Si algo caracteriza la nueva era digital en la que vivimos es la abundancia del dato. La economía y toda la sociedad es una generadora masiva de datos. Y al igual que durante el siglo pasado la inferencia estadística tuvo que desarrollarse para conseguir estimar modelos econométricos con una muy corta cantidad de datos, la disponibilidad de grandes cantidades de datos, y de diferente naturaleza, ha dado origen a nuevos modelos y técnicas para la gestión y el análisis de datos. Nuevos modelos básicamente algorítmicos y exploratorios, cuyo objetivo principal es la predicción, que han venido a complementar, y no sustituir, a la estadística tradicional y a sus modelos inferenciales confirmatorios ( y cuyo objetivo fundamental es el contraste de hipótesis sobre el funcionamiento de la realidad). Así, los métodos de computación en paralelo y distribuida, el Big Data, la computación en la nube y los modelos de minería de datos, de aprendizaje automático (machine learning) , el Deep learnig o la inteligencia artificial se han consolidado ya, tanto en el ámbito académico como profesional.
Esta nueva revolución del dato, su gestión, tratamiento y análisis, ha venido tomando entidad propia, hasta el punto de dar origen a la nueva Ciencia de los Datos. Precisamente con el propósito de debatir y mostrar algunas de las oportunidades que ofrece la Ciencia de los Datos para el avance de la economía aplicada, el departamento de Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política y la Facultad de Estudios Estadísticos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, organizaron el XXXV Congreso Internacional ASEPELT celebrado en Madrid en junio de 2022, congreso del que se nutre este número especial de la Revista Estudios de Economía Aplicada.
- Is Income Level a Relevant Trigger to Decide Starting Refereeing?
Iñaki Aliende, Lorenzo Escot
- Fear of Floating in Mexico during the Great Lockdown, 2020-2021
Laura Lisset Montiel Orozco
- Tourism Reputation Index for Assessing Perceptions on Destinations Using Collaborative Text Data
Paula Antón Maraña, Bruno Baruque Zanón, Santiago Porras Alfonso, Pablo Arranz Val
- Stock market performance differences between fintech and traditional financial firms
Azahara Gil-Corbacho, María Mar Miralles-Quirós, José Luis Miralles-Quirós
- Reconciliation In Spain: Legislative Development and Statistical Analysis of Its Low Impact on Men
Ana Sofía Crespo Jiménez; Alicia Pérez-Alonso
- Private Banking: Investing in New Trends
Belén López Medina, Sara Fernández Mora, Deborah Llorente Gradus, Mercedes Peco Salas
- The Impact of Business Digitalization on Energy Efficiency
Ilaria Benedetti, Chiara Grazini, Giulio Guarini, Tiziana Laureti
- The Impact of Covid-19 on Analysts’ Sentiment about the Banking Sector
Alicia Aguilar, Diego Torres
- An Approach to Individual Characteristics and Attributes of Primary Care that Influence Satisfaction with the National Health Care System in Spain
Santiago Batista-Toledo, Imanol L. Nieto-González
- The Merit Order Effect and market power in the Spanish electricity market
Francisco Rueda Guerrero
- The Role of Local Government Expenditure in Reducing Inequality
Leire Olmeda García
- Stratification of Census Tracts in the City of Madrid by Applying Various Multivariate Techniques
Jingyang Zhang, Antonio Bermejo Aguña
- The importance of search methods in the duration of unemployment: evidence during the economic crisis in the Madrid region
Kenedy Pedro Alva Chavez, Lorenzo Escot, José Andres Fernandez Cornejo
- An Essay on How Data Science Can Strengthen Business
Antonio Duarte Santos
Open section
- Electronic Currency and Its Impact On Market Fluctuations For The Purpose Of Reducing Product Costs: Analytical Study
Abbas H. Mahlhal, Zainab Khalil Hashem, Rajaa Ali Abed
- The Financial & Economic Impact of the Performance of Developing Countries’ Economies on Their Credit Rating {Applied study on Egypt’s credit rating during the period (1996-2018)}
ghada ghanem
- Examining the Relationship between Employee Effort and Earnings Management: Evidence from non-Financial Tunisian Companies
Kais Ben-Ahmed
- Impact of Agricultural Sector on Economic Growth in MENA Countries: Evidence from Panel FMOLS and DOLS Estimators
Wafa Sebki
- Transportation and Economy: Two key sectors linked for more than 120 years
Lidia Caballero-Galeote, Josefa García-Mestanza
- Growth Trends of Commercial Crops Production, Area, and Yield in India: An Appraisement of the Structural Stability Regression Model
Dr. Krishnan Kutty V
- Estimation of Stochastic Trend on Ukrainian Stock Market
Maryna Iurchenko, Oleksandra Rozhenko, Vytautas Juscius_
- Investigate the Effect Oil Price Volatility for The Period (2010 -2020) on the Economic Situation Based ARDL Approach
Nagham Hameed Abdulkhudhur Alyaseri, ALI Al-Hadi Rasheed Abboud Al-Yasiri , Ahmed Albakry
- Global Warming, Economic Development and their Impact on the Life Expectancy: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, Bisharat Hussain Chang, Sultan Adeel, Allah Dino Seelro, Moeez Ullah Qureshi
- The Economic Impact of Sport Events and an Alternative Proposal for its Measurement
Antonino Martín Palacios
- The Learning of Economic Theories Through the Advancement in the Curriculum of the Higher Level Student: A Mathematical Analysis for the UAZ Case
Marlen Hernández Ortiz, Juan Nicolas Moreno Mejía, Imelda Ortiz Medina, Pedro Plata Pérez
- An Analysis of the Impact of Urban Married Women's Employment on Household Consumption
Jiude Lyu, Wei Ni Soh, Saira Kharuddin
- Measuring Green Economic Growth in Mexico: National, State, and Geographic Region Levels Proposal
Francisco Iván Hernández-Cuevas, Ángel Braulio García Caraveo, Rodrigo Humberto Bautista Pedraza, Gabriela Zapata Caballero, Daniel Soto Chalita
- Assessing the long-run impact of vehicular movement on air quality: An ARDL Approach
Dr. Vijayalakshmi S