2010, Vol. 46, Nº 1 |
Migration, transfers and economic decision making among agricultural households.
- The impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Consumption and Investment in Nicaragua.
- Conditional cash transfers and agricultural production: Lessons from the Oportunidades Experience in Mexico.
- Does Migration make rural households more productive? Evidence from Mexico.
- Moving forward, looking back: the impact of migration and remittances on assets, consumption and credit constraints in the rural Philippines.
- Seasonal migration and agricultural production in Vietnam.
- The vanishing farms? The impact of international migration on Albanian family farming.
- Agricultural land use and asset accumulation in migrant households: the case of El Salvador.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 2 |
- Does contingent repayment in Microfinance help the poor during natural disasters?
- The effects of a calamity on income and wellbeing of poor Microfinance borrowers: The case of the 2004 Tsunami shock.
- Credit for what? Informal credit as a coping strategy of market women in Northern Ghana.
- Changing resouce profiles: Aspirations among orphans in Central Mozambique in the context of an AIDS Migration intervention.
- Random growth in Africa? Lessons from an evaluation of the growth evidence on Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, 1965-1995.
- The impact of Bt. Cotton on poor households in rural India.
- An inquiry into the Development process of village industries: The case of a Knitwear Cluster in Northern Vietnam.
- Moving out of poverty in Tanzania: Evidence from Kagera.
- The Worldwide Government Indicators: Six, one, or none?
- Global inequality in well-being dimensions.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 3 |
Human Development
- Women's empowerment across generations in Bangladesh.
- Marrying contested approaches: Empowerment and the imposition of international principles: Domestic violence case reolutions in Indonesia.
- A multinomial model of fertility choice and offspring sex relations in India.
- Wealth: crucial but not sufficient - evidence from Pakistan on economic growth, child labour and schooling.
- Health human capital, height and wages in China.
- Making the grade? Private education in Northern India.
- The rural-urban divide in China: Income but not happiness?
- Reducing the educational gap: Good results in vulnerable groups.
- Foreign assistance and the struggle agains HIV/AIDS in the Developing world.
- The rise of obesity in transition: Theory and empirical evidence from Russia.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 4 |
Descentralised governance
- Ambiguous institutions: Traditional Governance and Local Democracy in South India.
- Can information about local Government performance induce civic participation? Evidence from the Philippines.
- How important is the Capacity of Local Governments for improvements in welfare? Evidence from Descentralised Uganda.
- Village elections, public goods investments and pork barrel politics, Chinese-style.
- The political economy of village sanitation in South India: Capture or poor information?
- Which institutions are good for your health? The deep determinants of comparative cross-country healthstatus.
- Legal environment, finance channels and ivestment: The East African example.
- Do Governments in Developing Countries pursue sustainable debt policies? Empirical evidence for selected countries in Africa and Latin America.
- Remittances, poverty, inequality and welgfare: Evidence from the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso.
- Learning by Southern Peace NGOs.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 5 |
UNU-WIDER special issue on fragility and development in Small Island Developing States.
- Vulnerability, trade, financial flows and state failure in Small Island Developing States.
*Assesing the economic vulnerability of Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries.
- Terms of trade shocks and the current account in Small Island Developing States.
- The short-run macroeconomic impact of Foreign aid to small states: An agnostic time series analysis.
- Aid and growth in Small Island Developing States.
- Aid and Dutch disease in the South Pacific and in other Small Island States.
- Remittances in Small Island Developing States.
- Paradise lost: The costs of State failure in the Pacific.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 6 |
Rural development.
- Risk, credit constraints and financial efficiency in Peruvian Agriculture.
- The balance of power in rural marketing networks: A case study of Snake Trading in Cambodia.
- Understanding the evolution of rice technology in China - from traditional agriculture to GM rice today.
- Institutions and poverty.
- Does oil still hinder democracy?
- Industrialisation after a Deep Economic Crisis: Indonesia.
- How infraestructure and financial institutions affect rural income and poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 7 |
The government of chronic poverty.
- The government of chronic poverty: From exclusion to citizenship?
- A relational approach to durable poverty, inequality and power.
- Grounding "Responsabilisation talk": Masculinities, citizenship and HIV in Cape Town, South Africa.
- Rectifying the anti-politics of citizen participation: Insight from the internal politics of a Subaltern Community in Nepal.
- Governing chronic povertyu under inclusive liberalism: The case of the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund.
- Making development agents: participation and boundary object in International Development.
- School exclusion as social exclusion: the practices and effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes for the Poor in Bangladesh.
- "We always lived here": Indigenous Movements, Citizenship and Poverty in Argentina.
- Decentring poverty, reworking government: Social Movements and states in the government of poverty.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 8 |
- The Donor problems: An experimental analysis of beneficiary empowerment.
- Small retailers in Brazil: are formal firms really more productive?
- FDI liberalisation, firm heterogeneity and foreign ownership: German firms dedisions in reforming India.
- Imports of intermediate inputs and spillover effects: Evidence from Chilean Plants.
- National model of technological catching up and innovation: Comparing patents of Taiwan and South Korea.
- Educational attainment and attitudes towards war in Muslim Countries contemplating war: The case of Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan and Turkey.
- Sources of civic engagement in Latin america: Empirical evidence from rural Ecuadorian communities.
- Are women as likely to take risks and compete? Behavioral findings from Central Vietnam.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 3 |
- Aid and debt relief in Africa: Have they been substitutes or complements?
- Is corporate aid targeted to poor and deserving countries? A case study of Nestle's Aid Allocation.
- Is corruption and efficient grease?
- Growth and inequality in India: Analysis of an extended social accounting matrix.
- Accounting for inequality in India: Evidence from household expenditures.
- Schooling investments over three decades in rural Tamil Nadu, India: Changing effects of income, gender and adult family member's education.
- Child nutrition, health problems, and school achievements in Sri Lanka.
- Female empowerment: Impact of commitment savings product in the Philippines.
- Relative to what or whom? The importance of norms and relative standing to well-being in South Africa.
- A test of the new variant famine hypothesis: Panel survey evidence from Zambia.
- Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: The case of Microfinance Insurance Lt.
- Life is unfair in Latin America, but does it matter for growth?
- Complementary labor regulation: The uncoordinated combination of state and private regulators in the Dominican Republic.
- Do interventions of school level improve educational outcomes? Evidence from Rural Program in Colombia.
- Doing it for themselves: direct Action Land Reform in the Brazilian amazon.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 4 |
- The developing world's budgeting (but vulnerable) middle class.
- Social Security regimes, global estimates, and good practices: The status of social protection for international migrants.
- Global infant mortality: Correcting for undercounting.
- Is foreign aid a vanguard of foreign direct investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach.
- Ivestment climate and FDI in developing countries: Some evidence from Korea.
- Who beniets from promoting small enterprises? Some empirical evidence from Ethiopia.
- Poverty status and the impact of Formal Credit on Technology use and wellbeing among Ethiopian smallholders.
- Impact of access to credit on labor allocation patterns in Malawi.
- Credit Program Participation and child schooling in rural Malawi.
- Promising approaches to address the needs of poor female farmers: Resources, constraints, amnd interventions.
- Are female-headed households more food insecure? Evidence from Bangladesh.
- Do rights work? Law, activism, and the employment guarantee scheme.
- One size fits all? Decentralization, corruption, and the monitoring of bureaucrats.
- Vulnerability of victims of civil conflicts: Empirical evidence for the displaced population in Colombia.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 5 |
- Growing out of poverty: Trends and patterns of urban poverty in China 1988-2002.
- The effect of ILO minimum age Conventions on Child Labor and school attendance: Evidence from aggregate and individual level data.
Corruption, manufacturing plan growth, and the Asian Paradox: Indonesian evidence.
- How important are locational characteristics for rural non-agricultural employment? Lessons from Brazil.
- Jump-starting self-employment? Evidence for welfare participants in argentina.
- Disentangling bargaining power from individual and household level for institutions: Evidence on women's position in Ethiopia.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 6 |
Globalization, poverty, and inequality in Latin America.
- Globalization, poverty, and inequality in Latin America: Findings from case studies.
- Trade liberalization and the self-employed in Mexico.
- Globalization and smallholders: The adoption, diffusion, and welfare impact of non-traditional export crops in Guatemala.
- Remittances and vulnerability to poverty in rural Mexico.
- Globalization and formal sector migration in Brazil.
- Seasonal migration and early childhood development.
- Earnings mobility in times of growth and decline: Argentina from 1996 to 2003.
- Linkages between pro-poor growth, social programs and labor market: The recent Brazilian experience.
- Globalization and the role of public transferts in redistributing income in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Minimum wages, globalization, and poverty in Honduras.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 7 |
- Community-based risk management arrangements: A review.
- "Trade matters in the fight agains poverty": Narratives, perceptions, and (lack of) evidence in the case of fish trade in Africa.
- Assets, activity choices, and civil war: Evidence from Burundi.
- Who should be interviewed in Surveys of Household income?
- Women's empowerment and the creation of social capital in Indian villages.
- How does Public Assistance affect family expenditures? The case of urban China.
- Nutrient intake of the poor and its implications for the nutritional effect of cereal price subsidies: Evidence from China.
- Adult BMI as a health and nutritional inequality measure: Applications at macro and micro levels.
- the impact of improved Maize Varieties on poverty in Mexico: A prospensity score-matching approach.
- Poverty and inequality among ethnic groups in Chile.
- Remittances and their unintended consequences in Cuba.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 8 |
- Are international databases on corruption reliable? A comparison of expert opinion surveys and household surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Financial reforms, patent protection, and knowledge accumulation in India.
- Patent incentives, technology markets, and public-private bio-medical innovation networks in Brazil.
- Does stronger intellectual property rights protection induce more bilateral trade? Evidence from China's imports.
- Exchange rate volatility and employment growth in developing countries: Evidence from Turkey.
- Return migration and occupational choice: Evidence from Albania.
- Values, cultural practices, and economic performance: Theory and some evidence from Kenya.
2010, Vol. 38, Nº 9 |
- Good for living? On the relations between globalization and life expectancy?
- Debt relief, investment and growth.
- Geographical diversification of developing country exports.
- Regulating water services for all in developing economies.
- Promoting transparency in the NGO sector: Examining the availability and reliability of self-reported data.
- A rural-urban comparison of manufacturing enterprise performance in Ethiopia.
- Employment vulnerability and earnings in urban West-Africa.
- The Global Food Crisis and Guatemala: What crisis and for whom?