Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Le Monde diplomatique

2024, Nº 348
  • Crisis sin fin en Venezuela Christophe Ventura
  • El arte de la difamación política Pierre Rimbert y Serge Halimi
  • Medicamentos esenciales: ¿bienes públicos o mercancías? Germán Velásquez
  • La historia frente a los manipuladores Benoît Bréville
  • ¿Qué ha sido del inconsciente? Evelyne Pieiller
  • Nord Stream: tres hipótesis para un atentado Fabian Scheidler
  • Por qué Moscú no negociará a corto plazo Arnaud Dubien
  • El sangriento despertar de Bangladés Nafis Hasan
  • Donde el críquet es más que un deporte David Garcia
  • Kamala Harris o el espejismo del cambio Thomas Frank
  • Saqueo del patrimonio palestino Olivier Pironet
  • Los árboles: armas de colonización en Palestina Aïda Delpuech
  • El Líbano, en el ojo del huracán Akram Belkaïd
  • Crisis de las instituciones en Francia André Bellon
  • Las mixtificaciones de Mitterrand Thomas Deltombe
  • Queridos conciertos Jean-Christophe Servant
  • La ecología del libro a debate Claire Lecœuvre
  • La urgente democratización de Internet Matt Taibbi

Mujeres del Mundo = Munduko Emakumeak

2024, Nº 87
Hasta que todas seamos libres/ Denak libre izan arte
  • Editorial
  • Breves
  • Salarios ATH-ELE
  • El caso de Silvia SOS Racismo
  • Los 80 años de Maribí Begoña Arco
  • La huelga feminista Colectivo de Mujeres trabajadoras de hogar y cuidados
  • Cata y yo
  • Koloretxe
  • Congreso sobre vivienda
  • Cambio en Lanbide _ Pilar R. Elorza_
  • Mujeres defensoras
  • Cuidándonos en la asamblea de Mujeres del Mundo Izaskun
  • Cuidadoras internas Milena Tusarma
  • Venezuela de luto Zulay Gil
  • Cuando la mujer africana emigra Bego Kapape
  • Aminatour Haidar
  • Motoqueras Temucanas Lucy Sepúlveda Velásquez
  • Mujeres y drogas Eli Arostegi
  • La mujer palestina
  • Origen del movimiento de mujeres en Palestina Mar Gijón
  • Las mujeres en Kurdistán
  • A vueltas con la ley trans
  • Fractal Bego Kapape
  • Libro/poesía
  • Cocina/web
  • Reseñas

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 313
Guerra, paz y multilateralismo

Las guerras en Ucrania y Gaza han dejado ver la fragilidad del denominado «orden mundial basado en reglas», que ya viene siendo erosionado por diversos cambios (geo)políticos a escala global. Estos dos conflictos ponen en cuestión, además, los principios morales que deberían ordenar a las naciones democráticas. En ese marco, el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad está dedicado a pensar la guerra, la paz y las potencialidades del multilateralismo.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace


2024, Vol. 42-2
Economic Theory and Quantitative Analysis related to Health Economics.
  • Effect of the policy of free health care for children under five on child undernutrition and social inequalities in health care use in Senegal. Rokhy Pouye, Mamadou Abdoulaye Diallo, Juliette Tegawendé Nana, Ndiack Fall
  • Effects Of Shocks In Demand On Employment Regarding Age And Gender Population Groups In Different Zones Of Europe.: Consequences Of The Pandemic Lockdown Alfredo José Mainar Causapé, Margarita Inmaculada Barrera Lozano
  • Psychosocial Risks at work: She is More Stressed Than Him Carlos Gamero Burón, Marta Herrera Sánchez
  • Sectoral Differences in Depression Risk Among the Employed European Population Imanol Lorenzo Nieto González, María Carolina Rodríguez Donate, Ginés Guirao Pérez
  • The Hedging Crop Yields with Weather Derivatives and Blockchain Fernando Alves Silveira, Silvio Parodi de Oliveira Camilo
  • Overcoming Banking Limitations: the Use of Alternative Finance María Belen Guercio, Lisana B. Martínez, Hernán Pedro Vigier
  • Regulation cost combination model: an approach to Mexican SMEs from 2003-2019 Manuel Tregear
  • Identifying Key Sectors in Tunisia: Analysis of Intersectoral Linkages from Social Accounting Matrix. Said Jaouadi, Ilhem Zorgui
  • Determinants of the Manufacturing Sector in Ecuador Marcelo Leon, María O Barroso González

Economía Mundial

2024, Nº 66


  • Editorial Clara García, Daniel Herrero


  • Retraimiento de la subcontratación: Estimación temprana usando datos administrativos Enrique Kato-Vidal, Paulina Hernández-Mendoza
  • Empoderamiento y brecha salarial a través de indicadores internacionales de género Lidia de Castro Romero, Victor Martín Barroso, Rosa Santero Sánchez
  • Identificación del traslado de beneficios a paraísos fiscales utilizando las estadísticas país por país Ángela Castillo Murciego, Julio López Laborda
  • El desarrollo sostenible en la Unión Europea: análisis del desempeño relativo mediante un indicador sintético dinámico Mariola Gozalo Delgado, María Isabel Landaluce Calvo
  • El impacto de la regulación en el comportamiento medioambiental: un análisis sobre los países europeos Javier Lucena Giraldo, Ernesto Rodríguez-Crespo, Juan Carlos Salazar-Elena
  • Precariedad en el empleo mediado por plataformas digitales. Evidencias de Europa María Isabel de Andres, Emilio Congregado y Concepción Román


  • Los primeros pasos: políticas para el desarrollo infantil y la educación en América Latina José Ignacio Antón Pérez


2024, Vol. 42-1
Dedicado a: Advances in Econometric Modeling: Theory and Applications.
  • Editorial for Special Issue on ‘Advances in Econometric Modeling: Theory and Applications’ Javier Sánchez García, Raffaele Mattera
  • A synergetic vision of advertising as stimuli to enhance sales Juan Luis Valderrábano López
  • Economic Complexity Transfer through Trade and its Impact on the Solow Residual (Total Factor of Productivity): A Spatial Approach Fadi Fawaz, Anis Mnif, Yaseen S. Alhaj-Yaseen
  • Trying to Predict the Price of Electricity Pablo Martín Barragán, Ana Sofía Crespo Jiménez
  • Does climate change pose physical and transition risks to the financial stability of Türkiye?: Evidence from Fourier Bootstrap ARDL Foday Joof, Aliya Isiksal
  • Clustering analysis on Hurst dynamic Fabrizio Di Sciorio
  • On the Efficiency of the newly Proposed Convex Olanrewaju-Olanrewaju Lo-oλγ(|θ|) Penalized Regression-Type Estimator via GLMs Technique. Rasaki Olawale Olanrewaju, Sodiq Adejare Olanrewaju
  • Bayesian Decision Analysis For Benchmarking Daily And Monthly Time Series José Antonio Sanz Gómez, José Luis Rojo García
  • Relationship Between Disability, Gender, and Discrimination: Analysis of the RISEWISE Survey (H2020) Pedro Contro Rodríguez, Juana María Alonso Revenga
  • A critical appraisal of the governance indicators of the DTI methodology using IRT models: an application to destinations of Caceres and Badajoz. Juan Carlos Díez Apolo, Marcelino Sánchez Rivero Árbol académico, María Cristina Rodríguez Rangel
  • Cross-Cutting Analysis of the Affordable Care Act in the United States: Results and Challenges Alvaro Carrasco
  • The Contribution of Each Brazilian Estate to the Competitiveness of the Country’s Wheat Exports (1999-2022) Fábio Roberto de Souza, Eduardo Schwertner, Aline Beatriz Schuh, Rodrigo Abbade da Silva, Daniel Arruda Coronel
  • Study on the Impact of Managerial Entrenchment and Corporate Governance of Firm Performance and Capital Structure Varadharajan Palanisamy, P.R. Kumunda
  • The Reaction of Employment Indicators During the 2008 Financial Crisis: Does the Excessive Deficit Affect the Living Conditions of Europeans? Gregorio Cagigas Ibaseta
  • How Brazil’s, Mexico’s and Argentina’s economies coped with the Covid-19 pandemic Pierre Rostan, Alexandra Rostan
  • Do Sound Fiscal Imbalances Affect Social Protection Public Spending in the EU?: European Citizens versus Budget Stability. Gregorio Cagigas Ibaseta
  • Spanish Leisure-Time Activity as a Determinant of Psychological Care for People with Disabilities Marina Barreda Gutiérrez, Marta Pascual Sáez, David Cantarero Prieto

Mujeres del Mundo = Munduko Emakumeak

2024, Nº 88
Las guerras empiezan aquí
  • Editorial: Las guerras empiezan aquí
  • Breves
  • El caso de Silvia Elena Bezanilla
  • Vendemos para sobrevivir Boubacar Diouf y Marlen Eizaguirre
  • Actuación policial innecesaria Bego Kapape
  • Arrigorriaga Harrera
  • Mayo Gloria Dehesa
  • Mujeres de Areatza Zulay Gil
  • Lesbianas somos Lala Mujika
  • ¿Por qué el Gobierno Vasco persigue la precariedad? Bego Kapape
  • Pacto sobre migración y asilo Irantzun Ruiz de Gopegui Peláez
  • Artea Sarea Zulay Gil
  • Cargueras
  • Mujeres defensoras
  • Mujeres en Palestina Mar Gijón Mendigutía
  • Nuestras asambleas
  • 30 años de genocidio ruandés Sonia Fernández Quincoces
  • Desmontando la familia Irantzun Ruiz de Gopegui Peláez
  • Pasamos a ser mujeres con discapacidad Nadia Domínguez Pascuales
  • Mujeres y drogas (II) Eli Arostegi
  • Mujeres migradas mayores Mu¡ilena Tusarma
  • Una máquina de coser escondida en un ruta
  • Las entrañas de la memoria histórica Argenis Mesa
  • Llenita de vida Iratxe Alaña Zatón
  • Poesía
  • Cocina/Web
  • Reseñas

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

2024, Vol. 25, Nº 3
  • How is the Capability Approach Applied to Assess Well-being Impacts? A Systematic Review Livia Bartolomei, Genowefa Blundo-Canto & Pasquale De Muro
  • Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis Chiara Gasperoni, Camille-Charlotte Gilbert-Lapointe, Lya Porto, Franck Scherrer & Rafael Ziegler
  • Relational Empowerment and Ethnic Minority Women in Vietnam: How Do Household and Community Relations Matter? Joan DeJaeghere, Hue Le, Phuong Luong, Nga Thi Hang Ngo, Thanh Thi Vu, Nancy Pellowski Wiger & Jongwook Lee
  • The Capabilities Divide: ICT Adoption and Use among Bedouin in Israel Avi Marciano, Amit M. Schejter & Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar
  • The Construction of a Human Development Index at the Household Level and the Measurement of Human Development Disparities in Punjab (Pakistan) Tanveer Ahmed Naveed & David Gordon
  • How Economic Sanctions Affect Human Development: Evidence and Policy Implications F. Rodríguez
  • Implementing Inequality: The Invisible Labour of International Development Saleh Ahmed


2023, Vol. 41-3
Socially Responsible Investment and Sustainable Finance: How can economics – finance research contribute to the sustainable development of the planet?
  • Analysis of the Effects of Green Technology on Economic Growth in the Environment of the Iraqi Economy Mohammed Rasool Makki, Roaa Kadhim
  • Study of Poverty in Regions of Europe Using a Multinomial Poverty Line José Rodríguez Avi, José María Rodríguez Reinoso
  • Business Positioning on Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability (ESG): The Spanish Case in 2023 Jesús Manuel Plaza Llorente
  • ESG and its Relationship to the Financial Performance of the most Capitalizable U.S. Companies Emiliano García Sousa, Francisco Iván Hernández Cuevas
  • Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in Burkina Faso: A Dynamic Trivariate Analysis Souleymane Diallo
  • Local Governance and Willingness to Pay for Environmental Services by Rubaya Mining Diggers Mumbere Sibayirwandeke
  • Use of Own-Brand Tokens in Cryptocurrency Exchanges Víctor Ventura Rubio
  • An Economic Shocks and Non-Performing Loans in Nigerian Banking System: A Panel Data Analysis Yakubu Aminu Bello, Audu Salihu, P.A. Adekunle, A.I. Gambo
  • Life Expectancy, Public Healthcare Expenditure and Economic Growth: The Nigerian experience Nurudeen Adeshina Lawal, Olaide Opeloyeru, Omobolanle Adegbola
  • A Complexity Model for the Financial and Real Estate Crisis Juan Luis Valderrábano López
  • How Reshoring Has Shaped the Impact of COVID-19 on Spanish Footwear Firms Carmen Martínez Mora
  • Housing and Population Characteristics that Affect Electricity Spending in Mexico, 2020 Jorge Valente Carbajal Lúa
  • Roles of Microcredit for Poverty Alleviation: A Study of Selected NGOs in Bangladesh Md. Nur Nobi, Md. Mokshud Ali, Sanjida Hossain, Md. Shamsur Rahman, Asaduzzaman Shohel, Tani Tani

The European Journal of Development Research

2024, Vol. 36, Nº 4
  • The Impact of Long-Term Finance on Job Quality, Investments and Firm Performance: Cross-Country Evidence Christoph Sommer
  • Cocoa: Origin Differentials and the Living Income Differential Christopher L. Gilbert
  • Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 in Mozambique in 2020 Vincenzo Salvucci & Finn Tarp
  • The Association Between Women's Education and Employment and Household Food Security in Afghanistan Authors (first, second and last of 7) Yiqi ZhuM. Rahim AzamiJean-Francois Trani
  • Impact of Credit Constraints on Financial Performance of Small and Medium Size Enterprises Terence Achiangea Aminkeng, Song Huaming & Gershom Endelani Mwalupaso
  • Financial Inclusion Trajectories: Geographical Dispersion, Convergence, and Development Implications Sonia Kumari Selvarajan & V. G. R. Chandran
  • A Socio−economic Impact Analysis of the Political Crisis in Burundi with a Focus on Children: A Macro–Micro Framework L. Savard
  • Public Versus Private Health Financing Transition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Exploring the Crowding-Out Effects Deepak Kumar Behera, Dil B. Rahut & Shaik Husna Tasneem
  • Drivers of Inclusive Development: An Empirical Investigation Christoph Morosoli & Peter DraperSebastian Schuhmann
  • Can Burkina Faso’s Agricultural Mechanization Program Reduce Poverty in the Country Boureima Sawadogo
  • Correction to: An Ethnographic-Discourse Analysis of the Socio-political Effects of Interaction Between Cash Transfer Programme Authorities, Caregivers and Non-beneficiaries Dennis Puorideme
  • Correction to: The Association Between Women's Education and Employment and Household Food Security in Afghanistan Yiqi ZhuM. Rahim AzamiJean-Francois Trani
  • Correction: Including Men in a Female Financial Model: An Analysis of Informal Grassroots Financial Associations Linda Nakato
  • Correction: Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines Christelle Juin Reduta Ancha
Recibido: 01/01/1999