Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 68

Este número de Ecología Política explora la problemática de los residuos como síntoma y consecuencia de un modelo económico insostenible basado en el consumo y el crecimiento ilimitado. A través de casos emblemáticos, como los plásticos en los océanos o los vertederos saturados de ropa desechable, se analiza cómo estos desechos no solo contaminan, sino que reflejan profundas desigualdades sociales y económicas.

Desde el ecologismo de los pobres y las luchas de movimientos recicladores, los textos reunidos cuestionan las soluciones tecnocráticas que perpetúan la injusticia ambiental y presentan alternativas transformadoras. Modelos de gestión basados en justicia social y ecológica, iniciativas por el decrecimiento y el reconocimiento de los recicladores como actores clave inspiran un cambio hacia sistemas más justos y sostenibles.


  • La espiral tóxica de la contaminación plástica Larisa de Orbe
  • Relaves mineros y desplazamiento de subjetividades. Análisis desde la ecología política feminista Valeska Morales Urbina


  • Paisajes de la desolación y el abandono: desechos de los parques eólicos en territorios indígenas en América Latina Astrid Ulloa
  • Pozos de fracking, montañas de basura. Dónde van los residuos de la explotación hidrocarburífera en Argentina Fernando Cabrera Christiansen y Yamila del Palacio
  • Promesas de basura cero en Colombia: una gestión no integral de los residuos Daniel Prieto Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda Tovar y María Fernanda Herrera


  • Contribuciones de los recicladores informales al metabolismo de la ciudad de Barcelona Julián Porras, Daniele Vico y Federico Demaria
  • De residuo a recurso. Nuevas políticas europeas en materia de residuos textiles Clara Mallart
  • La basurización de Morrompulli. Zona de sacrificio e injusticia en la Región de Los Ríos (Chile) Francisco Astudillo Pizarro y Karen Castillo Hidalgo
  • Un modelo de gobierno abierto para la gestión de residuos: el caso de Hurlingham, Argentina Mateo Noya Valcarce y Lucía Giménez
  • Vertedero de ropa en Atacama. Impacto local generado por la industria global Beatriz O’Brien Madrid y Pamela Poo Cifuentes
  • Conflictos ecológicos distributivos en torno a los residuos urbanos en Montevideo Juan Alves, Saúl Cerrada, Camila Sosa Berche, Gabriela Mengod y Jorge Peloche
  • Residuos sólidos urbanos. Problemas ambientales en la metropolización Bogotá-Funza Nicolás García Bobadilla y Brandon Zambrano Gómez
  • Justicia ambiental: cómo la acumulación del capital por contaminación y desposesión genera conflictos ambientales Federico Demaria y Giacomo D’Alisa


  • Escuelas que compostan: una estrategia para transformar la relación con los residuos Alicia Franco y Camila Rodríguez
  • Tribunales éticos en Ecuador: cuerpos que resisten a la basurización Héctor Jesús Pérez Zamora


  • István Mészáros: del orden sociometabólico a la crisis ecológica por la contaminación Daniel Prieto Sánchez y Marisol Valencia-Orrego
  • Historias del Wasteoceno: un viaje por el vertedero global. Entrevista a Marco Armiero Santiago Gorostiza


  • Land, Water, Air and Freedom. The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice Jordi Roca Jusmet
  • La basura como naturaleza: la basura con derechos Alberto Acosta y Esperanza Martínez
  • Recicloscopio VII. Miradas globales y locales sobre reciclado y recuperadores Julián Porras-Bulla

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 352
  • Y la ‘tech’ hincó la rodilla Benoît Bréville
  • Frente al espejo de las guerras de Israel: Destrucción de Gaza, duplicidad occidental Peter Harling
  • Estudiantes, resignarse o luchar: Juventud precarizada, sindicatos insignificantes Maëlle Mariette
  • En Corea del Sur, un golpe de Estado revelador: La fachada del “milagro coreano” se agrieta Renaud Lambert
  • Los laboristas y el dinero: ‘Lobbys’, ‘think tanks’ y donantes en el Reino Unido Peter Geoghegan
  • Los Verdes, motor del militarismo alemán: Pacifistas devenidos en neoconservadores Fabian Scheidler
  • Cuando Trump azuza a la jauría Philippe Descamps
  • Caza a los inmigrantes en Rusia: Las contradicciones de una economía de guerra Alexéi Sajín, Lisa Smirnova
  • El privilegio de las ‘start-up’ Félix Tréguer
  • No tanto desobedecer como resistir Vincent Sizaire
  • El golf, pasión de las élites kenianas: Reivindicar la pertenencia a la burguesía globalizada Dominique Connan
  • Los frutos amargos del estallido social en Chile: Un proceso constitucional empantanado y una izquierda en apuros Libio Pérez, Víctor Hugo de la Fuente
  • Mayotte o las vergüenzas de París: Tras el ciclón Chido, las políticas públicas continúan siendo un conjunto de parches Rémi Carayol
  • Las esperanzas y las ilusiones del consentimiento: Una controversia feminista y jurídica Clara Serra
  • ¿Va a explotar su batería?: Hambre voraz de metales, reciclaje en punto muerto y riesgo de incendio Raúl Guillén, Vincent Peyret
  • Jean-Marie Le Pen, memorialista de sí mismo: Extrema derecha Bernard Pudal
  • Un “pas de deux” con la política Christophe Apprill
  • Memoria del plan Cóndor Nils Sabin
  • En el crepúsculo de un mundo Carlos Pardo
  • Omen Pepe Baeza
  • Un periodismo de guerra fría Pierre Rimbert, Serge Halimi

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 168
Condiciones para una cultura política alternativa

Nuestro presente está plagado de contradicciones, inseguridades e incertidumbres y, cada vez, de más conflictividad. El fin del orden neoliberal ha complejizado las realidades, ya sean de naturaleza local o transnacional. No son pocos los que buscan explicaciones fáciles que acaban deformando la lente a través de la cual se observan los hechos.

En paralelo, el capitalismo contemporáneo estimula una cultura política cuyos efectos oscilan entre la generación de pasividad y de agresividad. Como indica Santiago Álvarez Cantalapiedra en la Introducción:

«El mayor logro del capitalismo contemporáneo ha sido hacernos creer que se trata simplemente de un sistema económico y no lo que realmente es: un modo de producción cultural que da lugar a un tipo de sujeto que ha declinado la obligación de hacerle frente».

En esta fase del capitalismo se ha alentado un modelo gerencial focalizando en el éxito personal que alimenta la meritocracia y la excelencia individualizada, incitando, de nuevo, la glorificación del “gran hombre”, el emprendedor de éxito (multi)millonario. En la cara oculta de la moneda, actúa un capitalismo precarizador, individualista y darwinista que está conduciendo a un modelo político de corte autoritario que amenaza la democracia.

Las condiciones parecen invitar al desarrollo de subjetividades dominadas por los reflujos del consumismo, la competitividad y la polarización, con la atomización social como resultado.

En este enjambre de ideas y relatos contrapuestos, es más necesario que nunca alentar sujetos capaces de avanzar una cultura política a favor de la emancipación y la justicia.

El número 168 de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global se interroga por las condiciones políticas, sociales y culturales necesarias para abrir este camino.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

Economía Mundial

2024, Nº 68

Editorial Ana Urraca Ruiz

Sección Especial

  • El impacto de la diversidad de género en el desempeño innovador: Análisis empírico en la región Caribe Yury Castillo, Isabel Álvarez
  • Proyecciones sobre la brecha salarial de género en Argentina a partir de un enfoque basado en la productividad Diana Suárez, Florencia Fiorentin, Florencia Barletta
  • STEM y comercio internacional en clave de género: los casos de Brasil, Chile y México Bruno Blanco Varela, Hugo Campos-Romero, José Manuel Amoedo
  • Determinantes del teletrabajo y brecha de género Gloria Duarte, Cipriano Quirós Romero

Sección General

  • Mitigación de las emisiones de Carbono: políticas basadas en el mercado frente a políticas de apoyo tecnológico Hale Akbulut
  • Determinantes de la rentabilidad de las cajas de ahorro en Estados Unidos y el efecto moderador de la crisis pandémica Marco Amaral
  • La dinámica de los territorios olivareros magrebíes en el nuevo contexto tecno-económico José Domingo Sánchez Martínez, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Cohard, Antonio Garrido Almonacid
  • Desempeño macroeconómico y complejidad del sector externo. Un análisis de panel autorregresivo para América Latina Carlos Alberto Carrasco, Francis Magloire Peujio-Fozap


  • Cambio estructural en África. Percepciones erróneas, nuevas perspectivas y desarrollo en el siglo XXI Artur Colom Jaén

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 4
Community Development, the Carceral State and the Necessary Challenge of Penal Abolitionism


  • Community development, the carceral state and the necessary challenge of penal abolitionism Elizabeth Kiely and others


  • Conceptualizing the carceral state in contemporary India Mahuya Bandyopadhyay
  • ‘Do no harm’: mass supervision and the ruse of carceral humanism Zhandarka Kurti
  • Punishment, communities and assemblages Vincenzo Ruggiero
  • Restorative justice in Brazil: does it provide a place for community involvement and a path to penal abolition? Daniel Achutti and others
  • Abolition and the renewal of community: from carceral feminism to collective self-determination Mimi E Kim
  • ‘We can no longer fill prisons with men and cemeteries with women’: exploring carceral and abolitionist feminist discourses on gendered violence in Albania and Kosovo through photo elicitation Diana Malaj and Brunilda Pali
  • Peer power: how drug user groups navigate harm reduction in Surrey, British Columbia and resist the carceral state Michael C K Ma and Surrey Union of Drug Users

Invited Book Reviews

  • Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care Keith Adams
  • Contesting carceral logic: towards abolitionist futures: Edited by Michael J. Coyle and Mechthild Hagel Kevin Warner

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 6
  • Impact of Irrigation on Food and Nutrition Security Among Rice Farmers in Benin Gbêtondji Melaine Armel Nonvide
  • One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-MarinéLaura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño
  • The Effect of Religious Constraints on Individual Labor Supply Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez
  • The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy? Virgi Agita Sari, Ralitza Dimova
  • Improving Women’s Position in the Household: Evidence from a Maternity Cash Transfer Programme in India Sarthak Agarwal, Neeraj Katewa
  • Targeted Poverty Alleviation for the Livelihood Improvement of Poverty-Stricken Households: A Case Study of Wuxi County, China Qianqian Zhang, Tao LiXiongwei Tan
  • Impact of Returnee Remittances on Migrant Households’ Well-Being in Bangladesh Sima Rani Dey, Faroque Ahmed, Md. Moniruzzaman
  • The Failing Aid Complex in Uganda’s Northeast Matteo Caravani
  • Training Returns Among Informal Workers: Evidence from Urban Sites in Kenya and Tanzania Nina Torm
  • Impacts on Rural Community Development and Governance by Different Land Ownership: A Comparative Study Based on Two Villages in China Jieying Yang, Li Yu, Jingxiang Zhang
  • Correction to: One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-Mariné, Laura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 350
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Y Trump se tomó la revancha Serge Halimi
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Todo lo que nos separa Grégory Rzepski
  • Cuerpo proletario François Bégaudeau
  • El silencio de las fábricas Paolo Valenti
  • Acabar con la desigualdad salarial Hélène Richard
  • Mercaderes de la precariedad Alexis Moreau
  • Impunidad patronal Alexia Eychenne
  • Cero horas Esteban Chevalier
  • La fe de los conversos Anne Jourdain
  • Los adinerados de la virtud Thomas Jusquiame
  • Amenazas para el arroz vietnamita Maïlys Khider
  • Inagotables intereses privados Maïlys Khider
  • Georgia y Moldavia, el sueño europeo genera divisiones David Teurtrie
  • Chisináu cambia de proveedores de la energía Élisa Perrigueur
  • ¿Un “mandato poderoso y sin precedentes”? Jerome Karabel
  • La herencia olvidada de Messali Hadj Selim Derkaoui
  • En México, el balance desigual de un presidente popular Anne Vigna
  • Claudia Sheinbaum: construir una victoria Hélène Combes
  • El cuestionado futuro del guaraní en Paraguay Loïc Ramirez
  • Kenia en el atolladero de Haití Benjamin Fernandez
  • La imposible democracia de mercado Nancy Fraser
  • Evangélicos en Francia: crónica de un auge político Eva Thiébaud
  • El siglo de Franz Kafka Francisco Jarauta
  • Lo que el viento amarillo se llevó Elad Lapidot
  • Profesión: censor proisraelí Sam Biddle

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 351
  • Siria, año I después de la dictadura Akram Belkaïd
  • Mercosur: bomba agrícola Morvan Burel
  • Caótico fin de reinado de Macron Serge Halimi
  • Eisenhüttenstadt, una utopía urbana inconclusa Jens Malling
  • Cuando la extrema derecha se lanza a por los jóvenes Boris Grésillon
  • Geopolítica de Donald Trump Michael T. Klare
  • Aprendiendo de Srebrenica Philippe Descamps
  • Una economía arrasada Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Israel, acusado de genocidio en Gaza Akram Belkaïd
  • Tel Aviv avanza frenéticamente sus peones Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Palestinas en las cárceles israelíes, una historia de resistencia Asja Zaino y Hélène Servel
  • El árbol dragón de Socotra, testigo de un pasado prohibido Quentin Müller
  • ¿Es justicia la venganza? Razmig Keucheyan
  • El ‘trader’, el boxeador y el Sinn Féin Daniel Finn
  • En África, el ‘gendarme’ está (casi) desnudo Rémi Carayol
  • El día en que los especuladores temblaron Benjamin Lemoine
  • Incompetencia de Bruselas, éxitos de Pekín Kishore Mahbubani
  • Especular con los fantasmas Andrew Kipnis
  • Myanmar: detrás de las armas, los trabajadores Stephen Campbell
  • Lucha de clases en las praderas alpinas Moran Kerinec y Oriane Mollaret
  • Cine postraumático Pierre Conesa


2024, Nº 121
  • Prepararnos para la próxima dana Luis González Reyes
  • Así es el vertedero privado más grande de España Carlos Villeta
  • Reglamento contra la Deforestación Importada Silvia Fernández, Jaume Grau
  • El molusco que tumbó una megalómana infraestructura portuaria en Melilla Rosa González González
  • Biogás y biometano | La importancia del modelo Nacho Escartín, Marina Gros
  • Sí, vivir cerca de un aeropuerto puede hacerte enfermar Pablo Muñoz Nieto
  • ECOMARCHA | Pedaleando por la biodiversidad y la vida Carlos Alonso Cidad
  • Aprendiendo de las plantas, nuestras maestras Lena Pettersson
  • En recuerdo de Ladislao Martínez, "Ladis" Elena Díaz Casero
  • Frente a la turistificación, Baleares se organiza Júlia Isern Bennassar
  • ENTREVISTA | Corinne Morel Darleux "La injusticia social va de la mano de la destrucción ambiental" Valentín Ladrero Pardo
  • La Pinilla, todo por la pasta, o cómo destruir la sierra Claudio Sartorius Alvar González
  • La Junta de Castilla y León quiere menos trabajadores antincendios y más cámaras Jesús Abad
  • 20 años de cárcel y 56.000 euros por intentar paralizar las obras de Aroztegia Redacción Hordago, El Salto
  • Ecolojóvenes, un espacio necesario Ana Aldarias, Alba González
  • Una brigada de la Guardia Civil revela supuestos casos de corrupción del Seprona de Sevilla Sofía Menéndez
  • ENTREVISTA | María Serrano María José Esteso Poves
  • CINE | Mariposas negras María José Esteso Poves, Marta Pascual
  • BREVES | Obituario
  • Tenderete

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 5
  • Public Expenditure’s Role in Reducing Poverty and Improving Food and Nutrition Security: Cross-Country Evidence from SPEED Data Hiroyuki Takeshima
  • Influencing Aid Policy: Perceptions of How Member States Shape EU Development Cooperation Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea
  • Bottom-Up Approaches and Decentralized Extension Structures for Improving Access to and Quality of Extension Services and Technology Adoption: Multi-level Analysis from Malawi Catherine Ragasa, Cristina Alvarez-Mingote, Paul McNamara
  • Domestic Risk Factors, Violence and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey of India Surya Nath Maiti
  • Climate Change, Malaria Prevalence and Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa Etayibtalnam Koudjom, Boris O. K. Lokonon, Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe
  • The Effect of Citizens’ Perception of Governance on Tax Compliance: A Cross-Country Analysis Study for 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries Enrico Nichelatti, Heikki Hiilamo
  • Citizen Participation and Political Trust in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Machine Learning Approach Natalia Pecorari, Jose Cuesta
  • Food Aid Shocks and Food Insecurity: Does Democracy Matter? Jonas Gamso
  • Unity in Diversity? Reflections on Development Studies in the Mid-2020s Andy Sumner
  • Intra-Africa Agricultural Trade, Governance Quality and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregressive Model Delphin Kamanda Espoir, Frank BannorRegret Sunge

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities


Colección cuatrimestral del PNUD, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, aparecida en el año 2000 para promocionar una perspectiva nueva en la que discurran diferentes visiones acerca del desarrollo humano frente a las aproximaciones típicamente economicistas. La revista proporciona un espacio para un intercambio abierto de ideas de distinta procedencia, tratando los temas tanto a nivel global como a nacional y/o local. En Hegoa se pueden consultar ejemplares desde el nº 1 (2000). Disponible por suscripción aquí.

Última entrega

Capability to Aspire and Transformative Institutions
  • Capability to Aspire and Transformative Institutions: An Introduction Jean-Michel Bonvin & Bénédicte Zimmermann
  • The Capability to Aspire: An Agentive Model Bénédicte Zimmermann
  • Accounting for the Obstructive Activity of Experience: Aspiring, Projecting and Agency Development in a Context of Adversity Evelyne Baillergeau
  • Putting Appadurai's “Capacity to Aspire” and Sen's Capability Approach into Dialogue Ortrud Leßmann
  • Transforming Social Policies and Institutions in a Capability Perspective: Agency, Voice and the Capability to Aspire Jean-Michel Bonvin & Francesco Laruffa
  • A Reparative Lens for Exploring Youth Aspirations in South African Universities Melanie Walker
  • Transformative Institutions and Capabilities to Aspire in the Context of Radical Uncertainty: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Lavinia Bifulco
  • Nurturing the Capabilities to Aspire, Voice and Realise Aspirations: A Theoretical Analysis of the Transformative Potential of the National Health Service in England Caroline Sarojini Hart
  • Aspiration and Capability to Aspire: How Do French Institutions Affect Socio-Occupational Groups? Camille Stephanus & Josiane Vero
  • The Capability to Aspire and Realise Aspirations After Exiting Long-lasting Undocumentedness Liala Consoli
2024, Vol. 25, Nº 3
  • How is the Capability Approach Applied to Assess Well-being Impacts? A Systematic Review Livia Bartolomei, Genowefa Blundo-Canto & Pasquale De Muro
  • Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis Chiara Gasperoni, Camille-Charlotte Gilbert-Lapointe, Lya Porto, Franck Scherrer & Rafael Ziegler
  • Relational Empowerment and Ethnic Minority Women in Vietnam: How Do Household and Community Relations Matter? Joan DeJaeghere, Hue Le, Phuong Luong, Nga Thi Hang Ngo, Thanh Thi Vu, Nancy Pellowski Wiger & Jongwook Lee
  • The Capabilities Divide: ICT Adoption and Use among Bedouin in Israel Avi Marciano, Amit M. Schejter & Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar
  • The Construction of a Human Development Index at the Household Level and the Measurement of Human Development Disparities in Punjab (Pakistan) Tanveer Ahmed Naveed & David Gordon
  • How Economic Sanctions Affect Human Development: Evidence and Policy Implications F. Rodríguez
  • Implementing Inequality: The Invisible Labour of International Development Saleh Ahmed
2024, Vol. 25, Nº 2
  • Editorial Note Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
  • How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities Irene van Staveren
  • Measuring Housing Inequality with the Value of Freedom in the Capability Approach: Proposal and Demonstration Boram Kimhur
  • Operationalising the Capability Approach for Healthy Child Growth via a Participatory Method: An Illustrative Case in Haor Areas of Bangladesh Barnali Chakraborty, Shrinivas Darak & Haisma Hinke
  • Women and Invisible Boundaries: A Case of Slippage in Sanitation in Two Gram Panchayats, Shravasti, UP, India Kopal Khare & Lavanya Suresh
  • The Triple Day Thesis Versus Neoclassical Models of Labour Supply: Alternative Perspectives and Policies Tracey Freiberg, Deon Frederick Gibson & Elaine Agyemang Tontoh
  • Measuring the Development Progress of Least Developed Countries: In the Context of World Development Henry H. Bi
  • Artificial Intelligence, Human Development and Impact Paul Anand
  • Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South Carmen Martinez-Vargas
  • Hijacked: how neoliberalism turned the work ethic against workers and how workers can take it back Elizabeth Anderson
2024, Vol. 25, Nº 1
  • Repair in Education Spaces Melanie Walker
  • Measurement Is Not Everything, But It Does Make a Difference S. Subramanian
  • Affiliation as Solidarity: Perspective of Vulnerable Groups Ana Petek, Ana Gavran Miloš & Nebojša Zelič
  • Labour Law, Employees’ Capability for Voice, and Wellbeing: A Framework for Evaluation Cherise Regier
  • Realising Capabilities for Street Young People in Harare, Zimbabwe: A New Approach to Social Protection Witness Chikoko, Lorraine van Blerk, Janine Hunter & Wayne Shand
  • The Capability Approach, Pedagogic Rights and Course Design: Developing Autonomy and Reflection through Student-Led, Individually Created Courses Rowan Murray
  • Using Alienation to Understand the Link Between Work and Capabilities Simantini Mukhopadhyay
  • A Minimal Capabilities-Based Account of Loss and Damage Laura García-Portela
  • Response to the 2023 Human Security Policy Forum Brendan M. Howe
  • How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities Irene van Staveren
  • Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South César Osorio Sánchez
  • Measuring the Development Progress of Least Developed Countries: In the Context of World Development Henry H. Bi
  • Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis Chiara Gasperoni et al.
2023, Vol. 24, Nº 1
  • Leaving no Country Behind: A Fuzzy Approach for Human Development F. García-Pardo, S. Pérez-Moreno & E. Bárcena-Martín
  • Is There a Grand Convergence in Child Undernutrition Reduction? Evidence from 183 Countries Shalem Balla, Shivani Gharge, Srinivas Goli & Srilakshmi Vedantam
  • Epistemological Breaks for Social Work Training and Practice: Participatory Research Through Photovoice in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods Teresa Amezcua-Aguilar & Mª Ángeles Espadas-Alcázar
  • Women as Pioneers: Examining Their Role in Decision Making on Toilet Construction in India Upasak Das, Jinyi Kuang, Sania Ashraf, Alex Shpenev & Cristina Bicchieri
  • “We Look Ahead Where his Thoughts Never Reach”: Pakistani Mothers’ Agency to Expand Educational Opportunities for Their Daughters and the Theorisation of Negative Capability _ Aliya Khalid & Pauline Rose_
  • An Ex-ante Evaluation of Collective Capability Development: A Case Study of an Emergent Indigenous NGO in Southern Chile Paulo Valdivia-Quidel
2022, Vol. 23, Nº 4
  • Gender and Intersecting Inequalities in Education: Reflections on a Framework for Measurement. Elaine Unterhalter, Helen Longlands & Rosie Peppin Vaughan.
  • Rethinking Child Poverty. Sharon Bessell.
  • Do Men Care? Estimating Men’s Preferences for Spending Time with Their Children. Leif Andreassen, Maria Laura Di Tommaso & Anna Maccagnan.
  • The Triple Day Thesis: Theorising Motherhood as a Capability and a Capability Suppressor Within Martha Nussbaum’s Feminist Philosophical Capability Theory. Elaine Agyemang Tontoh.
  • Legal Capabilities. Ann-Katrin Habbig & Ingrid Robeyns.
  • Measuring Covid Mortality. S. Subramanian.
  • The Violence of Conservation in Africa: State, Militarization and Alternatives, edited by Maano Ramutsindela, Frank Matose, and Tafadzwa Mushonga. Annette A. LaRocco.
2022, Vol. 23, Nº 3
  • The Value of Freedom: A Review of the Current Developments and Conceptual Issues in the Measurement of Capability Jasper Ubels, Karla Hernandez-Villafuerte & Michael Schlander
  • From Productive Work to Capability-Enhancing Work: Implications for Labour Law and Policy Nicolas Bueno
  • Capabilities, Innovation and Economic Growth in EU Regions Michele Capriati
  • Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Experiences of Social Inclusion Scale Lars Leemann, Tuija Martelin, Seppo Koskinen, Tommi Härkänen & Anna-Maria Isola
  • The Moral Foundations of Impact Evaluation Heath Henderson
  • A Deliberative Approach to Valuing Capabilities: Assessing and Valuing Changes in the Well-Being of those Close to Patients Receiving Supportive End of Life Care Philip Kinghorn, Alastair Canaway, Cara Bailey, Hareth Al-Janabi & Joanna Coast
  • Theorising English as a Linguistic Capability: A Look at the Experiences of Economically Disadvantaged Higher Education Students in Colombia Lee Mackenzie
  • War: How Conflict Shaped Us by Margaret MacMillan. Frances Stewart
  • The creative wealth of nations: can the arts advance development? by Patrick Kabanda S. R. Osmani
  • Sustainability, Capabilities and Human Security edited by Andrew Crabtree Paola Velasco-Herrejón
  • Reviving jobs: an agenda for growth edited by Santosh Mehrotra Smriti Walia
2022, Vol. 23, Nº 2
  • On “Consequentialism” and the Capability Approach Mozaffar Qizilbash
  • Indigenous Communities Defining and Utilising Self-determination as an Individual and Collective Capability Heather Sauyaq Jean Gordon & Ranjan Datta
  • Multidimensional Poverty and Natural Disasters in Argentina (1970–2010) Fernando Antonio Ignacio González, Maria Emma Santos & Silvia London
  • “It Is Too Much for Us”: Direct and Indirect Costs of Disability Amongst Working-Aged People with Disabilities in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Nairobi, Kenya Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Ola Abu Alghaib, Emily Nyariki, Joyce Olenja, Umma Kulsum, Rafiul Karim & Tom Shakespeare_
  • On the Nature and Determinants of Poor Households’ Resilience in Fragility Contexts Christophe R. Quétel, Guy Bordin, Alexandre Abreu, Ilektra Lemi & Carlos Sangreman
  • “Rooted” Freedom, “Deep Respect”: Living a Life Worthy of Dignity as a Muslim Woman in the Netherlands Fernande W. Pool
  • Does Empowering Women in Politics Boost Human Development? An Empirical Analysis, 1960–2018 Norunn Hornset & Indra de Soysa
  • Voice, Choice, and Action: The Potential of Young Citizens to Heal Democracy by Felton Earls and Mary Carlson Nico Brando
  • Involving Anthroponomy in the Anthropocene: On Decoloniality by Jeremy Bendik-Keymer Harshavardan Jatkar
  • Teaching Quality of Life in Different Domains. Lisa Wiebesiek
2022, Vol. 23, Nº 1
An Epistemological Break: Redefining participatory research in capabilitarian.
  • An Epistemological Break: Redefining Participatory Research in Capabilitarian Scholarship Melanie Walker, Alejandra Boni, Carmen Martinez-Vargas & Melis Cin
  • A Capabilitarian Participatory Paradigm: Methods, Methodologies and Cosmological Issues and Possibilities Carmen Martinez-Vargas, Melanie Walker, F. Melis Cin & Alejandra Boni
  • Reclaiming Indigenous Economic Development Through Participatory Action Research Astrid V. Pérez Piñán, Hadley Friedland, Judith Sayers & Matt Murphy
  • “They Take Away What We Are”: Contributions of a Participatory Process with Photovoice to the Capabilities for Epistemic Liberation of Young People Monique Leivas Vargas, Marta Maicas-Pérez, Carmen Monge Hernández & Álvaro Fernández-Baldor
  • Epistemic Justice as a Political Capability of Radicalised Youth in Europe: A Case of Knowledge Production with Local Researchers Ayhan Kaya & Ayşenur Benevento
  • Building University Capabilities to Respond to Climate Change Through Participatory Action Research: Towards a Comparative Analytical Framework Charlotte Nussey, Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Rosiana Lagi, Janaína Mazutti & Jackline Nyerere
  • Building Capabilities of Youth Through Participatory Oral History Project: The South Hebron Hills, a Palestinian Case Study Mahmoud Soliman, Laura Sulin & Ecem Karlıdağ-Dennis
  • Marginalised Youth Activism: Peer-Engaged Research and Epistemic Justice Stacy J. Kosko, Aimee Dastin, Maddy Merrill & Roma Sheth
  • Basic Income: A History by Malcolm Torry Hartley Dean
  • Participatory Research, Capabilities and Epistemic Justice: A Transformative Agenda for Higher Education Melanie Walker and Alejandra Boni (eds) Stacy J. Kosko
2019, Vol. 20, Nº 4
  • Data, Knowledge, Politics and Localizing the SDGs Angelina Fisher & Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
  • SDG Localisation and Decentralised Development Aid: Exploring Opposing Discourses and Practices in Valencia's Aid Sector Sergio Belda-Miquel, Alejandra Boni & Carola Calabuig
  • Country Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals. The Politics of Performance Review at the Global-National Nexus Magdalena Bexell & Kristina Jönsson
  • Moving From Outsider to Insider Status Through Metrics: The Inclusion of “Neglected Tropical Diseases” Into the Sustainable Development Goals Samantha Vanderslott
  • The View from the Farm: Gendered Contradictions of the Measurement Imperative in Global Goals Astrid Pérez Piñán & Elizabeth Vibert
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Indigenous Peoples: Another Missed Opportunity? Mandy Li-Ming Yap & Krushil Watene
  • Operationalizing Sustainable Development Goals in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Ecuador and Pakistan: Marginalizing Human Development? Johannes M. Waldmüller, Hameed Jamali & Nelson Nogales
2019, Vol. 20, Nº 3
  • What, if Anything, is Wrong with Extreme Wealth? Ingrid Robeyns
  • The Functioning of Having a Sense of Place: Cities and Immigrants Avner de Shalit
  • Social Insurance, Human Development and Social Cohesion Santiago Levy
  • Education and Agency Freedom in Du Bois and Sen Niall Ó Murchú
  • Factors Affecting School Dropout and Completion in Mexico: Does Agency Matter? Dulce Carolina Mendoza Cazarez
  • Work-Nonwork Spillover of Wage Justice through Work Capabilities in Low and Middle Income Workers Sarah Ellorenco, Mendiola Teng-Calleja, Donald Jay Bertulfo, Jose Antonio Clemente & Ma. Ligaya Menguito
  • Keeping the Flock Together Erik Schokkaert
  • On Ingrid Robeyns’, Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice—Framework vs Theories: a Dialogue with Martha Nussbaum Pepi Patrón
  • Well-being and the Capability Approach: Reflections on Robeyns. Henry S. Richardson
  • Two Tales of the Capability Approach Julian Culp
  • Reply to my Critics Ingrid Robeyns
2019, Vol. 20, Nº 2
  • Introduction to the Special Issue in Celebration of Amartya Sen's 85th Birthday Kaushik Basu, Ravi Kanbur & Ingrid Robeyns
  • Preface: Amartya Sen and the HDCA Martha C. Nussbaum
  • Forms of Hypothetical Justification T. M. Scanlon
  • The Resurgence of Singular Identities: Possible Explanations Mary Kaldor
  • On “Affluent Philosophy” and Future Generations: Amartya Sen and Tim Mulgan’s “Broken World” Mozaffar Qizilbash
  • Rationality, Behavioural Economics and Amartya Sen S. R. Osmani
  • The Uses and Abuses of Inequality Jayati Ghosh
  • Randomized Control Trials and Qualitative Evaluations of a Multifaceted Programme for Women in Extreme Poverty: Empirical Findings and Methodological Reflections Naila Kabeer
  • Defending the Need for a Foundational Epistemic Capability in Education Melanie Walker
  • Human Development and Universalism: From Ideas to Policies Selim Jahan
2019, Vol. 20, Nº 1
  • Conceptualisation and Measurement of Women's Empowerment Revisited S. Sharaunga, M. Mudhara and A. Bogale
  • Development of a Tool to Measure Women’s Agency in India Robin Richardson, Norbert Schmitz, Sam Harper & Arijit Nandi
  • Reasoned Choice or Performative Care? Women’s Transformative Peacebuilding Identities in Manipur, India Karie Cross Riddle
  • Well-being, Political Decentralisation and Governance Quality in Europe Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Vassilis Tselios
  • Inequality, Social Comparisons and Income Aspirations: Evidence from a Highly Unequal Country Dorrit Posel & Michael Rogan
  • Collective Choice and Social Welfare—Expanded Edition Ashley Piggins
  • The Creation of the Human Development Approach Madleina Daehnhardt
  • Youth, Gender and the Capabilities Approach to Development: Rethinking Opportunities and Agency from a Human Development Perspective Faith Mkwananzi
2018, Vol. 19, Nº 4
  • Capability to be Educated—Inspiring and Inclusive Pedagogical Arrangements from Finnish Schools
  • The Tragedy of the Commons and Population Health: The State’s Intervention in an Individual’s Actions and Choices from a Capability Perspective.
  • Measuring Well-being: A Multidimensional Index Integrating Subjective Well-being and Preferences.
  • How Does Child Disadvantage Change with Age? An Analysis of Australian Childre.
  • Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State.
  • Social Gradient in Capabilities.
  • Intransigent Disadvantage: What Inequality Contributes to Development Gaps.
  • Health Gap, Wealth Gap—What is the Question?
  • Power, Social Exclusion and the “Good Life”: the Importance of Measuring What Really Counts
  • Social Determinants, Capabilities and Health Inequalities: A Response to Bhugra, Greco, Fennell and Venkatapuram
2018, Nº 3
  • Development, Validity, and Reliability of the Women’s Capabilities Index Giulia Greco, Jolene Skordis-Worrall and Anne Mills
  • Migrating to the City in North West China: Young Rural Women’s Empowerment Vilma Seeberg and Shujuan Luo
  • Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups: The Bittersweet Fruits of Collective Apple Cultivation in Highland Ethiopia Sintayehu Hailu Alemu, Luuk Van Kempen and Ruerd Ruben
  • Power, Capability and Cultural Subjects: An Inquiry into “Institutional Neglect” in Participatory Planning Tamara Nair
  • Examining Collective Action Through the Capability Approach: The Example of Community Currencies Felix Rauschmayer, Christine Polzin, Mirijam Mock and Ines Omann
  • Applying the Capability Approach to Enhance the Conceptualization of Well-being in Environmental Assessment Nicholas Philip Simpson
  • A MANUSH or HUMANS Characterisation of the Human Development Index Srijit Mishra and _Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan-
2018, Vol. 19, Nº 2
  • Communities and Capabilities
  • Local Communities and Capability Evolution: The Core of Human Development Process
  • The Gendered Space of Capabilities and Functioning: Lessons from Haitian Community-Based Organizations
  • The Capabilities Approach and Evaluations of Community-Driven Development Programs
  • Leveraging Communities' Capabilities to Increase Accountability for Health Rights: The Case of Citizen Voice and Action
  • Intercultural Dialogue in Practice: BlueFire's Community Integration Activities Viewed Through a Participatory Action Research Capability Lens
  • When Collectivity makes a Difference: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from Urban and Rural Communities in Colombia
  • Expanding Capabilities in Integrated Service Areas (ISAs) As Communities of Care: A Study of Dutch Older Adult's Narratives of the Life They Have Reason to Value
2017, Vol. 18, Nº 4
  • Citizenship, Migration and Opportunity Ravi Kanbur
  • Income Dynamics, Assets and Poverty Traps in South Africa Marisa von Fintel
  • On the Determinants of Changes in Wage Inequality in Urban Bolivia Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Fernando Rios-Avila
  • A Capabilities Approach to the Adjudication of the Right to a Basic Education in South Africa Shanelle van der Berg
  • Should Aspirations be a Matter of Policy Concern? Svenja Flechtner
  • Should Rich Nations Help the Poor? Anirudh Krishna
  • Transforming Teacher Quality in the Global South: Using Capabilities and Causality to Re-examine Teacher Performance Merridy Wilson-Strydom
2017, Nº 3
  • Human Capabilities and Animal Lives: Conflict, Wonder, Law: A Symposium.
  • Cultural Killing and Human - Animal Capability Conflict.
  • The reasonableness of Wonder.
  • Scientific Whaling? The scientific Research Exception and the Future ofInternational Whaling Commission.
  • Capabilities, human flourishing and the Health Gap.
  • Disrupting Structural Inequalities of Higher Education Opportunity: "Grit", Resilience and Capabilities at a South African University.
  • Access to household Resource and Human Development: Evidence from Survey Data for Tanzania.
2017, Vol. 18, Nº 2
  • Social Innovation and the Capability Approach—Introduction to the Special Issue Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Christopher Houghton Budd and Rafael Ziegler
  • Tackling Marginalisation through Social Innovation? Examining the EU Social Innovation Policy Agenda from a Capabilities Perspective Nadia von Jacobi, Daniel Edmiston and Rafael Ziegler
  • Social Innovation and Human Development—How the Capabilities Approach and Social Innovation Theory Mutually Support Each Other Jürgen Howaldt and Michael Schwarz
  • Exploring the Role of the Capability Approach in Social Innovation Meera Tiwari
  • How to Build Collective Capabilities: The 3C-Model for Grassroots-Led Development Solava Ibrahim
  • Understanding Indigenous Innovation in Rural West Africa: Challenges to Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Current Social Innovation Practice Joel R. Matthews
  • Promoting Social Innovation Through Action Research: Evidence from an Empirical Study in the Fisheries Sector of Ukerewe District in Tanzania Almas Fortunatus Mazigo
  • Grassroots Social Innovation for Human Development: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks in the City of Valencia (Spain) Victoria Pellicer-Sifres, Sergio Belda-Miquel, Aurora López-Fogués and Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
  • Information Technology, Innovation and Human Development: Hospital Information Systems in an Indian State Sundeep Sahay and Geoff Walsham
  • Creating (Economic) Space for Social Innovation Rafael Ziegler, György Molnár, Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and Nadia von Jacobi
  • Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises and Social Innovation: A Capability Approach Perspective Mario Biggeri, Enrico Testi and Marco Bellucci
  • Social Innovation in Latin America Dmitri Domanski, Jürgen Howaldt and Antonius Schröder
  • Food Security in South Africa: Human Rights and Entitlement Perspectives Inga T. Winkler
  • The Good Life: Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing Séverine Deneulin
2017, Vol. 18, Nº 1
  • Democracy, Philosophy, and the Selection of Capabilities Morten Fibieger Byskov
  • Quantifying the Progress of Economic and Social Justice: Charting Changes in Equality of Opportunity in the USA, 1960–2000 Gordon Anderson & Teng Wah Leo
  • Capabilitarian Sufficiency: Capabilities and Social Justice Lasse Nielsen & David V. Axelsen
  • Introducing Joint Capabilities: Findings from a Study of Development in Honduras’ Garifuna Ancestral Villages Kia M.Q. Hall
  • The Coercive Side of Collective Capabilities: Evidence from the Bolivian Altiplano Rachel Godfrey Wood & Graciela Mamani Vargas
  • The Capability Threshold: Re-examining the Definition of the Middle Class in an Unequal Developing Country Ronelle Burger,Camren McAravey & Servaas van der Berg
  • Validating an Agency-based Tool for Measuring Women’s Empowerment in a Complex Public Health Trial in Rural Nepal Lu Gram, Joanna Morrison, Neha Sharma, Bhim Shrestha, Dharma Manandhar, Anthony Costello, Naomi Saville & Jolene Skordis Worrall
2016, Vol. 17, Nº 4
  • Investing in Early Childhood Development: Essential Interventions, Family Contexts, and Broader Policies. Quentin Woden
  • Realizing Capabilities in Ethiopia: Maximizing Early Childhood Investment for Impact and Equity. Amy Jo Dowd, Ivelina Borisova, Ali Amente & Alene Yenew
  • Does Attending an Enhanced-quality Preschool have an Effect on the Emergent Literacy, Emergent Math, Social Skills and Knowledge of Health, Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety of Young Children? Evidence from a Quasi-experiment with Two Control Groups in Bangladesh Silvia Diazgranados, Ivelina Borisova & Taposhi Sarker
  • Household Income Trajectories, PROGRESA-Oportunidades, and Child Well-being at Pre-school Age in Rural Mexico Laura Josefina Valadez-Martinez
  • Social Policy and the Dynamics of Early Childhood Poverty in Turkey Meltem Dayioğlu & Sirma Demir Şeker
  • Social Policy and the Dynamics of Early Childhood Poverty in Turkey Meltem Dayioğlu & Sirma Demir Şeker
  • Maximizing Child Development: Three Principles for Policy-makers Susan Caceres, Jeffrey Tanner & Sian Williams Early Childhood Development in the Context of the Family: The Case of Child Marriage Quentin Wodon
  • Measurement of Early Childhood Development and Learning under the Sustainable Development Goals Amber Gove & Maureen M. Black
2016, Vol. 17, Nº 3
  • Aspiration and the Capabilities List.Martha C. Nussbaum
  • How Do Aspirations Matter? Caroline Sarojini Hart
  • Aspirations and the Development Treadmill Debraj Ray
  • Capabilities and Skills James J. Heckman & Chase O. Corbin
  • Transformation Without Paternalism John B. Davis & Thomas R. Wells
  • The Science and Politics of Infrastructure Research: Asserting Power, Place, and Agency in Infrastructure Knowledge Candice Gartner
  • Capabilitarianism Ingrid Robeyns
  • Inequality Decomposition and Human Development Ricardo Martínez _ Putting Inequality in Context Erik Schokkaert
  • The Costs of Inequality and the Affordability of Solutions Stephanie Seguino
  • The Space of Inequalities Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
  • Multidimensional Horizontal and Global Inequality Scott Wisor
  • Inequality and Public Action Polly Vizard
  • Inequality and the Trade-off between Efficiency and Equity Erik Thorbecke
2016, Vol. 17, Nº 2
  • A Capabilities List for Equitable Transitions to University: A Top-down and Bottom-up Approach Merridy Wilson-Strydom
  • Teachers’ Professional Capabilities and the Pursuit of Quality in Sub-Saharan African Education Systems: Demonstrating and Debating a Method of Capability Selection and Analysis Alison Buckler
  • Food Deserts, Capabilities, and the Rectification of Democratic Failure Andrew F. Smith
  • I Know What to Expect: The Impact of Prior Experience on Legal Empowerment Robert Porter
  • Education, Social Justice and School Diversity: Insights from the Capability Approach Rosie Peppin Vaughan
  • Practical Reason in Hard Times: The Effects of Economic Crisis on the Kinds of Lives People in the UK Have Reason to Value Annie Austin
  • The Curious Case of Using the Capability Approach in Australian Indigenous Policy Elise Klein
  • A Capabilities-based Gender Equality Policy for Higher Education: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations Sonja Loots and Melanie Walker
  • Abusive Tax Avoidance and Responsibilities of Tax Professionals Hamish Russell and Gillian Brock
  • The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice Paul Mark Mitchell
  • Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries Cirenia Chávez Villegas
  • Depoliticising Migration: Global Governance and International Migration Narratives Julie Schiltz
2016, Vol. 17, Nº 1
A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development
  • Introduction to Nussbaum Lecture Symposium. Martha Nussbaum
  • A Brief History of Liberty—And Its Lessons.Philip Pettit
  • Some Reflections on Capability and Republican Freedom.Mozaffar Qizilbash
  • Between Income and Material Deprivation in the UK: In Search of Conversion Factors. Rod Hick
  • Measured as Poor versus Feeling Poor: Comparing Money-metric and Subjective Poverty Rates in South Africa. Dorrit Posel & Michael Rogan
  • Counterfactual Decomposition of Pro-Poorness Using Influence Functions. B. Essama-Nssah & Peter J. Lambert
  • Motivations and Effectiveness of Women's Groups for Tomato Production in Soni, Tanzania. R. Manzanera-Ruiz & C. Lizarraga
  • Should Parents Work Away from or Close to Home? The Effect of Parental Absence on Children's Time Use in Vietnam. Nguyen Viet Cuong & Vu Hoang Linh
  • Beyond Autonomy Fetishism: Affiliation with Autonomy in Women's Empowerment. Serene Khader
  • Vanishing into Things: Knowledge in Chinese Tradition. Albert Sanghoon Park
  • Technology and Human Development. William J. Frey
  • Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America. Roger Merino
2015, Vol. 16, Nº 405
  • Health, Disability and the Capability Approach: An Introduction.Jennifer Prah Ruger and Sophie Mitra
  • An Analysis of the Intentions of a Chilean Disability Policy Through the Lens of the Capability Approach Alvaro Díaz Ruiz, Natalia Sánchez Durán and Alexis Palá
  • Towards a Disability-inclusive Higher Education Policy through the Capabilities Approach Oliver Mutanga and Melanie Walker
  • Disability and Poverty in Morocco and Tunisia: A Multidimensional Approach Jean-Francois Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Sarah Myers Tlapek, Dominique Lopez and Fiona Gall
  • Corporate Contributions to Developing Health Capabilities Regina Moczadlo, Harald Strotmann Jürgen Volkert
  • India, Health Inequities, and a Fair Healthcare Provision: A Perspective from Health Capability Rhyddhi Chakraborty and Chhanda Chakraborti
  • Health Economics and Ethics and the Health Capability Paradigm Jennifer Prah Ruger
  • Exploring Different Interpretations of the Capability Approach in a Health Care Context: Where Next? Philip Kinghorn
  • Beyond GDP for Beyond 2015 John Tkacik
  • For Sustainable SDGs: Righting Through Responsibilities Nandan Nawn
  • Post-2015 Development Agenda: Human Agency and the Inoperability of the Sustainable Development Architecture Stanley T. Asah
  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century João Silva
  • Enhancing Capabilities Through Labour Law: Informal Workers in India Saleh Ahmed
  • Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific Ghasem Torabi
2015, Vol. 16, Nº 3
  • A Long-Term Perspective on Inequality and Human Development in Latin America.
  • Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms or a Missed Twentieth-Century Leveling?.
  • Human Development as Positive Freedom: Latin America in Historical Perspective.
  • Measuring Inequality in Living Standards with Anthropometric Indicators: The Case of Mexico 1850–1986.
  • Is the Decline in Inequality in Latin America Here to Stay?
  • Persistence in the Transmission of Education: Evidence across Three Generations for Chile.
  • Exploring the Differential Impact of Public Interventions on Indigenous People: Lessons from Mexico's Conditional Cash Transfer Program.
2015, Vol. 16, Nº 2
  • Using Final Ends for the Sake of Better Policy-Making. Henry S. Richardsona
  • Capability Deprivation and Life Satisfaction. Evidence from German Panel Data. Nicolai Suppa
  • The Composite and Dynamic Risks and Vulnerabilities of Ethiopian Children: The Case of Children in Addis Ababa. Daniel Hailu
  • The Capability to Hold Property. Rutger Claassen
  • Inequality Aversion and the Extended Gini in the Light of a Two-person Cake-sharing Problem. Luisa Tibiletti and S. Subramanian
  • Human Development Index-like Small Area Estimates for Africa Computed from IPUMS-International Integrated Census Microdata.Iñaki Permanyer, Albert Esteve-Palos, Joan Garcia and Robert Mccaa
  • Implementing Fairness in Social Policy. Dirk J. Wolfson
  • What Factors Change Education Inequality in Nepal? Satis C. Devkota and Mukti P. Upadhyay
  • The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality. David Canning
2015, Vol. 16, Nº 1
  • Philosophy and Economics in the Capabilities Approach: An Essential Dialogue. Martha C. Nussbaum
  • Psychosocial Barriers as Impediments to the Expansion of Functionings and Capabilities: The Case of Mexico. Susan Pick and Anna-Emilia Hietanen
  • Explicating the Capability Approach through the Voices of the Poor: A Case Study of Waste-picking Women in Kerala Ann George
  • Assessing the Impact of Social Mobilization: Nijera Kori and the Construction of Collective Capabilities in Rural Bangladesh. Naila Kabeer and Munshi Sulaiman
  • Multidimensional Deprivation in China, India and Vietnam: A Comparative Study on Micro Data.Ranjan Ray and Kompal Sinha
  • A Decomposition of the Sen Index of Poverty Using the Analysis of Gini.Paolo Liberati
  • Measuring Inequality of Opportunity with Latent Variables.Florian Wendelspiess Chávez Juárez
  • Structural and Institutional Determinants of Poverty in Sub-Saharan African Countries.Olusegun Ayodele Akanbi
  • The Practical and the Theoretical: Comparing Displacement by Development and Ethics of Global Development.Christine M. Koggel
2014, Vol. 15, Nº 4
  • Against Happiness: A Critical Appraisal of the Use of Measures of Happiness for Evaluating Progress in Development. Frances Stewart
  • China's Janus-faced Approach to Su Zhi Education: A Capability Perspective. Li Wang
  • Self-determination as a Collective Capability: The Case of Indigenous Peoples. Michael Murphy
  • Understanding Social Exclusion from a Longitudinal Perspective: A Capability-Based Approach. Agnese Peruzzi
  • A Capability Approach to Intergenerational Justice? Examining the Potential of Amartya Sen's Ethics with Regard to Intergenerational Issues. Rebecca Gutwald, Ortrud Leßmann, Torsten Masson and Felix Rauschmayer
  • A Robust Multi-dimensional Poverty Profile for Uganda. Sebastian Levine, James Muwonge and Yélé Maweki Batana
  • The “State” of Persons with Disabilities in India. Nidhiya Menon, Susan L. Parish and Roderick A. Rose
2014, Vol. 15
  • The Power of Numbers: A Critical Review of Millennium Development Goal Targets for Human Development and Human Rights. Sakiko Fukuda-Parra, Alicia Ely Yaminb and Joshua Greensteinc
  • Global Goals as a Policy Tool: Intended and Unintended Consequences.Sakiko Fukuda-Parra
  • National or International Poverty Lines or Both? Setting Goals for Income Poverty after 2015. Joshua Greensteina Ugo Gentilinib and Andy Sumnerc
  • The MDG Hunger Target and the Competing Frameworks of Food Security. Sakiko Fukuda-Parra and Amy Orra
  • Full Employment Target: What Lessons for a Post-2015 Development Agenda?. Rolph Van Der Hoeven
  • Measuring Education for the Millennium Development Goals: Reflections on Targets, Indicators, and a Post-2015 Framework. Elaine Unterhalter
  • No Empowerment without Rights, No Rights without Politics: Gender-equality, MDGs and the post-2015 Development Agenda. Gita Senab and Avanti Mukherjeec
  • The Questionable Power of the Millennium Development Goal to Reduce Child Mortality. Elisa Díaz-Martíneza and Elizabeth D Gibbonsb
  • Why Global Goals and Indicators Matter: The Experience of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Millennium Development Goals.Alicia Ely Yaminab and Vanessa M. Boulangerb
  • Millennium Development Goal 6: AIDS and the International Health Agenda. Nicoli Nattrassa
  • Muddying the Water? Assessing Target-based Approaches in Development Cooperation for Water and Sanitation. Malcolm Langforda and Inga Winklerb
  • The City is Missing in the Millennium Development Goals. Michael Cohen
  • Analysis of Millennium Development Goal 8: A Global Partnership for Development. Aldo Caliari
2014, Vol. 15
  • Approaching Development Projects from a Human Development and Capability Prespective. Alexandre Apsan Fredani , Alejandra Boni y Des Gasper
  • Are Technological Projects Reducing Social Inequalities and Improving People´s Well-Being? A Capability Approach Analysis of Renewable-Energy based Electrification Projets in Cajamarca, Perú. Álvaro Fernández Baldor, Alejandra Boni, Pau Lillo y Andrés Hueso
  • Rethinkking Development Management Methodology: Towards a "Process Freedoms Approach". Gabriel Ferrero y de Loma-Osorio y Carlos Salvador Cepeda
  • Valuing Time: Time Use Survey, the Capability Approach, and Gender Analysis. Julian Walker , Nana Berekashvili y Nino Lomizde
  • Opportunity Gap Analysis: Procedures and Methods for Applying the Capability approach in Development Initiatives. Mario Biggeri y Andrea Ferrannini
  • Development Projects from the Inside Out: Project Logic,Organizational Practices and Human Autonomy. Mirtha R.Muñiz Castillo
2013, Vol. 14, Nº 4
  • Technology and Human Development. Gustav Ranis & Xiaoxue Zhao
  • Employing the Capability Approach in Conceptualizing Sustainable Development. Lieske Voget-Kleschin
  • The Complexities of Adaptive Preferences in Post-compulsory Education: Insights from the Fable of The Fox and the Grapes. Michael Watts
  • Human Capital Accumulation in Pakistan in the Light of Debt, Military Expenditure and Politics. S. Mansoob Murshed & Muhammad Saleh
  • Aspirations and Human Development Interventions. Ina Conradie & Ingrid Robeyns
  • Chronic Poverty in Rural Ethiopia through the Lens of Life-histories. Laura Camfield & Keetie Roelen
2013, Vol. 14, Nº 3
  • Group Identity, Productivity and Well-being Policy Implications for Promoting Development. Kaushik Basu
  • Rethinking Human Development in the Middle East and North Africa: The Missing Dimensions. Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
  • The Millennium Development Goals Beyond 2015: Old Frameworks and New Constructs. Deepak Nayyar
  • Kohonen Self-organizing Maps as a Tool for Assessing Progress toward the UN Millennium Development Goals. Joel Ian Deichmann, Dominique Haughton, Charles Malgwi & Olumayokun Soremekun
  • Toilet Monuments: An Investigation of Innovation for Human Development. Rafael Ziegler, Benson H. K. Karanja & Christian Dietsche
  • Census 2011 and Child Sex Ratios in Tamil Nadu: A Comment. Sharada Srinivasan & Arjun S. Bedi
2013, Vol. 14, Nº 2
  • Exploring Latina/Latino Migrants' Adaptation to the Economic Crisis in the US Heartland: A Capability Approach. Paola León-Ross, Gale Summerfield & Mary Arends-Kuenning
  • The Prospects and Challenges of Reforming the World Bank's Approach to Gender and Education: Exploring the Value of the Capability Policy Model in The Gambia. Caroline Manion & Francine Menashy
  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Human Development in Developing Countries? Evidence from Nigeria. Kevin Lompo & Jean-Francois Trani
  • A Discourse Ethics Defense of Nussbaum's Capabilities Theory. Chad Kleist
  • Public Health Spending, Governance and Child Health Outcomes: Revisiting the Links. Bingjie Hu & Ronald U. Mendoza
2013, Vol. 14, Nº 1
The Capability Approach and Sustainability
  • The Capability Approach and Sustainability. Felix Rauschmayer & Ortrud Lessmann
  • The Ends and Means of Sustainability. Amartya Sen
  • Nussbaum's Capability Approach and Future Generations. Krushil Watene
  • Sustainable Development: Does the Capability Approach have Anything to Offer? Outlining a Legitimate Freedom Approach. Andrew Crabtree
  • Putting Sustainability into Sustainable Human Development. Wouter Peeters, Jo Dirix & Sigrid Sterckx
  • Sustainable Human Development and the Capability Approach: Integrating Environment, Responsibility and Collective Agency. Jérôme Pelenc, Minkieba Kevin Lompo, Jérôme Ballet & Jean-Luc Dubois
  • Re-conceptualizing Sustainable Development on the Basis of the Capability Approach: A Model and Its Difficulties. Ortrud Lessmann & Felix Rauschmayer
  • A Sustainability-Fitting Interpretation of the Capability Approach: Integrating the Natural Dimension by Employing Feedback Loops. Emily Schultz, Marius Christen, Lieske Voget-Kleschin & Paul Burger
  • Studying Well-being and its Environmental Impacts: A Case Study of Minimum Income Receivers in Finland. Tuuli Hirvilammi, Senja Laakso, Michael Lettenmeier & Satu Lähteenoja
2012, Vol. 13, Nº 4
  • Public Economics after The Idea of Justice. A. B. Atkinson
  • The Health Impact Fund: Enhancing Justice and Efficiency in Global Health. Thomas Pogge
  • Human Development and Sustainability. Eric Neumayer
  • Capabilities, Contributive Injustice and Unequal Divisions of Labour. Andrew Sayer
  • Did Population Well-being Improve During Porfirian Mexico? A Regional Analysis using a Quasi-Human Development Index. Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez & Roberto Vélez-Grajales
2012, Vol. 13, Nº 3
  • Trade-off, Comparative Evaluation and Global Obligation: Reflections on the Poverty, Gender and Education Millennium Development Goals. Elaine Unterhalter
  • Public Debate and Dialogue from a Capabilities Approach: Can it Foster Gender Justice in Education? Joan DeJaeghere
  • The Missing Dimensions of Children's Well-being and Well-becoming in Education Systems: Capabilities and Philosophy for Children. Mario Biggeri & Marina Santi
  • Rethinking Antiracist Education in the Light of the Capability Approach. Frédérique Brossard Børhaug
  • Educational Attainment and School-to-work Conversion of Roma in Romania: Adapting to Feasible Means or Ends? Stacy J. Kosko
  • Rethinking the Quality of Universities: How Can Human Development Thinking Contribute? Alejandra Boni & Des Gasper
  • Teaching for Human Well-being: Curricular Implications for the Capability Approach. Diane Wood & Luisa S. Deprez
  • Capabilities, Values and Education Policy. Rosie Peppin Vaughan & Melanie Walker
2012, Vol. 13, Nº 2
  • Success and Failure in Human Development, 1970–2007. Gustav Ranis & Frances Stewart
  • The Global Crisis and Human Development: A Study on Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS Region. Balázs Horváth, Andrey Ivanov & Mihail Peleah
  • Building a Multidimensional Wellbeing Index for Rural Populations in Northeastern Namibia. Jean-Gaël E. Collomb, Janaki R. Alavalapati & Tim Fik
  • A Newer Human Development Index. Carmen Herrero, Ricardo Martínez & Antonio Villar
  • Urban Livelihoods under a Changing Climate*: Perspectives on Urban Agriculture and Planning in Lusaka, Zambia. Danny Simatele, Tony Binns & Munacinga Simatele
  • Auditing Capability and Active Living in the Built Environment. Ferdinand Lewis
2012, Vol. 13, Nº 1
  • On Macroeconomics and Human Development: An Unexplored Domain. Deepak Nayyar
  • Macroeconomics and Human Development. Deepak Nayyar
  • Macroeconomic Fluctuations, Inequality, and Human Development. Joseph E. Stiglitz
  • Macroeconomics, Human Development, and Distribution. Stephanie Seguino
  • The Impact of Global Economic Crises on the Poor: Comparing the 1980s and 2000s. Frances Stewart
  • Economic Growth, Equity and Human Development in Latin America. José Antonio Ocampo & Juliana Vallejo
  • Financial Globalization and Human Development. Ajit Singh
2011, Vol. 12, Nº 4
  • Global Governance and Human Development: Promoting Democratic Accountability and Institutional Experimentation. Arjun Jayadev
  • Capably Queer: Exploring the Intersections of Queerness and Poverty in the Urban Philippines. Ryan Thoreson
  • Defining the Boundaries between Unpaid Labor and Unpaid Caregiving: Review of the Social and Health Sciences Literature. Greta Friedemann-Sánchez & Joan M. Griffin
  • Using the Mean of Squared Deprivation Gaps to Measure Undernutrition and Related Socioeconomic Inequalities. Simantini Mukhopadhyay Ph.D.

Book Symposium on "Health and Social Justice" by Jennifer Prah Ruger

  • Is There a Market for Ruger's ‘Right to Health’? Uwe E. Reinhardt
  • Health Capabilities, Outcomes, and the Political Ends of Justice. Madison Powers & Ruth Faden
  • Is There a Right to Health? Anita L. Allen
  • Deepening the Human Rights Connections. Paul Hunt &Joo-Young Lee
  • A Public Health Perspective on the Capability Approach. Ruhi Saith
  • Addressing ‘Well-Being’ and ‘Institutionalized Power Relations’ in Health Policy. Dr Keerty Nakray
2011, Vol. 12, Nº 3
  • The Capability Approach: A Framework for Official German Poverty and Wealth Reports. Christian Arndt y Jürgen Volkert
  • Plantation Economics, Violence, and Social Well-being: The Lingering Effects of Racialized Group Oppression on Contemporary Human Development in the American South. Jeremy R. Porter
  • The Effect of Home-country Gender Status on the Labor Market Success of Immigrants. Yunsun Huh
  • A Human Development Index by Internal Migrational Status. Kenneth Harttgen y Stephan Klasen
  • Inserting Technology in the Relational Ontology of Sen's Capability Approach. Ilse Oosterlaken
  • ‘Pioneering the Human Development Revolution’: Analysing the Trajectory of Mahbub ul Haq. Des Gasper
2011, Vol. 12, Nº 2
  • On weighting the components of the Human Development Index: A statistical justification.
  • From the relative women disadvantage index to women's quality-of-life.
  • Capabilities in place: locating poverty and affluence in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo).
  • Applying a non-parametic efficiency analysis to measure conversion efficiency in Great Britain.
  • Livelihood assets as a multidimensional inverse proxy for poverty: a district-level analysis of the Indian Indo-Gangetic Plains.
2011, Vol. 12, Nº 1
On Human Rights and capabilities
  • The capability approach and Human Rights.
  • Capabilities, entitlements, rights: supplementation and critique.
  • Responsible pluralism, capabilities, and Human Rights.
  • Economics and Human Rights: a non-conversation.
  • The metrics of Human Rights: complementarities of the human development and capabilities approach.
  • "Operationalizing" the capability approach as a basis for equality and Human Rights monitoring in twenty-first-century Britain.
  • Millennium development goals and Human Rights: faraway, so close?
  • Right to information and local governance: an explotation.
  • Financial regulation, capabilities and Human Rights in the US financial crisis: the case of housing.
2010, Vol. 11, Nº 4
  • Gender budgets: A Capability Approach.
  • Risk and reward in Managua's Commercial Sex Market: The importance of Workplace.
  • Opportunities for the poor, co-responsabilities for women: Female capabilities and vulnerability in Human Development Policy and Practice.
  • The impact of remittances on economic insecurity.
  • Protecting capability, erradicating extreme poverty: Chile Solidario and the future of social protection.


  • Theory of justice for an imperfect world: Exploring Amartya Sen's Idea of Justice.
  • The Idea of Justice from a Rawlsian perspective.
  • The Idea of Justice: Sen's treatement of Human Rights.
  • Is this truly and Idea of Justice?
2010, Vol. 11, Nº 3
Selected paper from the 2009 International conference of the Human Development and Capability Association.
  • Power, Pride, Prejudice and Poverty.
  • Power and progress: The Swing of the Pendulum. (Frances Stewart)
  • Equality and Love at the End of the Marriage of Figaro: Forging Democratic Emotions. (Martha C. Nussbaum)
  • Parental Consent and Children's Rights in Europe: A Balancing Act.
  • Poverty in Mexico from an Ethnic Perspective.
2010, Vol. 11, Nº 2
Thematic issue on mobility and Human Development.
2010, Vol. 11, Nº 1
Employment, Inequality and Globalization: A Continuous Concern.