Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 68

Este número de Ecología Política explora la problemática de los residuos como síntoma y consecuencia de un modelo económico insostenible basado en el consumo y el crecimiento ilimitado. A través de casos emblemáticos, como los plásticos en los océanos o los vertederos saturados de ropa desechable, se analiza cómo estos desechos no solo contaminan, sino que reflejan profundas desigualdades sociales y económicas.

Desde el ecologismo de los pobres y las luchas de movimientos recicladores, los textos reunidos cuestionan las soluciones tecnocráticas que perpetúan la injusticia ambiental y presentan alternativas transformadoras. Modelos de gestión basados en justicia social y ecológica, iniciativas por el decrecimiento y el reconocimiento de los recicladores como actores clave inspiran un cambio hacia sistemas más justos y sostenibles.


  • La espiral tóxica de la contaminación plástica Larisa de Orbe
  • Relaves mineros y desplazamiento de subjetividades. Análisis desde la ecología política feminista Valeska Morales Urbina


  • Paisajes de la desolación y el abandono: desechos de los parques eólicos en territorios indígenas en América Latina Astrid Ulloa
  • Pozos de fracking, montañas de basura. Dónde van los residuos de la explotación hidrocarburífera en Argentina Fernando Cabrera Christiansen y Yamila del Palacio
  • Promesas de basura cero en Colombia: una gestión no integral de los residuos Daniel Prieto Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda Tovar y María Fernanda Herrera


  • Contribuciones de los recicladores informales al metabolismo de la ciudad de Barcelona Julián Porras, Daniele Vico y Federico Demaria
  • De residuo a recurso. Nuevas políticas europeas en materia de residuos textiles Clara Mallart
  • La basurización de Morrompulli. Zona de sacrificio e injusticia en la Región de Los Ríos (Chile) Francisco Astudillo Pizarro y Karen Castillo Hidalgo
  • Un modelo de gobierno abierto para la gestión de residuos: el caso de Hurlingham, Argentina Mateo Noya Valcarce y Lucía Giménez
  • Vertedero de ropa en Atacama. Impacto local generado por la industria global Beatriz O’Brien Madrid y Pamela Poo Cifuentes
  • Conflictos ecológicos distributivos en torno a los residuos urbanos en Montevideo Juan Alves, Saúl Cerrada, Camila Sosa Berche, Gabriela Mengod y Jorge Peloche
  • Residuos sólidos urbanos. Problemas ambientales en la metropolización Bogotá-Funza Nicolás García Bobadilla y Brandon Zambrano Gómez
  • Justicia ambiental: cómo la acumulación del capital por contaminación y desposesión genera conflictos ambientales Federico Demaria y Giacomo D’Alisa


  • Escuelas que compostan: una estrategia para transformar la relación con los residuos Alicia Franco y Camila Rodríguez
  • Tribunales éticos en Ecuador: cuerpos que resisten a la basurización Héctor Jesús Pérez Zamora


  • István Mészáros: del orden sociometabólico a la crisis ecológica por la contaminación Daniel Prieto Sánchez y Marisol Valencia-Orrego
  • Historias del Wasteoceno: un viaje por el vertedero global. Entrevista a Marco Armiero Santiago Gorostiza


  • Land, Water, Air and Freedom. The Making of World Movements for Environmental Justice Jordi Roca Jusmet
  • La basura como naturaleza: la basura con derechos Alberto Acosta y Esperanza Martínez
  • Recicloscopio VII. Miradas globales y locales sobre reciclado y recuperadores Julián Porras-Bulla

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 352
  • Y la ‘tech’ hincó la rodilla Benoît Bréville
  • Frente al espejo de las guerras de Israel: Destrucción de Gaza, duplicidad occidental Peter Harling
  • Estudiantes, resignarse o luchar: Juventud precarizada, sindicatos insignificantes Maëlle Mariette
  • En Corea del Sur, un golpe de Estado revelador: La fachada del “milagro coreano” se agrieta Renaud Lambert
  • Los laboristas y el dinero: ‘Lobbys’, ‘think tanks’ y donantes en el Reino Unido Peter Geoghegan
  • Los Verdes, motor del militarismo alemán: Pacifistas devenidos en neoconservadores Fabian Scheidler
  • Cuando Trump azuza a la jauría Philippe Descamps
  • Caza a los inmigrantes en Rusia: Las contradicciones de una economía de guerra Alexéi Sajín, Lisa Smirnova
  • El privilegio de las ‘start-up’ Félix Tréguer
  • No tanto desobedecer como resistir Vincent Sizaire
  • El golf, pasión de las élites kenianas: Reivindicar la pertenencia a la burguesía globalizada Dominique Connan
  • Los frutos amargos del estallido social en Chile: Un proceso constitucional empantanado y una izquierda en apuros Libio Pérez, Víctor Hugo de la Fuente
  • Mayotte o las vergüenzas de París: Tras el ciclón Chido, las políticas públicas continúan siendo un conjunto de parches Rémi Carayol
  • Las esperanzas y las ilusiones del consentimiento: Una controversia feminista y jurídica Clara Serra
  • ¿Va a explotar su batería?: Hambre voraz de metales, reciclaje en punto muerto y riesgo de incendio Raúl Guillén, Vincent Peyret
  • Jean-Marie Le Pen, memorialista de sí mismo: Extrema derecha Bernard Pudal
  • Un “pas de deux” con la política Christophe Apprill
  • Memoria del plan Cóndor Nils Sabin
  • En el crepúsculo de un mundo Carlos Pardo
  • Omen Pepe Baeza
  • Un periodismo de guerra fría Pierre Rimbert, Serge Halimi

PAPELES de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global

2024, Nº 168
Condiciones para una cultura política alternativa

Nuestro presente está plagado de contradicciones, inseguridades e incertidumbres y, cada vez, de más conflictividad. El fin del orden neoliberal ha complejizado las realidades, ya sean de naturaleza local o transnacional. No son pocos los que buscan explicaciones fáciles que acaban deformando la lente a través de la cual se observan los hechos.

En paralelo, el capitalismo contemporáneo estimula una cultura política cuyos efectos oscilan entre la generación de pasividad y de agresividad. Como indica Santiago Álvarez Cantalapiedra en la Introducción:

«El mayor logro del capitalismo contemporáneo ha sido hacernos creer que se trata simplemente de un sistema económico y no lo que realmente es: un modo de producción cultural que da lugar a un tipo de sujeto que ha declinado la obligación de hacerle frente».

En esta fase del capitalismo se ha alentado un modelo gerencial focalizando en el éxito personal que alimenta la meritocracia y la excelencia individualizada, incitando, de nuevo, la glorificación del “gran hombre”, el emprendedor de éxito (multi)millonario. En la cara oculta de la moneda, actúa un capitalismo precarizador, individualista y darwinista que está conduciendo a un modelo político de corte autoritario que amenaza la democracia.

Las condiciones parecen invitar al desarrollo de subjetividades dominadas por los reflujos del consumismo, la competitividad y la polarización, con la atomización social como resultado.

En este enjambre de ideas y relatos contrapuestos, es más necesario que nunca alentar sujetos capaces de avanzar una cultura política a favor de la emancipación y la justicia.

El número 168 de Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global se interroga por las condiciones políticas, sociales y culturales necesarias para abrir este camino.

A través del siguiente enlace puedes consultar el índice y leer los artículos disponibles en línea.

Economía Mundial

2024, Nº 68

Editorial Ana Urraca Ruiz

Sección Especial

  • El impacto de la diversidad de género en el desempeño innovador: Análisis empírico en la región Caribe Yury Castillo, Isabel Álvarez
  • Proyecciones sobre la brecha salarial de género en Argentina a partir de un enfoque basado en la productividad Diana Suárez, Florencia Fiorentin, Florencia Barletta
  • STEM y comercio internacional en clave de género: los casos de Brasil, Chile y México Bruno Blanco Varela, Hugo Campos-Romero, José Manuel Amoedo
  • Determinantes del teletrabajo y brecha de género Gloria Duarte, Cipriano Quirós Romero

Sección General

  • Mitigación de las emisiones de Carbono: políticas basadas en el mercado frente a políticas de apoyo tecnológico Hale Akbulut
  • Determinantes de la rentabilidad de las cajas de ahorro en Estados Unidos y el efecto moderador de la crisis pandémica Marco Amaral
  • La dinámica de los territorios olivareros magrebíes en el nuevo contexto tecno-económico José Domingo Sánchez Martínez, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Cohard, Antonio Garrido Almonacid
  • Desempeño macroeconómico y complejidad del sector externo. Un análisis de panel autorregresivo para América Latina Carlos Alberto Carrasco, Francis Magloire Peujio-Fozap


  • Cambio estructural en África. Percepciones erróneas, nuevas perspectivas y desarrollo en el siglo XXI Artur Colom Jaén

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 4
Community Development, the Carceral State and the Necessary Challenge of Penal Abolitionism


  • Community development, the carceral state and the necessary challenge of penal abolitionism Elizabeth Kiely and others


  • Conceptualizing the carceral state in contemporary India Mahuya Bandyopadhyay
  • ‘Do no harm’: mass supervision and the ruse of carceral humanism Zhandarka Kurti
  • Punishment, communities and assemblages Vincenzo Ruggiero
  • Restorative justice in Brazil: does it provide a place for community involvement and a path to penal abolition? Daniel Achutti and others
  • Abolition and the renewal of community: from carceral feminism to collective self-determination Mimi E Kim
  • ‘We can no longer fill prisons with men and cemeteries with women’: exploring carceral and abolitionist feminist discourses on gendered violence in Albania and Kosovo through photo elicitation Diana Malaj and Brunilda Pali
  • Peer power: how drug user groups navigate harm reduction in Surrey, British Columbia and resist the carceral state Michael C K Ma and Surrey Union of Drug Users

Invited Book Reviews

  • Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care Keith Adams
  • Contesting carceral logic: towards abolitionist futures: Edited by Michael J. Coyle and Mechthild Hagel Kevin Warner

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 6
  • Impact of Irrigation on Food and Nutrition Security Among Rice Farmers in Benin Gbêtondji Melaine Armel Nonvide
  • One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-MarinéLaura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño
  • The Effect of Religious Constraints on Individual Labor Supply Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez
  • The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy? Virgi Agita Sari, Ralitza Dimova
  • Improving Women’s Position in the Household: Evidence from a Maternity Cash Transfer Programme in India Sarthak Agarwal, Neeraj Katewa
  • Targeted Poverty Alleviation for the Livelihood Improvement of Poverty-Stricken Households: A Case Study of Wuxi County, China Qianqian Zhang, Tao LiXiongwei Tan
  • Impact of Returnee Remittances on Migrant Households’ Well-Being in Bangladesh Sima Rani Dey, Faroque Ahmed, Md. Moniruzzaman
  • The Failing Aid Complex in Uganda’s Northeast Matteo Caravani
  • Training Returns Among Informal Workers: Evidence from Urban Sites in Kenya and Tanzania Nina Torm
  • Impacts on Rural Community Development and Governance by Different Land Ownership: A Comparative Study Based on Two Villages in China Jieying Yang, Li Yu, Jingxiang Zhang
  • Correction to: One Step Away from 2030: An Assessment of the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union Maria-Glòria Barberà-Mariné, Laura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 350
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Y Trump se tomó la revancha Serge Halimi
  • Darle sentido al trabajo, pero ¿cuál? Danièle Linhart
  • Todo lo que nos separa Grégory Rzepski
  • Cuerpo proletario François Bégaudeau
  • El silencio de las fábricas Paolo Valenti
  • Acabar con la desigualdad salarial Hélène Richard
  • Mercaderes de la precariedad Alexis Moreau
  • Impunidad patronal Alexia Eychenne
  • Cero horas Esteban Chevalier
  • La fe de los conversos Anne Jourdain
  • Los adinerados de la virtud Thomas Jusquiame
  • Amenazas para el arroz vietnamita Maïlys Khider
  • Inagotables intereses privados Maïlys Khider
  • Georgia y Moldavia, el sueño europeo genera divisiones David Teurtrie
  • Chisináu cambia de proveedores de la energía Élisa Perrigueur
  • ¿Un “mandato poderoso y sin precedentes”? Jerome Karabel
  • La herencia olvidada de Messali Hadj Selim Derkaoui
  • En México, el balance desigual de un presidente popular Anne Vigna
  • Claudia Sheinbaum: construir una victoria Hélène Combes
  • El cuestionado futuro del guaraní en Paraguay Loïc Ramirez
  • Kenia en el atolladero de Haití Benjamin Fernandez
  • La imposible democracia de mercado Nancy Fraser
  • Evangélicos en Francia: crónica de un auge político Eva Thiébaud
  • El siglo de Franz Kafka Francisco Jarauta
  • Lo que el viento amarillo se llevó Elad Lapidot
  • Profesión: censor proisraelí Sam Biddle

Le Monde diplomatique

2025, Nº 351
  • Siria, año I después de la dictadura Akram Belkaïd
  • Mercosur: bomba agrícola Morvan Burel
  • Caótico fin de reinado de Macron Serge Halimi
  • Eisenhüttenstadt, una utopía urbana inconclusa Jens Malling
  • Cuando la extrema derecha se lanza a por los jóvenes Boris Grésillon
  • Geopolítica de Donald Trump Michael T. Klare
  • Aprendiendo de Srebrenica Philippe Descamps
  • Una economía arrasada Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Israel, acusado de genocidio en Gaza Akram Belkaïd
  • Tel Aviv avanza frenéticamente sus peones Angélique Mounier-Kuhn
  • Palestinas en las cárceles israelíes, una historia de resistencia Asja Zaino y Hélène Servel
  • El árbol dragón de Socotra, testigo de un pasado prohibido Quentin Müller
  • ¿Es justicia la venganza? Razmig Keucheyan
  • El ‘trader’, el boxeador y el Sinn Féin Daniel Finn
  • En África, el ‘gendarme’ está (casi) desnudo Rémi Carayol
  • El día en que los especuladores temblaron Benjamin Lemoine
  • Incompetencia de Bruselas, éxitos de Pekín Kishore Mahbubani
  • Especular con los fantasmas Andrew Kipnis
  • Myanmar: detrás de las armas, los trabajadores Stephen Campbell
  • Lucha de clases en las praderas alpinas Moran Kerinec y Oriane Mollaret
  • Cine postraumático Pierre Conesa


2024, Nº 121
  • Prepararnos para la próxima dana Luis González Reyes
  • Así es el vertedero privado más grande de España Carlos Villeta
  • Reglamento contra la Deforestación Importada Silvia Fernández, Jaume Grau
  • El molusco que tumbó una megalómana infraestructura portuaria en Melilla Rosa González González
  • Biogás y biometano | La importancia del modelo Nacho Escartín, Marina Gros
  • Sí, vivir cerca de un aeropuerto puede hacerte enfermar Pablo Muñoz Nieto
  • ECOMARCHA | Pedaleando por la biodiversidad y la vida Carlos Alonso Cidad
  • Aprendiendo de las plantas, nuestras maestras Lena Pettersson
  • En recuerdo de Ladislao Martínez, "Ladis" Elena Díaz Casero
  • Frente a la turistificación, Baleares se organiza Júlia Isern Bennassar
  • ENTREVISTA | Corinne Morel Darleux "La injusticia social va de la mano de la destrucción ambiental" Valentín Ladrero Pardo
  • La Pinilla, todo por la pasta, o cómo destruir la sierra Claudio Sartorius Alvar González
  • La Junta de Castilla y León quiere menos trabajadores antincendios y más cámaras Jesús Abad
  • 20 años de cárcel y 56.000 euros por intentar paralizar las obras de Aroztegia Redacción Hordago, El Salto
  • Ecolojóvenes, un espacio necesario Ana Aldarias, Alba González
  • Una brigada de la Guardia Civil revela supuestos casos de corrupción del Seprona de Sevilla Sofía Menéndez
  • ENTREVISTA | María Serrano María José Esteso Poves
  • CINE | Mariposas negras María José Esteso Poves, Marta Pascual
  • BREVES | Obituario
  • Tenderete

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 5
  • Public Expenditure’s Role in Reducing Poverty and Improving Food and Nutrition Security: Cross-Country Evidence from SPEED Data Hiroyuki Takeshima
  • Influencing Aid Policy: Perceptions of How Member States Shape EU Development Cooperation Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea
  • Bottom-Up Approaches and Decentralized Extension Structures for Improving Access to and Quality of Extension Services and Technology Adoption: Multi-level Analysis from Malawi Catherine Ragasa, Cristina Alvarez-Mingote, Paul McNamara
  • Domestic Risk Factors, Violence and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey of India Surya Nath Maiti
  • Climate Change, Malaria Prevalence and Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa Etayibtalnam Koudjom, Boris O. K. Lokonon, Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe
  • The Effect of Citizens’ Perception of Governance on Tax Compliance: A Cross-Country Analysis Study for 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries Enrico Nichelatti, Heikki Hiilamo
  • Citizen Participation and Political Trust in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Machine Learning Approach Natalia Pecorari, Jose Cuesta
  • Food Aid Shocks and Food Insecurity: Does Democracy Matter? Jonas Gamso
  • Unity in Diversity? Reflections on Development Studies in the Mid-2020s Andy Sumner
  • Intra-Africa Agricultural Trade, Governance Quality and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregressive Model Delphin Kamanda Espoir, Frank BannorRegret Sunge

Gender & Development


Publicación de Oxfam Gran Bretaña, centrada en cuestiones internacionales de género y desarrollo. Examina las conexiones existentes entre las iniciativas sobre cooperación y género y las perspectivas feministas. Desde su creación, la revista se ha convertido en lectura obligatoria para profesionales de la gestión y del ámbito académico relacionados con la cooperación. En sus números hay cabida tanto para artículos como para estudios de caso, informes, conferencias y reseñas bibliográficas. En Hegoa puede consultarse desde 1997. Artículos aquí y acceso a la revista aquí.

Última entrega

Gender & Public Space


  • Gender and Public Space Pumla Dineo Gqola, Iromi Perera, Shilpa Phadke, Nazanin Shahrokni, Sofia Zaragocin, Shivani Satija & Anandita Ghosh

Rearch Articles

  • Gendered urban cycling and the ethics of caring: coming to voice in the streets of Tijuana and Oaxaca amidst the patriarcarro María Ávila & Alejandro Zamora
  • Imagining black feminist geographies of Johannesburg through Senzeni Marasela’s creative (un/re)mapping of Johannesburg’s mine slopes Jana Vosloo
  • Public spaces, street art, and the challenges of feminist ecological citizenship in Chile Daniela Vicherat Mattar
  • The (un)tenable flaneuse: an inquiry into the politics of women walking in war-entrenched Kabul Anuska Paul
  • Plaza las Pioneras: an urban feminist space and the politics of the commons Charmain Levy & Lilian Celiberti
  • A decolonial feminist inquiry into women’s agency in the urban landscape in 19th-century Iran Mahbubeh Moqadam
  • Engendering migrant counterpublics: fun, care, solidarity, and resistance among Ethiopian domestic workers in Lebanon Bina Fernandez
  • Women’s search for public space and leisure in Agra: cots, courtyards, and riverbank Mahima Taneja
  • Where and how girls play when they are too old for playgrounds? Young girls and the space of the Greek neighbourhood in urban, suburban, and rural childhood memories Garyfallia (Fyllio) Katsavounidou
  • ‘There’s nowhere for us’: spatial and scalar experiences of judgement amongst young women in the UK Olivia Theocharides-Feldman & Julia King
  • Making money moves: rural women, returnees, and renegotiations of sex work through the street in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Elizabeth Dessie
  • Transient spaces, temporary alliances: harvesting breathing spaces in India’s sugarcane fields Reetika Revathy Subramanian
  • Navigating the city: gendered work experiences in urban spaces Belén Martínez Caparrós
  • Reclaiming public spaces: experiences of social exclusion of female sanitary workers in public spaces in Lahore, Pakistan Khadija Aftab, Fouzia Sadaf, Abida Sharif & Ayesha Aqeel Ahmed
  • COVID-19 violence and the re-making of urban space through solidarity networks among transgender women in Lima, Peru Amaya Perez-Brumer, Ernesto Cuba, Mariangela Castro-Arteaga, Julien Brisson, Alfonso Silva-Santisteban & Leyla Huerta
  • A campus far removed: affect, genders, and space at Argentina’s largest public university Griselda Flesler & Carolina Spataro
  • Pride and the politics of activism in South and South-East Asia: a transdisciplinary conversation Wikke Jansen, Hamzah Faraz Karamat, Kai Mata & Chandrika Yogarajah
  • Intimate life-making and infrastructures of trans masculine desire Noah Lubinsky & B Lee-Harrison Aultman
  • Moving along, stopping at: the gendering of the public spaces in Al Wehdat Camp in Amman, Jordan Nama’a Qudah
  • ‘Just like being back in Ethiopia’: gender, ethnicity, and belonging in Footscray Hanna Moges Lemma & Ceridwen Spark
  • Relations of tolerance: Syrian women, internal boundaries, and public space Buket Özdemir Dal & Itır Aladağ Görentaş
  • Articulating a framework for safe/r spaces with young women in Kenya Judyannet Muchiri
  • ‘Thinna’ as a quasi-public space: the case of leather homeworkers in Southern India Iswarya Priya Jagannathan
  • Urban Pakistan and women’s mobility in securitised Lahore Angbeen Abbas
  • Asking for solidarity: embodied feminist practices in digital space Heba Sigurdardottir, Majid Imani & Zahra Edalati
  • ‘Solidarity Across Borders’: online gender activism and the construction of a Middle East and North African regional public space Bronwen Mehta
  • Subversive visibility: Gender, feminist protests, and public spaces in Argentina Anna Bednarczyk
2023, Vol. 31, Nº 2-3
Decolonising knowledge and practice


  • Introduction: Decolonising (feminist) knowledge and practice Editorial Team
  • 'Yes caste is important, (but)’: examining the knowledge-production assemblage of Dwij-Savarna scholarship as it invisibilises caste in the context of women’s prisons in India Ravikant Kisana & Durga Hole -Challenging invisibilities: a sensorial exploration of gender and caste in waste-work Advaita Rajendra & Ankur Sarin
  • The Resurrection Binsu Susan John
  • Motherhood, disability, and rurality: descolonising practices and knowledge via the Las Quiscas case in Chile Pía Rodríguez-Garrido & Juan Andrés Pino-Morán
  • Deaf cultures: towards decolonisation of body, disability, and deafness Shreeti Shubham
  • Forever fields: studying knowledge practices in the global North: a view from the global South Nithila Kanagasabai
  • Who knows, who writes, and who decolonises? Dialogues about collaborative partnerships of a rural education initiative in post-accord Colombia Natalia Reinoso-Chávez, Laura Fonseca, María Alejandra Fino, Yasleidy Guerrero, Tatiana Muñoz & Carolina Gómez
  • Feminist initiatives in the SWANA region: fighting the patriarchal education with feminist knowledge Reny Iskander
  • Vacant Thuleleni Msomi
  • Decolonising knowledge production: the experience of the Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN) Hayma Alyousfi & Rand Sabbagh
  • Perpetually Lost in Translation Sara-Maya
  • A flurry of feminist knowledge production in the SWANA region and the emergence of a robust young intersectional movement Lina Abou-Habib, Carla Akil & Cynthia Chidiac
  • Gender diversity and inclusive representation as a means to decolonise museums Nadine Panayot
  • Women in community-based museums of memory in Colombia. Their struggle for peace building Diana Ordóñez Castillo
  • The archive and the cafezinho: challenging (disembodied) histories by embodied archival experiences at Acervo Bajubá, an LGBT+ community archive in Brazil Yuri Fraccaroli
  • Dancing with decolonial praxis: LBQ women and non-binary people’s subcultures in Lusaka, Zambia Efemia Chela
  • Hanya ada Satu Kata: Lawan! On decolonising and building a mutual collaborative research practice on gender and climate change Katie McQuaid & Desy Ayu Pirmasari
  • Decolonising Southern knowledge(s) in Aidland Katia Taela
  • Disrupting learning and evaluation practices in philanthropy from a feminist lens Clara Desalvo, Shama Dossa & Boikanyo Modungwa
  • Overcoming coloniality in adolescent health programmes: harnessing cultural values and the indigenous roles of grandmothers to promote girls’ holistic development in Senegal Anneke Newman, Judi Aubel & Mamadou Coulibaly
  • Gender knowledge, territorialising the rhizome, and playing with creative methods Andrea Lira, Andrea Barría & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García
  • Indigenous youth and international development: a decolonial analysis of Canada's International Aboriginal Youth Internship programme Lindsay Robinson, Brianna Parent-Long & Lilianna Coyes-Loiselle
  • The messy coloniality of gender and development in Indigenous Wixárika communities Paulina Ultreras Villagrana, Jennie Gamlin & María Teresa Fernández Aceves

Resources Compiled by Anandita Ghosh, Mahima Nayar, and Shivani Satija.

Book Reviews

  • The Force of Witness/Contra Feminicide by Rosa Linda-Fregoso. Deborah Eade
  • Becoming Young Men in a New India: Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Violence in the Postcolony by Shannon Philip. Maya Krishnan
  • Vimukta - Freedom Stories Edited by Dakxin Bajrange and Henry Schwarz. Shweta Goswami
  • Breaking the Silence on NGOs in Africa Edited by Lewis Maghanga and Nicholas Mwangi. Wangui Kimari
2023, Vol. 31, Nº 1
Women Human Rights Defenders


  • Editorial: Women human rights defenders Nidhi Tandon, Donny Meertens, Shivani Satija, Anandita Ghosh
  • MeToo with Chinese characteristics – analysis through a lens of Chinese feminism Sanshan Lin
  • Roadblocks on the ruta de denuncia: negotiating women’s rights and resisting violences in postwar Guatemala’s Northern Transversal Strip Julia Hartviksen
  • The marks of gender in the defence of human rights in Colombia July Samira Fajardo & María Adelaida Palacio
  • Barefoot nisswiyya in practice and theory: the case of grassroots feminists in Jordan Wafa Awni Alkhadra
  • Intersectional analysis of women human rights defenders’ lived experiences under COVID-19 lockdowns in Zimbabwe Manase Kudzai Chiweshe & Primrose Hove
  • ‘What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger’: women human rights defenders: trajectories in activism in the context of challenging migration enforcement policies in Mexico and the United States Alethia Fernández de la Reguera Ahedo & Gretchen Kuhner
  • Politics of gender: challenges of being a feminist male women human rights defender in the north-eastern periphery of India Pooja Chetry
  • Lucha Castro: a women’s rights defender’s strength in Juarez and Chihuahua, Mexico Laura Aragón Castro, Luz (Lucha) Estela Castro Rodríguez & Sophia Khromer Aragón
  • Funding schemes and support towards gender-based violence prevention and sexual and reproductive health in Lebanon: a critical analysis of their impacts on human rights defenders Yara Tarabulsi
  • ‘If You Want Peace, Create Peace’: women’s rights organisations as operatives of hybrid peace in the former Yugoslavia Nicole Johnston
  • Strategies of discrediting: attacks on feminist activists in Turkey Selime Büyükgöze
  • Collectivising within the maternal framework: Prayer Warriors Forum of Rumuekpe Onyinyechukwu Durueke

Tributes and Short Pieces

  • Indigenous land rights in Brazil and the women defending them: an encounter with activist Valdelice Veron Jessica Smith & Joshua Allen
  • A revolution of the mind: a tribute to Rula Quawas (1960–2017) Summer Forester
  • Questioning harmful traditions Masooma Ranalvi
  • Ekla Chalo Re: a tribute to Ms. Mary Roy Aishwarya Bhuta
  • Engendering injustice: gendered lawfare in Guatemala Rebecca Contreras
  • Confronting feminicidio in Mexico: pioneering anthropologist and activist *Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos Amber Lusvardi*
  • Accidental women human rights activists, unintentional advocacy by NGOs and a displeased government Rita Manchanda
  • Kiruba Munuswamy: progenitor of shockwaves in a casteist-pratriarchal society Anjali Chauhan
  • Edilia Mendoza Roa, una mujer que lucha por el derecho a la tierra, Colombia Laura Victoria Gómez Correa
  • Cristina Bautista, colombiana e indígena, lideresa social y tejedora de pensamiento y comunidad Luisa Fernanda Gáfaro Duque
  • Yanette Bautista, toda una vida de lucha y búsqueda Luisa Fernanda Gáfaro Duque
  • El caso de Augostina Mayan y las violencias diferenciadas hacia las defensoras del ambiente y del territorio en Perú Sofía Vargas & Carolina Oviedo
  • Luz Méndez Gutiérrez, una mujer de su tiempo Ana Silvia Monzón

Resources Compiled by Anandita Ghosh and Shivani Satija

Book Reviews

  • Suspicion: Vaccines, Hesitancy, and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados by Nicole Charles. Reviewed by Lorena Nunez Carrasco
  • Miss Major Speaks: The Life and Legacy of a Black Trans Revolutionary by Miss Major Griffin-Gracy and Toshio Meronek. Reviewed by Haley McEwen
  • Intimate City by Manjima Bhattacharjya. Reviewed by Anushree Jairath
2022, Vol. 30, Nº 3
Women, Work, and the Digital Economy


  • Women, work, and the digital economy Uma Rani, Ruth Castel-Branco, Shivani Satija & Mahima Nayar


  • Problematising the digital gender gap: invoking decoloniality and intersectionaly for inclusie policymaking Anukriti Dixit & Muneeb Ul Lateef banday
  • New challenges for women workers in Brazil facing the wave of Industry 4.0 technologies Priscila von Dietrich & Mariana Hansen Garcia
  • Navigating the digital informal economy during the COVID-19 pandemic: vignettes of Sri Lankan micro- and small-scale entrepreneurs Nedha de Silva
  • Transformative digital spaces? Investigating women’s digital mobilities in Pakistan Hadia Majid & Maryam Mustafa


  • Building agency: women vendors and gendered technology in informal markets in Assam Pratisha Borborah & Krishna Surjya Das


  • Gendered identities and digital inequalities: an exploration of the lived realities of the transgender community in the Indian digital welfare state Arushi Raj & Fatima Juned
  • Gendered precarious employment in China's gig economy: exploring women gig drivers’ intersectional vulnerabilities and resistances Haley Kwan
  • When women enter male-dominated territories in the platform economy: gender inequalities among drivers and riders in Argentina Ariela Micha, Cecilia Poggi & Francisca Pereyra
  • Food delivery workers in Mexico City: a gender perspective on the gig economy Laura A. Centeno Maya, Ana Heatley Tejada, Anahí Rodríguez Martínez, Alma Luisa Rodríguez Leal-Isla, Máximo Ernesto Jaramillo-Molina & Roberto Carlos Rivera-González
  • Platform work in the domestic and home care sector: new mechanisms of invisibility and exploitation of women migrant workers Paula Rodríguez-Modroño, Astrid Agenjo-Calderón & Purificación López-Igual
  • Sweeping up decent work: paid domestic work and digital platforms in South Africa Wandile Sibiya & David du Toit


  • Hacking platform capitalism: the case of domestic workers on South Africa’s SweepSouth platform Shaeera Kalla


  • Gendered labour’s positions of vulnerabilities in digital labour platforms and strategies of resistance: a case study of women workers’ struggle in Urban Company, New Delhi Dipsita Dhar & Ashique Ali Thuppilikkat
  • Labouring (on) the app: agency and organisation of work in the platform economy Ambika Tandon & Abhishek Sekharan
  • Gendering platform co-operativism: the rise of women-owned rider co-operatives in Brazil and Spain Julice Salvagni, Rafael Grohmann & Évilin Matos


  • Leveraging digital technologies to enable women’s co-operatives: experience of national insurance VimoSEWA Co-operative Ltd. Ruchi Agarwal& Mirai Chatterjee


  • Platforms of inequality: gender dynamics of digital labour in Africa Mohammad Amir Anwar
  • Locating women workers in the platform economy in India – old wine in a new bottle? Anweshaa Ghosh, Mubashira Zaidi & Risha Ramachandran
2021, Vol. 29, Nº 29:2-3
Feminist protests and politics in a world in crisis
  • Introduction: feminist protests and politics in a world in crisis. Sohela Nazneen & Awino Okech
  • Nothing is as it seems: ‘discourse capture’ and backlash politics. Tessa Lewin
  • Femonationalism and anti-gender backlash: the instrumental use of gender equality in the nationalist discourse of the Fratelli d’Italia party. Daria Colella
  • Gendered violences and resistances to development: body, land, territory, and violences against women in postwar Guatemala. Julia Hartviksen
  • Women organising in fragility and conflict: lessons from the #BringBackOurGirls movement, Nigeria. Martin Atela, Ayobami Ojebode, Racheal Makokha, Marion Otieno & Tade Aina
  • A new feminist ethic that unites and mobilizes people: the participation of young people in Argentina’s Green Wave. Gabriela Artazo, Agustina Ramia & Sofia Menoyo
  • #EndSARS movement in Nigeria: tensions and solidarities amongst protesters. Onyeka Antoinette Nwabunnia
  • Gendered social media communication around mining: patriarchy, diamonds, and seeking feminist solidarity online. Juliet Gudhlanga & Samuel J. Spiegel
  • Women and protest politics in Pakistan. Ayesha Khan, Asiya Jawed & Komal Qidwai
  • Visible outside, invisible inside: the power of patriarchy on female protest leaders in conflict and violence-affected settings. Jalila Haider & Miguel Loureiro
  • Fighting all demons: feminist voices on popular protests in Lebanon and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Hadeel Qazzaz
  • ‘Nenhum passo atrás’ (Not a step back): Brazilian Black women’s resistance in the era of Bolsonaro’s far-right government. Bruna Pereira & Macarena Aguilar
  • The resistance strikes back: women’s protest strategies against backlash in India. Deepta Chopra
  • South–South symbolic transnationalism: echoing the performance ‘A Rapist in Your Path’ in Latin America. Ana López Ricoy
  • When a movement moves within a movement: Black women’s feminist activism within trade unions. madeleine kennedy-macfoy, Tamara Gausi & Chidi King
  • Unpacking Bangladesh’s ‘women’s leadership paradox’ through the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act of 2010. Pragyna Mahpara
  • Protecting public health in adverse circumstances: subnational women leaders and feminist policymaking during COVID-19. Jennifer M. Piscopo & Malliga Och
  • Women’s movements under women presidents: bringing a gender perspective to the legal system. Ramona Vijeyarasa
  • Do women’s rights organisations need ‘femocrats’? The negotiation of the Peruvian–Spanish agreement for development co-operation 2013–2016. Susana Araujo
  • The story of the Doria Feminist Fund: de-colonising the funding narrative in the MENA region. Lina Abou-Habib, Mozn Hassan & Carla Akil
  • Chords of solidarity, notes of dissent: the role of feminist conferences in movement-building in India. Manjima Bhattacharjya
  • Resources. Compiled by Liz Cooke
  • Book Reviews
2021, Vol. 29, Nº 29:1
  • Introduction: Gender, development, and health. Janice Cooper, Renu Khanna, Ines Smyth & Sally Theobald
  • Right to health, right to live: domestic workers facing the COVID-19 crisis in Latin America. Louisa Acciari, Juana del Carmen Britez & Andrea del Carmen Morales Pérez
  • ‘No one understands what we go through’: self-identification of health risks by women sanitation workers in Pune, India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ravikant Kisana & Nioshi Shah
  • COVID-19 and gender-based violence (GBV): hard-to-reach women and girls, services, and programmes in Kenya. Neetu John, Charlotte Roy, Mary Mwangi, Neha Raval & Terry McGovern
  • Gender, health, and development in post-war Sri Lanka: access to health care for resettled women in Jaffna. Bharathi Radhakrishnan, Jane Parpart, Dhanya Ratnavale & Courtenay Sprague
  • ‘Mama take us to a country where there is no war’: COVID-19 and mental health challenges for Syrian refugee women in Lebanon. Sarine Karajerjian
  • Exploring gender, health, and intersectionality in informal settlements in Freetown. Abu Conteh, Annie Wilkinson & Joseph Macarthy
  • A sexual and reproductive health rights approach to menstruation. Margaret A. McLaren & Monalisa Padhee
  • Enhancing social accountability through adolescent and youth leadership: a case study on sexual and reproductive health from Gujarat, India. Sangeeta Mecwan, Manushi Sheth & Renu Khanna
  • How is eye care seeking affected by intersectional experiences? A study of ageing women in the Indian Sundarbans. Debjani Barman & Manasee Mishra
  • The rise of non-communicable disease (NCDs) in Mozambique: decolonising gender and global health. Claire Somerville & Khatia Munguambe
  • Resources. Compiled by Liz Cooke
  • Book ReviewS
2019, Vol. 27, Nº 3
  • Feminist Values in Research. Katy Jenkins, Lata Narayanaswamy & Caroline Sweetman
  • Making feminism count: integrating feminist research principles in large-scale quantitative research on violence against women and girls Loksee Leung, Stephanie Miedema, Xian Warner, Sarah Homan & Emma Fulu -Researching women’s leadership in Asia and the Pacific – reflections on feminist research approaches in design and in practice Alejandra Pineda & Sophie Purdue
  • The space between us: feminist values and humanitarian power dynamics in research with refugees Michelle Lokot
  • Bringing about social justice through feminist research for monitoring, evaluation, and learning? A conversation from Oxfam GB Andrea Azevedo, Rosa Wilson Garwood & Alexia Pretari
  • Do you really want to hear about my life?’: doing ‘feminist research’ with women in sex work in Eastern India Mirna Guha
  • The personal is political: a feminist reflection on a journey into participatory arts-based research with sex worker migrants in South Africa Elsa Oliveira
  • ‘Why would I want to be anonymous?’ Questioning ethical principles of anonymity in cross-cultural feminist research Rebecca Gordon
  • Using feminist ‘reflexive practice’ to explore stress and well-being of local researchers in South Sudan Dashakti Reddy, Clare Hollowell, Lona Liong Charles Aresto, Nyabol Grace, Mängu Bande Joseph, Joseph Aleu Mayen Ker, Jane Lado & Kiden Mary
  • Using digital storytelling as a source of empowerment for rural women in Benin Leva Rouhani
2019, Vol. 27, Nº 2
Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response.
  • I ntroduction: gender, humanitarian action and crisis response Julie Lafrenière, Caroline Sweetman & Theresia Thylin
  • Balancing fidelity, contextualisation, and innovation: learning from an adaption of SASA! to prevent violence against women in the Dadaab refugee camp Sophie Namy, Natsnet Ghebrebrhan, Mercy Lwambi, Rahma Hassan, Sophia Wanjiku, Jennifer Wagman & Lori Michau
  • Rapid Gender Analysis and its use in crises: from zero to fifty in five years Isadora Quay
  • ‘Localising’ humanitarian action: reflections on delivering women's rights-based and feminist services in an ongoing crisis Maria Al-Abdeh & Champa Patel
  • Women’s status and qualitative perceptions of a cash assistance programme in Raqqa Governorate, Syria Alexandra Blackwell, Jean Casey, Rahmah Habeeb, Jeannie Annan & Kathryn Falb
  • How formerly abducted women in post-conflict situations are reasserting their humanity in a hostile environment: photovoice evidence from northern Uganda Grace Acan, Evelyn Amony, John Harris & Maria del Guadalupe Davidson
2019, Vol. 27, Nº 1
  • Introduction: gender, development, and migrants in a global economy.Ruth Pearson & Caroline Sweetman
  • Women migrants in the global economy: a global overview (and regional perspectives) Tanja Bastia & Nicola Piper
  • Bringing the border to baby: birth registration as bordering practice for migrant women’s children Allison J. Petrozziello
  • Beyond development impact: gender and care in the Pacific Seasonal Worker Programme Priya Chattier
  • The Global Compact for Migration: what could it mean for women and gender relations? Carolina Gottardo & Paola Cyment
  • No city for migrant women: construction workers’ experiences of exclusion from urban governance and discrimination in labour markets in Ahmedabad Nivedita Jayaram, Priyanka Jain & Sangeeth Sujatha Sugathan
  • Skeptics’ and ‘believers’: anti-trafficking, sex work, and migrant rights activism in South Africa Kudakwashe P. Vanyoro
  • Migration as a window to empowerment: Nepalese women's experiences in South Korea Manju Shakya & Yunjeong Yang
  • Albanian women’s experiences of migration to Greece and Italy: a gender analysis Ermira Danaj
  • Resources Compiled by Liz Cooke
  • Remembering Camillia El-Solh Soraya Tremayne
2018, Vol. 26, Nº 3
  • Introduction: development and young feminisms Imogen Davies & Caroline Sweetman
  • Reclaim, resist, reframe: re-imagining feminist movements in the 2010s Esther Moraes & Vinita Sahasranaman
  • Repoliticising women’s rights in development: young African feminisms at the cutting edge Catherine Nyambura
  • Young feminists’ creative strategies to challenge the status quo: a view from FRIDA Gopika Bashi, Lucia Martelotte, Boikanyo Modungwa & Maria Eugenia Olmos
  • In the land of wise old men: experiences of young women activists in Myanmar Agatha Ma, Poe Ei Phyu & Catriona Knapman
  • Reading girls’ participation in Girl Up as feminist: club members’ activism in the UK, USA and Malawi Rosie Walters
  • Young feminists working globally to end violence against women and girls: key challenges and ways forward Christine Homan, Divya Chandran & Rita Lo
  • Reclaiming culture, resisting co-optation: young feminists confronting the rising right Isabel Marler, Daniela Marin Platero & Felogene Anumo
  • A young feminist new order: an exploration of why young feminists organise the way they do Devi Leiper O’Malley & Ruby Johnson
  • Paid work: the magic solution for young women to achieve empowerment? Evidence from the Empower Youth for Work project in Bangladesh Pushpita Saha, Saskia Van Veen, Imogen Davies, Khalid Hossain, Ronald van Moorten & Lien van Mellaert
  • Empowering youth in rural, up-country Sri Lanka through gender-equitable education and employment Ruvani W. Fonseka
2018, Vol. 26, Nº 1
  • Introduction: Sexualities Pauline Oosterhoff , Caroline Sweetman
  • Exploring experiences of heterosexism and coping strategies among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons in Swaziland Carmen H. Logie, Amaya Perez-Brumer, Emma Woolley, Veli Madau, Winnie Nhlengethwa, Peter A. Newman , Stefan D. Baral
  • Transgender employment and entrepreneurialism in Vietnam Pauline Oosterhoff , Tu-Anh Hoang
  • Disrupting the ‘life-cycle’ of violence in social relations: recommendations for anti-trafficking interventions from an analysis of pathways out of sex work for women in Eastern India Mirna Guha
  • Lesbian and bisexual women in Cuba: family, rights, and policy Evie Browne
  • LGBTQI-identified human rights defenders: courage in the face of adversity at the United Nations Nick J. Mulé
  • Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice Megan Daigle , Henri Myrttinen
  • ‘Being young and LGBT, what could be worse?’ Analysis of youth LGBT activism in Indonesia: challenges and ways forward Rinaldi Ridwan , Joyce Wu
  • Coming together. Experiences and lessons from an LGBTQI project in three countries Nicolette Matthijsen
  • Christian Aid and LGBTI rights: breaking the silence Clare Paine
  • Reconceptualising and contextualising sexual rights in the MENA region: beyond LGBTQI categories Nof Nasser-Eddin, Nour Abu-Assab , Aydan Greatrick
2018, Vol. 26, Nº 2
  • Introduction: Gender, development and ICTs Amy O'Donnell , Caroline Sweetman
  • Social media as a gateway for young feminists: lessons from the #IWillGoOut campaign in India Divya Titus
  • ‘I don’t care about their reactions’: agency and ICTs in women’s empowerment in Afghanistan Faheem Hussain , Sara N. Amin
  • How do ICTs mediate gender-based violence in Jamaica? Dhanaraj Thakur
  • ‘We want that for ourselves’: how girls and young women are using ICTs to counter violence and demand their rights Sara Baker
  • ‘Now I want to use it to learn more’: using mobile phones to further the educational rights of the girl child in Kenya Ronda Zelezny-Green
  • Youth and ICTs in a ‘new’ India: exploring changing gendered online relationships among young urban men and women Shannon Philip
  • Potential for social media to challenge gender-based violence in India: a quantitative analysis of Twitter use Tilly A. Gurman, Catherine Nichols ,Elyssa S. Greenberg
  • Using digital technology to engage and mobilise young people to end violence in intimate relationships: lessons from Bolivia Sandrine Muir-Bouchard
2017, Vol. 25, Nº 3
  • Natural Resource Justice.Caroline Sweetman and Maria Ezpeleta
  • The effects of resource extraction on Inuit women and their families: evidence from Canada Elana Nightingale, Karina Czyzewski, Frank Tester and Nadi Aaruaq
  • Indigenous women's struggles to oppose state-sponsored deforestation in Chhattisgarh, India Sulakshana Nandi and Samir Garg
  • Indigenous women's anti-mining activism: a gendered analysis of the El Estor struggle in Guatemala Kalowatie Deonandan, Rebecca Tatham and Brennan Field
  • Extractives vs development sovereignty: building living consent rights for African women The WoMin Collective
  • Extractive industries as sites of supernormal profits an d supernormal patriarchy? Sarah Bradshaw, Brian Linneker and Lisa Overton
  • Lessons learnt from gender impact assessments of hydropower projects in Laow and Vietnam Christina Hill, Phan Thi Ngoc Thuy, Jacqueline Storey and Silavanh Vongphosy
  • Artisanal gold mining: both a woman's and a man's world. A Uganda case study Ivan Mpagi, Nalubega Flavia Ssamula, Beatrice Ongode, Sally Henderson and Harriet Gimbo Robinah
  • Integrating a gender perspective into transparency and accountability initiatives: three case studies Alice Powell
  • Going underground in South African platinum mines to explore women miners' experiences Asanda Benda
2017, Vol. 25, Nº 2
  • gender, water, sanitation and hygiene Louise Medland and Caroline Sweetman
  • No relief: lived experiences of inadequate sanitation access of poor urban women in India Seema Kulkarni, Kathleen O'Reilly and Sneha Bhat
  • Mainstreaming gender in the WASH sector: dilution or distillation? Julie Fisher, Sue Cavill and Brian Reed
  • Mainstreaming gender in WASH: lessons learned from Oxfam's experience of Ebola Simone E. Carter, Luisa Maria Dietrich and Olive Melissa Minor
  • Women's environmental health activism around waste and plastic pollution in the coastal wetlands of Yucatán Anne-Marie Hanson
  • Reframing women's empowerment in water security programmes in Western Nepal Stephanie Leder, Floriane Clement and Emma Karki
  • In troubled waters: water commodification, law, gender, and poverty in Bangalore Kaveri Thara
  • Domesticating water supplies through rainwater harvesting in Mumbai Cat Button
  • Transforming gender relations through water, sanitiation, and hygiene programming and monitoring in Vietnam Caitlin Leahy, Keren Winterford, Tuyen Nghiem, John Kelleher, Lee Leong and Juliet Willetts
  • Breaking the silence around menstruation': experiences of adolescent girls in an urban setting in India Shobhita Rajagopal and Kanchan Matur
2017, Vol. 25
  • Introduction: gender, development and fundamentalisms Caroline Sweetman
  • The devil is in the details: a feminist perspective on development, women's rights, and fundamentalisms. Ayesha Imam, Shareen Gokal and Isabel Marler
  • Can faith and freedom co-exist? When faith-based health providers and women's needs clash Jon O'Brien
  • Women on the frontline: can a network provide a platform for activists in the volatile MENA region? Dido Michielsen
  • Policymaking in a 'Christian nation': women's and LGBT rights in The Bahamas' 2016 referendum Alicia Wallace
  • Desecularisation and the 'faith agenda' in an era of austerity: their impact on women's and girl's rights in the UK Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Pragna Patel
  • Engaging women in countering violent extremism: avoiding instrumentalisation and furthering agency Sophie Giscard d'Estaing
2016, Vol. 24, Nº 3
  • Working on Gender Equality in Fragile Contexts. Caroline Sweetman and Jo Rowlands
  • How can donors improve their support to gender equality in fragile settings? Findings from OECD research. Diana Koester, Emily Esplen, Karen Barnes Robinson, Clare Castillejo and Tam O'Neil
  • Refugees and 'host' communities' facing gender-based violence: developing an area-based approach to gender-based violence around Mbera Camp, Mauritania Olga Martín González
  • The reintegration of former combatants in Colombia: addressing violent masculinities in a fragile context Isabella Flisi
  • Supporting women's movements in Afghanistan: challenges of activism in a fragile context Bele Grau
  • Researching livelihoods recovery and support for vulnerable conflict-affected women in Iraq Rachel Sider and Corrie Sissons
  • The impact of war on Somali men: feminist analysis of masculinities and gender relations in a fragile context Judy El-Bushra and Judith Gardner
  • How women's silence secures the peace: analysing sexual and gender-based violence in a low-intensity conflict Sara E. Davies, Jacqui True and Maria Tanyag
  • 'Empowerment' of adolescent girls and young women in Kinshasa: research about girls, by girls Lyndsay McLean and Anny T. Modi
  • Employment, masculinities, and domestic violence in 'fragile' contexts: Pakistani women in Pakistan and the UK Punita Chowbey
2016, Vol. 24, Nº 2
  • Development and Violence Against Women and Girls. Christine Hughes, Caroline Marrs and Caroline.Sweetma
  • High risk feminism in El Salvador: women's mobilisation in violent times.Julia Zulver
  • Grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in post-earthquake Nepal: lessons from the field Kay Standing, Sara Parker and Sapana Bista
  • Faith paths to overcome violence against women and girls in Brazil Sarah de Roure and Chiara Capraro
  • 'Two months of marriage were enough to turn my life upside down.' Early marriage as a form of gender-based violence Souad Belhorma
  • Shifting negative social norms rooted in unequal gender and power relationships to prevent violence against women and girls Laura Haylock, Rukia Cornelius, Anthony Malunga and Kwezilomso Mbandazayo
  • Building capacity for a disability-inclusive response to violence against women and girls: experiences from the W-DARE project in the Philippines . Cathy Vaughan, Alexandra Devine, Raquel Ignacio, Wanet Lacsamana, M. Jesusa Marco, Jerome Zayas and Carolyn Sobritchea
  • The Communities Care Program: changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in conflict-affected communities Sophie Read-Hamilton and Mendy Marsh
  • Feminist mobilisation for policy change on violence against women: insights from Asia Paola Cagna and Nitya Rao
  • Unintended complicities: preventing violence against women in South Africa Lisa Vetten
2016, Vol. 24, Nº 1
  • Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals Valeria Esquivel and Caroline Sweetman
  • Power and the Sustainable Development Goals: a feminist analysis. Valeria Esqivel
  • The 2030 Agenda: challenges of implementation to attain gender equality and women's right. Shahra Razavi
  • From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: shifts in purpose, concept, and politics of global goal setting for development. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
  • Tapping the Sustainable Development Goals for progressive gender equity and equality policy? Gabriele Koehler
  • Leaving no-one behind: can the Sustainable Development Goals succeed where the Millennium Goals lacked? Elizabeth Stuart and Jessica Woodroffe
  • Agenda 2030: A bold enough framework towards sustainable, gender-just development? Nicole Bidegain Ponte and Corina Rodgríguez Enríquez
  • Women's movements engagement in the SDGs: lessons learned from the Women's Major Group Sascha Gabizon
  • Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals: gender equality at last? Daniela Rosche
  • Gender, security, and governance: the case of Sustainable Development Goal 16 Anne Marie Goetz and Rob Jenkins
2015, Vol. 23, Nº 3
  • Gender and Resilience Ines Smyth and Caroline Sweetman
  • Eventually the mine will come': women anti-mining activists' everyday resilience in opposing resource extraction in the Andes Katy Jenkins and Genys Rondón
  • Women rebuilding lives post-disaster: innovative community practices for building resilience and promoting sustainable development .Julie Drolet, Lena Dominelli, Margaret Alston, Robin Ersing, Golam Mathbor and Haorui Wu
  • Building aid workers; resilience: why a gendered approach is needed Alice Gritti
  • Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar Hilary Faxon, Roisin Furlong and May Sabe Phyu
  • What if gender became an esential, standard element of Vulnerability Assessments? Daniel Morchain, Giorgia Prati, Frances Kelsey and Lauren Ravon
  • Looking within the household: a study on gender, food security, and resilience in cocoa-growing communities Elizabeth Kiewisch
  • Gender equality, resilience to climate change, and the design of livestock projects for rural livelihoods Nicola J.C. Chanamuto and Stephen J.G. Hall
2015, Vol. 23, Nº 2
  • Gender and Inequalities Naila Kabeer and Caroline Sweetman
  • Gender, poverty and inequality: a brief history of feminist contributions in the field of international development Naila Kabeer
  • Gendering the inequality debate Diane Perrons
  • Gender inequality and inter-household economic inequality in emerging economies: exploring the relationship Daria Ukhova
  • ‘Leave no one behind’ and the challenge of intersectionality: Christian Aid's experience of working with single and Dalit women in India. Jayshree P. Mangubhai and Chiara Capraro
  • Women's economic inequality and domestic violence: exploring the links and empowering women Christine Hughes, Mara Bolis, Rebecca Fries and Stephanie Finigan
  • The food insecurity - obesity paradox as a vicious cycle for women: inequalities and health Andrea S. Papan and Barbara Clow
  • Measuring the drivers of gender inequality and their impact on development: the role of discriminatory social institutions Gaëlle Ferrant and Keiko Nowacka
  • Addressing multiple dimensions of gender inequality: the experience of the BRAC Gender Quality Action Learning (GQAL) programme in Bangladesh Sheepa Hafiz, Mohammed Kamruzzaman and Hasne Ara Begum
  • Bridging inequalities through inclusion: womens' rights organisations as the 'missing link; in donor-led participatory policy development and practice Abigail Hunt, Hannah Bond and Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng
2015, Vol. 23, Nº 1
  • Working on gender equality in urban areas.Alan Brouder and Caroline Sweetman
  • Campaigning to save market women's livelihoods in Hanoi: experience from HealthBridge. Kristie Daniel, Debra Efroymson, Tran Thi KieuThanh Ha, Dinh Dang Hai and Sian Fitzgerald
  • Safe Cities programming and campaigning in the ActionAid Federation. Christy Abraham, Daphne Jayasinghe, Rachel Noble and Kasia Staszewska
  • SafetiPin: an innovative mobile app to collect data on women's safety in Indian cities. Kalpana Viswanath and Ashish Basu
  • Community mentors as coaches: transforming gender norms through cricket among adolescent males in urban India. Madhumita Das, Ravi Verma, Sancheeta Ghosh, Samantha Ciaravino, Kelley Jones, Brian O'Connor and Elizabeth Miller
  • Working with legal pluralism: widowhood, property inheritance, and poverty alleviation in urban Senegal Ruth Evans
  • Grassroots women's accountability mechanisms: strengthening urban governance through organising and partnerships Rachael Wyant and Katarina Spasić
  • Planning from below: using feminist participatory methods to increase women's participation in urban planning Sara Ortiz Escalante and Blanca Gutiérrez Valdivia. -ActionAid's Young Urban Women programme in urban India: taking an intersectional approach to decent work, unpaid care, and sexual and reproductive health and rights Baishali Chatterjee
2014, Vol. 22, Nº 3
  • What is a transformative approach to care, and why do we need it?.Valeria Esquivel
  • Public policies on water provision and early childhood education and care (ECEC): do they reduce and redistribute unpaid work?. Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona and Kate Donald
  • Policy advocacy for women's unpaid care work: comparing approaches and strategies in Nepal and Nigeria. Deepta Chopra, Patience Ekeoba, Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed, Rachel Moussié and Mona Sherpa
  • Not ‘women's burden’: how washing clothes and grinding corn became issues of social justice and development. Thalia Kidder, Zahria Mapandi and Hector Ortega
  • Transforming gender roles in domestic and caregiving work: preliminary findings from engaging fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health in Rwanda. Kate Doyle, Jane Kato-Wallace, Shamsi Kazimbaya and Gary Barker
  • Valuing unpaid labour in community Fair Trade products: a Nicaraguan case study from The Body Shop International. Felicity Butler
  • Caring for people with intellectual disabilities in poor rural communities in Cambodia: experience from ADD International. Sylvie Cordier
2014, Vol. 22, Nº 2
  • Introduction to Gender, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. Kimberly Bowman , Caroline Sweetman
  • Building capacity to measure long-term impact on women's empowerment: CARE's Women's. Nidal Karim, Mary Picard, Sarah Gillingham & Leah Berkowitz
  • A review of approaches and methods to measure economic empowerment of women and girls. Paola Pereznieto & Georgia Taylor
  • Still learning: a critical reflection on three years of measuring women's empowerment in Oxfam. David Bishop & Kimberly Bowman
  • Reflections on Womankind Worldwide's experiences of tackling common challenges in monitoring and evaluating women's rights programming. Helen Lindley
  • Capturing changes in women's lives: the experiences of Oxfam Canada in applying feminist evaluation principles to monitoring and evaluation practice. Carol Miller & Laura Haylock
  • A survivor behind every number: using programme data on violence against women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo to influence policy and practice._ Marie-France Guimond_ & Katie Robinette
  • Learning about women's empowerment in the context of development projects: do the figures tell us enough? Jane Carter, Sarah Byrne, Kai Schrader, Humayun Kabir, Zenebe Bashaw Uraguchi, Bhanu Pandit, Badri Manandhar, Merita Barileva, Norbert Pijls & Pascal Fendrich
  • Using the Social Relations Approach to capture complexity in women's empowerment: using gender analysis in the Fish on Farms project in Cambodia. Emily Hillenbrand, Pardis Lakzadeh, Ly Sokhoin, Zaman Talukder, Timothy Green & Judy McLean
2014, Vol. 22, Nº 1
  • Adolescent girls' experiences of violence in school in Sierra Leone and the challenges to sustainable change. Anita Reilly
  • Rebirth, empowerment and youth leading social change: non-formal education in Honduras. Amanda Moll and Lotte Renault
  • Writing gender in: reflections on writing middle-school political science textbooks in India. Dipta Bhog and Malini Ghose
  • She called, she Googled, she knew: girls' secondary education, interrupted school attendance, and educational use of mobile phones in Nairobi. Ronda Zelezny-Green
  • Co-education and the erosion of gender stereotypes in the Zambian Copperbelt Alice Evans
  • 'My grandfather broke all traditional norms by sending both his daughters to school': lessons from 'inspirational' women in Nepal. Sara Parker, Kay Standing and B.K. Shrestha
  • Communities in Conversation: opportunities for women and girls' self-empowerment Annamagriet de Wet and Glynis Parker
  • Lessons, challenges and successes while working on the 'Triange' of education, gender and sexual and reproductive health. Olloriak Sawade
  • In(Equality) and action: the role of women's training initiatives in promoting women's leadership opportunities in Myanmar. Elizabeth Maber
2013, Vol. 21, Nº 3
Conflict and violence
  • Introduction to Conflict and Violence. Caroline Green & Caroline Sweetman
  • War and security, women and gender: an overview of the issues. Cynthia Cockburn
  • From the private to the public sphere: new research on women's participation in peace-building. Zohra Moosa, Maryam Rahmani & Lee Webster
  • Girl soldiers: towards a gendered understanding of wartime recruitment, participation, and demobilisation. Myriam Denov & Alexandra Ricard-Guay
  • ‘When does the end begin?’ Addressing gender-based violence in post-conflict societies: case studies from Zimbabwe and El Salvador. Alivelu Ramisetty & Muthoni Muriu
  • From spoils to weapons: framing wartime sexual violence. Kerry F. Crawford
  • Political transition and sexual and gender-based violence in South Africa, Kenya, and Zimbabwe: a comparative analysis. Kylie Thomas, Masheti Masinjila & Eunice Bere
  • Gender, conflict, and peace-building: how conflict can catalyse positive change for women. Julie Arostegui
  • Gender-based violence and the Arms Trade Treaty: reflections from a campaigning and legal perspective. Caroline Green, Deepayan Basu Ray, Claire Mortimer & Kate Stone
  • Resources. Liz Cooke
2013, Vol. 21, Nº 2
Feminist solidarity and collective action
  • Introduction, Feminist Solidarity and Collective Action. Caroline Sweetman
  • Feminist mobilisation and progressive policy change: why governments take action to combat violence against women. S. Laurel Weldon & Mala Htun
  • Organising women workers in the informal economy. Naila Kabeer, Kirsty Milward & Ratna Sudarshan
  • ‘Pink transportation’ in Mexico City: reclaiming urban space through collective action against gender-based violence. Amy Dunckel-Graglia
  • Why gender matters in activism: feminism and social justice movements. Manjima Bhattacharjya, Jenny Birchall, Pamela Caro, David Kelleher & Vinita Sahasranaman
  • Women's collective action in African agricultural markets: the limits of current development practice for rural women's empowerment. Sally Baden
  • The importance of being connected: urban poor women's experience of self-help discourse in Cambodia. Kristy Ward & Vichhra Mouyly
  • Taking feminist activism online: reflections on the ‘Keep Saartjie Baartman Centre Open’ e-campaign. Selina Mudavanhu & Jennifer Radloff
  • More than 13 million: mass mobilisation and gender politics in the Vietnam Women's Union. Gabi Waibel & Sarah Glück
  • Feminist solidarity: no boys allowed? Views of pro-feminist men on collaboration and alliance-building with women's movements. Kate Bojin
2013, Vol. 21, Nº 1
Working with men on gender equality
  • Introduction: Working with men on gender equality. Caroline Sweetman
  • ‘I can do women's work’: reflections on engaging men as allies in women's economic empowerment in Rwanda. Henny Slegh, Gary Barker, Augustin Kimonyo, Prudence Ndolimana & Matt Bannerman
  • Promoting male involvement in family planning in Vietnam and India: HealthBridge experience. Lisa MacDonald, Lori Jones, Phaeba Thomas, Le Thi Thu, Sian FitzGerald & Debra Efroymson
  • ‘Before the war, I was a man’: men and masculinities in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Desiree Lwambo
  • Sympathetic advocates: male parliamentarians sharing responsibility for gender equality. Sonia Palmieri
  • ‘Because I am a man, I should be gentle to my wife and my children’: positive masculinity to stop gender-based violence in a coastal district in Vietnam. Tu-Anh Hoang, Trang Thu Quach & Tam Thanh Tran
  • Domestic violence prevention through the Constructing Violence-free Masculinities programme: an experience from Peru. Rhoda Mitchell
  • ‘One Man Can’: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Wessel van den Berg, Lynn Hendricks, Abigail Hatcher, Dean Peacock, Patrick Godana & Shari Dworkin
  • Whose turn to do the dishes? Transforming gender attitudes and behaviours among very young adolescents in Nepal. Rebecka Lundgren, Miranda Beckman, Surendra Prasad Chaurasiya, Bhawna Subhedi & Brad Kerner
  • Where the boys are: engaging young adolescent boys in support of girls' education and leadership. Stephanie Baric
  • Men's involvement in gender equality – European perspectives. Sandy Ruxton & Nikki van der Gaag
2012, Vol. 20, Nº 3
Beyond Gender Mainstreaming
  • Gender mainstreaming: recognising and building on progress. Views from the UK Gender and Development Network. Helen Derbyshire
  • ‘It's just been such a horrible experience’. Perceptions of gender mainstreaming by practitioners in South African organisations. Jenevieve Mannell
  • Mainstreaming women's safety in cities into gender-based policy and programmes. Caroline Moser
  • Looking through an equity and inclusion lens in Tanzania: the experience of WaterAid. Joyce Ndesamburo, Erin Flynn & Samantha French -The micro-politics of gender mainstreaming: the administration of policy in humanitarian work in Cambodia. Franz F. Wong
  • From the bottom up: lessons about gender mainstreaming in the Andes from Digni's Women Empowerment and Gender Equality (WEGE) programme. Heidi Holt Zachariassen
  • Substantive gender mainstreaming and the missing middle: a view from Dutch development agencies. Anouka van Eerdewijk & Ireen Dubel
  • ‘… the donor community, they are not sensitised about these kind of gender things’: incorporating ‘gender’ into the work of a Ghanaian NGO. Hannah Warren
  • Fixing women or fixing the world? ‘Smart economics’, efficiency approaches, and gender equality in development. Sylvia Chant & Caroline Sweetman
  • ‘Measuring the unmeasurable’: gender mainstreaming and cultural change. Jeanette Kloosterman, Esther Benning & Rex Fyles
  • The elephant in the room and the dragons at the gate: strategising for gender equality in the 21st century. Joanne Sandler & Aruna Rao
  • Intersectional mainstreaming and Sightsavers' Lady Health Workers Programme in Pakistan. Clara Fischer
  • Mainstreaming from Beijing to Ghana – the role of the women's movement in Ghana. Diana Højlund Madsen
  • Better than the sum of our parts? Reflections on gender mainstreaming in a confederation. Shawna Wakefield
2012, Vol. 20, Nº 2
Post-disaster Humanitarian Work
  • Introduction: post-disaster humanitarian work. Joanna Hoare, Ines Smyth & Caroline Sweetman
  • Using sex and age disaggregated data to improve humanitarian response in emergencies. Prisca Benelli, Dyan Mazurana & Peter Walker
  • Improving the effectiveness of humanitarian action: progress in implementing the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Marker. Siobhán Foran, Aisling Swaine & Kate Burns
  • Gender and building homes in disaster in Sindh, Pakistan. Shaheen Ashraf Shah
  • Women and the 2011 East Japan Disaster. Fumie Saito
  • Helping international non-government organisations (INGOs) to include a focus on gender-based violence during the emergency phase: lessons learned from Haiti 2010–2011. Sarah Jeanne Davoren
  • After the earthquake: gender inequality and transformation in post-disaster Haiti. _ Lynn Horton_
  • Women's empowerment for disaster risk reduction and emergency response in Nepal. Rajesh Dhungel & Ram Nath Ojha
  • Looking beyond gender in humanitarian interventions: a study of a drought-stricken region of Kenya. Wilson O. Ndenyele & Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen
  • The warias of Indonesia in disaster risk reduction: the case of the 2010 Mt Merapi eruption in Indonesia. Benigno Balgos, J.C. Gaillard & Kristinne Sanz
  • Resources. Liz Cooke
  • Views, events, and debates. Irene Tinker, Pooja Kishnani, Ines Smyth & Liz Cooke
2012, Vol. 20, Nº 1
  • Women producers and the benefits of collective forms of enterprise. Elaine Jones, Sally Smith and Carol Wills
  • Shampoo, saris and SIM cards: seeking entrepreneurial futures at the bottom of the pyramid. Catherine Dolan, Mary Johnstone-Louis and Linda Scott
  • Workers’ rights and corporate accountability – the move towards practical, worker-driven change for sportswear workers in Indonesia. Daisy Gardener
  • Women's entrepreneurship development initiatives in Lebanon: micro-achievements and macro-gaps. Nabil Abdo and Carole Kerbage
  • The Markets for Afghan Artisans approach to women's economic empowerment. Kerry Jane Wilson, Barbara Everdene and Floortje Klijn
  • ‘Show the world to women and they can do it’: Southern Fair Trade Enterprises as agents of empowerment. Ann Le Mare
  • Fair Trade and organic certification in value chains: lessons from a gender analysis from coffee exporting in Uganda. Deborah Kasente
  • Beyond participation: making enterprise development really work for women. Sally King, Hugo Sintes and Maria Alemu
  • Expanding women's role in Africa's modern off-grid lighting market: enhancing profitability and improving lives. Carmen Niethammer and Peter Alstone
2011, Vol. 19, Nº 3
  • Introduction to Citizenship. Caroline Sweetman, Jo Rowlands & Lina Abou-Habib
  • Preventing the gendered reproduction of citizenship: the role of social movements in South Africa. Meghan Cooper
  • Women's agency and citizenship across transnational identities: a case study of the Bangladeshi diaspora in the UK. Fatema Jahan
  • Supporting the collective power of Bolivian women to attain citizenship rights: the Raising Her Voice project. Soledad Muñiz & Hannah Beardon
  • Gender and fragile citizenship in Uganda: the case of Acholi women. Marjoke Oosterom
  • Citizenship rights and women's roles in development in post-conflict Nepal. Bijan Pant & Kay Standing
  • Locating young women in a plethora of issues: reflections from the tenth Young Women Leader's Conference 2010. Melanie Reyes & Anamaine Asinas
  • The ‘right to have rights’: active citizenship and gendered social entitlements in Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine. Lina Abou-Habib
  • What are the opportunities to promote gender equity and equality in conflict-affected and fragile states? Insights from a review of evidence. Helen O'Connell
2011, Vol. 19, Nº 2
  • Transformative social protection programming for children and their carers: a gender perspective. Rachel Sabates-Wheeler y Keetie Roelen
  • Cash transfers, gender equity and women's empowerment in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Maxine Molyneux y Marilyn Thomson
  • ‘It was as if we were drowning’: shocks, stresses and safety nets in India. Karishma Huda y Sandeep Kaur
  • It buys food but does it change gender relations? Child Support Grants in Soweto, South Africa. Leila Patel y Tessa Hochfeld
  • Leaders, not clients: grassroots women's groups transforming social protection. Becca Asaki y Shannon Hayes
  • Addressing gendered risks and vulnerabilities through social protection: examples of good practice from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Peru. Rebecca Holmes, Nicola Jones,Fouzia Mannan, Rosana Vargas, Yisak Tafere y Tassew Woldehanna
  • Putting gender equality at the heart of social protection: lessons from Oxfam GB's experience with safety net programming. Nupur Kukrety y Sumananjali Mohanty
  • Towards transformative social protection: a gendered analysis of the Employment Guarantee Act of India (MGNREGA). Sony Pellissery y Sumit Kumar Jalan
2011, Vol. 19, Nº 1
  • Remittances and transnational families in Italy and The Philippines: Breaking the global care chain.
  • Climate change and migration: a case study from rural Bangladesh.
  • Feminised financial flows: How gender affects remittances in Honduran-US transnational families.
  • The impact of remittances on gender roles and opportunities for children in recipient families: research from the International Organization for Migration.
  • Constructing "modern gendered civilised" women and men: Gender-mainstreaming in refugee camps.
  • Protecting migrant domestic workers in the UK.
  • Who cares? HIV-related sickness, urban-rural linkages, and the gendered role of care in return migration in South Africa.
  • The influence of male migration on female resources, independence, and development in Gambian villages.
2010, Vol. 18, Nº 3
  • Challenging gender inequality in farmer's organizations in Nicaragua.
  • Agricultural livelihoods and nutrition - exploring the links with women in Zambia.
  • Transforming gender in homestead food production.
  • Maize diversity and gender: research from Mexico.
  • The nutrition transition: a gender perspective with reference to Brazil.
  • Gender, large-scale development, and food insecurity in Lesotho: an analysis of the impact of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
  • Women trading in food across the Zimbabwe-South Africa border: experiences and strategies.
  • Gender inequality, mothers' health, and unequal distribution of food: experiences from a CARE project in India.
  • Food price hikes, food security, and gender equality: assessing the roles and vulnerability of women in households of Bangladesh and Ethiopia.
  • New agribusiness investments mean wholesale sell-out for women farmers. 'Fat egg's': gender and fertility as important factors in HIV/AIDS prevention in Botswana.
2010, Vol. 18, Nº 2
  • The global economic crisis, its gender and etnic implications, and policy responses.
  • Gender and the global economic crisis in development countries: a framework for analysis. DIANE ELSON
  • Critical times: gendered implications of the economic crisis for migrant workers from Burma.
  • Feminised recession: impact of the global financial crisis on women garment workers in the Philippines.
  • Securing the fruits of their labours: the effect of the crisis on women farm workers in Peru's Ica valley.
  • Cheap and siposable? The impact of the global economic crisis on the migration of Ethiopian women domestic workers to the Gulf.
  • Crisis, care and childhood: the impact of economic crisis on care work in poor households in the developing world.
2010, Vol. 18, Nº 1
  • Gender and community mobilisation for urban water infraestructure investment in southern Nigeria.
  • "Good" water governance and gender equity: a troubled relationship.
  • Sustainable development, water resources management and women's empowerment: the Wanaraniya Water Project in Sri Lanka.
  • Unequal burden: water privatisation and women's human rights in Tanzania.
  • After the summit: women's access to water and policymaking in Brazil. *Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan.
  • Can water proffesionals meet gender goals? A case study of the Department of Irrigation in Nepal.
  • Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: a neglected issue for WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes.