Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 68

Este número de Ecología Política explora la problemática de los residuos como síntoma y consecuencia de un modelo económico insostenible basado en el consumo y el crecimiento ilimitado. A través de casos emblemáticos, como los plásticos en los océanos o los vertederos saturados de ropa desechable, se analiza cómo estos desechos no solo contaminan, sino que reflejan profundas desigualdades sociales y económicas.

Desde el ecologismo de los pobres y las luchas de movimientos recicladores, los textos reunidos cuestionan las soluciones tecnocráticas que perpetúan la injusticia ambiental y presentan alternativas transformadoras. Modelos de gestión basados en justicia social y ecológica, iniciativas por el decrecimiento y el reconocimiento de los recicladores como actores clave inspiran un cambio hacia sistemas más justos y sostenibles.


  • La espiral tóxica de la contaminación plástica Larisa de Orbe
  • Relaves mineros y desplazamiento de subjetividades. Análisis desde la ecología política feminista Valeska Morales Urbina


  • Paisajes de la desolación y el abandono: desechos de los parques eólicos en territorios indígenas en América Latina Astrid Ulloa
  • Pozos de fracking, montañas de basura. Dónde van los residuos de la explotación hidrocarburífera en Argentina Fernando Cabrera Christiansen y Yamila del Palacio
  • Promesas de basura cero en Colombia: una gestión no integral de los residuos Daniel Prieto Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda Tovar y María Fernanda Herrera


  • Contribuciones de los recicladores informales al metabolismo de la ciudad de Barcelona Julián Porras, Daniele Vico y Federico Demaria
  • De residuo a recurso. Nuevas políticas europeas en materia de residuos textiles Clara Mallart
  • La basurización de Morrompulli. Zona de sacrificio e injusticia en la Región de Los Ríos (Chile) Francisco Astudillo Pizarro y Karen Castillo Hidalgo
  • Un modelo de gobierno abierto para la gestión de residuos: el caso de Hurlingham, Argentina Mateo Noya Valcarce y Lucía Giménez
  • Vertedero de ropa en Atacama. Impacto local generado por la industria global Beatriz O’Brien Madrid y Pamela Poo Cifuentes
  • Conflictos ecológicos distributivos en torno a los residuos urbanos en Montevideo Juan Alves, Saúl Cerrada, Camila Sosa Berche, Gabriela Mengod y Jorge Peloche
  • Residuos sólidos urbanos. Problemas ambientales en la metropolización Bogotá-Funza Nicolás García Bobadilla y Brandon Zambrano Gómez
  • Justicia ambiental: cómo la acumulación del capital por contaminación y desposesión genera conflictos ambientales Federico Demaria y Giacomo D’Alisa


  • Escuelas que compostan: una estrategia para transformar la relación con los residuos Alicia Franco y Camila Rodríguez
  • Tribunales éticos en Ecuador: cuerpos que resisten a la basurización Héctor Jesús Pérez Zamora


  • István Mészáros: del orden sociometabólico a la crisis ecológica por la contaminación Daniel Prieto Sánchez y Marisol Valencia-Orrego
  • Historias del Wasteoceno: un viaje por el vertedero global. Entrevista a Marco Armiero Santiago Gorostiza


  • Land, Water, Air and Freedom. The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice Jordi Roca Jusmet
  • La basura como naturaleza: la basura con derechos Alberto Acosta y Esperanza Martínez
  • Recicloscopio VII. Miradas globales y locales sobre reciclado y recuperadores Julián Porras-Bulla

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 352
  • Y la ‘tech’ hincó la rodilla Benoît Bréville
  • Frente al espejo de las guerras de Israel: Destrucción de Gaza, duplicidad occidental Peter Harling
  • Estudiantes, resignarse o luchar: Juventud precarizada, sindicatos insignificantes Maëlle Mariette
  • En Corea del Sur, un golpe de Estado revelador: La fachada del “milagro coreano” se agrieta Renaud Lambert
  • Los laboristas y el dinero: ‘Lobbys’, ‘think tanks’ y donantes en el Reino Unido Peter Geoghegan
  • Los Verdes, motor del militarismo alemán: Pacifistas devenidos en neoconservadores Fabian Scheidler
  • Cuando Trump azuza a la jauría Philippe Descamps
  • Caza a los inmigrantes en Rusia: Las contradicciones de una economía de guerra Alexéi Sajín, Lisa Smirnova
  • El privilegio de las ‘start-up’ Félix Tréguer
  • No tanto desobedecer como resistir Vincent Sizaire
  • El golf, pasión de las élites kenianas: Reivindicar la pertenencia a la burguesía globalizada Dominique Connan
  • Los frutos amargos del estallido social en Chile: Un proceso constitucional empantanado y una izquierda en apuros Libio Pérez, Víctor Hugo de la Fuente
  • Mayotte o las vergüenzas de París: Tras el ciclón Chido, las políticas públicas continúan siendo un conjunto de parches Rémi Carayol
  • Las esperanzas y las ilusiones del consentimiento: Una controversia feminista y jurídica Clara Serra
  • ¿Va a explotar su batería?: Hambre voraz de metales, reciclaje en punto muerto y riesgo de incendio Raúl Guillén, Vincent Peyret
  • Jean-Marie Le Pen, memorialista de sí mismo: Extrema derecha Bernard Pudal
  • Un “pas de deux” con la política Christophe Apprill
  • Memoria del plan Cóndor Nils Sabin
  • En el crepúsculo de un mundo Carlos Pardo
  • Omen Pepe Baeza
  • Un periodismo de guerra fría Pierre Rimbert, Serge Halimi

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 168
Condiciones para una cultura política alternativa

Nuestro presente está plagado de contradicciones, inseguridades e incertidumbres y, cada vez, de más conflictividad. El fin del orden neoliberal ha complejizado las realidades, ya sean de naturaleza local o transnacional. No son pocos los que buscan explicaciones fáciles que acaban deformando la lente a través de la cual se observan los hechos.

En paralelo, el capitalismo contemporáneo estimula una cultura política cuyos efectos oscilan entre la generación de pasividad y de agresividad. Como indica Santiago Álvarez Cantalapiedra en la Introducción:

«El mayor logro del capitalismo contemporáneo ha sido hacernos creer que se trata simplemente de un sistema económico y no lo que realmente es: un modo de producción cultural que da lugar a un tipo de sujeto que ha declinado la obligación de hacerle frente».

En esta fase del capitalismo se ha alentado un modelo gerencial focalizando en el éxito personal que alimenta la meritocracia y la excelencia individualizada, incitando, de nuevo, la glorificación del “gran hombre”, el emprendedor de éxito (multi)millonario. En la cara oculta de la moneda, actúa un capitalismo precarizador, individualista y darwinista que está conduciendo a un modelo político de corte autoritario que amenaza la democracia.

Las condiciones parecen invitar al desarrollo de subjetividades dominadas por los reflujos del consumismo, la competitividad y la polarización, con la atomización social como resultado.

En este enjambre de ideas y relatos contrapuestos, es más necesario que nunca alentar sujetos capaces de avanzar una cultura política a favor de la emancipación y la justicia.

El número 168 de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global se interroga por las condiciones políticas, sociales y culturales necesarias para abrir este camino.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

Economía Mundial

2024, Nº 68

Editorial Ana Urraca Ruiz

Sección Especial

  • El impacto de la diversidad de género en el desempeño innovador: Análisis empírico en la región Caribe Yury Castillo, Isabel Álvarez
  • Proyecciones sobre la brecha salarial de género en Argentina a partir de un enfoque basado en la productividad Diana Suárez, Florencia Fiorentin, Florencia Barletta
  • STEM y comercio internacional en clave de género: los casos de Brasil, Chile y México Bruno Blanco Varela, Hugo Campos-Romero, José Manuel Amoedo
  • Determinantes del teletrabajo y brecha de género Gloria Duarte, Cipriano Quirós Romero

Sección General

  • Mitigación de las emisiones de Carbono: políticas basadas en el mercado frente a políticas de apoyo tecnológico Hale Akbulut
  • Determinantes de la rentabilidad de las cajas de ahorro en Estados Unidos y el efecto moderador de la crisis pandémica Marco Amaral
  • La dinámica de los territorios olivareros magrebíes en el nuevo contexto tecno-económico José Domingo Sánchez Martínez, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Cohard, Antonio Garrido Almonacid
  • Desempeño macroeconómico y complejidad del sector externo. Un análisis de panel autorregresivo para América Latina Carlos Alberto Carrasco, Francis Magloire Peujio-Fozap


  • Cambio estructural en África. Percepciones erróneas, nuevas perspectivas y desarrollo en el siglo XXI Artur Colom Jaén

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 4
Community Development, the Carceral State and the Necessary Challenge of Penal Abolitionism


  • Community development, the carceral state and the necessary challenge of penal abolitionism Elizabeth Kiely and others


  • Conceptualizing the carceral state in contemporary India Mahuya Bandyopadhyay
  • ‘Do no harm’: mass supervision and the ruse of carceral humanism Zhandarka Kurti
  • Punishment, communities and assemblages Vincenzo Ruggiero
  • Restorative justice in Brazil: does it provide a place for community involvement and a path to penal abolition? Daniel Achutti and others
  • Abolition and the renewal of community: from carceral feminism to collective self-determination Mimi E Kim
  • ‘We can no longer fill prisons with men and cemeteries with women’: exploring carceral and abolitionist feminist discourses on gendered violence in Albania and Kosovo through photo elicitation Diana Malaj and Brunilda Pali
  • Peer power: how drug user groups navigate harm reduction in Surrey, British Columbia and resist the carceral state Michael C K Ma and Surrey Union of Drug Users

Invited Book Reviews

  • Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care Keith Adams
  • Contesting carceral logic: towards abolitionist futures: Edited by Michael J. Coyle and Mechthild Hagel Kevin Warner

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 6
  • Impact of Irrigation on Food and Nutrition Security Among Rice Farmers in Benin Gbêtondji Melaine Armel Nonvide
  • One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-MarinéLaura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño
  • The Effect of Religious Constraints on Individual Labor Supply Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez
  • The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy? Virgi Agita Sari, Ralitza Dimova
  • Improving Women’s Position in the Household: Evidence from a Maternity Cash Transfer Programme in India Sarthak Agarwal, Neeraj Katewa
  • Targeted Poverty Alleviation for the Livelihood Improvement of Poverty-Stricken Households: A Case Study of Wuxi County, China Qianqian Zhang, Tao LiXiongwei Tan
  • Impact of Returnee Remittances on Migrant Households’ Well-Being in Bangladesh Sima Rani Dey, Faroque Ahmed, Md. Moniruzzaman
  • The Failing Aid Complex in Uganda’s Northeast Matteo Caravani
  • Training Returns Among Informal Workers: Evidence from Urban Sites in Kenya and Tanzania Nina Torm
  • Impacts on Rural Community Development and Governance by Different Land Ownership: A Comparative Study Based on Two Villages in China Jieying Yang, Li Yu, Jingxiang Zhang
  • Correction to: One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-Mariné, Laura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 350
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Y Trump se tomó la revancha Serge Halimi
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Todo lo que nos separa Grégory Rzepski
  • Cuerpo proletario François Bégaudeau
  • El silencio de las fábricas Paolo Valenti
  • Acabar con la desigualdad salarial Hélène Richard
  • Mercaderes de la precariedad Alexis Moreau
  • Impunidad patronal Alexia Eychenne
  • Cero horas Esteban Chevalier
  • La fe de los conversos Anne Jourdain
  • Los adinerados de la virtud Thomas Jusquiame
  • Amenazas para el arroz vietnamita Maïlys Khider
  • Inagotables intereses privados Maïlys Khider
  • Georgia y Moldavia, el sueño europeo genera divisiones David Teurtrie
  • Chisináu cambia de proveedores de la energía Élisa Perrigueur
  • ¿Un “mandato poderoso y sin precedentes”? Jerome Karabel
  • La herencia olvidada de Messali Hadj Selim Derkaoui
  • En México, el balance desigual de un presidente popular Anne Vigna
  • Claudia Sheinbaum: construir una victoria Hélène Combes
  • El cuestionado futuro del guaraní en Paraguay Loïc Ramirez
  • Kenia en el atolladero de Haití Benjamin Fernandez
  • La imposible democracia de mercado Nancy Fraser
  • Evangélicos en Francia: crónica de un auge político Eva Thiébaud
  • El siglo de Franz Kafka Francisco Jarauta
  • Lo que el viento amarillo se llevó Elad Lapidot
  • Profesión: censor proisraelí Sam Biddle

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 351
  • Siria, año I después de la dictadura Akram Belkaïd
  • Mercosur: bomba agrícola Morvan Burel
  • Caótico fin de reinado de Macron Serge Halimi
  • Eisenhüttenstadt, una utopía urbana inconclusa Jens Malling
  • Cuando la extrema derecha se lanza a por los jóvenes Boris Grésillon
  • Geopolítica de Donald Trump Michael T. Klare
  • Aprendiendo de Srebrenica Philippe Descamps
  • Una economía arrasada Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Israel, acusado de genocidio en Gaza Akram Belkaïd
  • Tel Aviv avanza frenéticamente sus peones Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Palestinas en las cárceles israelíes, una historia de resistencia Asja Zaino y Hélène Servel
  • El árbol dragón de Socotra, testigo de un pasado prohibido Quentin Müller
  • ¿Es justicia la venganza? Razmig Keucheyan
  • El ‘trader’, el boxeador y el Sinn Féin Daniel Finn
  • En África, el ‘gendarme’ está (casi) desnudo Rémi Carayol
  • El día en que los especuladores temblaron Benjamin Lemoine
  • Incompetencia de Bruselas, éxitos de Pekín Kishore Mahbubani
  • Especular con los fantasmas Andrew Kipnis
  • Myanmar: detrás de las armas, los trabajadores Stephen Campbell
  • Lucha de clases en las praderas alpinas Moran Kerinec y Oriane Mollaret
  • Cine postraumático Pierre Conesa


2024, Nº 121
  • Prepararnos para la próxima dana Luis González Reyes
  • Así es el vertedero privado más grande de España Carlos Villeta
  • Reglamento contra la Deforestación Importada Silvia Fernández, Jaume Grau
  • El molusco que tumbó una megalómana infraestructura portuaria en Melilla Rosa González González
  • Biogás y biometano | La importancia del modelo Nacho Escartín, Marina Gros
  • Sí, vivir cerca de un aeropuerto puede hacerte enfermar Pablo Muñoz Nieto
  • ECOMARCHA | Pedaleando por la biodiversidad y la vida Carlos Alonso Cidad
  • Aprendiendo de las plantas, nuestras maestras Lena Pettersson
  • En recuerdo de Ladislao Martínez, "Ladis" Elena Díaz Casero
  • Frente a la turistificación, Baleares se organiza Júlia Isern Bennassar
  • ENTREVISTA | Corinne Morel Darleux "La injusticia social va de la mano de la destrucción ambiental" Valentín Ladrero Pardo
  • La Pinilla, todo por la pasta, o cómo destruir la sierra Claudio Sartorius Alvar González
  • La Junta de Castilla y León quiere menos trabajadores antincendios y más cámaras Jesús Abad
  • 20 años de cárcel y 56.000 euros por intentar paralizar las obras de Aroztegia Redacción Hordago, El Salto
  • Ecolojóvenes, un espacio necesario Ana Aldarias, Alba González
  • Una brigada de la Guardia Civil revela supuestos casos de corrupción del Seprona de Sevilla Sofía Menéndez
  • ENTREVISTA | María Serrano María José Esteso Poves
  • CINE | Mariposas negras María José Esteso Poves, Marta Pascual
  • BREVES | Obituario
  • Tenderete

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 5
  • Public Expenditure’s Role in Reducing Poverty and Improving Food and Nutrition Security: Cross-Country Evidence from SPEED Data Hiroyuki Takeshima
  • Influencing Aid Policy: Perceptions of How Member States Shape EU Development Cooperation Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea
  • Bottom-Up Approaches and Decentralized Extension Structures for Improving Access to and Quality of Extension Services and Technology Adoption: Multi-level Analysis from Malawi Catherine Ragasa, Cristina Alvarez-Mingote, Paul McNamara
  • Domestic Risk Factors, Violence and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey of India Surya Nath Maiti
  • Climate Change, Malaria Prevalence and Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa Etayibtalnam Koudjom, Boris O. K. Lokonon, Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe
  • The Effect of Citizens’ Perception of Governance on Tax Compliance: A Cross-Country Analysis Study for 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries Enrico Nichelatti, Heikki Hiilamo
  • Citizen Participation and Political Trust in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Machine Learning Approach Natalia Pecorari, Jose Cuesta
  • Food Aid Shocks and Food Insecurity: Does Democracy Matter? Jonas Gamso
  • Unity in Diversity? Reflections on Development Studies in the Mid-2020s Andy Sumner
  • Intra-Africa Agricultural Trade, Governance Quality and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregressive Model Delphin Kamanda Espoir, Frank BannorRegret Sunge



Publicación mensual multidisciplinar de estudios sobre desarrollo, que explora la manera de mejorar las condiciones de vida en el mundo examinando soluciones potenciales a problemas tales como: pobreza, desempleo, malnutrición, enfermedades, condiciones de habitabilidad, recursos tecnológicos inapropiados, deuda externa, discriminación étnica y sexual, conflictos armados, déficit de participación popular en la esfera política y social. A través de las diferentes contribuciones se ofrecen alternativas constructivas y se subrayan las lecciones a aprender de las diferentes experiencias. En Hegoa se puede consultar desde el nº 1/1992. Disponible aquí.

Última entrega

  • Determinants of Empowerment in a Capability-Based Poverty Approach: Evidence from The Gambia. Sofia Karina Trommlerová, Stephan Klasen, Ortrud Leßmann
  • Optimal Weather Conditions, Economic Growth, and Political Transitions. Neila Cáceres, Samuel W. Malone.
  • Institutional Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in China.Cheryl Long, Jin Yang, Jing Zhang
  • Unpacking Postharvest Losses in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Meta-Analysis. Hippolyte Affognon, Christopher Mutungi, Pascal Sanginga, Christian Borgemeister
  • Improving Identification of Demand-Side Obstacles to Schooling: Findings from Revealed and Stated Preference Models in Two SSA Countries. Jane Arnold Lincove
  • Heterogeneity of the Effects of Health Insurance on Household Savings: Evidence from Rural China. Diana Cheung, Ysaline Padieu
  • A “Time of Agric”: Rethinking the “Failure” of Agricultural Programs in 1970s Ghana. Alice Wiemers
  • The Entrepreneur Makes a Difference: Evidence on MSE Upgrading Factors from Egypt, India, and the Philippines. Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa, Markus Loewe, Caroline Reeg
  • The Formation of Community-Based Organizations: An Analysis of a Quasi-Experiment in Zimbabwe. Abigail Barr, Marleen Dekker, Marcel Fafchamps
  • Growth, Growth Accelerations, and the Poor: Lessons from Indonesia.Sambit Bhattacharyya, Budy P. Resosudarmo
  • Does Diversity Impair Human Development? A Multi-Level Test of the Diversity Debit Hypothesis. Wan-Hai You, Hui-Ming Zhu, Keming Yu, Cheng Peng
  • The Impact of Private Food Standards on Developing Countries’ Export Performance: An Analysis of Asparagus Firms in Peru.Monica Schuster, Miet Maertens
  • Heterogeneous Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements: How does Partner Similarity Matter?.Juyoung Cheong, Do Won Kwak, Kam Ki Tang
  • What Do State-Owned Development Banks Do? Evidence from BNDES, 2002–09. Sergio G. Lazzarini, Aldo Musacchio, Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, Rosilene Marcon
  • Integrated and Participatory Analysis of Water Governance Regimes: The Case of the Costa Rican Dry Tropics. Christopher Kuzdasa, Arnim Wiekb, Benjamin Warnerb, Raffaele Vignolaa, Ricardo Moratayad
  • Forest-Based Livelihoods Strategies Conditioned by Market Remoteness and Forest Proximity in Jharkhand, India. Brian Belcher, Ramadhani Achdiawan, Sonya Dewi
  • Participatory Democracy and Effective Policy: Is There a Link? Evidence from Rural Peru. Miguel Jaramillo, Glenn Daniel Wright
  • Long-Term Consequences of Colonial Institutions and Human Capital Investments: Sub-National Evidence from Madagascar. Frank-Borge Wietzke
  • Quantifying the Microeconomic Effects of War Using Panel Data: Evidence From Nepal. Margarita Pivovarova, Eik Leong Swee
  • Monitoring Economic Development from Space: Using Nighttime Light and Land Cover Data to Measure Economic Growth. Souknilanh Keola, Magnus Andersson, Ola Hall
  • Microcredit: Empowerment and Disempowerment of Rural Women in Ghana. John Kuumuori Ganle, Kwadwo Afriyie, Alexander Yao Segbefia
  • Membership has its Privileges – The Effect of Membership in International Organizations on FDI. Axel Dreher, Heiner Mikosch, Stefan Voigt
  • Rainfall Shocks, Local Revenues, and Intergovernmental Transfer in Mali. Aly Sanoh
  • Public Services and the Poor in Laos. Peter Warr, Jayant Menon, Sitthiroth Rasphone
  • Development Aid and Growth in Transition Countries.Zohid Askarov, Hristos Doucouliagos
  • Food Standards, Certification, and Poverty among Coffee Farmers in Uganda. Brian Chiputwa, David J. Spielman, Matin Qaim
  • Coping with the Upheavals of Globalization in the Shea Value Chain: The Maintenance and Relevance of Upstream Shea Nut Supply Chain Organization in Western Burkina Faso. Karen Rousseau, Denis Gautier, D. Andrew Warde
  • Does Education Empower Women? Evidence from Indonesia. Shanika Samarakoon, Rasyad A. Parinduril
  • Evaluating Impacts of Watershed Development Program on Agricultural Productivity, Income, and Livelihood in Bhalki Watershed of Bardhaman District, West Bengal.Nirupam Datta
  • Balancing Skilled with Unskilled Migration in an Urbanizing Agricultural Economy.Thinh T. Nguyen, Hisamitsu Saito, Hiroshi Isoda, Shoichi Ito
  • Infrastructure Provision, Gender, and Poverty in Indian Slums. Priti Parikh, Kun Fu, Himanshu Parikh, Allan McRobie, Gerard George
  • Corruption and Market Competition: Evidence from Post-Communist Countries.Aboubacar Diaby, Kevin Sylwester
  • Income and Health in Tanzania. An Instrumental Variable Approach. Eleonora Fichera, David Savage
  • The Role of Governance in Determining Foreign Aid Flow Composition. Matthew S. Winters, Gina Martinez
  • Economic Inequality in the Arab Region. Nadia Belhaj Hassine
  • Intra-Household Resource Allocation under Negative Income Shock: A Natural Experiment. Khondoker A. Mottaleb, Samarendu Mohanty, Ashok K. Mishra
  • Remoteness, Urbanization, and India’s Unbalanced Growth.Samarjit Das, Chetan Ghate, Peter E. Robertson
  • Domestic Market Integration and Regional Economic Growth—China’s Recent Experience from 1995–2011. Shanzi Ke
  • Is Africa Actually Developing?. Alan King, Carlyn Ramlogan-Dobson
  • Flood-Induced Displacement and Civil Conflict. Ramesh Ghimire, Susana Ferreira, Jeffrey H. Dorfman
  • Co-location and Spatial Wage Spillovers in China: The Role of Foreign Ownership and Trade.Robert J.R. Elliott, Ying Zhou
  • Missing Links, Missing Markets: Evidence of the Transformation Process in the Economic Networks of Gambian Villages. Dany Jaimovich
  • Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase Innovation?. Cassandra Mehlig Sweet, Dalibor Sacha Eterovic Maggio
  • How Absorptive Capacity is Formed in a Latecomer Economy: Different Roles of Foreign Patent and Know-how Licensing in Korea.Moon Young Chung, Keun Lee
  • Analysis of Adoption and Impacts of Improved Maize Varieties in Eastern Zambia. Makaiko Khonje, Julius Manda, Arega D. Alene, Menale Kassie
  • NGOs, States, and Donors Revisited: Still Too Close for Comfort?. Nicola Banks, David Hulme, Michael Edward
  • Are Rainfed Agricultural Households Insured? Evidence from Five Villages in Vidarbha, India. Sarthak Gaurav
  • The Role of Subsidization and Organizational Status on Microfinance Borrower Repayment Rates. Sugato Chakravarty, Mariya I. Pylypiv
  • The Other Asian Enigma: Explaining the Rapid Reduction of Undernutrition in Bangladesh. Derek Headey, John Hoddinott, Disha Ali, Roman Tesfaye, Mekdim Dereje
  • Innovative Grassroots NGOS and the Complex Processes of Women’s Empowerment: An Empirical Investigation from Northern Tanzania. Mara J. Goldman, Jani S. Little
  • Corrigendum to ‘Is Small Beautiful? Financial Structure, Size and Access to Finance’ [World Dev. 52 (2013) 19–33]. Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Dorothe Singer
2015, Vol. 65
  • Reprint of: Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances- Michael A. Clemens, Çağlar Özden, Hillel Rapoport
  • A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: The Role of Non-OECD Destinations. Erhan Artuc, Frédéric Docquier, Çaglar Özden, Christopher Parsons
  • Bringing It All Back Home – Return Migration and Fertility Choices. Simone Bertoli, Francesca Marchetta
  • Female Migration for Marriage: Implications from the Land Reform in Rural Tanzania. Yuya Kudo
  • The Feminization of International Migration and its Effects on the Children Left Behind: Evidence from the Philippines. Patricia Cortes
  • Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being. Steven Stillman, John Gibson, David McKenzie, Halahingano Rohorua
  • The Drivers of Diaspora Donations for Development: Evidence from the Philippines. Victoria Licuanan, Toman Omar Mahmoud, Andreas Steinmay
  • Overshooting the Savings Target: Temporary Migration, Investment in Housing and Development.Slobodan Djajić, Alexandra Vinogradova
2014, Vol. 64
  • Impact of South–South FDI and Trade on the Export Upgrading of African Economies. Alessia Amighini, and Marco Sanfilippo
  • Why there Should be No Political Foreign Aid Cursee. Ceren Altincekic and David H. Bearce
  • Evolution, Empowerment, and Emancipation: How Societies Climb the Freedom Ladder . Christian Welzel
  • The Blue Revolution in Asia: Upgrading and Governance in Aquaculture Value Chains. Stefano Ponte, Ingrid Kelling, Karen Sau Jespersen and Froukje Kruijssen
  • Popular Economy in Santiago de Chile: State of Affairs and Challenges. Thomas Bauwensand Andreia Lemaître
  • Certification and Access to Export Markets: Adoption and Return on Investment of Organic-Certified Pineapple Farming in Ghana. Linda Kleemann, Awudu Abdulaiand Mareike Buss
  • Voter Response to Conservation Policies in Madagascar. Christine M. Moser
  • Does International Health Aid Follow Recipients’ Needs? Extensive and Intensive Margins of Health Aid Allocation. Suejin A. Leeand Jae-Young Lim
  • Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances. Michael A. Clemens, Çağlar Özden and Hillel Rapoport
  • Heterogeneous Demand for Drought-Tolerant Rice: Evidence from Bihar, India.Patrick S. Ward, David L. Ortega, David J. Spielman and Vartika Singh
  • Multi-Domain Subjective Wellbeing of Two Canadian First Nations Communities. Shashi Kant, Ilan Vertinsky, Bin Zheng and Peggy M. Smith
  • On the Interplay of Actors in the Co-Management of Natural Resources – A Dynamic Perspective. Anke Fischera, Dereje Tadesse Wakjirab, Yitbarek Tibebe Weldesemaetb and Zelealem Tefera Ashenafib
  • Does Affirmative Action Reduce Productivity? A Case Study of the Indian Railways. Ashwini Deshpande and Thomas E. Weisskopf
  • Rainfall Shocks and Within-Community Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia. Brian C. Thiede
  • Aiding and Abetting: Project Aid and Ethnic Politics in Kenya. Ryan C. Briggs
  • Women’s Participation in Community-Level Water Governance in Urban India: The Gap Between Motivation and Ability. Priyam Das
  • Does Welfare Enable Family Expenditures on Human Capital? Evidence from China. Qin Gao, Fuhua Zhai, Sui Yang and Shi Li
  • Process and Pattern in Institutional Reforms: A Case Study of the Police Pacifying Units (UPPs) in Brazil. Graham Denyer Willis and Mariana Mota Prado
  • Women’s Education: Harbinger of Another Spring? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Turkey. Mehmet Alper Dinçer, Neeraj Kaushal and Michael Grossman
  • Are Rural Youth in Ethiopia Abandoning Agriculture?. Sosina Bezuand Stein Holden
  • Escalation of Real Wages in Bangladesh: Is it the Beginning of Structural Transformation?.Mahelet G. Fikru
  • How Institutions Mediate the Impact of Cash Cropping on Food Crop Intensification: An Application to Cotton in Sub-Saharan Africa. Veronique Theriault and David L. Tschirley
  • Impact of Information and Communication Technology-Based Market Information Services on Smallholder Farm Input Use and Productivity: The Case of Kenya. Sylvester Ochieng Ogutu, Julius Juma Okello and David Jakinda Otieno
  • Contract Enforcement and Investment: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Diego Aboal, Nelson Noya, Andrés Rius -Does Trade Liberalization Promote Regional Disparities? Evidence from a Multiregional CGE Model of India. Athula Naranpanawa, Rashmi Arorab
  • Competition for Export Markets and the Allocation of Foreign Aid: The Role of Spatial Dependence among Donor Countries. Fabian Barthel, Eric Neumayer, Peter Nunnenkamp, Pablo Selaya
  • FDI Spillovers and Industrial Policy: The Role of Tariffs and Tax Holidays. Luosha Du, Ann Harrison, GaryJefferson
  • Inequalities in Universal Health Coverage: Evidence from Vietnam.Michael G. Palmer
  • The Impact of Common Property Right Forestry: Evidence from Ethiopian Villages
  • Caste Comparisons in India: Evidence From Subjective Well-Being Data. Xavier Fontaine, Katsunori Yamada
  • Does it Pay to Deliver? An Evaluation of India’s Safe Motherhood Program. Shareen Joshi, Anusuya Sivaram
  • Are Poor People Less Happy? Findings from Melanesia. Simon Feeny, Lachlan McDonald, Alberto Posso
  • Can Microfinance Reach the Poorest: Evidence from a Community-Managed Microfinance Intervention. Jonas Helth Lønborg, Ole Dahl Rasmussen
  • From State to Market: Private Participation in China’s Urban Infrastructure Sectors, 1992–2008. Yanlong Zhang
  • Lessons from an Integrated Community Health Education Initiative in Rural Laos. Lauren Crawshaw, Sonia Fèvre, Lampheuy Kaesombath, Bounlerth Sivilai, Sayvisene Boulom, Fongsamouth Southammavong
  • Credit-Based Payments for Ecosystem Services: Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Ecuador. Matthew Cranford, Susana Mourato
  • The Elusive Quest for Supply Response to Cash-Crop Market Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Cotton. Claire Delpeuch, Antoine Leblois
  • Gender, Ethnicity, and Cumulative Disadvantage in Education Outcomes. Emcet O. Taş, Maira Emy Reimão, Maria Beatriz Orlando
  • Non-Farm Activity, Household Expenditure, and Poverty Reduction in Rural Vietnam: 2002–2008.Trung X. Hoang, Cong S. Pham, Mehmet A. Ulubaşoğlu
  • Feminization, Defeminization, and Structural Change in Manufacturing.David Kucera, Sheba Tejani
  • Resettlement and Gender Dimensions of Land Rights in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda. Sarah Adelman, Amber Peterman
  • The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. Anu Rammohan, Bill Pritchard
  • Is Aquaculture Pro-Poor? Empirical Evidence of Impacts on Fish Consumption in Bangladesh. Kazi Ali Toufique, Ben Belton
  • Can Developing Countries Both Decentralize and Depoliticize Urban Water Services? Evaluating the Legacy of the 1990s Reform Wave. Veronica Herrera, Alison E. Post
  • Psychological Agency: Evidence from the Urban Fringe of Bamako. Elise Klein
  • Consultation in Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: An Evaluation of Three Cases in Mali. Kerstin Nolte, Lieske Voget-Kleschin
  • Education and Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis. Nikos Benos, Stefania Zotou
  • The Paradigm of Agricultural Efficiency and its Implication on Food Security in Africa: What Does Meta-analysis Reveal?. Kolawole Ogundari
  • Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management. Margaret C. Morales, Leila M. Harris
  • Technology and Productivity in African Manufacturing Firms. Simon Baptist, Francis Teal
  • Social Policy after the Arab Spring: States and Social Rights in the MENA Region. Massoud Karshenas, Valentine M. Moghadam, Randa Alami
  • Fast-Track Institution Building in Conflict-Affected Countries? Insights from Recent Field Experiments. Elisabeth King, Cyrus Samii
  • Social Protection: Rethinking Rights and Duties. Marianne S. Ulriksen, Sophie Plagerson
  • Text Messaging and its Impacts on the Health and Education of the Poor: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural China. Di Mo, Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu, Huiping Zhang, Linxiu Zhang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle
  • Targeting REDD+: An Empirical Analysis of Carbon Sequestration in Indonesia. Samuel Skidmore, Paulo Santos, Beria Leimona
  • Does Smallholder Land Titling Facilitate Agricultural Growth?: An Analysis of the Determinants and Effects of Smallholder Land Titling in Zambia. Nicholas J. Sitko, Jordan Chamberlin, Munguzwe Hichaambwa
  • Parental Education as a Criterion for Affirmative Action in Higher Education. Rakesh Basant, Gitanjali Sen
  • The Determinants of Intermediaries’ Power over Farmers’ Margin-Related Activities: Evidence from Adana, Turkey. Orjon Xhoxhi, Søren Marcus Pedersen, Kim Martin Lind, Attila Yazar
  • To Pay or Not to Pay? Citizens’ Attitudes Toward Taxation in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa. Merima Ali, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Ingrid Hoem Sjursen
  • Beyond the Field: The Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Food Security and Poverty Alleviation. Anna Folke Larsen, Helene Bie Lilleør
  • Can Government-Allocated Land Contribute to Food Security? Intrahousehold Analysis of West Bengal’s Microplot Allocation Program. Florence Santos, Diana Fletschner, Vivien Savath, Amber Peterman
  • Environmental Licensing and Conflict in Peru's Mining Sector: A Path-Dependent Analysis. Maiah Jaskoski
2014, Nº 63
  • Understanding Structural Transformation in Africa. Margaret McMillana, Derek Headeya,
  • Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa. Margaret McMillan,Dani Rodrik,Íñigo Verduzco-Gallo
  • The Role of Rural–Urban Migration in the Structural Transformation of Sub-Saharan Africa. Alan de Brauw, Valerie Mueller, Hak Lim Lee
  • Poverty Reduction During the Rural–Urban Transformation – The Role of the Missing Middle Luc Christiaensen,Yasuyuki Todo
  • Explaining Africa’s (Dis)advantage. Ann E. Harrison, Justin Yifu Lin Lixin Colin Xu
  • “Going Global in Groups”: Structural Transformation and China’s Special Economic Zones Overseas. Deborah Bräutigam Xiaoyang Tang
  • African Agriculture in 50 Years: Smallholders in a Rapidly Changing World?. Paul CollieR, Stefan Dercon
  • Overcoming Successive Bottlenecks: The Evolution of a Potato Cluster in China. Xiaobo Zhang Dinghuan Hu
  • Can Cities or Towns Drive African Development? Economywide Analysis for Ethiopia and Uganda. Paul Dorosh, James Thurlow
2014, Vol. 62, Nº 228
  • Understanding Urban Wage Inequality in China 1988–2008: Evidence from Quantile Analysis. Simon Appletona, Lina Songa, and Qingjie Xiab
  • Trade-offs and Payoffs of Investing in Human Development. Marco V. Sánchez and Martín Cicowiez
  • Enhancing Inclusiveness of Rwanda’s Land Tenure Regularization Program: Insights from Early Stages of its Implementation. lorence Santos, Diana Fletschner and Giuseppe Daconto
  • Is Globalization Reducing Absolute Poverty?. Andreas Berghand Therese Nilsson
  • Why do Foresters Plant Trees? Testing Theories of Bureaucratic Decision-Making in Central India. Forrest D. Fleischman
  • Empowerment Through Microfinance: The Relation Between Loan Cycle and Level of Empowerment. Olaf Weber and Adnan Ahmad
  • Women’s Empowerment and Prevalence of Stunted and Underweight Children in Rural India. Katsushi S. Imai, Samuel Kobina Annim, Veena S. Kulkarni and Raghav Gaiha
  • Social Spending, Distribution, and Equality of Opportunities: The Opportunity Incidence Analysis. Jose Cuesta
  • Bedouin Adaptation to the Last 15-Years of Drought (1995–2010) in the North Coastal Zone of Egypt: Continuity or Rupture?. Véronique Alary, Ferial Hassan, Ibrahim Daoud, Adel Aboul Naga, Mona A. Osman, Denis Bastianelli, Philippe Lescoat, Naeem Moselhy and Jean-François Tourrand
  • Paths to Development: Is there a Bangladesh Surprise?.M. Niaz Asadullah, Antonio Savoia and Wahiduddin Mahmud
  • Market Signals of Unsustainable and Inequitable Forest Extraction: Assessing the Value of Illegal Timber Trade in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Marije Schaafsma, Neil D. Burgess, Ruth D. Swetnam, Yonika M. Ngaga, R. Kerry Turner and Thorsten Treue
  • Heterogeneity in Informal Salaried Employment: Evidence from the Egyptian Labor Market Survey. Natalia Radchenko
  • Historicizing Sustainable Livelihoods: A Pathways Approach to Lead Mining in Rural Central China. Jixia Lu,and Anna Lora-Wainwright
  • Africa and the Clean Development Mechanism: What Determines Project Investments?Dirk Röttgers and Ulrike Grote
  • Migrants’ Choice of Remittance Channel: Do General Payment Habits Play a Role?. Anneke Kosse aand Robert Vermeulen
2014, Vol. 61
  • Interpreting Institutional Fit: Urbanization, Development, and China’s “Land-Lost”. Hongping Lian, Raul P. Lejano
  • Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: What Role for Food Security in Bangladesh?. Esha Srabonia, Hazel J. Malapitb, Agnes R. Quisumbingb, Akhter U. Ahmeda
  • Macroeconomic Impacts of FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis. Ichiro Iwasaki, Masahiro Tokunaga
  • Estimating the Causal Effect of Forced Eradication on Coca Cultivation in Colombian Municipalities Luis Carlos Reyes
  • Taking Complexity in Food Systems Seriously: An Interdisciplinary Analysis Tira Foran,James R.A. Butler, Liana J. Williams, Wolf J. Wanjura, Andy Hall Lucy Carter
  • The Messy Reality of Agglomeration Economies in Urban Informality: Evidence from Nairobi’s Handicraft Industry John Harris
  • Coping with Drought by Adjusting Land Tenancy Contracts: A Model and Evidence from Rural Morocco Yoko Kusunosea, Travis J. Lybbertb
  • Land Rights and Community Cooperation: Public Goods Experiments from Peru Ragnhild Haugli Braaten
  • Effects of International Food Price Shocks on Political Institutions in Low-Income Countries: Evidence from an International Food Net-Export Price Index Rabah Arezkia, Markus Bruecknerb
  • Growth of the Urban Shadow, Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities, and Commuting by Workers in Rural and Urban India Ajay Sharma, S. Chandrasekhar
  • Social Protection and Poverty Reduction: Global Patterns and Some Targets Ariel Fiszbeina, Ravi Kanburb, Ruslan Yemtsovc
2014, Nº 60
  • Cultural Proximity and Local Firms’ catch up with Multinational EnterprisesOriginal Research Article Jue Wang, Xiaming Liu, Yingqi Wei, Chengang Wang
  • Livelihood Diversification and Shifting Social Networks of Exchange: A Social Network Transition? Timothy D. Baird, Clark L. Gray
  • Public Service Provision under Conditions of Insufficient Citizen Demand: Insights from the Urban Sanitation Sector in Indonesia. Matthew S. Winters, Abdul Gaffar Karim,BerlyMartawardaya
  • Governing India’s LandOriginal Research Article. Nikita Sud
  • Remittances and Household Wealth after Conflict: A Case Study on Urban. Sonja Fransen, Valentina Mazzucato
  • Does Information Lead to More Active Citizenship? Evidence from an Education Intervention in Rural KenyaOriginal Research Article. Evan S. Lieberman, Daniel N. Posner, Lily L. Tsai
  • Climate Change, Hydro-Dependency, and the African Dam Boom.Matthew A. Cole, Robert J.R. Elliott, Eric Strobl -Revenue Reform and Statebuilding in Anglophone Africa.Mick Moore
  • Income and Livelihoods in the War in AfghanistanOriginal Research Article.Vincenzo Bove, Evelina Gavrilova.
  • The Strugglers: The New Poor in Latin America?.Nancy Birdsall, Nora Lustig, Christian J. Meye
2014, Nº 59
  • Comparing the Climate Policy Performance of Emerging Economies. Babette Never , Joachim Betz
  • Foreign Portfolio Investment Flows to India: Determinants and Analysis.Reetika Garg , Pami Dua
  • Land Use Dynamics, Climate Change, and Food Security in Vietnam: A Global-to-local Modeling. Martine Rutten, Michiel van Dijk , Wilbert van Rooij , Henk Hilderink
  • Interest Rates and Informational Issues in the Credit Market: Experimental Evidence from Brazil. Claudio Ribeiro de Lucinda , Rodrigo Luiz Vieira
  • Water and Human Development. Lyla Mehta
  • Moving from the Household to the Individual: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis. Ramya M. Vijaya , Rahul Lahoti , Hema Swaminathan
  • Tackling the Largest Global Education Challenge? Secular and Religious Education in Northern Nigeria. Manos Antoninis.
  • Modeling Ecological Success of Common Pool Resource Systems Using Large Datasets. Ulrich J. Frey . Hannes Rusch
  • Why Are Women Less Democratic Than Men? Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries. Cecilia García-Peñalosa, Maty Konte
  • Impact of Improved Maize Adoption on Welfare of Farm Households in Malawi: A Panel Data Analysis. Sosina Bezu, Girma T. Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
  • Understanding the Process of Agricultural Technology Adoption: Mineral Fertilizer in Eastern DR Congo. Isabel Lambrecht, Bernard Vanlauwe, Roel Merckx, Miet Maertens.
  • The Impact of Technological Capabilities on Invention: An Investigation Based on Country Responsiveness Scores.Giovanni Cerulli
  • Administrative Overspending in Indonesian Districts: The Role of Local Politics. Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir, Krisztina Kis-Katos, Günther G. Schulze
  • Personalizing the Middle-Income Trap: An Inter-Generational Migrant View from Rural Thailand. Jonathan Rigg , Buapun Promphaking, Ann Le Mare
  • REDD+ and Empowered Deliberative Democracy: Learning from Tanzania. Irmeli Mustalahti, O. Sarobidy Rakotonarivo
  • A Cross-Country Analysis of Perceived Economic Status and Life Satisfaction in High- and Low-Income Countries. Laura Camfield, Lucio Esposito
  • International Remittances and Human Capital Formation. Vania B. Salas
  • Conflict, Combatants, and Cash: Economic Reintegration and Livelihoods of Ex-combatants in Nepal. Dambaru B. Subedi
  • Measuring Acute Poverty in the Developing World: Robustness and Scope of the Multidimensional Poverty Index. Sabina Alkire, Maria Emma Santos
  • How Ethnic Diversity Affects Economic Growth. Dinissa Duvanova
  • Growth with Equity for the Development of Mexico: Poverty, Inequality, and Economic Growth (1992–2008). Alberto Javier Iniguez-Montiel
  • The Liberalization of Retail Services in India. Csilla Lakatos, Tani Fukui
  • Explaining Global Patterns of International Aid for Linked Biodiversity Conservation and Development. Daniel C. Miller
  • Exogenous Shocks and Growth Crises in Low-Income Countries: A Vulnerability Index. Era Dabla-Norris, Yasemin Bal Gündüz
  • The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth: A Review of the Evidence, with Special Attention and an Application to Sub-Saharan Africa. Paul Glewwe, Eugénie Maïga, Haochi Zheng
  • Bureaucratic Delay, Local-Level Monitoring, and Delivery of Small Infrastructure Projects: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bolivia. Monica Yanez-Pagans, Gustavo Machicado-Salas
  • Capturing the Margins: World Market Prices and Cotton Farmer Incomes in West Africa. Thomas J. Bassett
  • Diaspora Investments and Firm Export Performance in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries. Amadou Boly, Nicola Daniele Coniglio, Francesco Prota, Adnan Seric
  • Returns to Education in India. Scott Fulford
  • The Social Dynamics of Labor Shortage in South African Small-Scale Agriculture. Elizabeth Hull
  • Policies for Agricultural Productivity Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural Ethiopia. Zewdu Ayalew Abro, Bamlaku Alamirew Alemu, Munir A. Hanjra
  • The Effects of Mexico’s Seguro Popular Health Insurance on Infant Mortality: An Estimation with Selection on the Outcome Variable. Tobias Pfutze
  • The Impact of Bolsa Família on Women’s Decision-Making Power. Alan de Brauw, Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott, Shalini Roy
  • Moving Off the Farm: Land Institutions to Facilitate Structural Transformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China. Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Fang Xia, Jikun Huang
  • The Politics of Technological Upgrading: International Transfer to and Adaptation of GM Cotton in Argentina. Valeria Arza, Patrick van Zwanenberg
  • Mexican Migrants to the US: What Do Unrealized Migration Intentions Tell Us About Gender Inequalities?. Isabelle Chort
2014, Vol. 58, Nº Junio
  • The Impact of Governance and Institutional Quality on MFI Outreach and Financial Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thierno Amadou Barry y Ruth Tacneng
  • Regulation in Microinsurance Markets: Principles, Practice, and Directions for Future Development. Christian Biener , Martin Eling, Joan T. Schmit
  • Does Tourism Eco-Certification Pay? Costa Rica’s Blue Flag Program. Allen Blackman, María Angélica Naranjo, Juan Robalino, Francisco Alpízar y Jorge Rivera.
  • Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind. Education Networks and International Trade. Marina Murat
  • Estimating the Scale and Geography of Global Poverty Now and in the Future: How Much Difference Do Method and Assumptions Make?. Peter Edwar , Andy Sumner
  • Labor Market Discrimination in Lima, Peru: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Francisco B. Galarza y Gustavo Yamada
  • The Politics of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Andhra Pradesh.Diego Maiorano
  • Exploiting the Poor: Bureaucratic Corruption and Poverty in Africa. Mogens K. Justesen y Christian Bjørnskov
  • The Millennium Challenge Corporation: Organizational Constraints on US Foreign Aid, 2004–11. James H. Lebovic
  • Subnational Climate Justice? Adaptation Finance Distribution and Climate Vulnerability . Sam Barrett
  • Effect of Conflict on Dietary Diversity: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire. Andrew L. Dabalen y Saumik Paul
2014, Nº 57
  • Stepping into Formal Politics: Women’s Engagement in Formal Political Processes in Irrigation in Rural India. Alexandra M. Girard
  • Exploring the Relation Between the Degree of Novelty of Innovations and User–Producer Interaction Across Different Income Regions. Gouya Harirchi y Cristina Chaminade
  • Women’s Access to Labor Market Opportunities, Control of Household Resources, and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Bangladesh. Rachel Heath
  • Manufacturing Paradoxes: Foreign Ownership, Governance, and Value Chains in China’s Light Industries. Mark P. Dallas
  • Corporate Investments in Asian Markets: Financial Conditions, Financial Development, and Financial Constraints. Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista , Noli R. Sotocinal y Jianxin Wang
  • Selling Success: Constructing Value in Conservation and Development. Bram Büscher
  • Is There an Alternative for Irrigation Reform?. Diana Suhardiman y Mark Giordano
  • Do Natural Resource Revenues Hinder Financial Development? The Role of Political Institutions. Sambit Bhattacharyya y Roland Hodler
  • E-Government, Internet Adoption, and Corruption: An Empirical Investigation. Nasr G. Elbahnasawy
  • The Influence of Legitimacy Perceptions on Cooperation – A Framed Field Experiment. Jetske A. Bouma, K.J. Joy, Suhas Paranjape y Erik Ansink
  • The Impact of Aid and Public Investment Volatility on Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Malimu Museru, Francois Toerien y Sean Gossel
  • Slavery, Statehood, and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dirk Bezemer, Jutta Bolt y Robert Lensink
  • Efficiency-Adjusted Public Capital and Growth. Sanjeev Gupta, Alvar Kangur, Chris Papageorgiou y Abdoul Wane
2014, Vol. 56
  • Financial Inclusion, Gender Dimension, and Economic Impact on Poor Households. Vighneswara Swamy
  • Does Commercialization Undermine the Benefits of Decentralization for Local Services Provision? Evidence from Mexico’s Urban Water and Sanitation Sector. Veronica Herrera
  • Inequality and Fractionalization. Gregory P. Casey y L. Owen
  • The Persistence of Subjective Poverty in Urban Ethiopia. Yonas Alem, Gunnar Köhlin y Jesper Stage
  • Aid with Blinkers: Environmental Governance of Uranium Mining in Niger.Rasmus Kløcker Larsen y Christiane Alzouma Mamosso
  • The Surprising Effects of the Great Recession: Losers and Winners in Thailand in 2008–09.Jonathan Haughton y Shahidur R. Khandker
  • Adding Environment to the Collective Action Problem: Individuals, Civil Society, and the Mangrove-Fishery Commons in Ecuador.Christine M. Beitl
  • FDI Spillovers and Time since Foreign Entry.Bruno Merlevede
  • Aid Effectiveness in Times of Political Change: Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition. Emmanuel Frot , Anders Olofsgård y Maria Perrotta Berlin
  • Crime and Microenterprise Growth: Evidence from Mexico. Ariel BenYishay y Sarah Pearlman
  • What Determines Gender Inequality in Household Food Security in Kenya? Application of Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression. Menale Kassie , Simon Wagura Ndiritu y Jesper Stage
  • Determinants of Donor Generosity: A Survey of the Aid Budget Literature. Andreas Fuchs , Axel Dreher y Peter Nunnenkamp
  • Diversification and Development in Pastoralist Ethiopia- Derek Headey , Alemayehu Seyoum Taffessey Liangzhi You
  • How Public Pension affects Elderly Labor Supply and Well-being: Evidence from India. Neeraj Kaushal
  • Food Standards are Good – For Middle-Class Farmers.Henrik Hansen y Neda Trifković
  • Industrialization Trajectories in Madagascar’s Export Apparel Industry: Ownership, Embeddedness, Markets, and Upgrading.Mike Morris y Cornelia Staritz
  • The Paradox of Export Growth in Areas of Weak Governance: The Case of the Ready Made Garment Sector in Bangladesh. Faisal Z. Ahmed , Anne Greenleaf y Audrey Sacks
  • How Much Infrastructure Is Too Much? A New Approach and Evidence from China. Hao Shi y Shaoqing Huang
  • Adding Value to Randomization with Qualitative Analysis: The Case of Microcredit in Rural Morocco. Solène Morvant-Roux , Isabelle Guérin , Marc Roeschy , Jean-Yves Moisseron
  • Self-Employment in the Developing World. T.H. Gindling y David Newhouse
2014, Vol. 55
Land Tenure and Forest Carbon Management
  • Land Tenure and Tropical Forest Carbon Management. Lisa Naughton-Treves y Kelly Wendland
  • Governance, Location and Avoided Deforestation from Protected Areas: Greater Restrictions Can Have Lower Impact, Due to Differences in Location. Alexander Pfaff Juan Robalino, Eirivelthon Lima, Catalina Sandovaly Luis Diego Herrera
  • Complex Tenure and Deforestation: Implications for Conservation Incentives in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Margaret B. Holland, Free de Koning, Manuel Morales, Lisa Naughton-Treves, Brian E. Robinson y Luis Suárez
  • How are REDD+ Proponents Addressing Tenure Problems? Evidence from Brazil, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam. William D. Sunderlin, Anne M. Larson, Amy E. Duchelle, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Thu Ba Huynh, Abdon Awonoy Therese Dokken
  • Linking Forest Tenure Reform, Environmental Compliance, and Incentives: Lessons from REDD+ Initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon . Amy E. Duchelle, Marina Cromberg, Maria Fernanda Gebara, Raissa Guerra, Tadeu Melo, Anne Larson, Peter Cronkleton, Jan Börner, Erin Sills, Sven Wunder, Simone Bauch, Peter May, Galia Selaya, y _William D. Sunderlin
  • Does Tenure Security Lead to REDD+ Project Effectiveness? Reflections from Five Emerging Sites in Indonesia. Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Stibniati Atmadja, Andini Desita Ekaputri, Dian Y. Intarini y Yayan Indriatmoko
2014, Vol. 54
  • Social Capital and Improved Stoves Usage Decisions in the Northern Peruvian Andes. Marcos Agurto Adrianzén
  • Women’s Land Rights and Children’s Human Capital in Vietnam . Nidhiya Menon,Yana van der Meulen Rodgers y Huong Nguyen
  • Economic Development without Pre-Requisites: How Bolivian Producers Met Strict Food Safety Standards and Dominated the Global Brazil-Nut Market. Salo V. Coslovsky
  • The Role of Religion in Community-based Natural Resource Management. Michael Cox ,Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, y Yasha Hartberg
  • Exploitative Briefcase Businessmen, Parasites, and Other Myths and Legends: Assembly Traders and the Performance of Maize Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa. Nicholas J. Sitko y T.S. Jayne
  • Integrated Landscape Initiatives for African Agriculture, Development, and Conservation: A Region-Wide Assessment . Jeffrey C. Milder ,Abigail K. Hart, Philip Dobie , Joshua Minai y Christi Zaleski
  • Are Remittances and Foreign Aid a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?. Jean-Louis Combes , Christian Hubert Ebeke, Sabine Mireille Ntsama Etoundi y Thierry Urbain Yogo
  • Downward Accountability in Unequal Alliances: Explaining NGO Responses to Zapatista Demands. Abigail Andrews
  • Growth and Volatility of Tax Revenues in Latin America. Hans Fricke y Bernd Süssmuth
  • Long-Term Effects of Civil Conflict on Women’s Health Outcomes in Peru. F. Grimard y S. Laszlo
  • Transitions of Innovation Activities in Latecomer Countries: An Exploratory Case Study of South Korea. Sèna Kimm Gnangnon
  • The Political Economy of Slums: Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Sean Fox
  • Firm Productivity, Exchange Rate Movements, Sources of Finance, and Export Orientation. Mustafa Caglayan
  • Rent-seeking at Home, Capturing Market Share Abroad: The Domestic Determinants of the Transnationalization of China State Construction Engineering Corporation. Chih-shian Liou
  • The Lasting Impact of Parental Early Life Malnutrition on Their Offspring: Evidence from the China Great Leap Forward Famine. Seonghoon Kim, Quheng Deng, Belton M. Fleisher y Shi Li
  • Land Contestation at the Micro Scale: Struggles for Space in the African Marshes. An Ansoms, Inge Wagemakers, Michael Madison Walker y Jude Murison
  • The Tertiary Tilt: Education and Inequality in the Developing World. Lloyd Gruber y Stephen Kosack
  • How Successful Transnational Non-governmental Organizations Set Themselves up for Failure on the Ground. Cristina M. Balboa
  • Scale-up Nation: China’s Specialization in Innovative Manufacturing. Jonas Nahmy Edward S. Steinfeld
  • Over-Indebtedness in Microfinance – An Empirical Analysis of Related Factors on the Borrower Level- Jessica Schicks
  • Involving Communities in the Targeting of Cash Transfer Programs for Vulnerable Children: Opportunities and Challenges. Laura Robertson, Phyllis Mushati, Morten Skovdal, Jeffrey W. Eaton, Jeremiah C. Makoni, Tom Crea, Gideon Mavise, Lovemore Dumba, Christina Schumacher, Lorraine Sherr, Constance Nyamukapa y Simon Gregson
  • Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from El Salvador. Diego Anzoategui, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt y María Soledad Martínez Pería
  • Do Sanitary, Phytosanitary, and Quality-related Standards Affect International Trade? Evidence from Chilean Fruit Exports. Oscar Melo, Alejandra Engler, Laura Nahuehual, Gabriela Cofre y José Barrena
  • Preferences for Community-based Targeting - Field Experimental Evidence from Zambia. Esther Schüring
  • Corrigendum to “Disrupting Demand for Commercial Seed: Input Subsidies in Malawi and Zambia” [World Dev. 45 (2013) 75–91]. Nicole M. Mason y Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
  • Corrigendum to ‘Displacement and Erosion of Informal Risk-Sharing: Evidence from Nepal’ [World Development 43 (2013) 42-55]- Lai Ming Lamy Saumik Paul
2014, Vol. 53
Decentralization and Governance
  • Decentralization and Governance. Jean-Paul Faguet
  • Second Generation Fiscal Federalism: Political Aspects of Decentralization and Economic Development. Barry R. Weingast
  • The Politics of Federalism in Argentina and its Implications for Governance and Accountability. Martín Ardanaz, Marcelo Leiras, Mariano Tommasi
  • Constitutional Structures for a Strong Democracy: Considerations on the Government of Pakistan. Roger Myerson
  • Decentralization and Veiled Corruption under China’s “Rule of Mandates”. Mayling Birney
  • Water Reforms, Decentralization and Child Mortality in Colombia, 1990–2005. Claudia Granados, Fabio Sánchez
  • Traditional Governance, Citizen Engagement, and Local Public Goods: Evidence from Mexico. Alberto Díaz-Cayeros, Beatriz Magaloni, Alexander Ruiz-Euler
  • The Effects of Participatory Budgeting on Municipal Expenditures and Infant Mortality in Brazil. Sónia Gonçalves
2013, Vol. 51
  • Lasting Welfare Effects of Widowhood in Mali . Dominique van de Walle
  • Violence, Instability, and Trade: Evidence from Kenya’s Cut Flower Sector. Andrew Muhammad, Anna D’Souza, William Amponsah
  • Capital Flight in the Presence of Domestic Borrowing: Evidence from Eastern European Economies. Josef C. Brada, Ali M. Kutan, Goran Vukšić
  • Does Industry Affiliation Influence Wages? Evidence from Indonesia and the Asian Financial Crisis. Aashish Mehta, Wei Sun
  • Food Versus Fuel: Extractive Industries, Insecure Land Tenure, and Gaps in World Food Production. Thomas K. Rudel
  • The Vulnerability of Microfinance to Financial Turmoil – Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis. Charlotte Wagner, Adalbert Winkler
  • The Determinants of Capital Intensity in Manufacturing: The Role of Factor Market Imperfections. Rana Hasan, Devashish Mitra, Asha Sundaram
  • Export Upgrading and Growth: The Prerequisite of Domestic Embeddedness. Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar
  • Are Carbon Taxes Good for the Poor? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Vietnam. Ian Coxhead, Anan Wattanakuljarus, Chan V. Nguyen
  • Monetization, Financial Development, and Growth: Time Series Evidence from 22 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Peter L. Rousseau, Alexandra D’Onofrio
  • Political Influence of Exporting and Import-Competing Firms: Evidence from Eastern European and Central Asian Countries. Mahmut Yasar
  • Anti-dumping Duties and their Impact on Exporters: Firm Level Evidence from China. Piyush Chandra, Cheryl Long
  • How Much Do Rights Matter? Johannes Fedderke, Robert Klitgaard
  • Child Labor Variation by Type of Respondent: Evidence from a Large-Scale Study. Ana C. Dammert, Jose Galdo
  • Drivers of Export Upgrading. Shujin Zhu, Xiaolan Fu
  • Escaping Capability Traps Through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, Michael Woolcock
2013, Vol. 52
  • Does Trade Foster Employment Growth in Emerging Markets? Evidence from Turkey. Alessia Lo Turco y Daniela Maggioni
  • Is Small Beautiful? Financial Structure, Size and Access to Finance . Thorsten Beck , Asli Demirgüç-Kunt y Dorothe Singer
  • Female Empowerment as a Core Driver of Democratic Development: A Dynamic Panel Model from 1980 to 2005. Paula Wyndow,Jianghong Liy Eugen Mattes
  • A Life Course Model of Human Rights Realization, Female Empowerment, and Gender Inequality in India. Sanjukta Chaudhuri
  • The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Sabina Alkire, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Amber Peterman, Agnes Quisumbing, Greg Seymour y Ana Vaz
  • Does Economic Globalization affect Regional Inequality? A Cross-country Analysis. Roberto Ezcurray Andrés Rodríguez-Pose -Joint Titling in Rural Peru: Impact on Women’s Participation in Household Decision-Making. Henrik Wiig
  • Oil Exporters’ Dilemma: How Much to Save and How Much to Invest. Reda Cherif y Fuad Hasanov
  • Soybeans, Poverty and Inequality in the Brazilian Amazon. Diana Weinhold, Evan Killicky Eustáquio J. Reis
2013, Vol. 50
  • Implementing Social Protection in Agro-pastoralist and Pastoralist Areas: How Local Distribution Structures Moderate PSNP Outcomes in Ethiopia. Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Jeremy Lind, John Hoddinott
  • Motives to Remit: Evidence from Tracked Internal Migrants in Ethiopia. Alan de Brauw, Valerie Mueller, Tassew Woldehanna
  • The Impact of Remittances on Investment and Poverty in Ghana. Richard H. Adams Jr., Alfredo Cuecuecha
  • FDI and Local Linkages in Developing Countries: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Vito Amendolagine, Amadou Boly, Nicola Daniele Coniglio, Francesco Prota, Adnan Seric
  • A Drop of Water in the Indian Ocean? The Impact of GlobalGap Certification on Lychee Farmers in Madagascar. Julie Subervie, Isabelle Vagneron
  • Who Benefits from Economic Freedom? Unraveling the Effect of Economic Freedom on Subjective Well-Being. Kai Gehring
2013, Vol. 49
Impacts of Innovative Food Assistance Instruments
  • On The Choice and Impacts of Innovative International Food Assistance Instruments. Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, Daniel G. Maxwell
  • The Timeliness and Cost-Effectiveness of the Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid. Erin C. Lentz, Simone Passarelli, Christopher B. Barrett
  • Market Prices and Food Aid Local and Regional Procurement and Distribution: A Multi-Country Analysis. Teevrat Garg, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, Erin C. Lentz, William J. Violette
  • Recipients’ Satisfaction with Locally Procured Food Aid Rations: Comparative Evidence from a Three Country Matched Survey. William J. Violette, Aurélie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Samuel D. Bell, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, Erin C. Lentz
  • Tradeoffs or Synergies? Assessing Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement through Case Studies in Burkina Faso and Guatemala. Aurélie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez
  • Enhancing Nutrition: A New Tool for Ex-Ante Comparison of Commodity-based Vouchers and Food Transfers. David Ryckembusch, Romeo Frega, Marcio Guilherme Silva, Ugo Gentilini, Issa Sanogo, Nils Grede, Lynn Brown
  • What Drives Program Choice in Food Security Crises? Examining the “Response Analysis” Question. Daniel G. Maxwell, John W. Parker, Heather C. Stobaugh
2013, Vol. 48
  • Contemporary Processes of Large-Scale Land Acquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Legal Deficiency or Elite Capture of the Rule of Law? Laura German, George Schoneveld, Esther Mwangi
  • Bad Governance and Poor Children: A Comparative Analysis of Government Efficiency and Severe Child Deprivation in 68 Low- and Middle-income Countries. Björn Halleröd, Bo Rothstein, Adel Daoud, Shailen Nandy
  • Child Poverty in an Emergency and Conflict Context: A Multidimensional Profile and an Identification of the Poorest Children in Western Darfur. Jean-François Trani, Tim I. Cannings
  • Institutional Solutions to the Asymmetric Information Problem in Health and Development Services for the Poor. David K. Leonard, Gerald Bloom, Kara Hanson, Juan O’Farrell, Neil Spicer
  • Does Parental Disability Matter to Child Education? Evidence from Vietnam. Daniel Mont, Cuong Nguyen
  • The Demand Side of Social Protection: Lessons from Cambodia’s Labor Rights Experience. Alisa DiCaprio
  • Managing Wild Resources: Institutional Choice and the Recovery of Resource Rent in Southwest China. Brian E. Robinson, Bill Provencher, David J. Lewis
  • How Effective are Cash Transfers at Improving Nutritional Status? James Manley, Seth Gitter, Vanya Slavchevska
  • Land Retirement and Nonfarm Labor Market Participation: An Analysis of China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program. Peter Kelly, Xuexi Huo
2013, Vol. 47
  • Social Norms and Aspirations: Age of Marriage and Education in Rural India. Annemie Maertens
  • Rising Regional Inequality in China: Fact or Artifact? Chao Li, John Gibson
  • Frustrated Freedom: The Effects of Agency and Wealth on Wellbeing in Rural Mozambique. Bart Victor, Edward F. Fischer, Bruce Cooil, Alfredo Vergara, Abraham Mukolo, Meridith Blevins
  • Going Where the Money Is: Strategies for Taxing Economic Elites in Unequal Democracies. Tasha Fairfield
  • Rethinking Microentrepreneurship and Business Development Programs: Vulnerability and Ambition in Low-income Urban Caribbean Households. Hebe Verrest
  • The Political Dynamics of Economic Growth. Kunal Sen
  • The Impact of International Standards Certification on the Performance of Firms in Less Developed Countries. Micheline Goedhuys, Leo Sleuwaegen
  • Access to Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is There a Gender Gap? Reyes Aterido, Thorsten Beck, Leonardo Iacovone
  • Gender and Microfinance Performance: Why Does the Institutional Context Matter? Dirk Michael Boehe, Luciano Barin Cruz
  • Privatization of Education and Labor Force Inequality in Urban Francophone Africa: The Transition from School to Work in Ouagadougou. Anne E. Calvès, Jean-François Kobiané, Afiwa N’Bouké
2013, Vol. 46
  • Using Census Data to Explore the Spatial Distribution of Human Development. Iñaki Permanyer
  • Can One-to-One Computing Narrow the Digital Divide and the Educational Gap in China? The Case of Beijing Migrant Schools. Di Mo, Johan Swinnen, Linxiu Zhang, Hongmei Yi, Qinghe Qu, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle
  • Missing Millions and Measuring Development Progress. Roy Carr-Hill
  • US based NGOs in International Development: Financial and Economic Determinants of Survival. Peter Nunnenkamp, Hannes Öhler, Tillmann Schwörer
  • Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights, and Economic Development: A Unified Empirical Investigation. John Hudson, Alexandru Minea
  • Fiscal Policy Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Victor Lledó, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro
  • Fiscal Incentives, Public Spending, and Productivity – County-Level Evidence from a Chinese Province. Stefan Brehm
  • Revisiting the Issue of Elite Capture of Participatory Initiatives. Jens Friis Lund, Moeko Saito-Jensen
  • Revisiting the Effects of IMF Programs on Poverty and Inequality. Doris A. Oberdabernig
  • Are Remittances a Substitute for Credit? Carrying the Financial Burden of Health Shocks in National and Transnational Households. Christian Ambrosius, Alfredo Cuecuecha
  • Protecting Power: How Western States Retain The Dominant Voice in The World Bank’s Governance. Jakob Vestergaard, Robert H. Wade
  • Institutions, Infrastructure, and Trade. Joseph Francois, Miriam Manchin
  • Determinants of Expenditure Decentralization: Evidence from China. Alfred M. Wu, Wen Wang
  • The Global Food Crisis: Disaster, Opportunity or Non-event? Household Level Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire. Ralitza Dimova, Monnet Gbakou
  • Financial Efficiency and Social Impact of Microfinance Institutions Using Self-Organizing Maps. Philippe Louis, Alex Seret, Bart Baesens
  • Measuring Vulnerability to Asset-Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Damien Échevin
  • Does Economic Upgrading Lead to Social Upgrading in Global Production Networks? Evidence from Morocco. Arianna Rossi
  • Private Donations, Government Grants, Commercial Activities, and Fundraising: Cointegration and Causality for NGOs in International Development Cooperation. Dierk Herzer, Peter Nunnenkamp
2013, Vol. 45
  • Structural Change in Developing Countries: Has it Decreased Gender Inequality? Michelle Rendall
  • The Effect of Women’s Bargaining Power on Child Nutrition in Rural Senegal. Aurélia Lépine, Eric Strobl
  • From Nutrition to Aspirations and Self-Efficacy: Gender Bias over Time among Children in Four Countries. Stefan Dercon, Abhijeet Singh
  • Does Prime-Age Mortality Reduce Per-Capita Household Income? Evidence from Rural Zambia. Toman Omar Mahmoud, Rainer Thiele
  • Reversing Urban Bias in African Rice Markets: Evidence from Senegal. Matty Demont, Pieter Rutsaert, Maimouna Ndour, Wim Verbeke
  • Disrupting Demand for Commercial Seed: Input Subsidies in Malawi and Zambia. Nicole M. Mason, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
  • Fiscal Capacity and the Quality of Government in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thushyanthan Baskaran, Arne Bigsten
  • Nation-Building and Conflict in Modern Africa. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Elliott Green
  • The Effects of Risk and Shocks on Non-Farm Enterprise Development in Rural Ethiopia. Bob Rijkers, Måns Söderbom
  • Corporate-Led Sustainable Development and Energy Poverty Alleviation at the Bottom of the Pyramid: The Case of the CleanCook in Nigeria. Temilade Sesan, Sujatha Raman, Mike Clifford, Ian Forbes
  • Can Big Push Interventions Take Small-Scale Farmers out of Poverty? Insights from the Sauri Millennium Village in Kenya. Bernadette M. Wanjala, Roldan Muradian
  • The In-House Contracting Paradox: Flexibility, Control, and Tension. Jong-Woon Lee
  • Human Rights Treaty Ratification of Aid Receiving Countries. Arvind Magesan
  • The Privatization of the Fixed-Line Telecommunications Operator in OECD, Latin America, Asia, and Africa: One Size Does Not Fit All. F. Gasmi, A. Maingard, P. Noumba, L. Recuero Virto
  • Job Creation through Infrastructure Investment in the Middle East and North Africa. Elena Ianchovichina, Antonio Estache, Renaud Foucart, Grégoire Garsous, Tito Yepes
  • Returning to Dakar: A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Role of Migration Experience for Occupational Status. Cora Leonie Mezger Kveder, Marie-Laurence Flahaux
  • Matter of Time: Revisiting Growth Convergence in China. Fredrik N.G. Andersson, David L. Edgerton, Sonja Opper
  • Gender Inequality in Social Institutions and Gendered Development Outcomes. Boris Branisa, Stephan Klasen, Maria Ziegler
  • Ten Years of “Q-Squared”: Implications for Understanding and Explaining Poverty. Paul Shaffer
  • The Politics of Code Enforcement and Implementation in Vietnam’s Apparel and Footwear Factories. Young Kim
  • The Economics of the Arab Spring. Adeel Malik, Bassem Awadallah
  • The Social Determinants of the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Jamaica and Barbados. Andrew Dawson
  • Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. Nhuong Tran, Conner Bailey, Norbert Wilson, Michael Phillips
  • Demographic Transition in Resource Rich Countries: A Blessing or a Curse? Kjetil Bjorvatn, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan
2013, Vol. 44
  • Global Poverty Estimates: A Sensitivity Analysis. Shatakshee Dhongde, Camelia Minoiu
  • Super Cycles of Commodity Prices Since the Mid-Nineteenth. Bilge Erten, José Antonio Ocampo
  • Effects of Global Liquidity on Commodity and Food Prices. Ansgar Belke, Ingo G. Bordon, Ulrich Volz
  • Did High Debts Distort Loan and Grant Allocation to IDA Countries? Silvia Marchesi, Alessandro Missale
  • Aid Tying and Donor Fragmentation. Stephen Knack, Lodewijk Smets
  • Can Poor Countries Lobby for More US Bilateral Aid? Gabriel V. Montes-Rojas
  • The Role of Country-of-Origin Characteristics for Foreign Direct Investment and Technical Cooperation in Post-Reform India. Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
  • The Needy Donor: An Empirical Analysis of India’s Aid Motives. Andreas Fuchs, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
  • Declining Inequality in Latin America in the 2000s: The Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Nora Lustig, Luis F. Lopez-Calva, Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez
  • Shopping for Development: Multilateral Lending, Shareholder Composition and Borrower Preferences. Chris Humphrey, Katharina Michaelowa
  • Should Countries Engage in a Race to the Bottom? The Effect of Social Spending on FDI. R. Douglas Hecock, Eric M. Jepsen
  • The Economic Growth Effect of Offshore Banking in Host Territories: Evidence from the Caribbean. James L. Butkiewicz, Leo-Rey C. Gordon
  • Economic Performance under NAFTA: A Firm-Level Analysis of the Trade-productivity Linkages. Rafael E. De Hoyos, Leonardo Iacovone
  • Cross-Country Heterogeneity and the Trade-Income Relationship. Dierk Herzer
  • Credit contraction and international trade: Evidence from Chilean exporters. Ari Aisen, Roberto Álvarez, Andrés Sagner, Javier Turén
  • Geography and the Determinants of Firm Exports in Indonesia Original. Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Vassilis Tselios, Deborah Winkler, Thomas Farole
  • Disentangling the Effects of Fair Trade on the Quality of Malian Cotton. Gaëlle Balineau
  • Globalization and Gender Wage Inequality in China. Zhihong Chen, Ying Ge, Huiwen Lai, Chi Wan
  • Financial Inclusion and Financial Integrity: Aligned Incentives? Louis de Koker, Nicola Jentzsch
  • The Globalization of Technology in Emerging Markets: A Gravity Model on the Determinants of International Patent Collaborations. Fabio Montobbio, Valerio Sterzi
2013, Vol. 43
  • Democracy, State Capacity, and Economic Growth. Carl Henrik Knutsen
  • The Resource Curse and its Potential Reversal. Anne Boschini, Jan Pettersson, Jesper Roine
  • Displacement and Erosion of Informal Risk-Sharing: Evidence from Nepal. Lai Ming Lam, Saumik Paul
  • What is Autonomous Adaption? Resource Scarcity and Smallholder Agency in Thailand. Tim Forsyth, Natalie Evans
  • Electoral Competition and Local Government Responsiveness in Brazi. Paulo Roberto Arvate
  • Palmed Off: Incentive Problems with Joint-Venture Schemes for Oil Palm Development on Customary Land. R.A. Cramb
  • The Impact of Kinship Networks on the Adoption of Risk-Mitigating Strategies in Ethiopia. Salvatore Di Falco, Erwin Bulte
  • The Role of Forest-Related Income in Household Economies and Rural Livelihoods in the Border-Region of Southern China. Nicholas J. Hogarth, Brian Belcher, Bruce Campbell, Natasha Stacey
  • Conditional Cash Transfers and Payments for Environmental Services—A Conceptual Framework for Explaining and Judging Differences in Outcomes. U. Martin Persson, Francisco Alpízar
  • How do “Mineral-States” Learn? Path-Dependence, Networks, and Policy Change in the Development of Economic Institutions. José Carlos Orihuela
  • Economic and Social Impacts of an Innovative Self-Help Group Model in India. Klaus Deininger, Yanyan Liu
  • Rediscovering the Virgin Lands: Agricultural Investment and Rural Livelihoods in a Eurasian Frontier Area. Martin Petrick, Jürgen Wandel, Katharina Karsten
  • Rural People’s Reliance on Forests and the Non-Forest Environment in West Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Burkina Faso. Mariève Pouliot, Thorsten Treue
  • Beyond the Poverty Agenda? Insights from the New Politics of Development in Uganda. Sam Hickey
  • Do Stronger Collective Property Rights Improve Household Welfare? Evidence from a Field Study in Fiji. Terra Lawson-Remer
  • Local Governance of Forests and the Role of External Organizations: Some Ties Matter More Than Others. Krister Andersson
  • The Impact of Climate Shocks on Seed Purchase Decisions in Malawi: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation. Stella Nordhagen, Unai Pascual
  • Rural Electrification and Employment in Poor Countries: Evidence from Nicaragua. Louise Grogan, Asha Sadanand
  • Emerging Private Education in Africa: Determinants of School Choice in Rural Kenya. Mikiko Nishimura, Takashi Yamano
  • Delivery Care in Tanzania: A Comparative Analysis of Use and Preferences. Bart Van Rijsbergen, Ben D’Exelle
  • Is Micro too Small? Microcredit vs. SME Finance. Jonathan Bauchet, Jonathan Morduch
  • How to Deliver Foreign Aid? The Case of Projects Governed by the Spanish International Agency. Víctor Hermano, Natalia Martín-Cruz
  • Does Access to Formal Agricultural Credit Depend on Caste? Sunil Mitra Kumar
  • Quality, Quantity, and Nutritional Impacts of Rice Price Changes in Vietnam. John Gibson, Bonggeun Kim
2013, Vol. 42, Nº 2
  • Determinants of Horizontal Spillovers from FDI: Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis. Zuzana Iršová, Tomáš Havránek.
  • Is Social Spending Procyclical? Evidence for Developing Countries. Javier Arze del Granado, Sanjeev Gupta, Alejandro Hajdenberg.
  • Is There a Disability Gap in Employment Rates in Developing Countries?. Suguru Mizunoya, Sophie Mitra.
  • Uncertainty, Insecurity, and Emigration from Kazakhstan to Russia. Galina An, Charles M. Becker.
  • “A Mile Wide and an Inch Deep”? Understanding Public Support for Aid: The Case of the United Kingdom. Spencer Henson, Johanna Lindstrom.
  • Developmental Drivers of Nutritional Change: A Cross-Country Analysis. Derek D. Headey.
  • Food Security, Gender, and Occupational Choice among Urban Low-Income Households. Maria Sagrario Floro, Ranjula Bali Swain.
  • Food Quality Changes and Implications: Evidence from the Rice Value Chain of Bangladesh. Bart Minten, K.A.S. Murshid, Thomas Reardon.
  • Staying Alive: Adult Literacy Programs and Child Mortality in Rural Ghana. Niels-Hugo Blunch.
  • Market Imperfections and Child Labor. Christelle Dumas
  • Are Girls the Fairer Sex in India? Revisiting Intra-Household Allocation of Education Expenditure. Mehtabul Azam, Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.
  • Microfinance and Gender: Is There a Glass Ceiling on Loan Size?. Isabelle Agier, Ariane Szafarz.
  • Do Microloan Officers Want to Lend to the Less Advantaged? Evidence from a Choice Experiment. Moïse Sagamba, Oleg Shchetinin, Nurmukhammad Yusupov.
  • Adverse Incorporation and Microfinance among Cross-Border Traders in Senegal. Cynthia Howson.
  • Revisiting the “Cotton Problem”—A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Claire Delpeuch, Anneleen Vandeplas.
2013, Vol. 41, Nº 1
  • Disability and Poverty in Developing Countries: A Multidimensional. Sophie Mitra, Aleksandra Posarac, Brandon Vick.
  • How Should MDG Success and Failure be Judged: Faster Progress or Achieving the Targets?. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Joshua Greenstein, David Stewart.
  • How Did the Great Recession Affect Different Types of Workers? Evidence from 17 Middle-Income Countries. Yoonyoung Cho, David Newhouse.
  • Gender in Transition: The Case of North Korea. Stephan Haggard, Marcus Noland.
  • Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?. Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, Eric Neumayer
  • Remittances and Portfolio Values: An Inquiry using Immigrants from Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Susan Pozo.
  • Citizens, Legislators, and Executive Disclosure: The Political Determinants of Fiscal Transparency. Joachim Wehner, Paolo de Renzio.
  • Redressing Grievances and Complaints Regarding Basic Service Delivery. Varun Gauri.
  • The Profit Orientation of Microfinance Institutions and Effective Interest Rates. Peter W. Roberts.
  • Pricing in Microinsurance Markets. Christian Biener.
  • The Effects of Religion on Development Efforts: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry and a Research Agenda. Roy Mersland, Bert D’Espallier, Magne Supphellen.
  • Development, Social Change, and Islamic Finance in Contemporary Indonesia. Thomas B. Pepinsky.
  • How Effective is a Big Push to the Small? Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment. Debdulal Mallick.
  • Mothers’ Employment and their Children’s Schooling: A Joint Multilevel Analysis for India. Francesca Francavilla, Gianna Claudia Giannelli, Leonardo Grilli.
  • Admissible Evidence in the Court of Development Evaluation? The Impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO Project on Child Stunting in Bangladesh. Lisa C. Smith, Faheem Khan, Timothy R. Frankenberger, A.K.M. Abdul Wadud.
  • African Re-Agrarianization? Accumulation or Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth?. Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt.
  • Targeting Maps: An Asset-Based Approach to Geographic Targeting. Corey Lang, Christopher B. Barrett, Felix Naschold.
  • Unpacking the Meaning of ‘Market Access’: Evidence from Rural Kenya. Jordan Chamberlin, T.S. Jayne.
  • Estimating the Impacts of Bolivia’s Protected Areas on Poverty. Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza, Merlin M. Hanauer.
  • Linking Globalization to Local Land Uses: How Eco-Consumers and Gourmands are Changing the Colombian Coffee Landscapes. Ximena Rueda, Eric F. Lambin.
  • nnovation Performance and Embeddedness in Networks: Evidence from the Ethiopian Footwear Cluster. Mulu Gebreeyesus, Pierre Mohnen.
  • Export Liberalization, Job Creation, and the Skill Premium: Evidence from the US–Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA). Emiko Fukase.
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 12
  • Banking Crises and Short and Medium Term Output Losses in Emerging and Developing Countries: The Role of Structural and Policy Variables. Davide Furceri, Aleksandra Zdzienicka
  • Participatory Governance Reform: A Good Strategy for Increasing Government Responsiveness and Improving Public Services? Johanna Speer
  • Mapping the Outcomes of Citizen Engagement. John Gaventa, Gregory Barrett
  • Gender and Rural Non-Farm Entrepreneurship. Bob Rijkers, Rita Costa
  • Migration and Rural Welfare: The Impact of Potential Policy Reforms in Europe. Fleur Wouterse
  • Merchants of Corruption: How Entrepreneurs Manufacture and Supply Bribes. Nnaoke Ufere, Sheri Perelli, Richard Boland, Bo Carlsson
  • Where Does the Axe Fall? Inflation Dynamics and Poverty Rates: Regional and Sectoral Evidence for Ghana. Simeon Coleman
  • Local Demand for a Global Intervention: Policy Priorities in the Time of AIDS. Kim Yi Dionne
  • Beyond “Death Do Us Part”: The Long-Term Implications of Divorce Perceptions on Women’s Well-Being and Child Schooling in Rural Ethiopia. Neha Kumar, Agnes R. Quisumbing
  • Inequality and the Politics of Social Policy Implementation: Gender, Age and Chile’s 2004 Health Reforms. Christina Ewig, Gastón A. Palmucci
  • Leaving the Safety Net: An Analysis of Dropouts in an Urban Conditional Cash Transfer Program. Mario González-Flores, Maria Heracleous, Paul Winters
  • Social Capital Formation and Credit Access: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Masahiro Shoji, Keitaro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada, Mika Ueyama
  • Equity-Efficiency Trade-Offs in Irrigation Water Sharing: Evidence from a Field Lab in Rural Tanzania. Ben D’Exelle, Els Lecoutere, Bjorn Van Campenhout
  • The Pitfalls of Water Privatization: Failure and Reform in Malaysia. Jeff Tan
  • Privatization and Renationalization: What Went Wrong in Bolivia’s Water Sector? Degol Hailu, Rafael Guerreiro Osorio, Raquel Tsukada
  • In the Eye of the Storm—The Welfare Impacts of a Hurricane. Kristian Thor Jakobsen
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 11
  • Does Foreign Aid Increase Foreign Direct Investment? Pablo Selaya, Eva Rytter Sunesen
  • Trade Liberalization, Economic Crises, and Growth. Rod Falvey, Neil Foster, David Greenaway
  • FDI Waves, Waves of Neglect of Political Risk. Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Khalid Sekkat
  • Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies – A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages. Axèle Giroud, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek
  • Do Developing Countries Invest Up? The Environmental Effects of Foreign Direct Investment from Less-Developed Countries. Ka Zeng, Joshua Eastin
  • The Unequal Benefits of Fuel Subsidies: A Review of Evidence for Developing Countries. Francisco Javier Arze del Granado, David Coady, Robert Gillingham
  • The Impact of Microfinance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. C. van Rooyen, R. Stewart, T. de Wet
  • The Fungibility of Aid Earmarked for HIV/AIDS Control Programs. Sarah E. Harper
  • Do Inequalities in Health Care Utilization in Developing Countries Change When We Take into Account Traditional Medicines? Azusa Sato
  • Ordinal Welfare Comparisons with Multiple Discrete Indicators: A First Order Dominance Approach and Application to Child Poverty. Channing Arndt, Roberta Distante, M. Azhar Hussain, Lars Peter Østerdal, Pham Lan Huong, Maimuna Ibraimo
  • Estimating the Short-Run Poverty Impacts of the 2010–11 Surge in Food Prices. Maros Ivanic, Will Martin, Hassan Zaman
  • Impact of the 2008–2009 Twin Economic Crises on the Philippine Labor Market. Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Nidhiya Menon
  • Can Top-Down and Bottom-Up be Reconciled? Electoral Competition and Service Delivery in Malaysia. Willy Mccourt
  • Harnessing Communities, Markets and the State for Public Goods Provision: Evidence from Post-Socialist Rural Poland. Martin Petrick, Andreas Gramzow
  • Effects of Fair Trade Certification on Social Capital: The Case of Rwandan Coffee Producers. Sara D. Elder, Hisham Zerriffi, Philippe Le Billon
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 10
  • Is there a Beijing Consensus on International Macroeconomic Policy? Graham Bird, Alex Mandilaras, Helen Popper
  • IMF Lending in Times of Crisis: Political Influences and Crisis Prevention. Andrea F. Presbitero, Alberto Zazzaro
  • Sabotaging Civil Service Reform in Aid-Dependent Countries: Are Donors to Blame? Barbara Nunberg, Robert R. Taliercio
  • International R&D Transfer and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Panel Study Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Miao Wang, M. C. Sunny Wong
  • Return Migration and the Survival of Entrepreneurial Activities in Egypt. Francesca Marchetta
  • Parental Education and Child Health—Understanding the Pathways of Impact in Pakistan. Monazza Aslam, Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
  • “The Poor Stay Poor”: Household Asset Poverty Traps in Rural Semi-Arid India. Felix Naschold
  • NGOs and the Political Empowerment of Poor People in Rural Bangladesh: Cultivating the Habits of Democracy? Naila Kabeer, Simeen Mahmud, Jairo G. Isaza Castro
  • Bridging the Gender Divide: An Experimental Analysis of Group Formation in African Villages. Abigail Barr, Marleen Dekker, Marcel Fafchamps
  • Opening Cracks for the Transgression of Social Boundaries: An Evaluation of the Gender Impacts of Farmer Research Teams in Honduras. Sally Humphries, Lauren Classen, José Jiménez, Fredy Sierra, Omar Gallardo, Marvin Gómez
  • Collective Action Dynamics under External Rewards: Experimental Insights from Andean Farming Communities. Ulf Narloch, Unai Pascual, Adam G. Drucker
  • Land Fragmentation, Cropland Abandonment, and Land Market Operation in Albania. Klaus Deininger, Sara Savastano, Calogero Carletto
  • Reducing Poverty Through Carbon Forestry? Impacts of the N’hambita Community Carbon Project in Mozambique. Rohit Jindal, John M. Kerr, Sarah Carter
  • Child Porterage and Africa’s Transport Gap: Evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. Gina Porter, Kate Hampshire, Albert Abane, Alister Munthali, Elsbeth Robson, Mac Mashiri, Augustine Tanle, Goodhope Maponya, Sipho Dube
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 9
  • Development Consequences of Armed Conflict. Scott Gates, Håvard Hegre, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, Håvard Strand
  • Aid, Growth and Devolution. Christian Lessmann, Gunther Markwardt
  • Fiscal Spending and Economic Growth: Some Stylized Facts. Céline Carrère, Jaime de Melo
  • Fiscal Sustainability: The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Shocks on Debt Valuation, Interest Rates and GDP Growth. Claudia Martínez Carrera, Rodrigo Vergara
  • The Growth Effects of Property Rights: The Role of Finance. Niloy Bose, Antu Panini Murshid, Martin A. Wurm
  • The Institutional Reforms Debate and FDI Flows to the MENA Region: The “Best” Ensemble. Wasseem Michel Mina
  • Asking Questions to Understand Rural Livelihoods: Comparing Disaggregated vs. Aggregated Approaches to Household Livelihood Questionnaires. Pamela Jagger, Marty K. Luckert, Abwoli Banana, Joseph Bahati
  • Impacts of Community-driven Development Programs on Income and Asset Acquisition in Africa: The Case of Nigeria. Ephraim Nkonya, Dayo Phillip, Tewodaj Mogues, John Pender, Edward Kato
  • Poverty and Prime-Age Mortality in Eastern and Southern Africa: Evidence from Zambia and Kenya. Antony Chapoto, Lilian Kirimi, Suneetha Kadiyala
  • Urban Services and Child Migration to the Slums of Nairobi. Caroline S. Archambault, Joost de Laat, Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu
  • Institution Building with Limited Resources: Establishing a Supreme Audit Institution in Rwanda. Ann-Sofie Isaksson, Arne Bigsten
  • Alert at Maradi: Preventing Food Crises by Using Price Signals. Claudio Araujo, Catherine Araujo-Bonjean, Stéphanie Brunelin
  • Impact Evaluation of Traditional Basmati Rice Cultivation in Uttarakhand State of Northern India: What Implications Does It Hold for Geographical Indications? Pradyot R. Jena, Ulrike Grote
  • Economic Liberalization and Rising College Premiums in Mexico: A Reinterpretation. Aashish Mehta, Belinda Acuña Mohr -Poverty and Proximate Barriers to Learning: Vision Deficiencies, Vision Correction and Educational Outcomes in Rural Northwest China. Emily Hannum, Yuping Zhang
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 8
  • The Impact of China on Low and Middle Income Countries’ Export Prices in Industrial-Country Markets. Xiaolan Fu, Raphael Kaplinsky, Jing Zhang
  • The Impact of Foreign Labor on Host Country Wages: The Experience of a Southern Host, Malaysia. Prema-chandra Athukorala, Evelyn S. Devadason
  • Fiscal Decentralization and Development Outcomes in India: An Exploratory Analysis. Kaliappa Kalirajan, Keijiro Otsuka
  • Partisan Preferences and Skill Formation Policies: New Evidence from Turkey and Argentina. Fulya Apaydin
  • Why is Corruption Less Harmful to Income Inequality in Latin America? Stephen Dobson, Carlyn Ramlogan-Dobson
  • Setting Priorities, Targeting Subsidies among Water, Sanitation, and Preventive Health Interventions in Developing Countries. Dale Whittington, Marc Jeuland, Kate Barker, Yvonne Yuen
  • Does User Participation Lead to Sense of Ownership for Rural Water Systems? Evidence from Kenya. Sara J. Marks, Jennifer Davis
  • Rural Poverty Dynamics in Kenya: Structural Declines and Stochastic Escapes. Maren Radeny, :Marrit van den Berg, _Rob Schipper
  • Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique. Lena Giesbert, Kati Schindler
  • Assessing the Impact of Training on Lowland Rice Productivity in an African Setting: Evidence from Uganda. Yoko Kijima, Yukinori Ito, Keijiro Otsuka
  • Who is Vouching for the Input Voucher? Decentralized Targeting and Elite Capture in Tanzania. Lei Pan, Luc Christiaensen
  • Does the Nonfarm Economy Offer Pathways for Upward Mobility? Evidence from a Panel Data Study in Ethiopia. Sosina Bezu, Christopher B. Barrett, Stein T. Holden
  • Income Risk and Household Schooling Decisions in Burkina Faso. Harounan Kazianga
  • Family Hardship and Cultural Values: Child Labor in Malian Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities. Gavin Hilson
  • Microfinance and Poverty—A Macro Perspective. Katsushi S. Imai, Raghav Gaiha, Ganesh Thapa, Samuel Kobina Annim
  • Credit Program Participation and Decline in Violence: Does Self-Selection Matter? Yoo-Mi Chin
  • Bequest Motives and Determinants of Micro Life Insurance in Sri Lanka. Thankom Arun, Mirko Bendig, Shoba Arun
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 6
  • Equity in Climate Change: An Analytical Review. Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian
  • Governing International Advocacy NGOs. L. David Brown, Alnoor Ebrahim, Srilatha Batliwala
  • Building a BRIC? Stock Market Opening and Investment Finance in India since Liberalization. Nicholas Snowden, Jesús Muñoz
  • Trade Contraction and Employment in India and South Africa during the Global Crisis. David Kucera, Leanne Roncolato, Erik von Uexkull
  • Changes in Wage Structure in Urban India, 1983–2004: A Quantile Regression Decomposition. Mehtabul Azam
  • Inequality of Educational Opportunity in India: Changes Over Time and Across States. M. Niaz Asadullah, Gaston Yalonetzky
  • The Effect of Gender-Based Returns to Borrowing on Intra-Household Resource Allocation in Rural Bangladesh. Saad Alam
  • Microfinance and Moneylender Interest Rate: Evidence from Bangladesh. Debdulal Mallick
  • Identity, Inequality, and Happiness: Evidence from Urban China. Shiqing Jiang, Ming Lu, Hiroshi Sato
  • Women’s Entry into Self-employment in Urban China: The Role of Family in Creating Gendered Mobility Patterns. Qian Forrest Zhang, Zi Pan
  • Auction Design for the Private Provision of Public Goods in Developing Countries: Lessons from Payments for Environmental Services in Malawi and Indonesia. Oluyede C. Ajayi, B. Kelsey Jack, Beria Leimona
  • Hunting for the Benefits of Joint Forest Management in the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot: Effects on Bushmeat Hunters and Wildlife in the Udzungwa Mountains. Martin Reinhardt Nielsen, Thorsten Treue
  • Land Acquisition and the Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Techniques: A Duration Analysis for Kenya and The Philippines. Remco H. Oostendorp, Fred Zaal
  • Linking Smallholders to Markets: Determinants and Impacts of Farmer Collective Action in Kenya. Elisabeth Fischer, Matin Qaim
  • The Economic Sustainability of Certified Coffee: Recent Evidence from Mexico and Peru. Bradford L. Barham, Jeremy G. Weber
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 7
  • Do Free Trade Agreements Increase Economic Growth of the Member Countries? Jung Hur, Cheolbeom Park
  • Export Performance and Trade Facilitation Reform: Hard and Soft Infrastructure. Alberto Portugal-Perez, John S. Wilson
  • Resource Curse and Power Balance: Evidence from Oil-Rich Countries. Kjetil Bjorvatn, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, Friedrich Schneider
  • Natural Disasters and Growth: Going Beyond the Averages. Norman V. Loayza, Eduardo Olaberría, Jamele Rigolini, Luc Christiaensen
  • The Spatial Interdependence of FDI in Latin America. Luisa R. Blanco
  • Constrained Gazelles: High Potentials in West Africa’s Informal Economy. Michael Grimm, Peter Knorringa, Jann Lay
  • Is the Informal Sector Constrained from the Demand Side? Evidence for Six West African Capitals. Marcus Böhme, Rainer Thiele
  • Challenging the Myths of Urban Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Evidence from Nigeria. Deborah Potts
  • Converting Asset Holdings into Livelihood: An Empirical Study on the Role of Household Agency in South Africa. Bret Anderson
  • Seasonal Food Crises and Policy Responses: A Narrative Account of Three Food Security Crises in Malawi. Frank Ellis, Elizabeth Manda
  • As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming. Marc F. Bellemare
  • Economic Inequality and HIV in Malawi. Dick Durevall, Annika Lindskog
  • Health Inequality between Ethnic Minority and Han Populations in China. Yusi Ouyang, Per Pinstrup-Andersen
  • Joining the Dots of Agrarian Change in Asia: A 25 Year View from Thailand. Jonathan Rigg, Albert Salamanca, Michael Parnwell
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 5
  • Where Do The Poor Live? Andy Sumner
  • A Household-Based Human Development Index. Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen
  • The Good Governance Indicators of the Millennium Challenge Account: How Many Dimensions are Really Being Measured? Martin Knoll, Petra Zloczysti
  • Vulnerability, Income Growth and Climate Change. PATRICK WARD, GERALD SHIVELY
  • Revisiting the Trade-Migration Nexus: Evidence from New OECD Data. Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Farid Toubal
  • Migration, Human Capital Formation, and Growth: An Empirical Investigation. Corrado Di Maria, Emiliya A. Lazarova
  • Skill Distribution and Comparative Advantage: A Comparison of China and India. Yoko Asuyama
  • State-led Technological Development: A Case of China’s Nanotechnology Development. Can Huang, Yilin Wu
  • The Benefits of Formalization: Evidence from Vietnamese Manufacturing SMEs. John Rand, Nina Torm
  • The Impact of Connectivity on Market Interlinkages: Evidence from Rural Punjab. Mahvish Shami
  • Local Entrepreneurship within Global Value Chains: A Case Study in the Mexican Automotive Industry. Oscar F. Contreras, Jorge Carrillo, Jorge Alonso
  • Understanding and Improving Accountability in Education: A Conceptual Framework and Guideposts from Three Decentralization Reform Experiences in Latin America. Alec Ian Gershberg, Pablo Alberto González, Ben Meade
  • Distributive Politics and Conditional Cash Transfers: The Case of Brazil’s Bolsa Família. Brian J. Fried
  • Do External Grants to District Governments Discourage Own Revenue Generation? A Look at Local Public Finance Dynamics in Ghana. Tewodaj Mogues, Samuel Benin
  • Wildlife Conservation in Zambia: Impacts on Rural Household Welfare. Robert B. Richardson, Ana Fernandez, David Tschirley, Gelson Tembo
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 3
  • Governance, Private Investment and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries. Oliver Morrissey, Manop Udomkerdmongkol
  • The Impact of the Strategic Sale of Restructured Banks: Evidence from Indonesia. Rasyad A. Parinduri, Yohanes E. Riyanto
  • How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training. Yukichi Mano, Alhassan Iddrisu, Yutaka Yoshino, Tetsushi Sonobe
  • Changes in Trade Policies and the Heterogeneity of Domestic and Multinational Firms’ Strategic Response: The Effects on Firm-Level Capabilities. Jahan Ara Peerally, John A Cantwell
  • The Political Economy of Relief Aid Allocation: Evidence from Madagascar. Nathalie Francken, Bart Minten, Johan F.M. Swinnen
  • The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on HIV and AIDS Programs in a High Prevalence Country: The Case of Malawi. John E. Serieux, Spy Munthali, Ardeshir Sepehri, Robert White
  • Citizen Perceptions of Local Government Responsiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. Michael Bratton
  • Community Organized Household Water Increases Not Only Rural incomes, but Also Men’s Work. Ben Crow, Brent Swallow, Isabella Asamba
  • Institutional Determinants of Success Among Forestry-Based Carbon Sequestration Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Travis W. Reynolds
  • Swimming Upstream: Local Indonesian Production Networks in “Globalized” Palm Oil Production. John F. McCarthy, Piers Gillespie, Zahari Zen
  • The Impact of Fair Trade Certification for Coffee Farmers in Peru. Ruerd Ruben, Ricardo Fort
  • An Empirical Analysis of Gender Bias in Education Spending in Paraguay. Thomas Masterson
  • Skill Premium in Chile: Studying Skill Upgrading in the South. Francisco A. Gallego
  • Measurement of Women’s Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh. Simeen Mahmud, Nirali M. Shah, Stan Becker
  • Heterogeneous Effects of International Migration and Remittances on Crop Income: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. Aziz Atamanov, Marrit Van den Berg
  • Hidden Child Labor: Determinants of Housework and Family Business Work of Children in 16 Developing Countries. Ellen Webbink, Jeroen Smits, Eelke de Jong
  • Competition Between Microfinance NGOs: Evidence from Kiva. Pierre Ly, Geri Mason
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 4
  • Remittances and Institutions: Are Remittances a Curse? Yasser Abdih, Ralph Chami, Jihad Dagher, Peter Montiel
  • Hard or Soft Pegs? Choice of Exchange Rate Regime and Trade in Africa. Mahvash Saeed Qureshi, Charalambos G. Tsangarides
  • Aid, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment, and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Linda Kaltani, Raimundo Soto
  • The Rise of Large Farms in Land Abundant Countries: Do They Have a Future? Klaus Deininger, Derek Byerlee
  • Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries. Christopher B. Barrett, Maren E. Bachke, Marc F. Bellemare, Hope C. Michelson, Sudha Narayanan, Thomas F. Walker
  • Triggers and Characteristics of the 2007 Kenyan Electoral Violence. Stefan Dercon, Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero
  • Conflict Management, Decentralization and Agropastoralism in Dryland West Africa. Matthew D. Turner-, _Augustine A. Ayantunde, Kristen P. Patterson, E. Daniel Patterson III
  • Pitfalls of Externally Initiated Collective Action: A Case Study from South Africa. Björn Vollan
  • Minimum Wages and Household Poverty: General Equilibrium Macro–Micro Simulations for South Africa. Karl Pauw, Murray Leibbrandt
  • Persistent Poverty in Rural China: Where, Why, and How to Escape? Thomas Glauben, Thomas Herzfeld, Scott Rozelle, Xiaobing Wang
  • Knowledge Transfer from TNCs and Upgrading of Domestic Firms: The Polish Automotive Sector. Gentile-Lüdecke Simona, Giroud Axèle
  • Consumers’ Welfare and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from the Car Industry in Colombia. Jorge Tovar
  • Trade Liberalization, Inequality, and Poverty in Brazilian States. Marta Castilho, Marta Menéndez, Aude Sztulman
  • Comparing Forest Decentralization and Local Institutional Change in Bolivia, Kenya, Mexico, and Uganda. Eric A. Coleman, Forrest D. Fleischman
  • Welfare Outcomes and the Advance of the Deforestation Frontier in the Brazilian Amazon. Danielle Celentano, Erin Sills, Marcio Sales, Adalberto Veríssimo
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 2
  • Disaggregated Capital Flows and Developing Countries’ Competitiveness. Sami Ben Naceur, Damyana Bakardzhieva, Bassem Kamar
  • Rigidities in Employment Protection and Exporting. Murat Seker
  • Are Skilled Women More Migratory than Skilled Men? Frédéric Docquier, Abdeslam Marfouk, Sara Salomone, Khalid Sekkat
  • Aid Unpredictability and Economic Growth. Masahiro Kodama
  • Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from Six Latin American Countries. Gustavo Crespi, Pluvia Zuniga
  • Impact of Pension Privatization on Foreign Direct Investment. Christopher Reece, Abdoul G. Sam
  • Economic Crises, Maternal and Infant Mortality, Low Birth Weight and Enrollment Rates: Evidence from Argentina’s Downturns. Guillermo Cruces, Pablo Glüzmann, Luis Felipe López Calva
  • Detecting Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring Through Monitoring Intermediation Services: The Case of Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Martín Moreno, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra, Máximo Torero
  • Transaction Costs, Institutional Arrangements and Inequality Outcomes: Potato Marketing by Small Producers in Rural Peru. Javier A. Escobal, Denice Cavero
  • Small Farmers and Big Retail: Trade-offs of Supplying Supermarkets in Nicaragua. Hope Michelson, Thomas Reardon, Francisco Perez
  • Is Bribery Really Regressive? Bribery’s Costs, Benefits, and Mechanisms. Jennifer Hunt, Sonia Laszlo
  • Displaced Populations, Humanitarian Assistance and Hosts: A Framework for Analyzing Impacts on Semi-urban Households. Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Anne Bartlett, David Saah
  • Why Do NGOs Go Where They Go? Evidence from Kenya. Jennifer N. Brass
  • Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in East Africa. K. Davis, E. Nkonya, E. Kato, D.A. Mekonnen, M. Odendo, R. Miiro, J. Nkuba
  • The Empowerment Route to Well-being: An Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in East Africa. Esbern Friis-Hansen, Deborah Duveskog
  • Does Positional Concern Matter in Poor Societies? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Rural Ethiopia. Alpaslan Akay, Peter Martinsson, Haileselassie Medhin
2012, Vol. 40, Nº 1
  • Aid Proliferation and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis. Hidemi Kimura, Yuko Mori, Yasuyuki Sawada
  • Social Transfers and Growth: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Find Out? Armando Barrientos
  • The Best Things in Life are (Nearly) Free: Technology, Knowledge, and Global Health. Ursula Casabonne, Charles Kenny
  • Trade Barrier Volatility and Agricultural Price Stabilization. Kym Anderson, Signe Nelgen
  • Beyond Trade: The Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on FDI Inflows. Denis Medvedev
  • Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Evidence from China. Xinpeng Xu, Yu Sheng
  • Does Foreign Direct Investment Reduce Poverty in Africa and are There Regional Differences? Gaston Gohou, Issouf Soumaré
  • Can Public–Private Partnerships Leverage Private Investment in Agricultural Value Chains in Africa? A Preliminary Review. Colin Poulton, Jon Macartney
  • Smallholder Irrigation as a Poverty Alleviation Tool in Sub-Saharan Africa. Jennifer A. Burney, Rosamond L. Naylor
  • Cropland Allocation Effects of Agricultural Input Subsidies in Malawi. Christopher Chibwana, Monica Fisher, Gerald Shively
  • Drought and Population Mobility in Rural Ethiopia. Clark Gray, Valerie Mueller
  • Household-Level Consumption in Urban Ethiopia: The Effects of a Large Food Price Shock. Yonas Alem, Måns Söderbom
  • Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Getting the Politics Right. Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Armando Barrientos, Samuel Hickey, David Hulme
  • The Spread of Illegal Transgenic Cotton Varieties in India: Biosafety Regulation, Monopoly, and Enforcement. Bharat Ramaswami, Carl E. Pray, N. Lalitha
  • Governance Institutions, Resource Rights Regimes, and the Informal Mining Sector: Regulatory Complexities in Indonesia. Samuel J. Spiegel
  • Collective Remittances and the State: The 3×1 Program in Mexican Municipalities. Francisco Javier Aparicio, Covadonga Meseguer
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 12
  • Freely Disposable Time: A Time and Money Integrated Measure of Poverty and Freedom. Marieke Hobbes, Wouter T. De Groot, Ester Van Der Voet, Sukanya Sarkhel
  • Trade Policy, Trade Costs, and Developing Country Trade. Bernard Hoekman, Alessandro Nicita
  • Capital Flows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Mexico. Carlos A. Ibarra
  • “Emerging Donors” from a Recipient Perspective: An Institutional Analysis of Foreign Aid in Cambodia. Jin Sato, Hiroaki Shiga, Takaaki Kobayashi, Hisahiro Kondoh
  • Knowledge Diffusion and Modernization of Rural Industrial Clusters: A Paper-manufacturing Village in Northern Vietnam. Yuichi Kimura
  • Local Means in Value Chain Ends: Dynamics of Product and Social Upgrading in Apparel Manufacturing in Guatemala and Colombia. Seth Pipkin
  • The Impact of Political Dependence on Small Island Jurisdictions. Leslie Dunn
  • Marginalized Forest Peoples’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Governance: An Exploration. Carol J. Pierce Colfer
  • The Effect of Irrigation on Poverty Reduction, Asset Accumulation, and Informal Insurance: Evidence from Northern Mali. Andrew Dillon
  • Farmer Participatory Research and Soil Conservation in Southeast Asian Cassava Systems. Timothy J. Dalton, Nina K. Lilja, Nancy Johnson, Reinhardt Howeler
  • The Impact of Modern Economic Growth on Urban–Rural Differences in Subjective Well-Being. Richard A. Easterlin, Laura Angelescu, Jacqueline S. Zweig
  • Labor Migration and Time Use Patterns of the Left-behind Children and Elderly in Rural China. Hongqin Chang, Xiao-yuan Dong, Fiona MacPhail
  • Height and Cognitive Achievement of Vietnamese Children. Le Thuc Duc
  • Determinants of Dietary Quality: Evidence from Bangladesh. Dewan Arif Rashid, Lisa C. Smith, Tauhidur Rahman
  • Are Schooling and Roads Complementary? Evidence from Income Dynamics in Rural Indonesia. Futoshi Yamauchi, Megumi Muto, Shyamal Chowdhury, Reno Dewina, Sony Sumaryanto
  • Quality of Schooling, Returns to Schooling and the 1981 Vouchers Reform in Chile. Harry A. Patrinos, Chris Sakellariou
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 10
  • Dual Income Taxation: A Promising Path to Tax Reform for Developing Countries. Richard M. Bird, Eric M. Zolt
  • Throwing Foreign Aid at HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries: Missing the Target? Peter Nunnenkamp, Hannes Öhler
  • 25 Years of Aid Allocation Practice: Whither Selectivity? Paul Clist
  • Democracy, History, and Economic Performance: A Case-Study Approach. John Gerring, Peter Kingstone, Matthew Lange, Aseema Sinha
  • Land Transport for Export: The Effects of Cost, Time, and Uncertainty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nannette Christ, Michael J. Ferrantino
  • Local and Personal Networks in Employment and the Development of Labor Markets: Evidence from the Cut Flower Industry in Ethiopia. Yukichi Mano, Takashi Yamano, Aya Suzuki, Tomoya Matsumoto
  • Financial Liberalization and the Industrial Response: Concentration and Entry in Malawi. Grant P. Kabango, Alberto Paloni
  • Agricultural Technology, Crop Income, and Poverty Alleviation in Uganda. Menale Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw, Geoffrey Muricho
  • Literacy Practices and Schooling: A Case Study from Mozambique. Lucio Esposito, Bereket Kebede, Bryan Maddox
  • Measuring the Impact of Microfinance on Child Health Outcomes in Indonesia. Stephen B. DeLoach, Erika Lamanna
  • Caste Stratification and Wealth Inequality in India. Ajit Zacharias, Vamsi Vakulabharanam
  • Remittances and Competitiveness: The Case of the Philippines. Veronica Bayangos, Karel Jansen
  • Return Migrants: The Rise of New Entrepreneurs in Rural China. Sylvie Démurger, Hui Xu
  • Effects of Free Trade on Women and Immigrants: CAFTA and the Rural Dominican Republic. Mateusz Filipski, J. Edward Taylor, Siwa Msangi
  • The Corn Price Surge: Impacts on Rural Mexico. George A. Dyer, J. Edward Taylor
  • Comment: On the Interpretation (and Misinterpretation) of Inequality Decompositions by Income Sources. Ayal Kimhi
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 11
  • More Dollars than Sense: Refining Our Knowledge of Development Finance Using AidData. Michael J. Tierney, Daniel L. Nielson, Darren G. Hawkins, J. Timmons Roberts, Michael G. Findley, Ryan M. Powers, Bradley Parks, Sven E. Wilson, Robert L. Hicks
  • Aid Quality and Donor Rankings. Stephen Knack, F. Halsey Rogers, Nicholas Eubank
  • The Money Trail: Ranking Donor Transparency in Foreign Aid. Anirban Ghosh, Homi Kharas
  • Rhetoric versus Reality: The Best and Worst of Aid Agency Practices. William Easterly, Claudia R. Williamson
  • Are ‘New’ Donors Different? Comparing the Allocation of Bilateral Aid Between nonDAC and DAC Donor Countries. Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp, Rainer Thiele
  • The Rise (and Decline?) of Arab Aid: Generosity and Allocation in the Oil Era. Debra Shushan, Christopher Marcoux
  • What Determines the Size of Aid Projects? Christopher Kilby
  • The Localized Geography of Foreign Aid: A New Dataset and Application to Violent Armed Conflict. Michael G. Findley, Josh Powell, Daniel Strandow, Jeff Tanner
  • Coding Error or Statistical Embellishment? The Political Economy of Reporting Climate Aid. Axel Michaelowa, Katharina Michaelowa
  • Foreign Aid and Regime Change: A Role for Donor Intent. Sarah Blodgett Bermeo
  • Chasing Success: Health Sector Aid and Mortality. Sven E. Wilson
  • Dodging Adverse Selection: How Donor Type and Governance Condition Aid’s Effects on School Enrollment. Zachary Christensen, Dustin Homer, Daniel L. Nielson
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 9
  • Trade Openness and Developing Countries’ Vulnerability: Concepts, Misconceptions, and Directions for Research. Pierluigi Montalbano
  • Informal Employment: Safety Net or Growth Engine? Norman V. Loayza, Jamele Rigolini
  • Political Polarization as a Constraint on Corruption: A Cross-national Comparison. David S. Brown, Michael Touchton, Andrew Whitford
  • Earthquake Propensity and the Politics of Mortality Prevention. Philip Keefer, Eric Neumayer, Thomas Plümper
  • Do Effective State Business Relations Matter for Economic Growth? Evidence from Indian States. Massimiliano Calì, Kunal Sen
  • Fiscal Redistribution and Income Inequality in Latin America. Edwin Goñi, J. Humberto López, Luis Servén
  • The Co-Evolution of Firm-Centered Knowledge Networks and Capabilities in Late Industrializing Countries: The Case of Petrobras in the Offshore Oil Innovation System in Brazil. Eva Dantas, Martin Bell
  • Can Entrepreneurial Activity be Taught? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Central America. Bailey Klinger, Matthias Schündeln
  • Partial Vertical Integration, Risk Shifting, and Product Rejection in the High-Value Export Supply Chain: The Ghana Pineapple Sector. Aya Suzuki, Lovell S. Jarvis, Richard J. Sexton
  • Wet Markets, Supermarkets and the “Big Middle” for Food Retailing in Developing Countries: Evidence from Thailand. Matthew Gorton, Johannes Sauer, Pajaree Supatpongkul
  • Livestock’s Contribution to Poverty Alleviation: How to Measure It? Véronique Alary, Christian Corniaux, Denis Gautier
  • Gender Implications of Biofuels Expansion in Africa: The Case of Mozambique. Channing Arndt, Rui Benfica, James Thurlow
  • Determinants of Performance of Community-Based Drinking Water Organizations. Róger Madrigal, Francisco Alpízar, Achim Schlüter
  • Marital Violence and Women’s Employment and Property Status: Evidence from North Indian Villages. Manasi Bhattacharyya, Arjun S. Bedi, Amrita Chhachhi
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 8
  • Does Global Health Funding Respond to Recipients’ Needs? Comparing Public and Private Donors’ Allocations in 2005–2007. Daniel E. Esser y Kara Keating Bench
  • A New Approach to the Allocation of Aid Among Developing Countries: Is the USA Different from the Rest? Jane Harrigan yChengang Wang
  • Foreign Students and Migration to the United States. Axel Dreher yPanu Poutvaara
  • Help or Hindrance? Religion’s Impact on Gender Inequality in Attitudes and Outcomes. Stephanie Seguino
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality: Evidence from China. Zhihong Chen, Ying Ge yHuiwen Lai
  • Wages Equal Productivity. Fact or Fiction? Evidence from Sub Saharan Africa. Johannes Van Biesebroeck
  • The Limits of R&D Internationalization and the Importance of Local Initiatives: Turkey as a Critical Case. Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Asli Tuncay-Celikel yChristian Berggren
  • Local ‘Test Bed’ Market Demand in the Transition to Leadership: The Case of the Korean Mobile Handset Industry. Yun-kyung Whang y Michael Hobday
  • Threatening to Increase Productivity: Evidence from Brazil’s Oil Industry. Benjamin Bridgman, Victor Gomes yArilton Teixeira
  • The Impact of Operating in Multiple Value Chains for Upgrading: The Case of the Brazilian Furniture and Footwear Industries. Lizbeth Navas-Alemán
  • Weathering the Storms: Credit Receipt and Child Labor in the Aftermath of the Great Floods (1998) in Bangladesh. Eskander Alvi, Seife Dendir
  • Beyond Average Treatment Effects: Distribution of Child Nutrition Outcomes and Program Placement in India’s ICDS. Eeshani Kandpal
  • Gender Disparity in Access to Information: Do Spouses Share What They Know? Diana Fletschner y Dina Mesbah
  • Planting Hybrids, Keeping Landraces: Agricultural Modernization and Tradition Among Small- Scale Maize Farmers in Chiapas, Mexico. Mauricio R. Bellon y Jon Hellin
  • Market Provisioning and the Conservation of Crop Biodiversity: An Analysis of Peasant Livelihoods and Maize Diversity in the Guatemalan Highlands. S. Ryan Isakson
  • The Burkinabè Cotton Story 1992–2007: Sustainable Success or Sub-Saharan Mirage? Jonathan Kaminski, Derek Headey y Tanguy Bernard
  • Gender Wage Inequality and Economic Growth: Is There Really a Puzzle?—A Comment. Thomas Schober y Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
  • Gender Inequality and Economic Growth: A Reply to Schober and Winter-Ebmer. Stephanie Seguino
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 7
Foreign technology and indigenous innovation in the emerging economies.
  • Globalization and the empowerment of women: An analysis of spatial dependencia via trade and foreign direct investment.
  • Remittances and household consumption instabiity in developing countries.
  • R&D and productivity: a two way avenue?
  • The patterns of technological capabilities of countries: A dual approach using composite indicators and data envelopment analysis.
  • How petty is petty corruption? Evidence from firm surveys in Africa.
  • Corruption, attitudes, and education: survey evidence from Nepal.
  • Seeking the local state: gender, caste, and the pursuit of public services in post-tsunami India.
  • The paradox of state retrenchment in Sub-Saharan Africa: the micro-level experience of public social service provision.
  • Old problems in the new solutions? Politically motivated allocation of program benefiet and the "new" Fertilizer subsidies.
  • China as a final market: the Gabon timber and Thai Cassava Value Chains.
  • Can microcredit services alleviate hardship in African small-scale mining communities?
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 6
Microfinance: Its impact, outreach and sustainability
  • Microfinance: Its Impact, Outreach, and Sustainability. Niels Hermes y Robert Lensink
  • Microfinance and Investment: A Comparison with Bank and Informal Lending. Lucia Dalla Pellegrina
  • Does Microfinance Work as a Recovery Tool After Disasters? Evidence from the 2004 Tsunami. Leonardo Becchetti y Stefano Castriota
  • Do Spouses Make Claims? Empowerment and Microfinance in India. Ashok Rai y Shamika Ravi -Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events. Craig McIntosh , Gonzalo Villaran y Bruce Wydick
  • Outreach and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions. Niels Hermes , Robert Lensink y Aljar Meesters
  • Does Regulatory Supervision Curtail Microfinance Profitability and Outreach? Robert Cull, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, y Jonathan Morduch
  • On the Efficiency Effects of Subsidies in Microfinance: An Empirical Inquiry. Marek Hudon y Daniel Traca
  • Social Networks, Neighborhood Effects, and Credit Access: Evidence from Rural Guatemala. Bruce Wydick, Harmony Karp Hayes y Sarah Hilliker Kempf

Sección especial: Sustainable Development, Energy, and Climate Change

  • Introduction: Sustainable Development, Energy, and Climate Change. Kirsten Halsnæs, Anil Markandya y P. Shukla
  • Assessing the Role of Energy in Development and Climate Policies—Conceptual Approach and Key Indicators. Kirsten Halsnæs y Amit Garg
  • Pro-equity Effects of Ancillary Benefits of Climate Change Policies: A Case Study of Human Health Impacts of Outdoor Air Pollution in New Delhi. Amit Garg
  • Biofuels and Sustainable Energy Development in Brazil. Emilio Lèbre La Rovere, André Santos Pereira y André Felipe Simões
  • Access and Affordability of Electricity in Developing Countries. Harald Winkler, André Felipe Simões, Emilio Lèbre la Rovere, Mozaharul Alam, Atiq Rahman y Stanford Mwakasonda
  • Equity and Distributional Implications of Climate Change. Anil Markandya
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 5
  • Supermarkets, farm household income, and poverty: Insights from Kenya.
  • The impact of the Global Financial Crisis on off-farm employment and earning in rural China.
  • The forgotten property rights: Evidence on land use rights in Vietnam.
  • The good, the bad, and the contradictory: Neoliberal conservation governance in rural Southeast Asia.
  • Supporting post-conflict democratic development? external promption of participatory budgeting in El Salvador.
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 3
  • Shadow sovereign rating for Unrated Developing Countries.
  • Did the World Bank drive tariff reforms in Eastern Africa?
  • Evaluating the health effects of micro health insurance placement: Evidence from Bangladesh.
  • Do the commons help augment mutual insurance among the poor?
  • Repertoires of domination: Decentralization as process in Bostwana and Senegal.
  • Working life, well-being and welfare reform: Motivation and institutions revisited.
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 4
  • Resource rents, redistribution, and Halving Global Poverty: The resource dividend.
  • Paths to success: The relationship between human development and economic growth.
  • A panel data analysis of the brain gain.
  • The irrelevance of national strategies? Rural poverty dynamics in states and regions of India, 1993-2005.
  • Female headship and schooling outcomes in Rural India.
  • Input choices in agriculture: Is there a gender bias?
  • Do spouses realise cooperative gains? Experimental evidence from Rural Uganda.
  • The private health care sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America.
  • Child labor and schooling in Bolivia: Who´s falling behind? The roles of domestic work, gender, and ethnicity.
  • Liquidity profiles of poor mexican households.
  • Multi-scale forest governance, deforestation, and violence in two regions of Guerrero, México.
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 2
Ethnicity and ethnic strife.
  • Ethnic diversity and ethnic strife. An interdisciplinary perspective.
  • Inequalities between groups: Theory and empirics.
  • Revisiting between-group inequality measurement. An apllication to the dynamics of caste inequality in two Indian villages.
  • Riding the ever-rolling stream: Time and the Ontology of violent conflict.
  • Sons of the soil, migrants, and civil war.
  • A systematic approach to cultural explanations of war: Tracing causal processes in two West African insurgencies.
  • The spatial distribution of riots: Patronage and the instigation of communal violence in Gujarat, India.
  • Explaining anti-Chinese riots in Late 20th Century Indonesia.
  • Political instrumentalization of Islam and the risk of obscurantist deadlock.
  • Religious media, devotional Islam, and the morality of ethnic pluralism in Mauritius.
  • Estranged natives and indigenized immigrants: A relational anthropology of etnically mixed towns in Israel.
  • We-ness and welfare: A longitudinal analysis of social development in Kerala, India.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 12
  • Political instituttions and financial development: An empirical study.
  • Human Development and Foreign Direct Investment in developing countries: The influence of FDI Policy and Corruption.
  • Disability cash transfers in the context of poverty and unemployment: The case of South Africa.
  • Inside informality: the links between poverty, microenterprises and living conditions in Nairobi's slums.
  • Accounting for remittance and migration effect on children's schooling.
  • Microfinance and household poverty reduction: New evidence from India.
  • Food prices and modern retail: The case of Delhi.
  • Identity, interest and information search in a dynamic rural economy.
  • Knowledge Management in practice: Pitfalls and potentials for development.
2011, Vol. 39, Nº 1
  • Financial openness and productivity.
  • Are Third World emigration forces abating?
  • Revisiting religion: Development studies thirty years on.
  • The politics of public health aid: Why corrupt governments have incentives to implement aid effectively.
  • "Aids money": How donor preferences reconfigure local realities.
  • An inquiry into constraints on a Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of NERICA rice in Uganda.
  • Do village funds improve access to finance? Evidence from Thailand.
  • fair trade/organic coffee, rural livelihoods, and the "Agrarian Question": Southern Mexican coffee families in transition.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 11
  • Determinants of government efficiency.
  • Does foreign direct investment drive technological upgrading?
  • The fight for the middle: upgrading, competition, and industrial development in China.
  • Supplier upgrading in the home-furnishing value chain: an empirical study of IKEA'S sourcing in China and South East Asia.
  • Catching up trajectories in the Wine Sector: A comparative study of Chile, Italy, and South Africa.
  • The returns to education in Thailand: A pseudo-panel approach.
  • Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala.
  • Forest to the people: decentralization and forest degradation in the Indian Himalayas.
  • How do ethnic militias perpetuate in Nigeria? A micro-level perspective on the Oodua People's Congress.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 3
  • Aid and debt relief in Africa: Have they been substitutes or complements?
  • Is corporate aid targeted to poor and deserving countries? A case study of Nestle's Aid Allocation.
  • Is corruption and efficient grease?
  • Growth and inequality in India: Analysis of an extended social accounting matrix.
  • Accounting for inequality in India: Evidence from household expenditures.
  • Schooling investments over three decades in rural Tamil Nadu, India: Changing effects of income, gender and adult family member's education.
  • Child nutrition, health problems, and school achievements in Sri Lanka.
  • Female empowerment: Impact of commitment savings product in the Philippines.
  • Relative to what or whom? The importance of norms and relative standing to well-being in South Africa.
  • A test of the new variant famine hypothesis: Panel survey evidence from Zambia.
  • Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: The case of Microfinance Insurance Lt.
  • Life is unfair in Latin America, but does it matter for growth?
  • Complementary labor regulation: The uncoordinated combination of state and private regulators in the Dominican Republic.
  • Do interventions of school level improve educational outcomes? Evidence from Rural Program in Colombia.
  • Doing it for themselves: direct Action Land Reform in the Brazilian amazon.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 9
  • Good for living? On the relations between globalization and life expectancy?
  • Debt relief, investment and growth.
  • Geographical diversification of developing country exports.
  • Regulating water services for all in developing economies.
  • Promoting transparency in the NGO sector: Examining the availability and reliability of self-reported data.
  • A rural-urban comparison of manufacturing enterprise performance in Ethiopia.
  • Employment vulnerability and earnings in urban West-Africa.
  • The Global Food Crisis and Guatemala: What crisis and for whom?
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 8
  • Are international databases on corruption reliable? A comparison of expert opinion surveys and household surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Financial reforms, patent protection, and knowledge accumulation in India.
  • Patent incentives, technology markets, and public-private bio-medical innovation networks in Brazil.
  • Does stronger intellectual property rights protection induce more bilateral trade? Evidence from China's imports.
  • Exchange rate volatility and employment growth in developing countries: Evidence from Turkey.
  • Return migration and occupational choice: Evidence from Albania.
  • Values, cultural practices, and economic performance: Theory and some evidence from Kenya.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 7
  • Community-based risk management arrangements: A review.
  • "Trade matters in the fight agains poverty": Narratives, perceptions, and (lack of) evidence in the case of fish trade in Africa.
  • Assets, activity choices, and civil war: Evidence from Burundi.
  • Who should be interviewed in Surveys of Household income?
  • Women's empowerment and the creation of social capital in Indian villages.
  • How does Public Assistance affect family expenditures? The case of urban China.
  • Nutrient intake of the poor and its implications for the nutritional effect of cereal price subsidies: Evidence from China.
  • Adult BMI as a health and nutritional inequality measure: Applications at macro and micro levels.
  • the impact of improved Maize Varieties on poverty in Mexico: A prospensity score-matching approach.
  • Poverty and inequality among ethnic groups in Chile.
  • Remittances and their unintended consequences in Cuba.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 6
Globalization, poverty, and inequality in Latin America.
  • Globalization, poverty, and inequality in Latin America: Findings from case studies.
  • Trade liberalization and the self-employed in Mexico.
  • Globalization and smallholders: The adoption, diffusion, and welfare impact of non-traditional export crops in Guatemala.
  • Remittances and vulnerability to poverty in rural Mexico.
  • Globalization and formal sector migration in Brazil.
  • Seasonal migration and early childhood development.
  • Earnings mobility in times of growth and decline: Argentina from 1996 to 2003.
  • Linkages between pro-poor growth, social programs and labor market: The recent Brazilian experience.
  • Globalization and the role of public transferts in redistributing income in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Minimum wages, globalization, and poverty in Honduras.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 5
  • Growing out of poverty: Trends and patterns of urban poverty in China 1988-2002.
  • The effect of ILO minimum age Conventions on Child Labor and school attendance: Evidence from aggregate and individual level data. Corruption, manufacturing plan growth, and the Asian Paradox: Indonesian evidence.
  • How important are locational characteristics for rural non-agricultural employment? Lessons from Brazil.
  • Jump-starting self-employment? Evidence for welfare participants in argentina.
  • Disentangling bargaining power from individual and household level for institutions: Evidence on women's position in Ethiopia.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 4
  • The developing world's budgeting (but vulnerable) middle class.
  • Social Security regimes, global estimates, and good practices: The status of social protection for international migrants.
  • Global infant mortality: Correcting for undercounting.
  • Is foreign aid a vanguard of foreign direct investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach.
  • Ivestment climate and FDI in developing countries: Some evidence from Korea.
  • Who beniets from promoting small enterprises? Some empirical evidence from Ethiopia.
  • Poverty status and the impact of Formal Credit on Technology use and wellbeing among Ethiopian smallholders.
  • Impact of access to credit on labor allocation patterns in Malawi.
  • Credit Program Participation and child schooling in rural Malawi.
  • Promising approaches to address the needs of poor female farmers: Resources, constraints, amnd interventions.
  • Are female-headed households more food insecure? Evidence from Bangladesh.
  • Do rights work? Law, activism, and the employment guarantee scheme.
  • One size fits all? Decentralization, corruption, and the monitoring of bureaucrats.
  • Vulnerability of victims of civil conflicts: Empirical evidence for the displaced population in Colombia.