nº 3
  • Community organizing: introduction to themed section.Marilyn Taylor and Mandy Wilson
  • Community organizing in the United States. Robert Fisher and James DeFilippis
  • The global spread of community organizing: how ‘Alinsky-style’ community organizing travelled to Australia and what we learnt?. Amanda Tattersall
  • Review article: Training for Transformation – The Movement and the Books. uliet Millican
  • The social and solidarity economy towards greater ‘sustainability’: learning across contexts and cultures, from Geneva to Manila. Marlyne D. Sahakian and Christophe Dunand
  • The relational bent of community participation: the challenge social network analysis and Simmel offer to top-down prescriptions of ‘community’. Deborah V. Holman
  • Missing from the picture? Migrant and Refugee Community Organizations' responses to poverty and destitution in Glasgow. Teresa Piacentini
  • Development-induced displacement: impact on adivasi women of Odisha.De Debasree
  • Towards a model of university-aided technologically driven community development. Marcellus Mbah
  • Processes of community-led social enterprise development: learning from the rural context.Sarah-Anne Munoz, Artur Steiner, and Jane Farmer
  • Finance, social economics and community development. Brendan Murtagh and Niamh Goggin
  • Local property ownership, municipal policy, and sustainable urban development in Phoenix, AZ. Benjamin W. Stanley
2015, Vol. 50, Nº 2
  • Exclusion in development initiatives: a study of women with disabilities in Binga, Zimbabwe.Edson Munsaka
  • Picturing community development work in Uganda: fostering dialogue through photovoice.Twine Bananuka and Vaughn M. John
  • Potential electricity co-operatives in Kenya: could social capital be a barrier?.Said Abdallah, Hans Bressers, and Joy Clancy
  • Social capital development in a rural women's micro-enterprise in Mexico: insights on leadership, trust and cooperation. Lorena M. Ibargüen-Tinley
  • A framework and methodology for differentiating community intervention forms in global health. Mikey Rosato
  • gniting citizen participation in creating healthy built environments: the role of community organizations. Natasha Blanchet-Cohen
  • Health impact assessment as community participation. Nicole Iroz-Elardo
  • The experiences of community workers and other professionals using restorative approaches in Kingston-upon-Hull.Craig Lambert
  • The political economy of localization in the transition movement. Philip Barnes
  • Network analysis in co-productive research with a multi-sector community collaboration. Miriam A. Abel and Judy L. Gillespie
2014, Vol. 49, Nº 4
  • Growing food to grow cities? The potential of agriculture foreconomic and community development in the urban United States. Domenic Vitiello and Laura Wolf-Powers
  • The effect of urbanization on community-managed water supply: case study of Buea, Cameroon. Zian Sally, Susan J. Gaskin, Fidelis Folifac, and Sunday Shende Kometa
  • Behaviour change and energy consumption: a case study on engaging and retaining participation of low-income individuals.Lygia Romanach, Nina Hall, and Stephanie Cook
  • Science in community environmental struggles: lessons from community environmental monitors, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu.Shweta Narayan and Eurig Scandrett
  • The politics of person, property, technology: emergent development practice in semi-arid communities in India.Dolly Daftary
  • Deconstructing gatekeepers discourses in the establishment of self-help groups for women in rural India. Supriya Baily
  • Peeling back the layers on participatory development: evidence from a community-based women's group in Western Kenya. Temilade Sesan
  • More health for the money’: an analytical framework for access to health care through microfinance and savings groups. Somen Saha
  • uilding a community engagement approach for patient safety improvement. Rachel Gooden, Shamsuzzoha B. Syed, Paul Rutter, Joyce Dixon Hightower, and Edward Kelley
2014, Vol. 49, Nº 3
  • Rethinking the plight of American urban areas as a human security challenge. Portia Rawles
  • The violence of community? Conceptualizations of ‘community’ in responses to intimate partner abuse. Jackie Haq and Ruth Lewis
  • Adult education, community development and democracy: renegotiating the terms of engagement. Mae Shaw and Jim Crowther
  • Unpacking community resilience through Capacity for Change. Artur Steiner and Marianna Markantoni
  • Agency: individual ‘Fit’ and sustainable community development. Ann Dale
  • Strengthening a community of poverty in an affluent society: strategies to build social capital in Tin Shui Wai North in Hong Kon. Kwok Kin Fung and Suet Lin Hung
  • ‘It's who you know’: community empowerment through network brokers. Sarah Morgan-Trimmer
  • Building coalitions and learning together: a Korean-American community organization. Junghwan Kim
  • Where is the place for jazz in community development?. Mikulas Pstross
2014, Vol. 49, Nº 2
  • Race, class, and community organizing in support of economic justice initiatives in the twenty-first century. Sekou Franklin
  • The AgroEcological-Educator: food-based community development. R. Alan Wight
  • Foregrounding practice – reaching for a responsive and ecological approach to community development: a conversational inquiry into the dialogical and developmental frameworks of community development. Peter Westoby and Allan Kaplan
  • Participation and gender in Latin America: perspectives from decentralized cooperation and Local Human Development approaches. Unai Villalba, Yolanda Jubeto, and Luis Guridi
  • Social enterprises in rural community development. Robyn Eversole, Jo Barraket, and Belinda Luke
  • Civic spaces in rural new gateway communities. Katia Balassiano and Marta Maria Maldonado
  • Is Mayfield Pool saved yet? Community assets and their contingent, discursive foundations. Tom Griffiths , Tim Connor, Bill Robertson, and Liam Phela
  • The tyranny of participation revisited: international support to local governance in Burundi. _Niamh Gaynor.
  • Building communities collaboratively: the Milton Keynes Community Mobiliser Service. Deborah H. Drake, Katy Simmons, and Kate Smith
2014, Vol. 49, Nº 1
  • Agency and social capital: characteristics and dynamics. Chris Ling y Ann Dale
  • Snakes and ladders: inclusive community development and Gypsies and Travellers. Andrew Ryder
  • Beyond text: exploring ethos and method in co-producing research with communities. Yasminah Beebeejaun, Catherine Durose, James Rees, Joanna Richardson y Liz Richardson
  • When words arrive: a qualitative study of poetry as a community development tool. Sandra D. Sjollema y Jill Hanley
  • Situating the eco-social economy: conservation initiatives and environmental organizations as catalysts for social and economic development. Nathan James Bennett and Raynald Harvey Lemelin
  • A method for assessing community flood management knowledge for vulnerable groups: Australias 2010-2011 floods. Erica Bell y Grant Blashki
  • Developing partnerships: the assertion of local control of international development volunteers in South Africa. kathy Impay y John Overton
  • The legacy of war for community-based tourism development: learnings from Cambodia. Sotear Ellis y Lynnaire M: Sheridan
  • Community work stations: an incremental fix of the community construction project in China. Da Wei Zhang y Miu Chung Tan
  • Small change : the making of Stirchley Park. Jeni Burnell y Nabeel Hamdi
2013, Vol. 48, Nº 4
  • Agency and initiative by community associations in relations of shared governance: between civil society and local state. Susan A. Ostrander
  • Photographs speak louder than words: the language of international development images. Samantha Wehbi and Deane Taylor
  • Regeneration and food poverty in the United Kingdom: learning from the New Deal for Communities programme. Hannah Lambie-Mumford
  • Community-based natural resource management: living with Alice in Wonderland? Frik de Beer
  • The Tottenham riots: the Big Society and the recurring neglect of community participation. Denis Dillon and Bryan Fanning
  • The role of external economic assistance in nurturing cross-community contact and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties. Peter Karari, Sean Byrne, Olga Skarlato, Kawser Ahmed, and Julie M. Hyde
  • The integration of community development values, skills and strategies within rural social work practice in Victoria, Australia. Philip Mendes and Fronica Binns
  • ‘No food in the house’: policy ambiguity, inaction, and food insecurity. Elizabeth Kiggins and Susan L. Erikson
2013, Vol. 48, Nº 3
Extractive Industries
  • Editorial introduction: the extractive industries, community development and livelihood change in developing countries. Roy Maconachie and Gavin Hilson
  • Community and company capacity: the challenge of resource-led development in Zambia's ‘New Copperbelt’. James Van Alstine and Stavros Afionis
  • The mining boom in Malawi: implications for community development. Paul Justice Kamlongera
  • Oil and water: the Bodo spills and the destruction of traditional livelihood structures in the Niger Delta. Scott Pegg and Nenibarini Zabbey
  • Fishing in troubled waters: oil production, seaweed and community-level grievances in the Western Region of Ghana. Abigail Ackah-Baidoo
  • Change in rural livelihoods in the Andes: do extractive industries make any difference? Leonith Hinojosa
  • Mining, development and corporate–community conflicts in Peru. Fiorella Triscritti
  • Community without solidarity: mercury pollution from small-scale mining and Colombia's crisis of authority. Shefa Siegel
  • Community development in Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea: the role of anthropology in the extractive industries. Emma Gilberthorpe
  • Conceptualizing mining impacts, livelihoods and corporate community development in Melanesia. Glenn Banks, Dora Kuir-Ayius, David Kombako, and Bill Sagir
2013, Vol. 48, Nº 1
  • Community-based organizations for migrant workers' rights: the emergence of labour NGOs in China. Chris King-chi Chan
  • The border, the people and the river: development of the cross-border area between southern Spain and Portugal. Estrella Gualda, António Fragoso, and Emilio Lucio-Villegas
  • Using social network analysis in community development practice and research: a case study. Gretchen Ennis and Deborah West
  • Community-based integrated fire management planning: linking ecology and society in Honduras. Matthew Lineal and Melinda Laituri
  • Examining social capital within a local food system. Michelle Glowacki-Dudka, Jennifer Murray, and Karen P. Isaacs
  • The riddle of community development: factors influencing participation and management in twenty-nine African and Latin American communities. Nicholas Awortwi
  • Protecting rights of orphan and vulnerable children: no substitute for community action in Nyanza, Kenya. Dipankar Datta
  • Partnership, the Big Society and community organizing: between romanticizing, problematizing and politicizing community. Paul Bunyan
  • Small Change: understanding cultural action as a resource for unlocking assets and building resilience in communities. Jeni Burnell
  • Lost in austerity: rethinking the community sector. Niall Crowley
  • Searching for the state and the market in American community development: reflections on editing Community Development in the Steel City. Akwugo Emejulu
2013, Vol. 48, Nº 2
  • The colonial legacy of international voluntary service. Helene Perold, Lauren A. Graham, Eddy Mazembo Mavungu, Karena Cronin, Learnmore Muchemwa, and Benjamin J. Lough
  • Achieving broader benefits from Indigenous land use agreements: community development in Central Australia. Danielle Campbell and Janet Eileen Hunt
  • Participation at the coalface: translating local knowledges and institutions in post-war Tigray, North Ethiopia. Kiros Hiruy and Robyn Eversole
  • Community rotating savings and credit associations as an agent of well-being: a case study from northern Rwanda. Cecilia Benda
  • Implementing ‘community development’ in a post-disaster situation. Ruth Webber and Kate Jones
  • ‘Community resilience or shared destitution?’ Refugees' internal assistance in a deteriorating economic environment. Naohiko Omata
  • Community development in Indonesia: westernization or doing it their way? Sue Kenny, Ismet Fanany, and Sutria Rahayu
  • The potentials of art to involve citizens in regional transitions: exploring a site-specific performance in Haarzuilens, the Netherlands. Marian Stuiver, Pat van der Jagt, Eugene van Erven, and Isabel Hoving
  • Building community capital in social care: is there an economic case? Martin Knapp, Annette Bauer, Margaret Perkins, and Tom Snell
  • Reflections on ‘Golden Dawn’, community organizing and nationalist solidarity: helping (only) Greeks. Alexandra Koronaiou and Alexandros Sakellariou
2012, Vol. 47, Nº 4
  • Bold but balanced: how community development contributes to mental health and inclusion. Patience Seebohm, Alison Gilchrist, and David Morris
  • ‘Race’ on the welfare margins: the UK government's Delivering Race Equality mental health programme. Gary Craig and Reg Walker
  • Community development as mental health promotion: principles, practice and outcomes. Angus McCabe and Ann Davis
  • The capabilities approach, adult community learning and mental health. Lydia Lewis
  • Targeting empowerment in community development: a community psychology approach to enhancing local power and well-being. Brian D. Christens
  • Re-thinking mental health for indigenous Australian communities: communities as context for mental health. Bernard Guerin and Pauline Guerin
  • Mental health, social inclusion, and community development: lessons from Bristol. on Fieldhouse
  • Positive Mental Attitudes: how community development principles have shaped a ten-year mental health inequalities programme in Scotland. Neil Quinn and Lee Knifton
  • Space, place and people: a community development approach to mental health promotion in a disadvantaged community. Vanessa K. Rose and Lisa M. Thompson
2012, Vol. 47, Nº 3
  • The impact of community engagement on health and social outcomes: a systematic review. Beth Milton, Pamela Attree, Beverley French, Sue Povall, Margaret Whitehead, and Jennie Popay
  • Discourses of post-Katrina reconstruction: a frame analysis. Loretta Pyles and Scott Harding
  • Rebuilding community in the wake of disaster: lessons from the recovery from the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and India. Martin Mulligan and Yaso Nadarajah
  • Non-governmental organizations in Bangladesh: their contribution to social capital development and community empowerment. M. Rezaul Islam and William J. Morgan
  • The new development paradigm through the lens of the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme: legitimacy, accountability and the political sphere. Antonia C. Settle
  • Asylum seeker ‘vulnerability’: the official explanation of service providers and the emotive responses of asylum seekers. Sophia Rainbird
  • Micro-credit as a community development strategy: a South African case study. Nompumelelo Thabethe, Vhumani Magezi, and Mandla Nyuswa
  • Because it all begins with talk: community radio as a vital element in community development. Niamh Gaynor and Anne O'Brien
2012, Vol. 47, Nº 2
  • The contribution of a social enterprise to the building of social capital in a disadvantaged urban area of London. Marcello Bertotti, Angela Harden, Adrian Renton and Kevin Sheridan
  • Vocabularies of community. Hilary Yerbury
  • Regulating activism: an institutional ethnography of public participation. Kate M. Murray
  • Rethinking the nature of community economies: some lessons from post-Soviet Ukraine. Colin Williams, Sara Nadin, Peter Rodgers and John Round
  • Evidencing the impact of community engagement in neighbourhood regeneration: the case of Canley, Coventry. David Jarvis, Nigel Berkeley and Kevin Broughton
  • GettingWired@Collingwood: an ICT project underpinned by action research. Robyn Broadbent and Theo Papadopoulos
  • Community development and everyday life. Rod Purcell
  • Empowerment through participation: assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Brazil. Crystal Tremblay and Jutta Gutberlet
2012, Vol. 47, Nº 1
  • Building capacity to engage: community engagement or government engagement? Christine King and Margaret Cruickshank
  • Remaking participation: challenges for community development practice. Robyn Eversole
  • Using participatory theatre in international community development. Annie Sloman
  • Community gender entrepreneurship and self-help groups: a way forward to foster social capital and truly effective forms of participation among rural poor women? Maria Costanza Torri
  • The relevance of Alinsky? Hong Kong in 1970s and 2000s versus Vancouver in 1970s. Kit Lam
  • Towards a conceptual understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and community functioning. Judy Taylor, Jane Edwards, Sonia Champion, Alwin Chong, Simon Cheers, Rachel Cummins and Brian Cheers
  • Redefining volunteerism: the rhetoric of community home-based care in (the not so new) South Africa. Katinka De Wet
  • Measurement as reflection in faith-based social action. Adam Dinham and Martha Shaw
2011, Vol. 46, Nº 4
  • Community development and social pedagogy: traditions for understanding mobilization for collective self-development. Lisbeth Eriksson
  • Images of force: the power of maps in community development. Jill M. Fraley
  • Economic development and remote desert settlements. Ann T. Ingamells, Sarah Holcombe, and Jeremy Buultjens
  • Community work in Hong Kong: changing agenda in the recent phase of economic globalization. Kwok Kin Fung and Suet Lin Hung
  • The ‘agency’ of sustainable community development. Ann Dale and Jennie Sparkes
  • Complex systems leadership in emergent community projects. Jenny Onyx and Rosemary Jill Leonard ‘You are taking who?! to a national conference on social policy?’: A place for youth in the social policy life of their communities. E. Michelle Sullivan, Nancy E. Sullivan, Donna Hardy Cox, Douglas Butt, Cindy Dollemont, and Michelle Shallow
  • What is a ‘faith community’? Adam Dinham
  • Protecting natural resources: course of a river movement. Sujay Ghosh
  • Transitioning communities: community, participation and the Transition Town movement. Phil Connors and Peter McDonald
  • Appreciating assets: a new report from the International Association for Community . Ingrid Burkett
  • Stabilizing Somalia through integrating community-driven safety with socio-economic development. Tore R. Hamming
2011, Vol. 46, Nº 3
The politics of everyday life: Feminisms and contemporary community development.
  • The politics of everyday life: feminisms and contemporary community development.
  • The erosion of feminist self and identity in community development theory and practice.
  • The impact of New Zealand? Third way' style government on women in community development.
  • Poverty reduction, political violence and women's rights in Honduras.
  • Community work as women's work? The gendering of English neighbourdhood partnerships.
  • The construction of political agency: South Asian women and political activism.
  • Bringing women into local governance: a review of enabling mechanisms in South Africa.
  • Women's leadership in camps for internally displaced people in Darfur, western Sudan.
  • Re-theorizing feminist community development: towards a radical democratic citizenship.
  • Classic text: Sen, G. and Grown, C. (1987) Development, Crises, and Alternative Visions: Third World Women's Perspectives.
2011, Vol. 46, Nº S2
Community Development in an Age of Uncertainty: Connections and Fragmentations. International Symposium Supplement volume 2.
  • Editorial: Community development in a world of tightening constraints and widening possibilities.
  • Community development, social diversity, and the new metropolis.
  • Community development in contemporary ethnic-pluriform neighbourhoods: A critical look at social mixing.
  • Ethiopia´s anti-NGO law and its consequences for economic development.
  • Local economic development and partnerships: critical reflections from South Africa.
  • Participatory governance: Towards a strategic model.
  • Structure and agency: a debate for community development?
2011, Vol. 46, Nº 2
Community Development in an Age of Uncertainty: Connections and Fragmentations. International Symposium Supplement volume 1.
  • Building capacity through participatory action research: The state of the inner-city report project.
  • Neoliberalism, INGO practices and sustainable disaster recovery: A post-Katrina case study.
  • Empowerment and disempowerment in community development practice: Eight roles practitioners play.
  • The impact of government policy on grassroots level community development initiative in the Northwest region on Cameroon.
  • The silencing of radical democracy in American community development: The struggle of identities, discourses and practices.
  • Turning to community in times of crisis: Globally derived insights on local community formation.
2011, Vol. 46, Nº 1
  • Multicultural participation in an Israeli neighborhood.
  • From community participation to organizational therapy? World café and appreciative inquiry as research methods.
  • Organizing community-based research knowledge between universities and communities: Lessons learned.
  • The meaning of capacity building in Indonesia.
  • Community practice at a crossroads: The impact of the global on the local in India.
  • Urban community-based services in China: Tensions in the transitions.
2011, Vol. 46, Nº S1
  • Revitalizing community development in theory and practice?
  • Towards unsettling community development.
  • Diverse food economies, multivariant capitalism, and the community dynamic shaping contemporary food systems.
  • Strengthening women´s participation in local governance: Lessons and strategies.
  • Community development in a post-conflict context: Fracture and depleted social capital.
  • Managing democracy, localism in crisis: From dissent to incorporation, dilution and fragmentation.
  • Community development: Building on contradiction.
  • Fieldwork education in community organization: Privileging the process of political engagement.
2010, Vol. 45, Nº 4
  • Barriers to citizen participation: the missing voices of people living with low income.
  • Neo-colonial discourse and disability: the case of Canadian international development NGOs.
  • Organizing women for policy advocacy in Hong Kong: identities and perspectives of women organizers.
  • We call ourselves by many names: storytelling and inter-minority coalition-building.
  • Culture, tradition and sustainable rural livelihoods: exploring the culture-development interface in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
2010, Vol. 45, Nº 3
  • Learning from Latin America JENNY PEARCE, Joanna Howard and Audrey Bronstein
  • Community development: learning fromo popular education in Latin america.
  • Popular education and social change in Latin america.
  • Community development: a gendered activism? The masculinities question.
  • Popular education as a methodology for international cooperation: the Chilean experience.
  • The citizen's movement for democracy in Mexico: achievements, lessons and perspectives.
  • "The elephant in the room": silencing everyday violence in rights-based approaches to women's community participation in Argentina.
  • Cultures of participation: young people's engagement in the public sphere in Brazil.
  • Social movements in Bolivia: from strength to power.
2010, Vol. 45, Nº 2
  • Transformation through training: application of emancipatory methods in a housing education programme for rural women in South Africa.
  • Mining and community development: problems and possibilities of local-level practice.
  • Communities of citizens and 'indicators' of sustainibility.
2010, Vol. 45, Nº 1
  • Social capital: a necessary and sufficient condition to sustainable community development?
  • Social capital as a mechanism for building a sustainable society in Northern Ireland.
  • Juxtaposing doers and helpers in development.
  • Utilization and management of maternal and child health funds in rural Nepa.