Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 68

Este número de Ecología Política explora la problemática de los residuos como síntoma y consecuencia de un modelo económico insostenible basado en el consumo y el crecimiento ilimitado. A través de casos emblemáticos, como los plásticos en los océanos o los vertederos saturados de ropa desechable, se analiza cómo estos desechos no solo contaminan, sino que reflejan profundas desigualdades sociales y económicas.

Desde el ecologismo de los pobres y las luchas de movimientos recicladores, los textos reunidos cuestionan las soluciones tecnocráticas que perpetúan la injusticia ambiental y presentan alternativas transformadoras. Modelos de gestión basados en justicia social y ecológica, iniciativas por el decrecimiento y el reconocimiento de los recicladores como actores clave inspiran un cambio hacia sistemas más justos y sostenibles.


  • La espiral tóxica de la contaminación plástica Larisa de Orbe
  • Relaves mineros y desplazamiento de subjetividades. Análisis desde la ecología política feminista Valeska Morales Urbina


  • Paisajes de la desolación y el abandono: desechos de los parques eólicos en territorios indígenas en América Latina Astrid Ulloa
  • Pozos de fracking, montañas de basura. Dónde van los residuos de la explotación hidrocarburífera en Argentina Fernando Cabrera Christiansen y Yamila del Palacio
  • Promesas de basura cero en Colombia: una gestión no integral de los residuos Daniel Prieto Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda Tovar y María Fernanda Herrera


  • Contribuciones de los recicladores informales al metabolismo de la ciudad de Barcelona Julián Porras, Daniele Vico y Federico Demaria
  • De residuo a recurso. Nuevas políticas europeas en materia de residuos textiles Clara Mallart
  • La basurización de Morrompulli. Zona de sacrificio e injusticia en la Región de Los Ríos (Chile) Francisco Astudillo Pizarro y Karen Castillo Hidalgo
  • Un modelo de gobierno abierto para la gestión de residuos: el caso de Hurlingham, Argentina Mateo Noya Valcarce y Lucía Giménez
  • Vertedero de ropa en Atacama. Impacto local generado por la industria global Beatriz O’Brien Madrid y Pamela Poo Cifuentes
  • Conflictos ecológicos distributivos en torno a los residuos urbanos en Montevideo Juan Alves, Saúl Cerrada, Camila Sosa Berche, Gabriela Mengod y Jorge Peloche
  • Residuos sólidos urbanos. Problemas ambientales en la metropolización Bogotá-Funza Nicolás García Bobadilla y Brandon Zambrano Gómez
  • Justicia ambiental: cómo la acumulación del capital por contaminación y desposesión genera conflictos ambientales Federico Demaria y Giacomo D’Alisa


  • Escuelas que compostan: una estrategia para transformar la relación con los residuos Alicia Franco y Camila Rodríguez
  • Tribunales éticos en Ecuador: cuerpos que resisten a la basurización Héctor Jesús Pérez Zamora


  • István Mészáros: del orden sociometabólico a la crisis ecológica por la contaminación Daniel Prieto Sánchez y Marisol Valencia-Orrego
  • Historias del Wasteoceno: un viaje por el vertedero global. Entrevista a Marco Armiero Santiago Gorostiza


  • Land, Water, Air and Freedom. The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice Jordi Roca Jusmet
  • La basura como naturaleza: la basura con derechos Alberto Acosta y Esperanza Martínez
  • Recicloscopio VII. Miradas globales y locales sobre reciclado y recuperadores Julián Porras-Bulla

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 352
  • Y la ‘tech’ hincó la rodilla Benoît Bréville
  • Frente al espejo de las guerras de Israel: Destrucción de Gaza, duplicidad occidental Peter Harling
  • Estudiantes, resignarse o luchar: Juventud precarizada, sindicatos insignificantes Maëlle Mariette
  • En Corea del Sur, un golpe de Estado revelador: La fachada del “milagro coreano” se agrieta Renaud Lambert
  • Los laboristas y el dinero: ‘Lobbys’, ‘think tanks’ y donantes en el Reino Unido Peter Geoghegan
  • Los Verdes, motor del militarismo alemán: Pacifistas devenidos en neoconservadores Fabian Scheidler
  • Cuando Trump azuza a la jauría Philippe Descamps
  • Caza a los inmigrantes en Rusia: Las contradicciones de una economía de guerra Alexéi Sajín, Lisa Smirnova
  • El privilegio de las ‘start-up’ Félix Tréguer
  • No tanto desobedecer como resistir Vincent Sizaire
  • El golf, pasión de las élites kenianas: Reivindicar la pertenencia a la burguesía globalizada Dominique Connan
  • Los frutos amargos del estallido social en Chile: Un proceso constitucional empantanado y una izquierda en apuros Libio Pérez, Víctor Hugo de la Fuente
  • Mayotte o las vergüenzas de París: Tras el ciclón Chido, las políticas públicas continúan siendo un conjunto de parches Rémi Carayol
  • Las esperanzas y las ilusiones del consentimiento: Una controversia feminista y jurídica Clara Serra
  • ¿Va a explotar su batería?: Hambre voraz de metales, reciclaje en punto muerto y riesgo de incendio Raúl Guillén, Vincent Peyret
  • Jean-Marie Le Pen, memorialista de sí mismo: Extrema derecha Bernard Pudal
  • Un “pas de deux” con la política Christophe Apprill
  • Memoria del plan Cóndor Nils Sabin
  • En el crepúsculo de un mundo Carlos Pardo
  • Omen Pepe Baeza
  • Un periodismo de guerra fría Pierre Rimbert, Serge Halimi

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 168
Condiciones para una cultura política alternativa

Nuestro presente está plagado de contradicciones, inseguridades e incertidumbres y, cada vez, de más conflictividad. El fin del orden neoliberal ha complejizado las realidades, ya sean de naturaleza local o transnacional. No son pocos los que buscan explicaciones fáciles que acaban deformando la lente a través de la cual se observan los hechos.

En paralelo, el capitalismo contemporáneo estimula una cultura política cuyos efectos oscilan entre la generación de pasividad y de agresividad. Como indica Santiago Álvarez Cantalapiedra en la Introducción:

«El mayor logro del capitalismo contemporáneo ha sido hacernos creer que se trata simplemente de un sistema económico y no lo que realmente es: un modo de producción cultural que da lugar a un tipo de sujeto que ha declinado la obligación de hacerle frente».

En esta fase del capitalismo se ha alentado un modelo gerencial focalizando en el éxito personal que alimenta la meritocracia y la excelencia individualizada, incitando, de nuevo, la glorificación del “gran hombre”, el emprendedor de éxito (multi)millonario. En la cara oculta de la moneda, actúa un capitalismo precarizador, individualista y darwinista que está conduciendo a un modelo político de corte autoritario que amenaza la democracia.

Las condiciones parecen invitar al desarrollo de subjetividades dominadas por los reflujos del consumismo, la competitividad y la polarización, con la atomización social como resultado.

En este enjambre de ideas y relatos contrapuestos, es más necesario que nunca alentar sujetos capaces de avanzar una cultura política a favor de la emancipación y la justicia.

El número 168 de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global se interroga por las condiciones políticas, sociales y culturales necesarias para abrir este camino.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

Economía Mundial

2024, Nº 68

Editorial Ana Urraca Ruiz

Sección Especial

  • El impacto de la diversidad de género en el desempeño innovador: Análisis empírico en la región Caribe Yury Castillo, Isabel Álvarez
  • Proyecciones sobre la brecha salarial de género en Argentina a partir de un enfoque basado en la productividad Diana Suárez, Florencia Fiorentin, Florencia Barletta
  • STEM y comercio internacional en clave de género: los casos de Brasil, Chile y México Bruno Blanco Varela, Hugo Campos-Romero, José Manuel Amoedo
  • Determinantes del teletrabajo y brecha de género Gloria Duarte, Cipriano Quirós Romero

Sección General

  • Mitigación de las emisiones de Carbono: políticas basadas en el mercado frente a políticas de apoyo tecnológico Hale Akbulut
  • Determinantes de la rentabilidad de las cajas de ahorro en Estados Unidos y el efecto moderador de la crisis pandémica Marco Amaral
  • La dinámica de los territorios olivareros magrebíes en el nuevo contexto tecno-económico José Domingo Sánchez Martínez, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Cohard, Antonio Garrido Almonacid
  • Desempeño macroeconómico y complejidad del sector externo. Un análisis de panel autorregresivo para América Latina Carlos Alberto Carrasco, Francis Magloire Peujio-Fozap


  • Cambio estructural en África. Percepciones erróneas, nuevas perspectivas y desarrollo en el siglo XXI Artur Colom Jaén

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 4
Community Development, the Carceral State and the Necessary Challenge of Penal Abolitionism


  • Community development, the carceral state and the necessary challenge of penal abolitionism Elizabeth Kiely and others


  • Conceptualizing the carceral state in contemporary India Mahuya Bandyopadhyay
  • ‘Do no harm’: mass supervision and the ruse of carceral humanism Zhandarka Kurti
  • Punishment, communities and assemblages Vincenzo Ruggiero
  • Restorative justice in Brazil: does it provide a place for community involvement and a path to penal abolition? Daniel Achutti and others
  • Abolition and the renewal of community: from carceral feminism to collective self-determination Mimi E Kim
  • ‘We can no longer fill prisons with men and cemeteries with women’: exploring carceral and abolitionist feminist discourses on gendered violence in Albania and Kosovo through photo elicitation Diana Malaj and Brunilda Pali
  • Peer power: how drug user groups navigate harm reduction in Surrey, British Columbia and resist the carceral state Michael C K Ma and Surrey Union of Drug Users

Invited Book Reviews

  • Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care Keith Adams
  • Contesting carceral logic: towards abolitionist futures: Edited by Michael J. Coyle and Mechthild Hagel Kevin Warner

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 6
  • Impact of Irrigation on Food and Nutrition Security Among Rice Farmers in Benin Gbêtondji Melaine Armel Nonvide
  • One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-MarinéLaura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño
  • The Effect of Religious Constraints on Individual Labor Supply Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez
  • The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy? Virgi Agita Sari, Ralitza Dimova
  • Improving Women’s Position in the Household: Evidence from a Maternity Cash Transfer Programme in India Sarthak Agarwal, Neeraj Katewa
  • Targeted Poverty Alleviation for the Livelihood Improvement of Poverty-Stricken Households: A Case Study of Wuxi County, China Qianqian Zhang, Tao LiXiongwei Tan
  • Impact of Returnee Remittances on Migrant Households’ Well-Being in Bangladesh Sima Rani Dey, Faroque Ahmed, Md. Moniruzzaman
  • The Failing Aid Complex in Uganda’s Northeast Matteo Caravani
  • Training Returns Among Informal Workers: Evidence from Urban Sites in Kenya and Tanzania Nina Torm
  • Impacts on Rural Community Development and Governance by Different Land Ownership: A Comparative Study Based on Two Villages in China Jieying Yang, Li Yu, Jingxiang Zhang
  • Correction to: One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-Mariné, Laura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 350
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Y Trump se tomó la revancha Serge Halimi
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Todo lo que nos separa Grégory Rzepski
  • Cuerpo proletario François Bégaudeau
  • El silencio de las fábricas Paolo Valenti
  • Acabar con la desigualdad salarial Hélène Richard
  • Mercaderes de la precariedad Alexis Moreau
  • Impunidad patronal Alexia Eychenne
  • Cero horas Esteban Chevalier
  • La fe de los conversos Anne Jourdain
  • Los adinerados de la virtud Thomas Jusquiame
  • Amenazas para el arroz vietnamita Maïlys Khider
  • Inagotables intereses privados Maïlys Khider
  • Georgia y Moldavia, el sueño europeo genera divisiones David Teurtrie
  • Chisináu cambia de proveedores de la energía Élisa Perrigueur
  • ¿Un “mandato poderoso y sin precedentes”? Jerome Karabel
  • La herencia olvidada de Messali Hadj Selim Derkaoui
  • En México, el balance desigual de un presidente popular Anne Vigna
  • Claudia Sheinbaum: construir una victoria Hélène Combes
  • El cuestionado futuro del guaraní en Paraguay Loïc Ramirez
  • Kenia en el atolladero de Haití Benjamin Fernandez
  • La imposible democracia de mercado Nancy Fraser
  • Evangélicos en Francia: crónica de un auge político Eva Thiébaud
  • El siglo de Franz Kafka Francisco Jarauta
  • Lo que el viento amarillo se llevó Elad Lapidot
  • Profesión: censor proisraelí Sam Biddle

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 351
  • Siria, año I después de la dictadura Akram Belkaïd
  • Mercosur: bomba agrícola Morvan Burel
  • Caótico fin de reinado de Macron Serge Halimi
  • Eisenhüttenstadt, una utopía urbana inconclusa Jens Malling
  • Cuando la extrema derecha se lanza a por los jóvenes Boris Grésillon
  • Geopolítica de Donald Trump Michael T. Klare
  • Aprendiendo de Srebrenica Philippe Descamps
  • Una economía arrasada Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Israel, acusado de genocidio en Gaza Akram Belkaïd
  • Tel Aviv avanza frenéticamente sus peones Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Palestinas en las cárceles israelíes, una historia de resistencia Asja Zaino y Hélène Servel
  • El árbol dragón de Socotra, testigo de un pasado prohibido Quentin Müller
  • ¿Es justicia la venganza? Razmig Keucheyan
  • El ‘trader’, el boxeador y el Sinn Féin Daniel Finn
  • En África, el ‘gendarme’ está (casi) desnudo Rémi Carayol
  • El día en que los especuladores temblaron Benjamin Lemoine
  • Incompetencia de Bruselas, éxitos de Pekín Kishore Mahbubani
  • Especular con los fantasmas Andrew Kipnis
  • Myanmar: detrás de las armas, los trabajadores Stephen Campbell
  • Lucha de clases en las praderas alpinas Moran Kerinec y Oriane Mollaret
  • Cine postraumático Pierre Conesa


2024, Nº 121
  • Prepararnos para la próxima dana Luis González Reyes
  • Así es el vertedero privado más grande de España Carlos Villeta
  • Reglamento contra la Deforestación Importada Silvia Fernández, Jaume Grau
  • El molusco que tumbó una megalómana infraestructura portuaria en Melilla Rosa González González
  • Biogás y biometano | La importancia del modelo Nacho Escartín, Marina Gros
  • Sí, vivir cerca de un aeropuerto puede hacerte enfermar Pablo Muñoz Nieto
  • ECOMARCHA | Pedaleando por la biodiversidad y la vida Carlos Alonso Cidad
  • Aprendiendo de las plantas, nuestras maestras Lena Pettersson
  • En recuerdo de Ladislao Martínez, "Ladis" Elena Díaz Casero
  • Frente a la turistificación, Baleares se organiza Júlia Isern Bennassar
  • ENTREVISTA | Corinne Morel Darleux "La injusticia social va de la mano de la destrucción ambiental" Valentín Ladrero Pardo
  • La Pinilla, todo por la pasta, o cómo destruir la sierra Claudio Sartorius Alvar González
  • La Junta de Castilla y León quiere menos trabajadores antincendios y más cámaras Jesús Abad
  • 20 años de cárcel y 56.000 euros por intentar paralizar las obras de Aroztegia Redacción Hordago, El Salto
  • Ecolojóvenes, un espacio necesario Ana Aldarias, Alba González
  • Una brigada de la Guardia Civil revela supuestos casos de corrupción del Seprona de Sevilla Sofía Menéndez
  • ENTREVISTA | María Serrano María José Esteso Poves
  • CINE | Mariposas negras María José Esteso Poves, Marta Pascual
  • BREVES | Obituario
  • Tenderete

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 5
  • Public Expenditure’s Role in Reducing Poverty and Improving Food and Nutrition Security: Cross-Country Evidence from SPEED Data Hiroyuki Takeshima
  • Influencing Aid Policy: Perceptions of How Member States Shape EU Development Cooperation Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea
  • Bottom-Up Approaches and Decentralized Extension Structures for Improving Access to and Quality of Extension Services and Technology Adoption: Multi-level Analysis from Malawi Catherine Ragasa, Cristina Alvarez-Mingote, Paul McNamara
  • Domestic Risk Factors, Violence and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey of India Surya Nath Maiti
  • Climate Change, Malaria Prevalence and Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa Etayibtalnam Koudjom, Boris O. K. Lokonon, Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe
  • The Effect of Citizens’ Perception of Governance on Tax Compliance: A Cross-Country Analysis Study for 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries Enrico Nichelatti, Heikki Hiilamo
  • Citizen Participation and Political Trust in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Machine Learning Approach Natalia Pecorari, Jose Cuesta
  • Food Aid Shocks and Food Insecurity: Does Democracy Matter? Jonas Gamso
  • Unity in Diversity? Reflections on Development Studies in the Mid-2020s Andy Sumner
  • Intra-Africa Agricultural Trade, Governance Quality and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregressive Model Delphin Kamanda Espoir, Frank BannorRegret Sunge

Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford)


Publicación trimestral del Refugee Studies Centre en asociación con la Oxford University Press, que se ocupa del estudio y la difusión de información sobre los problemas implícitos en las migraciones forzadas, tanto a nivel nacional, como al regional e internacional. La revista cubre la amplia gama de categorías de población desplazada. Cada ejemplar cuenta con un número variable de artículos sobre el tema, así como una sección fija en la que se recogen reseñas bibliográficas sobre el tema. Puedes consultar los sumarios aquí. Por suscripción aquí. Editan también el boletin mensual RSC Newsletters.

Última entrega

  • Bringing care in: The meaning of care in refugee solidarity movements
  • The ‘inherent vulnerability’ of women on the move: A gendered analysis of Morocco’s migration reform
  • Bridging distance: Transnational and local family ties in refugees’ social support networks
  • More than a number: Exploring the impact of age(ing) on refugees’ experiences of arrival
  • Rohingya women as refugees: Examining displacement, refugeehood and ‘bare life’
  • Implications of refugee crisis on public sector healthcare organizations: Empirical observation from Myanmar’s Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
  • Bargaining (in)visibility: Rohingya refugees and the politics of visibility in India
  • Cross-effects of cultural and gay capitals in access to refugee status on the grounds of SOGI in France: Study of the formal and informal preparations of West African men for asylum trials
  • Understanding key priority areas of mental health among queer asylum seekers and refugees in Australia through the lens of structural violence: A modified Delphi method study
  • Direct and vicarious administrative burden: Experiences of UK public services as Homes for Ukraine host
  • Mismanagement and misinterpretations in asylum interviews: Perspectives from South Africa and Sweden -Self-generated asylum evidence: Scripting, staging and desperation in the assessment process
  • Frontiers of Belonging: The Education of Unaccompanied Refugee Youth Annika Lems
  • Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality Francesca Meloni
  • Displacing Territory: Syrian and Palestinian Refugees in Jordan Karen Culcasi
  • Quest for Refuge: Reception Responses from the Global North, Octávio Sacramento, Elizabeth Challinor, and Pedro Gabriel Silva
  • Time and Power in Azraq Refugee Camp: A Nine-to-Five Emergency. By Melissa Gatter
  • Border Abolitionism: Migrants’ Containment and the Genealogies of Struggles and Rescue Martina Tazzioli
  • The Politics of Crisis-Making. Forced Displacement and Cultures of Assistance in Lebanon Estella Carpi
  • Samira Surfs Rukhsanna Guidroz and Illustrated by Fahmida Azim
  • Correction to: Refugee Mobilization in the Nepal–India Borderlands: Porosity as Opportunity
  • Correction to: Building an ethical research culture: Scholars of refugee background researching refugee-related issues
2024, Vol. 37, Nº 2
  • Humanitarian hacking: Merging refugee aid and digital capitalism
  • Beyond victim and hero representations? A comparative analysis of UNHCR’s Instagram communication strategies for the Syrian and Ukrainian crises
  • Adaptive religious coping with experiences of sexual and gender-based violence and displacement
  • Child marriage and displacement: A qualitative study of displaced and host populations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Reflections on arts-based research methods in refugee mental health: The role of creative exercises in nurturing positive coping with trauma and exile
  • How Rohingya refugee parents support children’s prosocial development in crisis-affected and resettlement contexts: Findings from India and Canada
  • ‘There seems to be some disparity then between our Syrian and Iraqi refugee children who seemed to have everything’: Constructing ‘good refugees’ and the ensuing equity issues in Australian schools
  • Multilevel governance ‘from above’: Analysing Colombia’s system of co-responsibility for responding to internal displacement
  • How do perceptions, fears, and experiences of violence and conflict affect considerations of moving internally and internationally?
  • Temporary turn in the asylum regime and the deportable refugee: The case of Syrians in Türkiye
  • Using forced migration to foster emergence? International aid and development policies in Cameroon
  • Refugee livelihood perspectives: Post-traumatic growth in histories of Vietnamese, Bosnian, and Tamil Refugees in Australia
  • South African attitudes towards refugee settlement: Examining the importance of threat perceptions
  • Changing tactics in negotiating refugee assistance policies and practices: A case study of an asylum seeker-led organization in Hong Kong
  • Multi-scalar and diasporic integration: Kurdish populations in Europe between state, diaspora and geopolitics
  • Disciplining subjectivity in Australian migrant deterrence campaigns
  • The EU’s normative justifications of refugee resettlement
  • Field Reflections Coproducing a film resource for asylum seekers in the UK—A field reflection
  • Building an ethical research culture: Scholars of refugee background researching refugee-related issues
  • En route to decoloniality—A different light on Northern research on urban refugees in Southern contexts: A case from Jordan
  • Messages from Ukraine Gregg Bucken-Knapp and Joonas Sildre
  • Freedom, Only Freedom: The Prison Writings of Behrooz Boochani, Behrooz Boochani (Translated) and Omid Tofighian and Moones Mansoobi
  • Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
  • Those We Throw Away Are Diamonds: A Refugee’s Search for Home M. Dogon and J. Krajeski
  • Internal Displacement and the Law Walter Kälin
  • Palestinian Music in Exile: Voices of Resistance Louis Brehony
2024, Vol. 37, Nº 1
  • ‘Enjoying Time Alone’: Exploring Solitude as a Positive Space for Refugee Wellbeing
  • Hope in the Ruins of Home: Narrative Meaning-Making of Forced Displacement, Place Attachment, and Deferred Future Resettlement in Varosha
  • On Becoming an Artist Anew: Refugees’ Arrival in the Field of Cultural Production in Austria
  • Understandings of Happiness and Life Satisfaction Among Refugees in the UK
  • Self-selection of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons in Europe
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Protection of Refugees and Refugee Camps
  • Context Matters: The Implications of the Mode of Service Provision for Structural and Relational Integration of Refugees in Ghana and Ethiopia
  • Standard Involvement Is Not Enough: A Mixed Method Study of Enablers and Barriers in Research Meetings with Forced Migrants
  • ‘The Decision to Return to Syria Is Not in My Hands’: Syria’s Repatriation Regime as Illiberal Statebuilding
  • Displacement in Place and the Financial Crisis in Lebanon
  • ‘I Did Not Choose to Be in Your Country’: Social-Racial Hierarchies in Peru and Venezuelan Migrant Women’s Responses
  • Working with Afghan Evacuees: Field Reflections on Five Useful Supervision Questions for Crisis Intervention Workers
  • The Glass Wall.
  • Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew.
  • Asylum: A Memoir & Manifesto.
  • The Precarious Lives of Syrians: A Review of Feyzi Baban, Suzan Ilcan and Kim Rygiel’s the Precarious Lives of Syrians: Migration, Citizenship and Temporary Protection in Turkey.
  • Cuando los niños se vuelven migrantes: Derechos humanos y excepciones violentas en México [When Children Become Migrants: Human Rights and Violent Exceptions in Mexico].
  • The Education of Arabic Speaking Refugee Children and Young Adults: Education, Employment and Social Inclusion.
  • Domicide: Architecture, War, and the Destruction of Home in Syria.
2021, Vol. 34, Nº 2
  • Launching the new Reviews section of Journal of Refugee Studies
  • Introduction to Special Issue: Displaced Syrians
  • Syrians in Sweden: Constructing Difference Regarding Gender and Family Annika Rabo and others
  • On the Making of the German ‘Refugee Crisis’: Securitizing Muslim Immigrants in 2015 and Beyond
  • Palestinians and Europe’s ‘Refugee Crisis’ Seeking Asylum in France in the Wake of the Syrian War
  • Refugee Solidarity Along the Balkan Route
  • ‘Do Like You Did in Aleppo’: Negotiating Space and Place Among Syrian Musicians in Istanbul
  • Brothers, Workers or Syrians? The Politics of Naming in Lebanese Municipalities
  • Refugees’ Transnational Livelihoods and Remittances: Syrian Mobilities in the Middle East Before and After 2011
  • Refugees but not Refugees: The UAE’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis Viewed through the Lived Experience of Syrians in Abu Dhabi
  • The Syrian Emergency: A Catalyst for Change in the International Refugee Regime
  • The Moral Politics of LGBTI Asylum: How the State Deals with the SOGI Framework
  • Negotiating Space for Queer-Identifying Young People in a Refugee Organization: Viability, Complexities and Tensions
  • Against Abandonment Activist-Humanitarian Responses to LGBT Refugees in Athens and Beirut
  • Migrant Advocacy under Austerity: Transforming Solidarity in the Greek-Refugee Regime
  • Greece’s Discriminatory Migrant Regime: Volunteers, Informal Street-Level Bureaucrats, and Moral Rationalities
  • A Lack of Legal Protection and Limited Ways Out: How Asylum Seekers Cope with Liminality on Greek Islands: Lesbos and Chios
  • The ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe: Shortening Distances, Containment and Asymmetry of Rights—a Tentative Interpretation of the 2015–16 Events
  • Seeking Asylum in the Digital Era: Social-Media and Mobile-Device Vetting in Asylum Procedures in Five European countries
  • Limitations of the Right to Have Rights: The Case of Denmark
  • Losing the Right to Stay: Revocation of Refugee Permits in Norway
  • Arrhythmic Mobilities and Fragmented Journeys: Palestinians Seeking Safety in Sweden
  • Are the Problems and Motives Clear Enough? A Study on the Placement of Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors at Compulsory Care Institutions in Sweden
  • Reactions towards Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands: Associations with Right-wing Ideological Attitudes, Threat and Perceptions of Asylum Seekers as Legitimate and Economic
  • Where To Go? Drivers of Venezuelan Asylum Seekers
  • The Asylum Hump: Why Country Income Level Predicts New Asylum Seekers, But Not New Refugees
  • Refugee Crisis, Valuation of Life, and Violent Crime
  • Theorizing the Refugee Humanitarian-development Nexus: A Political-economy Analysis
  • Social Capital’s Role in Humanitarian Crises
  • The Problem of Chronic Refugee Communities: Applying Complexity Theory to the Situation Along the Thai–Myanmar Border
  • Can There Be a Right of Return?
  • Refugees as Donors: ‘Rich’ Tibetan Refugees, Evicted Indian Slum Dwellers and a Smart City
  • The ‘Host’ Label: Forming and Transforming a Community Identity at the Kakuma Refugee Camp
  • Resilience in Displacement and the Protection of Civilians in South Sudan
  • Flying Away From the Bolshevik Winter: Soviet Refugees across the Southern Borders (1917–30)
  • When States Fail: The Politics of Orthodox Churches, Forced Displacement and Humanitarian Structures in Serbia and Ukraine
  • Refugee-Integration-Opportunity Structures: Shifting the Focus From Refugees to Context
  • The Long-Term Outcomes of Refugees: Tracking the Progress of the East African Asians
  • The Effects of Limited Work Opportunities on Transitions to Adulthood among Young Refugees in Uganda and Jordan
  • Religion and Identity De/Construction among Forced Migrants: The Case of the Congolese Refugees in Durban, South Africa
  • The Meaning of Marriage to the Rohingya Refugees, and Their Survival in Bangladesh
  • Forced Unemployment or Undocumented Work: The Burden of the Prohibition to Work for Asylum Seekers in the UK
  • Job Retention Among Resettled Refugees in The US:The Importance of Context
  • The Survival Job Trap: Explaining Refugee Employment Outcomes in Chicago and the Contributing Factors
  • Refugee-Run Grassroots Organizations: Responsive Assistance beyond the Constraints of US Resettlement Policy
  • Structural Inequality in Refugee Participation in Higher Education
  • Higher Education in the Context of Mass Displacement: Towards Sustainable Solutions for Refugees
  • Hope Among Refugee Children Attending the International School of Peace on Lesbos
  • Psychosocial-Adjustment Needs of North Korean Refugee Youth from the Perspectives of Alternative-School Members
  • Irreconcilable Loss, Avoidance, and Hypervigilance: Facilitators of Refugee-Specific Posttraumatic Growth
  • Understandings of Trauma: Contrasting Sudanese Refugees and Holocaust Survivors
  • There’s an App for That: Context, Assumptions, Possibilities and Potential Pitfalls In the Use of Digital Technologies To Address Refugee Mental Health
  • The Doulas of the Priscilla Project: Understanding the Experience of Refugee Women Navigating the US Maternity-care System
  • Data Privacy and Displacement: A Cultural Approach
  • Research with Refugees in Fragile Political Contexts: How Ethical Reflections Impact Methodological Choices
  • Power, Participation, and ‘peer researchers’: Addressing Gaps in Refugee Research Ethics Guidance
  • Ambivalences of Citizenship: Syrians with Refugee Status Responding to Ambivalences of Citizenship in Denmark
  • The Comparative Analysis of Life Satisfaction Among Syrian, Iranian, and Afghan refugees in Turkey: The case of Denizli
  • Displaced Syrian Mental Health Workers: An Investigation of Professional Quality of Life
  • Prevalence of Aggression in Displaced Syrian Adolescents Attending Afternoon Public Schools in Beirut
  • Acculturation, Social Support and Mental Health Outcomes among Syrian Refugees in Germany
  • Tuberculosis and Notifiable Skin Diseases Amongst A Representative Cohort of Refugees in Germany (2014–16)
  • Older Refugees in Germany: What Are the Reasons for the Difficulties in Language-learning?
  • Health State of Syrian Children and Their Parents in a German Refugee Camp
  • Attitude and Information from Health Professionals Were Associated with Decision to Donate Organs among Arabic-Speaking Refugees: Exploring Opportunities for Intervention
  • Oral Health Status and Dental Treatment Needs in Syrian Refugee Children in Zaatari Camp
  • Corrigendum
2022, Vol. 35, Nº 2
  • Once We Were Refugees: Refugees, Security, Solidarity and a View from the Global South—A Case Study of the Rohingya Reception in Bangladesh.
  • Refugee Community-Based Organizations: Resources, Power, and Dependency.
  • Beyond the Partnership Debate: Localizing Knowledge Production in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies.
  • Making Sense of the Global: A Systematic Review of Globalizing and Localizing Dynamics in Refugee Governance.
  • What Do Asylum Seekers Prioritise—Safety or Welfare Benefits? The Influence of Policies on Asylum Flows to the EU15 Countries.
  • The Concept of the ‘Good Refugee’ in Cambodian and Hazara Refugee Narratives and Self-Representation.
  • When the Government Comes to the Neighbourhood: Everyday Regulations and Syrian Refugees’ Encounters with Local State Authorities.
  • Excluding Livestock Livelihoods in Refugee Responses: A Risk to Public Health.

Consulta en este enlace el índice completo de este número.

2022, Vol. 35, Nº 1
  • Voices of Resettled Refugee Congolese Women: A Qualitative Exploration of Challenges Associated with Resettling in Ohio.
  • Far from Home, Far from Safe: State Violence against Unaccompanied Refugee Children Seeking Asylum in Kenya.
  • Perceived Discrimination as a Moderator between Living Difficulties and Psychological Distress among Asylum Seekers from Darfur.
  • How Does Multi-Level Governance Create Capacity to Address Refugee Needs, and with What Limitations? An Analysis of Municipal Responses to Syrian Refugees in IstanbulGet access.
  • ‘Street-Level Justifications’: Service Providers Mediating Refugee Reception in the Urban Context of Istanbul.
  • Problems and Issues Concerning Social Integration of Elderly Refugees in Turkey.

Consulta en este enlace el índice completo de este número.

2019, Vol. 32, Nº 4
  • ‘What Does the Term Refugee Mean to You?’: Perspectives from Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon Angela Gissi
  • Process in the Community, Detain Offshore or ‘Turn Back the Boats’? Predicting Australian Asylum-seeker Policy Support from False Beliefs, Prejudice and Political Ideology Lisa K Hartley, Joel R Anderson, Anne Pedersen
  • Motherhood as Identity: African Refugee Single Mothers Working the Intersections Julian Grant, Pauline B Guerin
  • Syrian Refugees as Seasonal Migrant Workers: Re-Construction of Unequal Power Relations in Turkish Agriculture Deniz Pelek
  • An Examination of a University-based Refugee Speaker Series Dennis D Long, Cynthia H Geer, Megan E Zarnitz
  • From Recipients of Aid to Shapers of Policies: Conceptualizing Government–United Nations Relations during the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon Carmen Geha, Joumana Talhouk
  • The Discursive Governance of Forced-Migration Management: The Turkish Shift from Reticence to Activism in Asia Umut Korkut
  • Assessing the Civil Society’s Role in Refugee Integration in Turkey: NGO-R as a New Typology Ulaş Sunata, Salіh Tosun
2019, Vol. 32, Nº 3
  • Gardening in Displacement: The Benefits of Cultivating in Crisis Juliet Millican, Carrie Perkins, Andrew Adam-Bradford
  • ‘I Stand on My Own Two Feet but Need Someone Who Really Cares’: Social Networks and Social Capital among Unaccompanied Minors for Becoming Established in Swedish Society Malin Eriksson, Malin E Wimelius, Mehdi Ghazinour
  • The Refugee Integration Survey and Evaluation (RISE): Results from a Four-Year Longitudinal Study Gary Lichtenstein, Jini E Puma
  • Participatory Visual Research with Displaced Persons: ‘Listening’ to Post-conflict Experiences through the Visual Sanne Weber
  • Cessation Clauses, Uncertain Futures and Wellbeing among Rwandan Urban Refugees in Cameroon Kelly A Yotebieng, Jennifer L Syvertsen, Paschal Kum Awah
  • Positioning in the Oral Narratives of Displaced Syrian Women Nadia A Shalaby
  • The Feminization of Forced Migration during Conflict: The Complex Experiences of Algerian Women Who Fled in the ‘Black Decade’ Latefa Narriman Guémar
  • Prejudice-relevant Correlates of Attitudes towards Refugees: A Meta-analysis Misha Mei Cowling, Joel R Anderson, Rose Ferguson
2019, Vol. 32, Nº 2
  • Breaking the Spell of Silence: Collective Healing as Activism amongst Refugee Male Survivors of Sexual Violence in Uganda Jerker Edström, Chris Dolan
  • ‘Is Wellbeing Possible when You Are Out of Place?’: Ethnographic Insight into Resilience among Urban Refugees in Yaoundé, Cameroon Kelly A Yotebieng, Jennifer L Syvertsen, Paschal Awah
  • Humans and Animals in a Refugee Camp: Baquba, Iraq, 1918–20 Benjamin Thomas White
  • Islam, the State and Turkey’s Syrian Refugees: The Vaiz of Bursa Tim Jacoby, Roger Mac Ginty, Bülent S¸enay
  • Erosion of Meaning in Life: African Asylum Seekers’ Experiences of Seeking Asylum in Ireland Rebecca Murphy, Brian Keogh, Agnes Higgins
  • Between Clothes and the Body: National and Gender Identity among Eritrean Women Refugees Tamar Arev
  • Being a Father in My New Society: A Qualitative Study of the Fathering Experiences of Men from Refugee Backgrounds Resettled in Australia Gilles Forget, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Mike Dee
  • Unaccompanied Children Claiming Asylum on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Daniel Hedlund, Thomas Wimark
2019, Vol. 32, Nº 1
  • Recruiting Refugees for Militarization: The Determinants of Mobilization Attempts Roos Haer; Tobias Hecker
  • Entrepreneurial Refugees and the City: Brief Encounters in Beirut Mona Harb; Ali Kassem; Watfa Najdi
  • Refugee Law as a Means of Control Simon Behrman
  • The Power of Local Micro Structures in the Context of Refugee Camps Annett Bochmann
  • The Legal Rights of Religious Refugees in the ‘Refugee-Cities’ of Early Modern Germany Benjamin J Kaplan
  • The Conditions and Migratory Aspirations of Syrian and Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Anna Kvittingen; Marko Valenta; Hanan Tabbara; Dina Baslan; Berit Berg
  • Family from Afar? Transnationalism and Refugee Extended Families after Resettlement Breanne Leigh Grace
  • (Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and Timescapes Mona Lilja; Andreas Henriksson; Mikael Baaz
  • City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp. By Ben Rawlence Neil James Wilson
  • Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State. By Dawn Chatty Deniz Gökalp
  • Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee System. By Alexander Betts and Paul Collier Anna Lise Purkey
  • After the Flight: The Dynamics of Refugee Settlement and Integration. By Morgan Poteet and Shiva Nourpanah (eds) Sarah M Hughes
  • Refuge Lost: Asylum Law in an Interdependent World. By Daniel Ghezelbash Jeff Crisp
2018, Vol. 31, Nº 4
  • Cross-Border Portability of Refugees’ Personal Status Jinske Verhellen
  • Between Policy and Practice: The Education of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Elizabeth Buckner; Dominique Spencer; Jihae Cha
  • Sleepless Nights because of Ethical Dilemmas in Mental Health Care for Asylum Seekers Sander A Kramer; Erik Olsman; Mariëtte H H Hoogsteder; Loes H M Van Willigen
  • The Management of Time and Waiting by Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Girls in Finland Ravi K S Kohli; Mervi Kaukko
  • Improper Distance: The Refugee Crisis Presented by Two Newsrooms Miguel Franquet Dos Santos Silva; Svein Brurås; Ana Beriain Bañares
  • Rethinking Frameworks for Refugee Advocacy: An Analysis Grounded in Political and Democratic Institutions Murdoch Stephens
  • Modes of Ordering: Labelling, Classification and Categorization in Lebanon’s Refugee Response Maja Janmyr; Lama Mourad
  • Afghan Refugee Journeys: Onwards Migration Decision-Making in Greece and Turkey Katie Kuschminder
  • ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’: Daily Strategies and Fear Management among Undocumented Refugee Children in Sweden Åsa Wahlström Smith
  • The RISE Survey: Developing and Implementing a Valid and Reliable Quantitative Measure of Refugee Integration in the United States Jini E Puma; Gary Lichtenstein; Paul Stein
  • Perspectives of Somali Refugees on Post-traumatic Growth after Resettlement Sarah Strode Ferriss; Shandra S Forrest-Bank
  • Talking about the Past, Locating It in the Present: The Second Generation from Refugee Backgrounds Making Sense of Their Parents’ Narratives, Narrative Gaps and Silences Alice Bloch
  • Transitions of South Sudanese Refugees: Reaching for a Better Life Thomas E Stenvig; Paula P Carson; Rebecca L Randall; Marlys Bohn
  • Journey to Health: (Re) Contextualizing the Health of Canada’s Refugee Population K Bruce Newbold; Marie McKeary
2018, Vol. 31, Nº 3
  • Obituary: Barbara Harrell-Bond Roger Zetter
  • Introduction: Forced Migration In/Of Asia—Interfaces and Multiplicities Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho; Cabeiri Debergh Robinson
  • Forced Migration, Refugees and China’s Entry into the ‘Family of Nations’, 1861–1949 Glen Peterson
  • Hospitality as a Horizon of Aspiration (or, What the International Refugee Regime Can Learn from Acehnese Fishermen) Anne McNevin; Antje Missbach
  • Boundaries and Belonging in the Indo-Myanmar Borderlands: Chin Refugees in Mizoram Kirsten McConnachie
  • From Political Activists to Social Entrepreneurs: Burmese Refugees in South Korea Sang kook Lee
  • Charting Interfaces of Power: Actors, Constellations of Mobility and Weaving Displaced Shan's Translocal ‘Home’ Territory Along the Thai-Burma Border Wen-Ching Ting
  • Interfaces and the Politics of Humanitarianism: Kachin Internal Displacement at the China–Myanmar Border Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho
2018, Vol. 31, Nº 2
  • The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework: A Commentary Randall Hansen
  • The Local Refugee Match: Aligning Refugees’ Preferences with the Capacities and Priorities of Localities Will Jones Alexander Teytelboym
  • Everyday Justice for the Internally Displaced in a Context of Fragility: The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Carolien Jacobs; Patrick Milabyo Kyamusugulwa
  • Giving an Account of Persecution: The Dynamic Formation of Asylum Narratives Eeva Puumala; Riitta Ylikomi; Hanna-leena Ristimäki
  • Bifurcation of people, bifurcation of law: externalization of migration policy before the EU Court of Justice Thomas Spijkerboer
  • Moving forward: Educational outcomes for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) exiting foster care in the United States Thomas M Crea; Robert G Hasson; Kerri Evans; Jodi Berger Cardoso; Dawnya Underwood
2018, Vol. 31, Nº 1
  • Beyond Labelling: Rethinking the Role and Value of the Refugee 'Label' through Semiotics. Giorgia Cole
  • Coming Out Under the Gun: Exploring the Psychological Dimensions of Seeking Refugee Status for LGBT Claimants in Canada. Sarille Khan and Edward J. Alessi
  • The Right to Belong (If You Can Afford It): Market-based Restrictions on Social Cizitenship in Refugee Resettlment? Breanne L. Grace, Stephanie J. Nawyn and Betty Okwako
  • A Moral Marriage: Humanitarian Values and Bhutanese Refugees. Alice M. Neikirk
  • Know the Neighbour: Residential Integration and Social Bridging among Refugee Settlers in Greater Brisbane. Aparna Hebbani, Val Colic-Peisker and Maired Mackinnon
2017, Vol. 30, Nº 4
  • Refugees’ ‘Journeys of Trust’: Creating an Analytical Framework to Examine Refugees’ Exilic Journeys with a Focus on Trust Eveliina Lyytinen
  • The Interconnection between Acculturation and Subjective and Social Wellbeing among Refugee Youth in Australia Zachary E Buchanan; Hisham M Abu-Rayya; Emiko Kashima; Susan J. Paxton
  • Refugee Youth in Sweden Who Arrived as Unaccompanied Minors and Separated Children Aycan Çelikaksoy; Eskil Wadensjö
  • Urban Resettlement in Colombo from a Wellbeing Perspective: Does Development-Forced Resettlement Lead to Improved Wellbeing? Dhammika Herath; R W D Lakshman; A Ekanayake
  • Being a Refugee University Student: A Collaborative Auto-ethnography R Student; Kathleen Kendall; Lawrence Day
  • The Politics of Food and Hospitality: How Syrian Refugees in Belgium Create a Home in Hostile Environments Robin Vandevoordt
  • Refugees, Regionalism and Responsibility. By Penelope Mathew & Tristan Harley Jean-Pierre Gauci
  • The Concept of Climate Migration. By Benoît Mayer Yvonne Su
  • Fleeing Homophobia: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Asylum. By Thomas Spijkerboer (ed) Diego García Rodríguez
  • Troubled Transit: Asylum Seekers Stuck in Indonesia. By Antje Missbach Vannessa Hearman
  • The New Humanitarians in International Practice: emerging actors and contested principles. By Zeynep Sezgin & Dennis Dijkzeul (eds) Tahir Zaman
  • Refugees in Extended Exile: Living on the Edge. By Jennifer Hyndman and Winona Giles Jeff Crisp
  • Refugee Resettlement in the United States: Language, Policy, Pedagogy. By Emily Feuerherm & Vaidehi Ramanathan (eds) Jacqueline N Ridley
  • South-South Education Migration, Humanitarianism and Development: Views from the Caribbean, North Africa and the Middle East. By Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh Juliet Millican
  • The Law of Refugee Status, second edition. By James C. Hathaway and Michelle Foster Robert F Barsky
2017, Vol. 30, Nº 3
  • Researching the Resolution of Post-Disaster Displacement: Reflections from Haiti and the Philippines Megan Bradley; -Angela Sherwood; _Lorenza Rossi; Rufa Guiam; Bradley Mellicker
  • Humanitarian Sentiment and Forced Repatriation: The Administration of Hungarians in a Post-War Displaced Persons Camp Luke Kelly
  • Stealth Humanitarianism: Negotiating Politics, Precarity and Performance Management in Protecting the Urban Displaced Caroline Wanjiku Kihato; Loren B. Landau
  • Identifying the Needs of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking - Children in Thailand: A Focus on the Perspectives of Children Paradee Thoresen; Angela Fielding; Sue Gillieatt; Stian H. Thoresen
  • Religious Identity and Experiences of Displacement: An Examination into the Discursive Representations of Syrian Refugees and Their Effects on Religious Minorities Living in Jordan Khatereh (KAT) Eghdamian
  • Naturalization of Burundian Refugees in Tanzania: The Debates on Local Integration and the Meaning of Citizenship Revisited Amelia Kuch
2017, Vol. 30, Nº 221
  • The History of Refugee Protection: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges J. Olaf Kleist
  • Refugees—What’s Wrong with History? Peter Gatrell
  • Exile, Refuge and the Greek Polis: Between Justice and Humanity Benjamin Gray
  • Refugees and the Roman Empire Peter J. Heather
  • Hospitality, Protection and Refuge in Early English Law Tom Lambert
  • Refugees and Refugee Protection in the Early Modern Period . Susanne Lachenicht
  • The Dawn of International Refugee Protection: States, Tacit Cooperation and Non-Extradition Phil Orchard
  • Protection, Repatriation and Categorization: Refugees and Empire at the end of the Nineteenth Century Jared Manasek
  • Protecting Refugees in the Weimar Republic Jochen Oltmer
  • Seeing Like a Refugee Agency: A Short History of UNHCR Classifications in Central Africa (1961–2015) Joël Glasman
2016, Vol. 29, Nº 4
Refugee Migration and Local Demarcations: New Insight into European Localities
  • Refugee Migration and Local Demarcations: New Insight into European Localities Birgit Glorius and Jeroen Doomernik
  • The Local Production of Asylum Sophie Hinger; Philipp Schäfer; Andreas Pott
  • Deciding Refugee Settlement in Norwegian Cities: Local Administration or Party Politics? Anton Steen
  • Asylum in Austere Times: Instability, Privatization and Experimentation within the UK Asylum Dispersal System. Birgit Glorius and Jeroen Doomernik; Jonathan Darling
  • Learning How to Squat: Cooperation and Conflict between Refugees and Natives in Rome Milena Belloni
  • A Tale of Two Cities: Multiple Practices of Bordering and Degrees of ‘Transit’ in and through Turkey Asli Ikizoglu Erensu; Zeynep Kasli
  • Bulgaria’s Response to Refugee Migration: Institutionalizing the Boundary of Exclusion Nevena Nancheva
  • Engendering Security at the Borders of Europe: Women Migrants and the Mediterranean ‘Crisis’ Jane Freedman -Threatened or Threatening? How Ideology Shapes Asylum Seekers’ Immigration Policy Attitudes in Israel and Australia Daphna Canetti; Keren L. G. Snider; Anne Pedersen; Brian J. Hall
  • Becoming Global Citizens in the Enemy State: Young North Korean Resettlers in South Korean Secondary Schools Young Ha Cho; John D. Palmer; Joo Young Jung
2016, Vol. 293
  • Measuring the Potential for Mass Displacement in Menacing Contexts.
  • Unpredictability, Invisibility and Vulnerability: Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors’ Journeys to Australia.
  • Socio-Economic Impact of the Crisis in Northern Mali on Displaced People.
  • Organized Chaos: Informal Institution Building among Palestinian Refugees in the Maashouk Gathering in South Lebanon.
  • Internal Displacement, the Camp and the Construction of Citizenship: Perspectives from Northern Uganda.
  • Chronicle of a Reform Process: The Irish Working Group on Protection
2016, Vol. 29, Nº 2
  • What Is a Refugee Camp? Explorations of the Limits and Effects of the Camp.
  • Digging Aid’: The Camp as an Option in East and the Horn of Africa.
  • Community After All? An Inside Perspective on Encampment in Haiti.
  • Refugee Politics: Self-Organized ‘Government’ and Protests in the Agamé Refugee Camp (2005–13).
  • Camps and Enclaves: Palestine in the Time of Closure.
  • The Ongoing Catastrophe: Erosion of Life in the Danish Camps.
  • Beyond Space of Exception? Reflections on the Camp through the Prism of Refugee Schools.
2016, Vol. 29, Nº 1
  • Night-Time and Refugees: Evidence from the Thai-Myanmar Border. Pia Jolliffe
  • Alleged Terrorists and Other Perpetrators of Serious Non-Political Crimes: The Application of Article 1F(b) of the Refugee Convention in the Netherlands. Maarten P. Bolhuis and Joris Van Wijk
  • Structure and Agency in Swedish Municipalities’ Reception of Unaccompanied Minors.Gustav Lidén and Jon Nyhlén
  • Harvesting from a Repotted Plant: A Qualitative Study of Karen Refugees’ Resettlement and Foodways. Savannah E. Spivey and Denise C. Lewis
  • Chilean Exiles, Reconciliation and Return: An Alternative View from Below. Shirin Hirsch
  • Caring, Contributing, Capacity Building: Navigating Contradictory Narratives of Refugee Settlement in Australia.Robyn C. Sampson
  • Risk Factors Associated with Culture Shock among Asylum Seekers from Darfur. Vered Slonim-Nevo and Shirley Regev
2016, Vol. 29, Nº 1
  • Night-Time and Refugees: Evidence from the Thai-Myanmar Border. Pia Jolliffe
  • Alleged Terrorists and Other Perpetrators of Serious Non-Political Crimes: The Application of Article 1F(b) of the Refugee Convention in the Netherlands. Maarten P. Bolhuis and Joris Van Wijk
  • Structure and Agency in Swedish Municipalities’ Reception of Unaccompanied Minors.Gustav Lidén and Jon Nyhlén
  • Harvesting from a Repotted Plant: A Qualitative Study of Karen Refugees’ Resettlement and Foodways. Savannah E. Spivey and Denise C. Lewis
  • Chilean Exiles, Reconciliation and Return: An Alternative View from Below. Shirin Hirsch
  • Caring, Contributing, Capacity Building: Navigating Contradictory Narratives of Refugee Settlement in Australia.Robyn C. Sampson
  • Risk Factors Associated with Culture Shock among Asylum Seekers from Darfur. Vered Slonim-Nevo and Shirley Regev
2015, Vol. 28, Nº 4
  • Focus on the Forest, Not the Trees: A Changepoint Model of Forced Displacement.Justin Schon
  • Multilayered Ethics in Research Involving Unaccompanied Refugee Minors.Marianne Vervliet, Cécile Rousseau, Eric Broekaert, and Ilse Derluyn
  • Liminal Space in Protracted Exile: The Meaning of Place in Congolese Refugees’ Narratives of Home and Belonging in Kampala.Roselinde Den Boer
  • Emergence and Decline of a Protest Movement: The Anti-Deportation Campaign for Afghan Asylum Seekers in Belgium.Matthew Willner-Reid
  • ‘I Want to Do Anything which Is Decent and Relates to My Profession’: Refugee Doctors’ and Teachers’ Strategies of Re-Entering Their Professions in the UK.Emilia Piętka-Nykaza
  • Rights, Compassion and Invisible Children: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Parliamentary Debates on the Mandatory Detention of Migrant Children in Canada.Rachel Kronick and Cécile Rousseau
  • Eritrean Women Asylum Seekers in Israel: From a Politics of Rescue to Feminist Accountability.Habtom M. Ghebrezghiabher and Pnina Motzafi-Haller
  • Protecting Civilians in Refugee Camps: Unable and Unwilling States, UNHCR and International Responsibility. By Maja Janmyr.Zachary A. Lomo
  • Displacement Economies in Africa: Paradoxes of Crisis and Creativity. Edited by Amanda Hammar.Naohiko Omata
  • Implementation and World Politics: How International Norms Change Practice. Edited by Alexander Betts and Phil Orchard.Paul White
  • Managing Muslim Mobilities: Between Spiritual Geographies and the Global Security Regime. Edited by Anita H. Fábos and Riina Isotalo.Khatereh Eghdamian
  • The Ideal Refugees: Gender, Islam, and the Sahrawi Politics of Survival, Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East. By Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh.Miriyam Aouragh
  • Gender, Home and Identity: Nuer Repatriation to Southern Sudan. By Katarzyna Grabska Journal of Refu.Dianna Shandy
2015, Vol. 28, Nº 3
  • Searching for Directions: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Researching Refugee Journeys. Gadi BenEzer and Roger Zetter
  • Refugee Health and Wellbeing: Differences between Urban and Camp-Based Environments in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thomas M. Crea, Rocío Calvo, and Maryanne Loughry
  • he Resilient Voter? An Exploration of the Effects of Post-Election Violence in Kenya’s Internally Displaced Persons Camps. Stephanie M. Burchard
  • Becoming (Im)Perceptible: Forced Migrants and Virtual Practice.Saskia Witteborn
  • Factors Influencing Contraception Awareness and Use: The Experiences of Young African Australian mothers.Mimmie Claudine Ngum Chi Watts, Celia McMichael, and Pranee Liamputtong
  • Social Engineering for Reintegration: Peace Villages for the ‘Uprooted’ Returnees in Burundi.Jean-Benoît Falisse and René Claude Niyonkuru
  • From Bottom-Up to Top-Down: The ‘Pre-History’ of Refugee Livelihoods Assistance from 1919 to 1979. Evan Elise Easton-Calabria
2015, Vol. 28, Nº 1
  • ‘He's a Cracking Wee Geezer from Pakistan’: Lay Accounts of Refugee Integration Failure and Success in Scotland. Steve Kirkwood, Andy McKinlay, and Chris McVittie
  • ontrol and Biopower in Contemporary Humanitarian Aid: The Case of Supplementary Feeding. Tom Scott-Smith
  • To ‘Promote, Protect and Ensure’: Overcoming Obstacles to Identifying Disability in Forced Migration. Laura Smith-Khan, Mary Crock, Ben Saul, and Ron McCallum
  • Narrative and Silence: How Former Refugees Talk about Loss and Past Trauma. Teresa Puvimanasinghe, Linley A. Denson, Martha Augoustinos, and Daya Somasundaram
  • The British–Jewish Roots of Non-Refoulement and its True Meaning for the Drafters of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Gilad Ben-Nun
2015, Vol. 28, Nº 2
  • Stuck in Transit: Secondary Migration of Asylum Seekers in Europe, National Differences, and the Dublin Regulation. Jan-Paul Brekke and Grete Brochmann
  • The Tactics of Time and Status: Young People’s Experiences of Building Futures While Subject to Immigration Control in Britain. Jennifer Allsopp Elaine Chase, and Mary Mitchell
  • Forced Up or Down? The Impact of Forced Migration on Social Status. Isabel Ruiz, Melissa Siegel, and Carlos Vargas-Silva
  • Local Faith Communities and the Promotion of Resilience in Contexts of Humanitarian Crisis. Joey Ager, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, and Alastair Ager
  • The Invisible Displaced: A Unified Conceptualization of Population Displacement in Brazil. Robert Muggah
  • Studying Refugee Settlement through Longitudinal Research: Methodological and Ethical Insights from the Good Starts Study. Celia McMichael, Caitlin Nunn, Sandra M. Gifford, and Ignacio Correa-Velez
  • Constructing Gender: Refugee Women Working in the United States. Jill Koyama
  • Home is Where the Heart Is? Forced Migration and Voluntary Return in Turkey’s Kurdish Regions. Djordje Stefanovic, Neophytos Loizides, and Samantha Parsons
2014, Vol. 27, Nº 4
  • Introduction: Understanding Global Refugee Policy. James Milner
  • Lessons from the Global Public Policy Literature for the Study of Global Refugee Policy. Sarah Deardorff Miller
  • Building Consensus within UNHCR’s Executive Committee: Global Refugee Norms in the Making. Marion Fresia
  • Wither Policy? Southern African Perspectives on Understanding Law, ‘Refugee’ Policy and Protection. Loren B. Landau and Roni Amit
  • Can Global Refugee Policy Leverage Durable Solutions? Lessons from Tanzania’s Naturalization of Burundian Refugees. James Milner
  • International Refugee Law and Refugee Policy: The Case of Deterrence Policies. Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
  • The Bali Process and Global Refugee Policy in the Asia–Pacific Region. Susan Kneebone
2014, Vol. 27, Nº 3
  • The Pursuit of State Status and the Shift toward International Norms: South Korea’s Evolution as a Host Country for Refugees. Hans Schattle and Jennifer McCann
  • Gender, Securitization and Transit: Refugee Women and the Journey to the EU.Alison Gerard and Sharon Pickering -Neither Temporary, Nor Permanent: The Precarious Employment Experiences of Refugee Claimants in Canada.Samantha Jackson and Harald Bauder
  • Riotous Refugees or Systemic Injustice? A Sociological Examination of Riots in Australian Immigration Detention Centres.Lucy Fiske
  • ‘I am a Widow, Mother and Refugee’: Narratives of Two Refugee Widows Resettled to Australia. Caroline Lenette
  • Local Currencies: A Potential Solution for Liquidity Problems in Refugee Camp Economies. Brent Ranalli
  • Where ‘Difference is the Norm’: Exploring Refugee Student Ethnic Identity Development, Acculturation, and Agency at Shaw Academy. Oluchi C. Nwosu and Sandra L. Barnes -Beyond the Law: Power, Discretion, and Bureaucracy in the Management of Asylum Space in Thailand. Adam Saltsman
2014, Vol. 27, Nº 2
Accountability and Redress for the Injustices of Displacement
  • Durable Solutions as Reparation for the Unjust Harms of Displacement: Who Owes What to Refugees?. James Souter
  • Social Policy or Reparative Justice? Challenges for Reparations in Contexts of Massive Displacement and Related Serious Human Rights Violations. Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia
  • Transnational Transitional Justice and Reconciliation: The Participation of Conflict-generated Diasporas in Addressing the Legacies of Mass Violence. Huma Haider
  • Bringing Them All Back Home: The Challenges of DDR and Transitional Justice in Contexts of Displacement in Rwanda and Uganda. Phil Clark
  • A Dignified Approach: Legal Empowerment and Justice for Human Rights Violations in Protracted Refugee Situations. Anna Lise Purkey
  • Motherhood and Social Repair after War and Displacement in Northern Uganda. Erin Baines , Lara Rosenoff Gauvin
2014, Vol. 27, Nº 1
  • We are All the Same, Coz Exist Only One Earth, Why the BORDER EXIST’: Messages of Migrants on their Way. Ilse Derluyn, Charles Watters, Cindy Mels, y Eric Broekaert
  • Irregular Networks: Bangkok Refugees in the City and Region. Pei A. Palmgren
  • (Un)Governable Subjects: The Limits of Refugee Participation in the Promotion of Gender Equality in Humanitarian Aid. Elisabeth Olivius
  • A Pressing Need for the Reform of Interpreting Service in Asylum Settings: A Case Study of Asylum Appeal Hearings in South Korea. Jieun Lee
  • The Causes of Mistrust amongst Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Insights from Research with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors Living in the Republic of Ireland. Muireann Ní Raghallaigh
  • The Israeli Roots of Article 3 and Article 6 of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Gilad Ben-Nun-
  • Civic and Ethno Belonging among Recent Refugees to Australia. Farida Fozdar y Lisa Hartley
  • Sudanese Refugees in Cairo: Remittances and Livelihoods. Karen Jacobsen, Maysa Ayoub, Alice Johnson
2013, Vol. 26, Nº 4
Forced Displacement, Refugees and ICTs: Transformations of Place, Power and Social Ties
  • Remote Telephone Interpretation in Medical Consultations with Refugees: Meta-communications about Care, Survival and Selfhood. Christine Phillips
  • Bosnian Austrians: Accidental Migrants in Trans-local and Cyber Spaces. Hariz Halilovich
  • Precarity, Affect and Problem Solving with Mobile Phones by Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants in Naples, Italy. Nicholas Harney
  • Digital Escapes? ICTs, Settlement and Belonging among Karen Youth in Melbourne, Australia. Sandra M. Gifford and Raelene Wilding
  • Asylum, Identity Management and Biometric Control. Btihaj Ajana
2013, Vol. 26, Nº 3


  • Supervising the Refugee Convention. Introduction. James C. Hathaway, Anthony M. North, and Jason Pobjoy
  • Roundtable on the Future of Refugee Convention Supervision. Convened at Downing College, University of Cambridge Hosted by the University of Cambridge and the University of Michigan, September 28–29, 2012
  • Is there a Need for Better Supervision of the Refugee Convention? Katie O’Byrne
  • Lessons from Supervisory Mechanisms in International and Regional Law. Joanna Whiteman and Claire Nielsen
  • A Proposal for Enhanced Supervision of the Refugee Convention. Alysia Blackham

ARTICLES -‘White Tigers’: Researcher Roles in Relation to Linking Social Capital within Tamil Voluntary Associations in Norway. Eugene Guribye

  • Exiles, Art, and Political Activism: Fighting the Pinochet Regime from Afar. Jacqueline Adams
  • In Search of Sanctuary: Border Closures, ‘Safe’ Zones and Refugee Protection. Katy Long
  • Resettlement of Somali Bantu Refugees in an Era of Economic Globalization. Yda J. Smith
2013, Vol. 26, Nº 2
  • ‘We Are Not Here to Claim Better Services Than Any Other’: Social Exclusion among Men from Refugee Backgrounds in Urban and Regional Australia. Ignacio Correa-Velez, Ramon Spaaij, and Susan Upham
  • The Housing Resettlement Experience of Refugee Immigrants to Australia. James Forrest, Kerstin Hermes, Ron Johnston, and Michael Poulsen
  • Unpacking the Micro–Macro Nexus: Narratives of Suffering and Hope among Refugees from Burma Recently Settled in Australia. Mark Brough, Robert Schweitzer, Jane Shakespeare-Finch, Lyn Vromans, and Julie King
  • ‘It was the Most Beautiful Country I have Ever Seen’: The Role of Somali Narratives in Adapting to a New Country. Robyn Ramsden and Damien Ridge
  • Safeguarding a Child Perspective in Asylum Reception: Dilemmas of Children’s Case Workers in Sweden. Lisa Ottosson, Marita Eastmond, and Isabell Schierenbeck
  • Repatriation and Integration of Liberian Refugees from Ghana: the Importance of Personal Networks in the Country of Origin. Naohiko Omata
  • Remaining Internally Displaced: Missing Links to Security in Northern Uganda. Susan Reynolds Whyte, Sulayman Mpisi Babiiha, Rebecca Mukyala, and Lotte Meinert
2013, Vol. 26, Nº 1
  • State, Non-Governmental and International Organizations in the Possible Peace Process in Turkey’s Conflict-Induced Displacement. Ayşe Betül Çelik
  • Impact of Displacement on Women and Female-headed Households: A Mixed Method Analysis with a Microeconomic Touch. Kopalapillai Amirthalingam and Rajith W. D. Lakshman
  • Sickness in the System of Long-term Immigration Detention. Melissa Bull, Emily Schindeler, David Berkman, and Janet Ransley
  • Addressing Ethical and Methodological Challenges in Research with Refugee-background Young People: Reflections from the Field. Karen Block, Deborah Warr, Lisa Gibbs, and Elisha Riggs
  • Exporting Detention: Australia-funded Immigration Detention in Indonesia. Amy Nethery, Brynna Rafferty-Brown, and Savitri Taylor
  • Quantitative Methodological Dilemmas in Urban Refugee Research: A Case Study of Johannesburg. Darshan Vigneswaran and Joel Quirk
  • Gutters, Gates, and Gangs: Collaborative Sampling in ‘Post-Violence’ Johannesburg. Jean-Pierre Misago and Loren B. Landau
  • Creating a Frame: A Spatial Approach to Random Sampling of Immigrant Households in Inner City Johannesburg. Gayatri Singh and Benjamin D. Clark
  • Collecting Data on Migrants Through Service Provider NGOs: Towards Data Use and Advocacy. Tara Polzer Ngwato
  • Sampling in an Urban Environment: Overcoming Complexities and Capturing Differences. Joanna Vearey
2012, Vol. 25, Nº 4
  • Education and Identity: The Role of UNRWA's Education Programmes in the Reconstruction of Palestinian Nationalism. Ghassan Shabaneh
  • Life Skills Training as an Effective Intervention Strategy to Reduce Stress among Tibetan Refugee Adolescents. Tsering Yankey and Urmi Nanda Biswas
  • Welcoming the Unwelcome: The Politics of Minimum Reception Standards for Asylum Seekers in Austria. Sieglinde Rosenberger and Alexandra König
  • Communities of Knowledge or Tyrannies of Partnership: Reflections on North–South Research Networks and the Dual Imperative. Loren B. Landau
  • Response to Landau. Paula Banerjee, Stephen Castles, Elizabeth Ferris
2012, Vol. 25, Nº 1
  • Forcing the issue: migration crises and the uneasy dialogue between refugee research and policy. Nicholas Van Hear
  • UK dispersal policy and onward migration: mapping the current state of knowledge. Emma S. Stewart
  • "Migration control and the solutions impasse in South and Southeast Asia: implications from the Rohingya Experience". Samuel Cheung
  • The divergent experiences of children and adults in the relocation process: perspectives of child and parent refugee claimants in Montreal. Gillian Morantz, Cecile Rousseau and Jody Heymann
  • After war then peace: the US-based Liberian diaspora as peace-bulding norm entrepreneurs. Osman Antwi-Boateng
  • "It would be Okay if they came through the proper channels": community perceptions and attitudes toward asylum seekers in Australia. Fiona H. McKay, Samantha L. Thomas and Susan Kneebone
  • The genesis and development of article 1 of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Irial Glynn
2012, Vol. 25, Nº 3
The Refugee in the Postwar World, 1945–1960
  • The Uneven Development of the International Refugee Regime in Postwar Asia: Evidence from China, Hong Kong and Indonesia. Glen Peterson
  • Too Much Nationality: Kashmiri Refugees, the South Asian Refugee Regime, and a Refugee State, 1947–1974. abeiri Debergh Robinson
  • Entangled or ‘Extruded’ Histories? Displacement, National Refugees, and Repatriation after the Second World War. Pamela Ballinger
  • The Challenge of Categories: UNRWA and the Definition of a ‘Palestine Refugee’. Ilana Feldman
  • Borders Transformed: Sovereign Concerns, Population Movements and the Making of Territorial Frontiers in Hong Kong, 1949–1967. Laura Madokoro
  • ‘Help the People to Help Themselves’: UNRRA Relief Workers and European Displaced Persons. Silvia Salvatici
  • The Ambivalent Exception: American Occupation Policy in Postwar Germany and the Formation of Jewish Refugee Spaces. Anna Holian
  • Migration, Sacrifice and the Crisis of Muslim Nationalism. Tahir Naqvi
2012, Vol. 25, Nº 2
  • Realizing One's Rights under the 1951 Convention 60 Years On: A Review of Practical Constraints on Accessing Protection in Europe. Lena Karamanidou and Liza Schuster
  • A New Path Forward: Researching and Reflecting on Forced Displacement and Resettlement: Report on the International Resettlement Conference: Economics, Social Justice, and Ethics in Development-Caused Involuntary Migration, the Hague, 4–8 October 2010. Julie Koppel Maldonado
  • Social Technology and Refugee Encampment in Kenya. Rose Jaji
  • Towards Transformative Participation: Collaborative Research with ‘Urban IDPs’ in Uganda. Hilde Refstie and Cathrine Brun
  • A Case Study of Political Failure in a Refugee Camp. Elizabeth Holzer
  • Household Economy and Livelihoods among Iraqi Refugees in Syria. Shannon Doocy, Gilbert Burnham, Elizabeth Biermann, and Margarita Tileva
2011, Vol. 24, Nº 4
  • Classical Diasporas of the Third Kind: The Hidden History of Christian Dispersion. Robert F. Gorman
  • Human Agency and the Meaning of Informed Consent: Reflections on Research with Refugees. Richard Hugman, Linda Bartolomei, and Eileen Pittaway
  • ‘People Look at Us, the Way We Dress, and They Think We’re Gangsters’: Bonds, Bridges, Gangs and Refugees: A Qualitative Study of Inter-Cultural Social Capital in Glasgow. Ross Deuchar
  • Ambiguous Expectations and Reduced Confidence: Experience of Somali Refugees Encountering Swedish Health Care. Kristian Svenberg, Carola Skott, and Margret Lepp
2011, Vol. 24, Nº 3
Faith-Based Humanitarianism in Contexts of Forced Displacement
  • Introduction: Faith-Based Humanitarianism in Contexts of Forced Displacement. Elena FIDDIAN-QASMIYEH
  • Understanding ‘Sanctuary’: Faith and Traditions of Asylum. Philip MARFLEET
  • Faith and the Discourse of Secular Humanitarianism. Alastair AGER and Joey AGER
  • Faith-Based Aid to People Affected by Conflict in Jos, Nigeria: An Analysis of the Role of Christian and Muslim Organizations. Nkwachukwu ORJI
  • The Role of Faith and Faith-Based Organizations among Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya. Damaris Seleina PARSITAU
  • Ethical Dilemmas and Identifications of Faith-Based Humanitarian Organizations in the Karen Refugee Crisis. ALEXANDER HORSTMANN
  • The Pragmatics of Performance: Putting ‘Faith’ in Aid in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps. Elena FIDDIAN-QASMIYEH
  • Much to be Proud of, Much to be Done: Faith-based Organizations and the Politics of Asylum in Australia. Erin WILSON
  • Un/settling Angels: Faith-Based Organizations and Asylum-Seeking in the UK. Susanna SNYDER
  • The Faith Community’s Role in Refugee Resettlement in the United Sates. Jessica EBY, Erika IVERSON, Jenifer SMYERS and Erol KEKIC
  • Faith and Humanitarisanism: It’s Complicated. Elizabeth FERRIS
2011, Vol. 24, Nº 1
  • Laws, Policies, or Social Position? Capabilities and the Determinants of Effective Proteccion in Four African Cities.
  • Refugee Camp Security: Decreasing Vulnerability Through Demografic Controls.
  • Indivisibility of Accountability and Empowerment in Tackling Gender-Based Violence: Lessons from a Refugee Camp in Rwanda.
  • The Gotte Koya IDP Mystery: Tribal Indentity and the IDP-Migrant Continuum in the Chhattisgarh-Andhra Prdesh Bordeland (India).
  • From Refugee to Good Citizen: A Discourse Analysis of Volunteering.
  • "Garang´s Seeds": Influences on the Return of Sudanese-Canadian Refugee Physicians to Post-Conflict South Sudan.
2010, Vol. 23, Nº 4
Critical reflections on refugee integration: Lessons from International Perspectives.
2010, Vol. 23, Nº 3
  • Stranded migrants and the fragmented journey.
  • Muslim Asylum-seekers and refugees: negotiating identity, politics and religion in the UK.
  • Where and when is home? The double displacement of Georgian IDPs from Abskhazia.
  • Hospitality: becoming 'IDPs' and 'hosts' in protracted displacement.
  • Exploring the impact of displacement and encampment on domestic violence in Kakuma Refugee Camp.
  • Explaining the refugee gap: economic outcomes of refugees versus other immigrants.
2010, Vol. 23, Nº 2
  • Matrimonial strategies and identity relations between Palestinians refugees and Lebanese after the Lebanese Civil War.
  • Governance, Governmentalities, and the State of Exception in Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon.
  • Mental and physical health consequences of repatriation for Vietnamese returnees: a natural experiment approach.
  • Beyond the discourse of trauma: shifting the focus on Sudanese refugees.
  • Let them land: christmas islander responses to Tampa. Refugee as people: the portrayal of refugees in American human interest stories.
2010, Vol. 23, Nº 1
  • Leaving Mogadishu: Towards a Sociology of Conflict-Related Mobility.
  • Predicting Stress Related to Basic Needs and Safety in Darfur Refugee Camps. A Structural and Social Ecological Analysis.
  • Sedentary Policies and Transnational Relations: A 'Non-sustainable' Case of return to Bosnia.